Putin takes charge, orders Russian troops to Syria after Obama’s plan flops

Either by genius or luck Obama gives a hospital pass to Putin...

Well done Mr President... Syria doesn't even have Oil....

Princess Bride:
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...

So can someone tell us when is the last time taking and hold land in Asia (specifically ME) has gone well...

I mean genius Mr. President... Get the stupid f*cking Russians to do it...

It's a real mess. Supporting the rebels in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. Russia and Iran warned us not to intervene. But of course we didn't listen.
1. I'm for allowing the Russians to kill ISIS. Let them bleed for their interests in the region. It saves us money and lost lives.
2. I've stated repeatedly that Assad with Russian Support is the lesser of evils in regards to the Genocide being conducted in that cursed desert.
3. ISIS would have been created with or without our support because it is a Sunni versus Shiite Holy War that has gone on forever.
4. The strategy for removal for Assad is about selling oil to Europe.
5. Iran, Iraq.........Shiites are allied to Russia, as we have lost Iraq to Russian support, are about Shiite dominance in the region. For Russia it is to block Saudi Oil
to Europe via pipeline. It is also about arms sales to Iran, Iraq, and Syria....................
6. We in debt up to our asses. If we lose the Dollar as the global currency we are fucked.
7. Europe wants the pipeline from Saudi Arabia to stop Russia from black mailing them with shutting off the oil.
8. Putin wants a return to the status of USSR............
9. Super tankers can still supply the gas and oil to Europe, just at a higher cost.
10. Iran is still a State Sponsor of Terror, and is our enemy irregardless of this. Russia supports them because they want dominance in the region instead of the West.

When Bibbi stated this is a GAME OF THRONES for dominance in the region...........he was spot on...........Shiites for dominance.........Sunni's for dominance.............Saudi Arabia for sale of oil...........United States for protecting the Petro Dollar.................Russia for arms sale and attacking the Petro Dollar................and so on...................................

In a nut shell.................it's a CAGE MATCH.........with many countries throwing clubs and weapons into the arena.

Yeah, it looks like Russia is drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. It's not gonna allow the Western Globalist Elites to seize another country. It's sat back and watched them seize Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. Looks like it's had enough. The creation of ISIS was the final straw. It's time to go on offense.
Putin eats Obama's lunch again and again. He has violated the Ukraine cease fire repeatedly with virtually no repercussions. He is moving arms and trioops into Syria with impunity, and will establish a zone of influence cutting out the US. He consistently out maneuvers Obama, who is simply hapless.

Liar. You are a fucking liar. I can't believe it has come to this but I guess we are going to butt heads.

Russia has not for one minute disrupted cease fires in the EAST. On the other hand the Nazi troop you seem to love the AZOV battalion has continued to do so.

You call yourself RABBI. But you love the Nazis. Very strange. Very strange. AZOV is NAZI.

Now to Syria. We had no business backing the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in ANY of these countries let alone Syria.

Russia has an ally with Iran and Syria. Putin is not moving jack shit with impunity. THEY ARE ALLIES ASSHOLE.
Either by genius or luck Obama gives a hospital pass to Putin...

Well done Mr President... Syria doesn't even have Oil....

Princess Bride:
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...

So can someone tell us when is the last time taking and hold land in Asia (specifically ME) has gone well...

I mean genius Mr. President... Get the stupid f*cking Russians to do it...

It's a real mess. Supporting the rebels in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. Russia and Iran warned us not to intervene. But of course we didn't listen.
1. I'm for allowing the Russians to kill ISIS. Let them bleed for their interests in the region. It saves us money and lost lives.
2. I've stated repeatedly that Assad with Russian Support is the lesser of evils in regards to the Genocide being conducted in that cursed desert.
3. ISIS would have been created with or without our support because it is a Sunni versus Shiite Holy War that has gone on forever.
4. The strategy for removal for Assad is about selling oil to Europe.
5. Iran, Iraq.........Shiites are allied to Russia, as we have lost Iraq to Russian support, are about Shiite dominance in the region. For Russia it is to block Saudi Oil
to Europe via pipeline. It is also about arms sales to Iran, Iraq, and Syria....................
6. We in debt up to our asses. If we lose the Dollar as the global currency we are fucked.
7. Europe wants the pipeline from Saudi Arabia to stop Russia from black mailing them with shutting off the oil.
8. Putin wants a return to the status of USSR............
9. Super tankers can still supply the gas and oil to Europe, just at a higher cost.
10. Iran is still a State Sponsor of Terror, and is our enemy irregardless of this. Russia supports them because they want dominance in the region instead of the West.

When Bibbi stated this is a GAME OF THRONES for dominance in the region...........he was spot on...........Shiites for dominance.........Sunni's for dominance.............Saudi Arabia for sale of oil...........United States for protecting the Petro Dollar.................Russia for arms sale and attacking the Petro Dollar................and so on...................................

In a nut shell.................it's a CAGE MATCH.........with many countries throwing clubs and weapons into the arena.

Yeah, it looks like Russia is drawing a line in the sand on Ukraine and Syria. It's not gonna allow the Western Globalist Elites to seize another country. It's sat back and watched them seize Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and so on. Looks like it's had enough. The creation of ISIS was the final straw. It's time to go on offense.

Either by genius or luck Obama gives a hospital pass to Putin...

Well done Mr President... Syria doesn't even have Oil....

Princess Bride:
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...

So can someone tell us when is the last time taking and hold land in Asia (specifically ME) has gone well...

I mean genius Mr. President... Get the stupid f*cking Russians to do it...

It's a real mess. Supporting the rebels in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. Russia and Iran warned us not to intervene. But of course we didn't listen.
1. I'm for allowing the Russians to kill ISIS. Let them bleed for their interests in the region. It saves us money and lost lives.
2. I've stated repeatedly that Assad with Russian Support is the lesser of evils in regards to the Genocide being conducted in that cursed desert.
3. ISIS would have been created with or without our support because it is a Sunni versus Shiite Holy War that has gone on forever.
4. The strategy for removal for Assad is about selling oil to Europe.
5. Iran, Iraq.........Shiites are allied to Russia, as we have lost Iraq to Russian support, are about Shiite dominance in the region. For Russia it is to block Saudi Oil
to Europe via pipeline. It is also about arms sales to Iran, Iraq, and Syria....................
6. We in debt up to our asses. If we lose the Dollar as the global currency we are fucked.
7. Europe wants the pipeline from Saudi Arabia to stop Russia from black mailing them with shutting off the oil.
8. Putin wants a return to the status of USSR............
9. Super tankers can still supply the gas and oil to Europe, just at a higher cost.
10. Iran is still a State Sponsor of Terror, and is our enemy irregardless of this. Russia supports them because they want dominance in the region instead of the West.

When Bibbi stated this is a GAME OF THRONES for dominance in the region...........he was spot on...........Shiites for dominance.........Sunni's for dominance.............Saudi Arabia for sale of oil...........United States for protecting the Petro Dollar.................Russia for arms sale and attacking the Petro Dollar................and so on...................................

In a nut shell.................it's a CAGE MATCH.........with many countries throwing clubs and weapons into the arena.

I agree with you on it being a clusterf*ck.... I agree with a few things and disagree on a few...
If Saddam was there, ISIS would never got started...

Truth is Islamic Fundamentalism was on its knees when 911 happened. The Twit (Bush) was a poster child for the group with his bumbling of the response to 911... The Taliban would have handed him over with a bit more pressure...

As for Russia going to Syria? Let them off, No Oil and complete powder keg...

Iran is a totally different kettle of fish... There is a constant internal struggle between moderates and hardliners... US is obsessed by the hardliners... The truth is the young are more pro US if given a chance... Very hard to defend a country that takes food of your table....
Either by genius or luck Obama gives a hospital pass to Putin...

Well done Mr President... Syria doesn't even have Oil....

Princess Bride:
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...

So can someone tell us when is the last time taking and hold land in Asia (specifically ME) has gone well...

I mean genius Mr. President... Get the stupid f*cking Russians to do it...

It's a real mess. Supporting the rebels in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. Russia and Iran warned us not to intervene. But of course we didn't listen.
1. I'm for allowing the Russians to kill ISIS. Let them bleed for their interests in the region. It saves us money and lost lives.
2. I've stated repeatedly that Assad with Russian Support is the lesser of evils in regards to the Genocide being conducted in that cursed desert.
3. ISIS would have been created with or without our support because it is a Sunni versus Shiite Holy War that has gone on forever.
4. The strategy for removal for Assad is about selling oil to Europe.
5. Iran, Iraq.........Shiites are allied to Russia, as we have lost Iraq to Russian support, are about Shiite dominance in the region. For Russia it is to block Saudi Oil
to Europe via pipeline. It is also about arms sales to Iran, Iraq, and Syria....................
6. We in debt up to our asses. If we lose the Dollar as the global currency we are fucked.
7. Europe wants the pipeline from Saudi Arabia to stop Russia from black mailing them with shutting off the oil.
8. Putin wants a return to the status of USSR............
9. Super tankers can still supply the gas and oil to Europe, just at a higher cost.
10. Iran is still a State Sponsor of Terror, and is our enemy irregardless of this. Russia supports them because they want dominance in the region instead of the West.

When Bibbi stated this is a GAME OF THRONES for dominance in the region...........he was spot on...........Shiites for dominance.........Sunni's for dominance.............Saudi Arabia for sale of oil...........United States for protecting the Petro Dollar.................Russia for arms sale and attacking the Petro Dollar................and so on...................................

In a nut shell.................it's a CAGE MATCH.........with many countries throwing clubs and weapons into the arena.

I agree with you on it being a clusterf*ck.... I agree with a few things and disagree on a few...
If Saddam was there, ISIS would never got started...

Truth is Islamic Fundamentalism was on its knees when 911 happened. The Twit (Bush) was a poster child for the group with his bumbling of the response to 911... The Taliban would have handed him over with a bit more pressure...

As for Russia going to Syria? Let them off, No Oil and complete powder keg...

Iran is a totally different kettle of fish... There is a constant internal struggle between moderates and hardliners... US is obsessed by the hardliners... The truth is the young are more pro US if given a chance... Very hard to defend a country that takes food of your table....

Fundamentalism was never on its knees. Fool don't you get it. It is the heart and soul of Islam.
Either by genius or luck Obama gives a hospital pass to Putin...

Well done Mr President... Syria doesn't even have Oil....

Princess Bride:
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...

So can someone tell us when is the last time taking and hold land in Asia (specifically ME) has gone well...

I mean genius Mr. President... Get the stupid f*cking Russians to do it...

It's a real mess. Supporting the rebels in Syria led to the creation of ISIS. Russia and Iran warned us not to intervene. But of course we didn't listen.
1. I'm for allowing the Russians to kill ISIS. Let them bleed for their interests in the region. It saves us money and lost lives.
2. I've stated repeatedly that Assad with Russian Support is the lesser of evils in regards to the Genocide being conducted in that cursed desert.
3. ISIS would have been created with or without our support because it is a Sunni versus Shiite Holy War that has gone on forever.
4. The strategy for removal for Assad is about selling oil to Europe.
5. Iran, Iraq.........Shiites are allied to Russia, as we have lost Iraq to Russian support, are about Shiite dominance in the region. For Russia it is to block Saudi Oil
to Europe via pipeline. It is also about arms sales to Iran, Iraq, and Syria....................
6. We in debt up to our asses. If we lose the Dollar as the global currency we are fucked.
7. Europe wants the pipeline from Saudi Arabia to stop Russia from black mailing them with shutting off the oil.
8. Putin wants a return to the status of USSR............
9. Super tankers can still supply the gas and oil to Europe, just at a higher cost.
10. Iran is still a State Sponsor of Terror, and is our enemy irregardless of this. Russia supports them because they want dominance in the region instead of the West.

When Bibbi stated this is a GAME OF THRONES for dominance in the region...........he was spot on...........Shiites for dominance.........Sunni's for dominance.............Saudi Arabia for sale of oil...........United States for protecting the Petro Dollar.................Russia for arms sale and attacking the Petro Dollar................and so on...................................

In a nut shell.................it's a CAGE MATCH.........with many countries throwing clubs and weapons into the arena.

I agree with you on it being a clusterf*ck.... I agree with a few things and disagree on a few...
If Saddam was there, ISIS would never got started...

Truth is Islamic Fundamentalism was on its knees when 911 happened. The Twit (Bush) was a poster child for the group with his bumbling of the response to 911... The Taliban would have handed him over with a bit more pressure...

As for Russia going to Syria? Let them off, No Oil and complete powder keg...

Iran is a totally different kettle of fish... There is a constant internal struggle between moderates and hardliners... US is obsessed by the hardliners... The truth is the young are more pro US if given a chance... Very hard to defend a country that takes food of your table....

You are really a dangerous poster.

To believe for one minute Islam has ever been on her knees is to not understand Islam at all.
A Russian aircraft carrying cruiser, the Admiral Kuznetsov made a port call at Tartus. Russia has made huge investments in the port, they value it
It's not about the Naval Base.

The Secret Stupid Saudi-US Deal on Syria. Oil Gas Pipeline War

The details are emerging of a new secret and quite stupid Saudi-US deal on Syria and the so-called IS. It involves oil and gas control of the entire region and the weakening of Russia and Iran by Saudi Arabian flooding the world market with cheap oil. Details were concluded in the September meeting by US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Saudi King. The unintended consequence will be to push Russia even faster to turn east to China and Eurasia.

One of the weirdest anomalies of the recent NATO bombing campaign, allegedly against the ISIS or IS or ISIL or Daash, depending on your preference, is the fact that with major war raging in the world’s richest oil region, the price of crude oil has been dropping, dramatically so. Since June when ISIS suddenly captured the oil-rich region of Iraq around Mosul and Kirkuk, the benchmark Brent price of crude oil dropped some 20% from $112 to about $88. World daily demand for oil has not dropped by 20% however. China oil demand has not fallen 20% nor has US domestic shale oil stock risen by 21%.

The US-Saudi oil price manipulation is aimed at destabilizing several strong opponents of US globalist policies. Targets include Iran and Syria, both allies of Russia in opposing a US sole Superpower. The principal target, however, is Putin’s Russia, the single greatest threat today to that Superpower hegemony. The strategy is similar to what the US did with Saudi Arabia in 1986 when they flooded the world with Saudi oil, collapsing the price to below $10 a barrel and destroying the economy of then-Soviet ally, Saddam Hussein in Iraq and, ultimately, of the Soviet economy, paving the way for the fall of the Soviet Union. Today, the hope is that a collapse of Russian oil revenues, combined with select pin-prick sanctions designed by the US Treasury’s Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence will dramatically weaken Putin’s enormous domestic support and create conditions for his ultimate overthrow. It is doomed to fail for many reasons, not the least, because Putin’s Russia has taken major strategic steps together with China and other nations to lessen its dependence on the West. In fact the oil weapon is accelerating recent Russian moves to focus its economic power on national interests and lessen dependence on the Dollar system. If the dollar ceases being the currency of world trade, especially oil trade, the US Treasury faces financial catastrophe. For this reason, I call the Kerry-Abdullah oil war a very stupid tactic.

ISIS is a U.S., Saudi, British Intelligence creation. Everyone except Americans knows that. They're still buying into the American Government/Corporate Media lies on Syria.

ISIS didn't just magically appear with all that cash and weapons. It was provided for them. All you have to do is follow the money and motives. Who wanted Assad dead? There's your answer.
I understand that Libya was about the Petro Dollar, as they wanted to go to gold on their sale of oil. Also they used Libya to proxy weapons into Syria. It is known that the weapons ended up in the wrong hands as well.

Under Reagan, they tried Reagan via Ollie North for the weapons for American hostages which is far less than what has been happening under the current administration.

Finally, the powers to be in the world are at odds and the gas prices we see today are a direct result of the West versus the East on Oil sales and the Dollar as the Worlds reserve currency.

Russia is responding with troops to protect their oil markets with Europe, and we are involved to get Saudi Oil to Europe in direct conflict with Russia.

It's always about the money. The Western Globalist Elites now control Liby'a entire banking system and oil. The same was done in Iraq. And that's what they have planned for Syria. However, it looks like Russia may have a problem with that. Looks like it's gonna annihilate all rebel groups in Syria.

Small problem, Syria has f*ck all oil reserves...

The country is going to be a basket case after this war... Recipe for disaster...
After this war? Seems to me it's FUBAR already.
But that's me, ever the pessimist.
Putin eats Obama's lunch again and again. He has violated the Ukraine cease fire repeatedly with virtually no repercussions. He is moving arms and trioops into Syria with impunity, and will establish a zone of influence cutting out the US. He consistently out maneuvers Obama, who is simply hapless.

Liar. You are a fucking liar. I can't believe it has come to this but I guess we are going to butt heads.

Russia has not for one minute disrupted cease fires in the EAST. On the other hand the Nazi troop you seem to love the AZOV battalion has continued to do so.

You call yourself RABBI. But you love the Nazis. Very strange. Very strange. AZOV is NAZI.

Now to Syria. We had no business backing the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in ANY of these countries let alone Syria.

Russia has an ally with Iran and Syria. Putin is not moving jack shit with impunity. THEY ARE ALLIES ASSHOLE.
I had forgotten you were a plant by the FSB. That is the only explanation for your continued support of Putin against the Ukrainians. Either that or your meds have quit working.
The history is clear: Putin has violated every cease fire he signed and is using Russian paramilitaries to do his dirty work. See a shrink. You need help.
Hey, If the Soviets are going into Syria then let us coordinate our air strikes with their actions.

Give up on getting rid of Assad. Why do people treat ME nations like Panama?
Putin eats Obama's lunch again and again. He has violated the Ukraine cease fire repeatedly with virtually no repercussions. He is moving arms and trioops into Syria with impunity, and will establish a zone of influence cutting out the US. He consistently out maneuvers Obama, who is simply hapless.

Liar. You are a fucking liar. I can't believe it has come to this but I guess we are going to butt heads.

Russia has not for one minute disrupted cease fires in the EAST. On the other hand the Nazi troop you seem to love the AZOV battalion has continued to do so.

You call yourself RABBI. But you love the Nazis. Very strange. Very strange. AZOV is NAZI.

Now to Syria. We had no business backing the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in ANY of these countries let alone Syria.

Russia has an ally with Iran and Syria. Putin is not moving jack shit with impunity. THEY ARE ALLIES ASSHOLE.
I had forgotten you were a plant by the FSB. That is the only explanation for your continued support of Putin against the Ukrainians. Either that or your meds have quit working.
The history is clear: Putin has violated every cease fire he signed and is using Russian paramilitaries to do his dirty work. See a shrink. You need help.

I'm Ukrainian asshole.

Half Irish. Half Uk.

Makes me lethal. Now argue your support of the Nazis who have taken over Kiev or fuck off so called Rabbi.

You ever seen what Bandera and his OUN did to Jews fuck face.

I'll not only square off against you I will put up the people you appear to love.

Let's dance so called Rabbi.
Hey, If the Soviets are going into Syria then let us coordinate our air strikes with their actions.

Give up on getting rid of Assad. Why do people treat ME nations like Panama?

If we hadn't tried to bullshit our way thru a lying mother fucking insane Arab Spring AKA stupid idiots trying to give the middle east Muslim Brotherhood rulers, life would be a whole lot calmer these days.


One more fucking time assholes over here who cant fix a pot hole, can't fix jack shit think they can fucking fix the crazies in the Middle East.
It is unfucking believable that a russian (borderline) despot garners more respect than a US president.

The moonbat messiah has turned the world upside down.

Only in a pork stenched cracker goyim mind, but that is what is expected from a traitor
The Right worships Putin.

If Putin wants his young men dying in that shit hole, all the more power to him. Bush said he knew Putin's soul. Maybe it's because they're soulmates.
Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean we worship him.
obama wants to pursue a course that will bring as many non-whites into America as possible to fill democrat voter registrations
If putin defeats isis and keeps people who are non white in the middle east that doesn't help the dems.
Whites are leaving the dem party in droves. Their only hope is voter registration of non whites.
Obama doesn't give a #### about these people, he looks at it in pure political terms
obama doesn't want a middle east solution, he wants europe and the usa flooded with muslim refuges
Watch for yourself and see if Im right.
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