PUTIN TRUMPS BIDEN – Aligns with Two Ukrainian Republics Without Firing a Shot

Fucking Russian trash.


Oh, look a small group of Canadians calling names... How childish...

Of course he did. From what I've read many in the Ukraine want to be part of Russia again.
You’re just a flaming idiot. There’s no other way to describe your post.

Hope you display your Russian colors boldly in the coming weeks.

The CIA and Biden convinced Ukraine and the EU to get ready because fucking Putin wasn’t stopping at the East Border of the Ukraine.
Putin wouldn't have attacked if Trump was still in office

Why are so many on your side nothing but liars for Trump and Putin like Tucker.

Many in the Ukraine want to be part of Russia again

“many” ????? Boy there’s a statistic I can really rely on for accuracy. You don’t even have a link.

Who is blowing up all those Russian armored units trying to get to Kiev?

My wife is Russian. She’s been here for 21 years. She is ashamed that Putin is a war criminal and terrorist worse than Bin Ladin and Hitler combined because he had Nukes. It’s scary talking to people we know who spew the same Kremlin Krap You are posting here.

Try being an American and support our president? My money is on Zelinsky, his people, Biden and NATO. Your money is on Putin because you suck as an American. Trump is not a player. He’s a retired old grouchy man doing wedding receptions. You can forget about him. It’s not a question of when Putin falls. It’s how many innocent people the Trump-like autocrat decides to kill to protect his ego. He is a mad man. He crossed the line a week ago.

The Russian speaking Ukrainians are all on the east border region known as Donbas. They are not in Kiev or anywhere to the west. So why is Putin bombing Kiev.
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Aligns with Two Ukrainian Republics Without Firing a Shot

21 Feb 2022 ~~ By Joe Hoft

After Biden told the world for the past few weeks that he had information that Putin was definitely going to invade Ukraine, Putin basically took over a portion of the country without firing a shot.

Today Putin outmaneuvered Biden and Harris and made them look like idiots. This is another sad and embarrassing day for the Biden regime. First Afghanistan and now Ukraine, Biden can’t get anything right, not the economy and certainly not foreign affairs.
These past few weeks Biden and Harris were telling the world that Putin was going to invade Ukraine. Kamala Harris spoke about this over the weekend in Europe.

Putin doesn’t need to have a discussion with the US. The two republics separated from Ukraine and he stepped in and offered to support them. Putin didn’t have to fire a shot. Biden was outplayed on every level again.

Our dear president Biden and his crack appointees Blinken, Winken and Knod have done it once more. They proved that they are not even in the novice class of politics with the rest of the world.
It looks like Putin has given the Nazi Biden Handlers a Master Class on how to be a Real President.
Saying Biden is in way over his head with Putin is a huge understatement.
Putin plays chess while the fraudulent installed PUPPET in this country is incapable of playing checkers.
The Quisling Media is already declaring that Russia has taken aggressive action and Biden said he will respond. The lying talking heads also declared that Russia will launch a cyberattack against the U.S. very soon. Pure garbage propaganda. Expect a false flag attack any day now.
Way to support Putin there comrade.
Today Putin outmaneuvered Biden and Harris and made them look like idiots.

So was that Putin move a genius move as Trump called it? DO YOU STILL THINK It was the plan of a genius to commit terrorism, genocide and ethnic cleansing and have your 14,000 so-called valiant Solders Killed while making your nation a pariah state?

Do you hope La Pen wins in France?
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Its documented. Many in the Ukraine want to be part of Russia again.

More like most if not all are being wiped off the face of the earth blown to smitherines or escaping to NATO nations rather than live under the iron fist of DJT’s BFF. You are very stupid for your love of Trump and Putin? Why is the question.

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