Q&A With A Madman: Anders Behring Breivik Answers His Own Questions.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
The 32 year-old Nordic gunman responsible for 91 deaths devoted nine years of his life to meticulously crafting his plan to root out anyone different.

The following questions and answers supplied by Breivik were translated from the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidende

"You said you have pure genealogy?

"I am very proud of my Viking heritage. My name, Breivik, is a place name from Northern Norway, dating back to before the Viking era. Behring is a pre-Christian Germanic name derived from Behr, the Germanic word for Bear (or 'those who are protected by the bear').

"If you were to use a word for the ideology or movement that you represent, what would it be?

"Cultural conservatism, or a nationalist/conservative orientation known as the Vienna school of thought. As for the political movement, I would describe it as a National Resistance Movement, an Indigenous Rights Movement or even a Right-revolutionary movement..."

Craig Murray has alleged a link between Breivik and the Tea Party (via Pamela Geller).

An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions - TIME
Guess he wants to air his views...
Norway gunman seeks public hearing over shootings
Mon Jul 25,`11 – Self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik appears before an Oslo judge on Monday, seeking a public court hearing as the once placid Nordic nation mourns the 93 weekend victims.
The 32-year-old will make his first appearance in a downtown court around 1:00 pm (1100 GMT), for arraignment over Friday's bombing and shooting spree that he said he had planned over a long time and executed singlehandedly. The key initial decision to be taken by the judge is whether to order the hearing staged behind closed doors. Behring Breivik, said to be linked to far-right groups, wants a public hearing and explain why he staged the attacks, his lawyer said. "He has two wishes: the first is that the hearing is public, and the second is that he may attend in uniform," Geir Lippestad told broadcasters NRK.

Before the attack, Behring Breivik wrote a 1,500 page manifesto, datelined London, in which he claimed his mentor was an Englishman called Richard, The Daily Telegraph reported Monday. He boasted that he was one of up to 80 "solo martyr cells" recruited across Western Europe to topple governments tolerant of Islam, it said, adding that Scotland Yard was now trying to establish if he had visited London in recent years.

At least seven people died in an initial blast outside the prime minister's office, in a calculated distraction for police allowing Behring Breivik to shoot 86 more -- mainly youths on the island of Utoeya, 40 kilometres away (25 miles). Others remain unaccounted. The mostly teenaged victims on the island were attending a gathering of the main ruling Labour party's youth leaders.

Names and photographs are to be released shortly, and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has called for a minute's silence to be held across the nation at noon on Monday. The list is expected to include offspring of senior ruling party figures. A teary-eyed Stoltenberg labelled the aggressor "evil" during tributes at a memorial mass attended by Norway's royal family and thousands of worshippers on Sunday.

More Norway gunman seeks public hearing over shootings - Yahoo! News
The 32 year-old Nordic gunman responsible for 91 deaths devoted nine years of his life to meticulously crafting his plan to root out anyone different.

The following questions and answers supplied by Breivik were translated from the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidende

"You said you have pure genealogy?

"I am very proud of my Viking heritage. My name, Breivik, is a place name from Northern Norway, dating back to before the Viking era. Behring is a pre-Christian Germanic name derived from Behr, the Germanic word for Bear (or 'those who are protected by the bear').

"If you were to use a word for the ideology or movement that you represent, what would it be?

"Cultural conservatism, or a nationalist/conservative orientation known as the Vienna school of thought. As for the political movement, I would describe it as a National Resistance Movement, an Indigenous Rights Movement or even a Right-revolutionary movement..."

Craig Murray has alleged a link between Breivik and the Tea Party (via Pamela Geller).

An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions - TIME

There is nothing wrong with racial purity and its preservation. He was wrong to take it out on his own people. His crime is punishable up to 21 years but rest assured, since he was white and if he had killed a non white or a few jews, the Hague Tribunal would probably already have sentenced him to death.
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This is a horrific story. Whats sad, however, is the absolute flood of left wingers who are bursting in their own pants at FINALLY having a non-Muslim mass murdering terrorist, not only a non-Muslim, but a white male who apparantely is a right winger and possibly linked to the Tea Party somehow.

Libera's are as giddy about this as they were Obama's election. It's their dream come true. Not the killing. But the race and ideology of the man who did it. They are secretly celebrating this.
Guess he wants to air his views...
Norway gunman seeks public hearing over shootings
Mon Jul 25,`11 – Self-confessed Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik appears before an Oslo judge on Monday, seeking a public court hearing as the once placid Nordic nation mourns the 93 weekend victims.
The 32-year-old will make his first appearance in a downtown court around 1:00 pm (1100 GMT), for arraignment over Friday's bombing and shooting spree that he said he had planned over a long time and executed singlehandedly. The key initial decision to be taken by the judge is whether to order the hearing staged behind closed doors. Behring Breivik, said to be linked to far-right groups, wants a public hearing and explain why he staged the attacks, his lawyer said. "He has two wishes: the first is that the hearing is public, and the second is that he may attend in uniform," Geir Lippestad told broadcasters NRK.

Before the attack, Behring Breivik wrote a 1,500 page manifesto, datelined London, in which he claimed his mentor was an Englishman called Richard, The Daily Telegraph reported Monday. He boasted that he was one of up to 80 "solo martyr cells" recruited across Western Europe to topple governments tolerant of Islam, it said, adding that Scotland Yard was now trying to establish if he had visited London in recent years.

At least seven people died in an initial blast outside the prime minister's office, in a calculated distraction for police allowing Behring Breivik to shoot 86 more -- mainly youths on the island of Utoeya, 40 kilometres away (25 miles). Others remain unaccounted. The mostly teenaged victims on the island were attending a gathering of the main ruling Labour party's youth leaders.

Names and photographs are to be released shortly, and Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has called for a minute's silence to be held across the nation at noon on Monday. The list is expected to include offspring of senior ruling party figures. A teary-eyed Stoltenberg labelled the aggressor "evil" during tributes at a memorial mass attended by Norway's royal family and thousands of worshippers on Sunday.

More Norway gunman seeks public hearing over shootings - Yahoo! News
He seems to have spent the last nine years planning for the assault and its aftermath in some detail:

"Shortly before his deadly rampage on July 22, Anders Behring Breivik did something millions of people do today — he checked in one last time with his friends on Facebook. The farewell message he posted was just as much a part of his murderous plan as the carnage he was about to unleash in Oslo and at a tranquil island retreat that left at least 93 people dead in the bloodiest act of terror in Norway since World War Two.

"Breivik's final Facebook entry was a massive 1,516-page document and a video link to YouTube.

"He created the manifesto and the video long before the attacks in order to control what would be said about him in the media after he had committed his slaughter and was free to post no more. He also encouraged his more than 7,000 Facebook friends to use his manifesto as a blueprint for action."

Killer's Manifesto: The Politics behind the Norway Slaughter - TIME
The 32 year-old Nordic gunman responsible for 91 deaths devoted nine years of his life to meticulously crafting his plan to root out anyone different.

The following questions and answers supplied by Breivik were translated from the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidende

"You said you have pure genealogy?

"I am very proud of my Viking heritage. My name, Breivik, is a place name from Northern Norway, dating back to before the Viking era. Behring is a pre-Christian Germanic name derived from Behr, the Germanic word for Bear (or 'those who are protected by the bear').

"If you were to use a word for the ideology or movement that you represent, what would it be?

"Cultural conservatism, or a nationalist/conservative orientation known as the Vienna school of thought. As for the political movement, I would describe it as a National Resistance Movement, an Indigenous Rights Movement or even a Right-revolutionary movement..."

Craig Murray has alleged a link between Breivik and the Tea Party (via Pamela Geller).

An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions - TIME

There is nothing wrong with racial purity and its preservation. He was wrong to take it out on his own people. His crime is punishable up to 21 years but rest assured, since he was white and if he had killed a non white or a few jews, the Hague Tribunal would probably already have sentenced him to death.
Depending upon what you mean by "his own people."

"Stine Haheim, a Labour party lawmaker who was on the island, said the gunman had carried out his killings methodically.

"'He was very calm. He was not running, he was moving slowly and shooting at every person he saw,' she said."

I believe Norway's Labour Party arose after WWII in response to Norwegians who collaborated with Hitler.

Do you think Hitler (or Dick Cheney) would have found Breivik useful?

Norway Mourns 92 Victims After 'Hell on Paradise Island' | Common Dreams
This is a horrific story. Whats sad, however, is the absolute flood of left wingers who are bursting in their own pants at FINALLY having a non-Muslim mass murdering terrorist, not only a non-Muslim, but a white male who apparantely is a right winger and possibly linked to the Tea Party somehow.

Libera's are as giddy about this as they were Obama's election. It's their dream come true. Not the killing. But the race and ideology of the man who did it. They are secretly celebrating this.
Some cons are still giddy over Adolph.

"Estimates for the total casualties of the war vary, because many deaths went unrecorded. Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.[278][279][280]

"Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide.

"The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war,[281] including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths.[282]

"One of every four Soviet citizens was killed or wounded in that war.[283] Germany sustained 5.3 million military losses, mostly on the Eastern Front and during the final battles in Germany.[284]"

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many conservatives in this country openly celebrate the mass murder of Muslims by the US military?
The 32 year-old Nordic gunman responsible for 91 deaths devoted nine years of his life to meticulously crafting his plan to root out anyone different.

The following questions and answers supplied by Breivik were translated from the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tidende

"You said you have pure genealogy?

"I am very proud of my Viking heritage. My name, Breivik, is a place name from Northern Norway, dating back to before the Viking era. Behring is a pre-Christian Germanic name derived from Behr, the Germanic word for Bear (or 'those who are protected by the bear').

"If you were to use a word for the ideology or movement that you represent, what would it be?

"Cultural conservatism, or a nationalist/conservative orientation known as the Vienna school of thought. As for the political movement, I would describe it as a National Resistance Movement, an Indigenous Rights Movement or even a Right-revolutionary movement..."

Craig Murray has alleged a link between Breivik and the Tea Party (via Pamela Geller).

An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions - TIME

I love this one.

What tipped the scales for you? What particular things pushed you to plan the attack?
For me personally it was our government's involvement (engagement) with/in the attack on Serbia (NATO bombing in 1999) several years ago. It was completely unacceptable the way the U.S. and Western European regimes bombed our Serbian brothers. There have been many other cases that have strengthened my resolve. Among them, my government's cowardly handling of the Muhammed cartoons, and their decision to award the Nobel Peace Prize to an Islamic terrorist (Arafat). There have been dozens of other questions. My government and our media capitulated to Islam years ago, after the Rushdie incident. Since then it has snowballed. Thousands of Muslims stream in each year through the asylum, institutions, or family connections in Norway.
This is a horrific story. Whats sad, however, is the absolute flood of left wingers who are bursting in their own pants at FINALLY having a non-Muslim mass murdering terrorist, not only a non-Muslim, but a white male who apparantely is a right winger and possibly linked to the Tea Party somehow.

Libera's are as giddy about this as they were Obama's election. It's their dream come true. Not the killing. But the race and ideology of the man who did it. They are secretly celebrating this.
Some cons are still giddy over Adolph.

"Estimates for the total casualties of the war vary, because many deaths went unrecorded. Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.[278][279][280]

"Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide.

"The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war,[281] including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths.[282]

"One of every four Soviet citizens was killed or wounded in that war.[283] Germany sustained 5.3 million military losses, mostly on the Eastern Front and during the final battles in Germany.[284]"

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many conservatives in this country openly celebrate the mass murder of Muslims by the US military?

What mass murder?
This is a horrific story. Whats sad, however, is the absolute flood of left wingers who are bursting in their own pants at FINALLY having a non-Muslim mass murdering terrorist, not only a non-Muslim, but a white male who apparantely is a right winger and possibly linked to the Tea Party somehow.

Libera's are as giddy about this as they were Obama's election. It's their dream come true. Not the killing. But the race and ideology of the man who did it. They are secretly celebrating this.
Some cons are still giddy over Adolph.

"Estimates for the total casualties of the war vary, because many deaths went unrecorded. Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.[278][279][280]

"Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide.

"The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war,[281] including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths.[282]

"One of every four Soviet citizens was killed or wounded in that war.[283] Germany sustained 5.3 million military losses, mostly on the Eastern Front and during the final battles in Germany.[284]"

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many conservatives in this country openly celebrate the mass murder of Muslims by the US military?

What mass murder?
Agreed, what mass murder?
My idea of "racial purity" involves purifying my White Race of monsterous wankers like this muderer of children.

But hey! Just to show you that I'm down with equal rights, know that I'm also down with purifying all other "races" of monsterous wankers like this one, too.

Cause that's just the way this White boy rolls, folks.
Norway Mass Killer Wishes To Explain in Court
The 32 year-old man who thinks Friday's bombing and shooting attack was cruel but necessary is due to appear in court in Oslo on Monday (local time).

His lawyer said Brevik had admitted responsibility for the bombing and rampage shooting, but felt that his action does not deserve punishment.
Brevik, who calls himself a conservative Christian, wanted to trigger an anti-Muslim revolution in Norwegian society. In a manifesto he published online, he ranted against Muslim immigration to Europe and vowed revenge on those &#8220;indigenous Europeans&#8221; whom he deemed had betrayed their heritage.
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I'm confused...a Christian Terrorist? I thought Christianity was the religion of peace?
This is a horrific story. Whats sad, however, is the absolute flood of left wingers who are bursting in their own pants at FINALLY having a non-Muslim mass murdering terrorist, not only a non-Muslim, but a white male who apparantely is a right winger and possibly linked to the Tea Party somehow.

Libera's are as giddy about this as they were Obama's election. It's their dream come true. Not the killing. But the race and ideology of the man who did it. They are secretly celebrating this.
Some cons are still giddy over Adolph.

"Estimates for the total casualties of the war vary, because many deaths went unrecorded. Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.[278][279][280]

"Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide.

"The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war,[281] including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths.[282]

"One of every four Soviet citizens was killed or wounded in that war.[283] Germany sustained 5.3 million military losses, mostly on the Eastern Front and during the final battles in Germany.[284]"

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many conservatives in this country openly celebrate the mass murder of Muslims by the US military?

What mass murder?
"The War in Afghanistan (2001–present) has caused the deaths of thousands of Afghan civilians directly from NATO and ISAF military action...

"According to Marc W. Herold's extensive database, Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing, between 3,100 and 3,600 civilians were directly killed by U.S. Operation Enduring Freedom bombing and Special Forces attacks between October 7, 2001 and June 3, 2003.

"This estimate counts only 'impact deaths' – deaths that occurred in the immediate aftermath of an explosion or shooting – and does not count deaths that occurred later as a result of injuries sustained, or deaths that occurred as an indirect consequence of the U.S. airstrikes and invasion."

Civilian casualties caused by ISAF and US Forces in the War in Afghanistan (2001
Some cons are still giddy over Adolph.

"Estimates for the total casualties of the war vary, because many deaths went unrecorded. Most suggest that some 60 million people died in the war, including about 20 million soldiers and 40 million civilians.[278][279][280]

"Many civilians died because of disease, starvation, massacres, bombing and deliberate genocide.

"The Soviet Union lost around 27 million people during the war,[281] including 8.7 million military and 19 million civilian deaths.[282]

"One of every four Soviet citizens was killed or wounded in that war.[283] Germany sustained 5.3 million military losses, mostly on the Eastern Front and during the final battles in Germany.[284]"

World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many conservatives in this country openly celebrate the mass murder of Muslims by the US military?

What mass murder?
Agreed, what mass murder?
"According to Afghanistan's ambassador to Australia, Amanullah Jayhoon, 1,000 Afghan civilians were killed by coalition forces in 2008.[21]

"The Afghanistan Rights Monitor(ARM) estimated that over 1,620 civilians were killed by U.S.-led military forces in 2008, including 680 killed in airstrikes. ARM also estimated that military operations by US-led NATO and coalition forces caused at least 2,800 injuries and displaced 80,000 people from their homes.[18][22]"

Civilian casualties caused by ISAF and US Forces in the War in Afghanistan (2001
What a dispicably vile person. :( I cannot imagine how a functioning human being could have spent over two hours slaughtering helpless children and young people. I simply can't wrap my brain around that kind of evil.

I also can't understand how the Norweigian authorities allowed him that kind of a leisurely murder spree. Why weren't there dozens of police officers dispatched within moments of the first shots being reported? So much I can't understand about this tragedy.
It should be noted that parts of the madman's manifesto were taken word for word from Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber's manifesto. The Unibomber was hardly a right winger. In fact he was the vangard of the radical left wing enviro-nuts. Guess who's manifesto Kaczynski borrowed from? None other than Al Gore who's book "earth in the frying pan" or something like that was found in the Unabomber's shack when he was captured. You could probably even compare the vintage ravings of Bill Ayers "weathernuts" to the madman and the Unibomber's stuff. Ayers was only responsible for the killing of four people but he set a hell of a lot more bombs.

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