Putin: "In 2018, you'll see what I'm capable of"


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Uninformed sources told this reporter that when asked about recent election losses, Mr. Putin said, "Trump called me slightly upset that i couldnt deliver VA and NJ. I didn't even realize that there where elections in 2017, what a waste. In 2018, you'll see what Im capable of. I'll flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY and CA"
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.
do you have an in English link to Soviets wanting the return of the Czar?

Soviets? Soviets always had one czar or another (or you think that Stalin was a 'president' or something?). But there haven't been any soviets for 26 years. We are Russians now.

The communists killed of the Czar. Are you claiming it's no different now?

are really, what is it with changing gloves?
The communists killed of the Czar. Are you claiming it's no different now?
are really, what is it with changing gloves?

I didn't say that there is no difference. But when communists killed the czar, they immedidately had a new one. Stalin was a czar, he lived in the palace, had thousands of servants etc. He had the same power as Ivan the Terrible. By the way he returned serfdom slavery for peasants.

Oh, I am sorry, It's a Russian idiom. 'To change something like gloves' means to change someting in hurry and often.
The communists killed of the Czar. Are you claiming it's no different now?
are really, what is it with changing gloves?

I didn't say that there is no difference. But when communists killed the czar, they immedidately had a new one. Stalin was a czar, he lived in the palace, had thousands of servants etc. He had the same power as Ivan the Terrible. By the way he returned serfdom slavery for peasants.

Oh, I am sorry, It's a Russian idiom. 'To change something like gloves' means to change someting in hurry and often.
ok, thanks

I've had the same gloves for years, so that didn't really clear things up.
Uninformed sources told this reporter that when asked about recent election losses, Mr. Putin said, "Trump called me slightly upset that i couldnt deliver VA and NJ. I didn't even realize that there where elections in 2017, what a waste. In 2018, you'll see what Im capable of. I'll flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY and CA"

The Who- Won't Get Fooled Again
Uninformed sources told this reporter that when asked about recent election losses, Mr. Putin said, "Trump called me slightly upset that i couldnt deliver VA and NJ. I didn't even realize that there where elections in 2017, what a waste. In 2018, you'll see what Im capable of. I'll flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY and CA"
With all my respect to you, Frank, I doubt Putin has ever said that, he's very accurate with expressing himself. He always says Russia never interferes into any country internal affairs, never was and never will. I wish all countries were like that....
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.

Yes, there's a new Czar in town...(ok, not that new)...and he doesn't like to talk about revolution. We have a saying in the States - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.

Yes, there's a new Czar in town...(ok, not that new)...and he doesn't like to talk about revolution. We have a saying in the States - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.

Actully, I can't say that I fully support Putin's foreign policy. I think that he does many mistakes and the main one is the quarrel with the West, Now we have almost no friends and it's not good.
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.

Yes, there's a new Czar in town...(ok, not that new)...and he doesn't like to talk about revolution. We have a saying in the States - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.

Actully, I can't say that I fully support Putin's foreign policy. I think that he does many mistakes and the main one is the quarrel with the West, Now we have almost no friends and it's not good.

Comrade, are you really in Russia? Where have you been in 90-s, when Yeltsin literally handed your country to USA, in the freezer? Putin is guarding his country, its sovereignty and independence because all Russian history confirms Tsar Alexander's words: " Russia only has two allies: Army and Navy".

Not too many Western people know how USA "cooperated" with Russia in 90-s when Yeltsin was Russian president. Putin has mentioned that last week. The story may be a little too long but it's actually pretty shocking.

Putin: Following the radical changes that took place in our country and globally at the turn of the 1990s, a really unique chance arose to open a truly new chapter in history. I mean the period after the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

Unfortunately, after dividing up the geopolitical heritage of the Soviet Union, our Western partners became convinced of the justness of their cause and declared themselves the victors of the Cold War and started openly interfering in the affairs of sovereign states, and exporting democracy just like the Soviet leadership had tried to export the socialist revolution to the rest of the world in its time.

Two and a half decades gone to waste, a lot of missed opportunities, and a heavy burden of mutual distrust. The global imbalance has only intensified as a result.

Several landmark bilateral agreements were signed in the 1990s. The first one, the Nunn-Lugar programme, was signed on June 17, 1992. The second one, the HEU-LEU programme, was signed on February 18, 1993. Highly enriched uranium was converted into low-enriched uranium, hence HEU-LEU.

The projects under the first agreement focused on upgrading control systems, accounting and physical protection of nuclear materials, dismantling and scrapping submarines and radioisotope thermoelectric generators. The Americans have made – and please pay attention here, this is not secret information, simply few are aware of it – 620 verification visits to Russia to check our compliance with the agreements. They visited the holiest of holies of the Russian nuclear weapons complex, namely, the enterprises engaged in developing nuclear warheads and ammunition, and weapons-grade plutonium and uranium. The United States gained access to all top-secret facilities in Russia. Also, the agreement was almost unilateral in nature.

Under the second agreement, the Americans made 170 more visits to our enrichment plants, touring their most restricted areas, such as mixing units and storage facilities. The world’s most powerful nuclear enrichment plant – the Urals Electrochemical Combine – even had a permanent American observation post. Permanent jobs were created directly at the workshops of this combine where the American specialists went to work every day. The rooms they were sitting in at these top-secret Russian facilities had American flags, as is always the case.

In addition, a list was drawn up of 100 American specialists from 10 different US organisations who were entitled to conduct additional inspections at any time and without any warning. All this lasted for 10 years. Under this agreement, 500 tonnes of weapons-grade uranium were removed from military circulation in Russia, which is equivalent to about 20,000 nuclear warheads.

The HEU-LEU programme has become one of the most effective measures of true disarmament in the history of humankind – I say this with full confidence. Each step on the Russian side was closely monitored by American specialists, at a time when the United States limited itself to much more modest reductions of its nuclear arsenal, and did so on a purely goodwill basis.

Our specialists also visited enterprises of the US nuclear arms complex but only at their invitation and under conditions set by the US side.

As you see, the Russian side demonstrated absolutely unprecedented openness and trust. Incidentally – and we will probably talk about this later – it is also common knowledge what we received from this: total neglect of our national interests, support for separatism in the Caucasus, military action that circumvented the UN Security Council, such as the bombing of Yugoslavia and Belgrade, the introduction of troops into Iraq and so on. Well, this is easy to understand: once the condition of the nuclear complex, the armed forces and the economy had been seen, international law appeared to be unnecessary.

Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club
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Uninformed sources told this reporter that when asked about recent election losses, Mr. Putin said, "Trump called me slightly upset that i couldnt deliver VA and NJ. I didn't even realize that there where elections in 2017, what a waste. In 2018, you'll see what Im capable of. I'll flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY and CA"

Better brush up on my Ruskie seeing soon the U.S.S.A. will be a satellite to the new U.S.S.R. lead by Putin-Baby...
Uninformed sources told this reporter that when asked about recent election losses, Mr. Putin said, "Trump called me slightly upset that i couldnt deliver VA and NJ. I didn't even realize that there where elections in 2017, what a waste. In 2018, you'll see what Im capable of. I'll flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY and CA"

Better brush up on my Ruskie seeing soon the U.S.S.A. will be a satellite to the new U.S.S.R. lead by Putin-Baby...
So far USA has been (and seems like will be) ruled by Soros&Co because since 90-s all the presidents were in his pocket, so would be now if Clinton had won. Looks like the majority of the Congress belongs to him too. But for the American fools Soros' Media has been producing a soap opera with Russian spies and US current President to distract your silly attention.
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Uninformed sources told this reporter that when asked about recent election losses, Mr. Putin said, "Trump called me slightly upset that i couldnt deliver VA and NJ. I didn't even realize that there where elections in 2017, what a waste. In 2018, you'll see what Im capable of. I'll flip all 25 Democrat Senate seats, even in NY and CA"

Better brush up on my Ruskie seeing soon the U.S.S.A. will be a satellite to the new U.S.S.R. lead by Putin-Baby...
So far USA has been (and seems like will be) ruled by Soros&Co because since 90-s all the presidents were in his pocket, so would be now if Clinton had won. Looks like the majority of the Congress belongs to him too. But for fools like you Soros' Media has been putting a soap opera with Russian spies and US current President to distract your silly attention.

I thought the Putin-baby part was the one that would have hinted I was JOKING but I guess not...
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.

Yes, there's a new Czar in town...(ok, not that new)...and he doesn't like to talk about revolution. We have a saying in the States - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.

Actully, I can't say that I fully support Putin's foreign policy. I think that he does many mistakes and the main one is the quarrel with the West, Now we have almost no friends and it's not good.

Comrade, are you really in Russia? Where have you been in 90-s, when Yeltsin literally handed your country to USA, in the freezer? Putin is guarding his country, its sovereignty and independence because all Russian history proves Tsar Alexander's words: " Russia only has two allies: Army and Navy".

Not too many Western people know how USA "cooperated" with Russia in 90-s when Yeltsin was Russian president. Putin has mentioned that last week. The story may be a little too long but it's actually pretty shocking.

Putin: Following the radical changes that took place in our country and globally at the turn of the 1990s, a really unique chance arose to open a truly new chapter in history. I mean the period after the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

Unfortunately, after dividing up the geopolitical heritage of the Soviet Union, our Western partners became convinced of the justness of their cause and declared themselves the victors of the Cold War and started openly interfering in the affairs of sovereign states, and exporting democracy just like the Soviet leadership had tried to export the socialist revolution to the rest of the world in its time.

Two and a half decades gone to waste, a lot of missed opportunities, and a heavy burden of mutual distrust. The global imbalance has only intensified as a result.

Several landmark bilateral agreements were signed in the 1990s. The first one, the Nunn-Lugar programme, was signed on June 17, 1992. The second one, the HEU-LEU programme, was signed on February 18, 1993. Highly enriched uranium was converted into low-enriched uranium, hence HEU-LEU.

The projects under the first agreement focused on upgrading control systems, accounting and physical protection of nuclear materials, dismantling and scrapping submarines and radioisotope thermoelectric generators. The Americans have made – and please pay attention here, this is not secret information, simply few are aware of it – 620 verification visits to Russia to check our compliance with the agreements. They visited the holiest of holies of the Russian nuclear weapons complex, namely, the enterprises engaged in developing nuclear warheads and ammunition, and weapons-grade plutonium and uranium. The United States gained access to all top-secret facilities in Russia. Also, the agreement was almost unilateral in nature.

Under the second agreement, the Americans made 170 more visits to our enrichment plants, touring their most restricted areas, such as mixing units and storage facilities. The world’s most powerful nuclear enrichment plant – the Urals Electrochemical Combine – even had a permanent American observation post. Permanent jobs were created directly at the workshops of this combine where the American specialists went to work every day. The rooms they were sitting in at these top-secret Russian facilities had American flags, as is always the case.

In addition, a list was drawn up of 100 American specialists from 10 different US organisations who were entitled to conduct additional inspections at any time and without any warning. All this lasted for 10 years. Under this agreement, 500 tonnes of weapons-grade uranium were removed from military circulation in Russia, which is equivalent to about 20,000 nuclear warheads.

The HEU-LEU programme has become one of the most effective measures of true disarmament in the history of humankind – I say this with full confidence. Each step on the Russian side was closely monitored by American specialists, at a time when the United States limited itself to much more modest reductions of its nuclear arsenal, and did so on a purely goodwill basis.

Our specialists also visited enterprises of the US nuclear arms complex but only at their invitation and under conditions set by the US side.

As you see, the Russian side demonstrated absolutely unprecedented openness and trust. Incidentally – and we will probably talk about this later – it is also common knowledge what we received from this: total neglect of our national interests, support for separatism in the Caucasus, military action that circumvented the UN Security Council, such as the bombing of Yugoslavia and Belgrade, the introduction of troops into Iraq and so on. Well, this is easy to understand: once the condition of the nuclear complex, the armed forces and the economy had been seen, international law appeared to be unnecessary.

Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

You are aware that you posted this under the heading 'Political Satire'. ;)
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.

Yes, there's a new Czar in town...(ok, not that new)...and he doesn't like to talk about revolution. We have a saying in the States - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.

Actully, I can't say that I fully support Putin's foreign policy. I think that he does many mistakes and the main one is the quarrel with the West, Now we have almost no friends and it's not good.

Comrade, are you really in Russia? Where have you been in 90-s, when Yeltsin literally handed your country to USA, in the freezer? Putin is guarding his country, its sovereignty and independence because all Russian history proves Tsar Alexander's words: " Russia only has two allies: Army and Navy".

Not too many Western people know how USA "cooperated" with Russia in 90-s when Yeltsin was Russian president. Putin has mentioned that last week. The story may be a little too long but it's actually pretty shocking.

Putin: Following the radical changes that took place in our country and globally at the turn of the 1990s, a really unique chance arose to open a truly new chapter in history. I mean the period after the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

Unfortunately, after dividing up the geopolitical heritage of the Soviet Union, our Western partners became convinced of the justness of their cause and declared themselves the victors of the Cold War and started openly interfering in the affairs of sovereign states, and exporting democracy just like the Soviet leadership had tried to export the socialist revolution to the rest of the world in its time.

Two and a half decades gone to waste, a lot of missed opportunities, and a heavy burden of mutual distrust. The global imbalance has only intensified as a result.

Several landmark bilateral agreements were signed in the 1990s. The first one, the Nunn-Lugar programme, was signed on June 17, 1992. The second one, the HEU-LEU programme, was signed on February 18, 1993. Highly enriched uranium was converted into low-enriched uranium, hence HEU-LEU.

The projects under the first agreement focused on upgrading control systems, accounting and physical protection of nuclear materials, dismantling and scrapping submarines and radioisotope thermoelectric generators. The Americans have made – and please pay attention here, this is not secret information, simply few are aware of it – 620 verification visits to Russia to check our compliance with the agreements. They visited the holiest of holies of the Russian nuclear weapons complex, namely, the enterprises engaged in developing nuclear warheads and ammunition, and weapons-grade plutonium and uranium. The United States gained access to all top-secret facilities in Russia. Also, the agreement was almost unilateral in nature.

Under the second agreement, the Americans made 170 more visits to our enrichment plants, touring their most restricted areas, such as mixing units and storage facilities. The world’s most powerful nuclear enrichment plant – the Urals Electrochemical Combine – even had a permanent American observation post. Permanent jobs were created directly at the workshops of this combine where the American specialists went to work every day. The rooms they were sitting in at these top-secret Russian facilities had American flags, as is always the case.

In addition, a list was drawn up of 100 American specialists from 10 different US organisations who were entitled to conduct additional inspections at any time and without any warning. All this lasted for 10 years. Under this agreement, 500 tonnes of weapons-grade uranium were removed from military circulation in Russia, which is equivalent to about 20,000 nuclear warheads.

The HEU-LEU programme has become one of the most effective measures of true disarmament in the history of humankind – I say this with full confidence. Each step on the Russian side was closely monitored by American specialists, at a time when the United States limited itself to much more modest reductions of its nuclear arsenal, and did so on a purely goodwill basis.

Our specialists also visited enterprises of the US nuclear arms complex but only at their invitation and under conditions set by the US side.

As you see, the Russian side demonstrated absolutely unprecedented openness and trust. Incidentally – and we will probably talk about this later – it is also common knowledge what we received from this: total neglect of our national interests, support for separatism in the Caucasus, military action that circumvented the UN Security Council, such as the bombing of Yugoslavia and Belgrade, the introduction of troops into Iraq and so on. Well, this is easy to understand: once the condition of the nuclear complex, the armed forces and the economy had been seen, international law appeared to be unnecessary.

Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club

You are aware that you posted this under the heading 'Political Satire'. ;)
Thanks for reminding. It's just a very interesting and kinda shocking true story, I hope Frank as OP doesn't mind. I thought some people could be interested. Actually, this story deserves to be written in textbooks like "When you deal with US" as an example for other countries.
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I wonder how much it would cost to get pot legalized in Missouri in the 2018 referendum by using Pootin?
Well, we just haven't another suitable candidate. Democracy is not an answer for Russia, everybody wants a Czar here and a czar is not a thing to be changed like gloves.

Yes, there's a new Czar in town...(ok, not that new)...and he doesn't like to talk about revolution. We have a saying in the States - 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss'.

Actully, I can't say that I fully support Putin's foreign policy. I think that he does many mistakes and the main one is the quarrel with the West, Now we have almost no friends and it's not good.
Pootin did cozy in with China..

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