Exactly how many pro-choice people think a newborn counts as a fetus?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
After encountering this position I thought it would work as a good barometer of scientific illiteracy. Do you use the term with its actual definition, or do you use it to mean any unwanted baby, born or unborn? If the latter, then what is the cut off? When does a fetus become a toddler? Or a child?
A baby, born prematurely, is a "baby", and you go to jail for killing him/her. An identical baby, at the same stage of development, but not yet born, is a "fetus", and you get applauded by certain segments of society for ripping his/her little body to shreds. Quite obviously, a great deal of pro-abortion rhetoric has more to do with ideology than it does with biology.
The cerebral hemispheres of the brain are still being developed so in many ways newborns are considered a fetus.

Why are you asking this question? Are there facts that newborns or even fetuses being ripped apart. I am not pro-abortion and my views are somewhere in the middle for women who were raped or mom is in medical trouble.

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