Public Schools Did Little To Prepare Them -


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Life is as stressful as you allow it to be.

I have no hard data to back it up but I’m sure that Stress killed members of my family. I urge all to consider that when you are getting worked up. Whatever you’re facing likely isn’t the end of the world so chill out.
- for life in the big city. Participation trophies just for showing up, false self-esteem exercises, passing grades just for "effort", instant gratification for their wants and needs.

So the slightest thing sets them off. They are psychologically stunted, probably for life.

And we let them vote. Oy vey.

Stress Mess: 3 In 5 Millennials Say Life More Stressful Now Than Ever Before - Study Finds

You have to struggle in order to deal with stresses. This is why they are all receptive to socialism, they see themselves as victims, they themselves haven't dealt with adversity, they are too afraid to go out and get it.

If you live a difficult life, you become hardened, someone jaded, but you learn to only bend, not break. Often when you bend, you snap back with vigor. A new generation weaned on video games, iphones and compulsive over protective society, and the end result are unprepared adults.

One of the reasons I believe in military conscription. Do two years and become a different person with an appreciation for what difficult is. I could have used that commitment to others myself, and I considered seriously pursuing it, and I definitely know of many who could have used it, some strict rules to follow, even if just temporarily.

As it were, I learned to be toughened the old fashioned way, being thrown to the wolves. Never break.
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- for life in the big city. Participation trophies just for showing up, false self-esteem exercises, passing grades just for "effort", instant gratification for their wants and needs.

So the slightest thing sets them off. They are psychologically stunted, probably for life.

And we let them vote. Oy vey.

Stress Mess: 3 In 5 Millennials Say Life More Stressful Now Than Ever Before - Study Finds
Oh, stop being such a sourpuss. Criminy. When I was in my 20's, everything stressed me out. "More stress than ever before?" What do they have to compare it to? They're too young to say that.

It has nothing to do with building their self esteem as students.
- for life in the big city. Participation trophies just for showing up, false self-esteem exercises, passing grades just for "effort", instant gratification for their wants and needs.

So the slightest thing sets them off. They are psychologically stunted, probably for life.
Hey billy! Are you citing urban public schools or college admissions for wealthy kids from posh neighborhoods?
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
- for life in the big city. Participation trophies just for showing up, false self-esteem exercises, passing grades just for "effort", instant gratification for their wants and needs.

So the slightest thing sets them off. They are psychologically stunted, probably for life.
Hey billy! Are you citing urban public schools or college admissions for wealthy kids from posh neighborhoods?

I described a shoe. It fits many feet.
- for life in the big city. Participation trophies just for showing up, false self-esteem exercises, passing grades just for "effort", instant gratification for their wants and needs.

So the slightest thing sets them off. They are psychologically stunted, probably for life.

And we let them vote. Oy vey.

Stress Mess: 3 In 5 Millennials Say Life More Stressful Now Than Ever Before - Study Finds
Oh, stop being such a sourpuss. Criminy. When I was in my 20's, everything stressed me out. "More stress than ever before?" What do they have to compare it to? They're too young to say that.

It has nothing to do with building their self esteem as students.

Oddly, in my 20's NOTHING stressed me out. I thought I had the world figured out, at my fingertips, boy was I wrong.

Stress is getting older and fighting for something you believe in at great personal cost. I was first thrown out of my house at 15, I learned to live at friends houses, sleep in staircases. I was first jumped for lunch money at age 8 by two kids 4-5 years older than me, I learned to put the money in my sock.

Stress in your 20s? Maybe to feel pressure to succeed and do well, I get it. However, as one wise Italian barber told me years ago when I was 20's and feeling the heat of looking for a career, "you're wealthy already, you're young".
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They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
The old "What's the world coming to..?" of everybody's youth. Wanna bet YOUR folks expressed a doubt or two about your generation?
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.

They need some adversity though. If they fail in school, they need to actually fail in school. If they finish the race sure, here is a participation ribbon but they better save the trophies and shiny stuff for those who finish top 3.

Look, we don't want a jaded world, but I'm listening to youth who are so ill prepared and uninformed that they embrace socialism, some, all to happy to have them even vote as kids!

No way on earth they embraced that because of some curiousity or appreciation of the system or it's consequences. We've all been young and dumb, I'm not expecting perfection. I am at least expecting them to understand you get what you put into life.

This is why some of us are libertarians. Stay out of the life of kids and citizens, provide guidelines and let us all rise to our personal potential. Or not. Much better than the alternative.
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.

They need some adversity though. If they fail in school, they need to actually fail in school. If they finish the race sure, here is a participation ribbon but they better save the trophies and shiny stuff for those who finish top 3.

Look, we don't want a jaded world, but I'm listening to youth who are so ill prepared and uninformed that they embrace socialism, some, all to happy to have them even vote as kids!

No way on earth they embraced that because of some curiousity or appreciation of the system or it's consequences. We've all been young and dumb, I'm not expecting perfection. I am at least expecting them to understand you get what you put into life.

This is why some of us are libertarians. Stay out of the life of kids and citizens, provide guidelines and let us all rise to our personal potential. Or not. Much better than the alternative.
Look. I don't know what interactions you have with what group that makes you draw this conclusion. The young people I deal with don't have that problem and they are competitive as hell. Most of them these days that I work with have had their failures so deeply banged into their psyches that some of them will never be able to stand up again. That's not doing anyone any favors. That's a missed opportunity for a citizen to rise to his/her personal potential.

I remember a handful of professors from my college days. One was a history prof that I took Ancient Roman history from. Some of the texts we were reading, by ancient Roman historians, were mucky going. Yet I never heard him say "No, wrong" in response to a question. He was amazing. I never left his class feeling like an idiot. That is skill.

Why do folks feel that everything wrong with "kids today" is the fault of the schools, anyway? Ever think of the people raising them, such as yourself?
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.

They need some adversity though. If they fail in school, they need to actually fail in school. If they finish the race sure, here is a participation ribbon but they better save the trophies and shiny stuff for those who finish top 3.

Look, we don't want a jaded world, but I'm listening to youth who are so ill prepared and uninformed that they embrace socialism, some, all to happy to have them even vote as kids!

No way on earth they embraced that because of some curiousity or appreciation of the system or it's consequences. We've all been young and dumb, I'm not expecting perfection. I am at least expecting them to understand you get what you put into life.

This is why some of us are libertarians. Stay out of the life of kids and citizens, provide guidelines and let us all rise to our personal potential. Or not. Much better than the alternative.
Look. I don't know what interactions you have with what group that makes you draw this conclusion. The young people I deal with don't have that problem and they are competitive as hell. Most of them these days that I work with have had their failures so deeply banged into their psyches that some of them will never be able to stand up again. That's not doing anyone any favors. That's a missed opportunity for a citizen to rise to his/her personal potential.

I remember a handful of professors from my college days. One was a history prof that I took Ancient Roman history from. Some of the texts we were reading, by ancient Roman historians, were mucky going. Yet I never heard him say "No, wrong" in response to a question. He was amazing. I never left his class feeling like an idiot. That is skill.

Why do folks feel that everything wrong with "kids today" is the fault of the schools, anyway? Ever think of the people raising them, such as yourself?

I agree with, I think teachers should be motivating, positive, not there to put you down or crush you. I've also had some good teachers who motivated me, others who were just strict and didn't allow for imagination and creativity.

In the end though, the kid has to want to improve. Want to learn and do well. If they don't, they cannot be given a free pass to the next grade.

This is not just the problem of the educators, it's also parents. However, when kids are being taught about socialism, being told to "go on strike" for climate change, gun control and other issues. It's clear they are being politicized.

Keep gender identity issues, politics and activism out of the classroom. Kids should be there to learn and compete against other nations. If they aren't willing to at least put in the effort, they can't be given something that another kid earned through hard work.
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I should have specified all those around them, not just schools.

We have a friend that owns a business, his daughter is office manager and deals with hr issues. Just the other day she was talking to me how so many of the young adults right out of college seem to have no ambition, come in late, want to leave early, and will do the minimum required to get by. If something comes up a little different from what they are used to, they can’t figure out on their own what to do, when it is simple.

She says she has had several even come up and state they have a headache, and can they just go rest for awhile on the clock. She tells them to take an aspirin or go home.
She stated they wear her out.

This girl is one of the biggest hearted I know, has the patience of a saint, and she is just so sick of it.

They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.

They need some adversity though. If they fail in school, they need to actually fail in school. If they finish the race sure, here is a participation ribbon but they better save the trophies and shiny stuff for those who finish top 3.

Look, we don't want a jaded world, but I'm listening to youth who are so ill prepared and uninformed that they embrace socialism, some, all to happy to have them even vote as kids!

No way on earth they embraced that because of some curiousity or appreciation of the system or it's consequences. We've all been young and dumb, I'm not expecting perfection. I am at least expecting them to understand you get what you put into life.

This is why some of us are libertarians. Stay out of the life of kids and citizens, provide guidelines and let us all rise to our personal potential. Or not. Much better than the alternative.
Look. I don't know what interactions you have with what group that makes you draw this conclusion. The young people I deal with don't have that problem and they are competitive as hell. Most of them these days that I work with have had their failures so deeply banged into their psyches that some of them will never be able to stand up again. That's not doing anyone any favors. That's a missed opportunity for a citizen to rise to his/her personal potential.

I remember a handful of professors from my college days. One was a history prof that I took Ancient Roman history from. Some of the texts we were reading, by ancient Roman historians, were mucky going. Yet I never heard him say "No, wrong" in response to a question. He was amazing. I never left his class feeling like an idiot. That is skill.

Why do folks feel that everything wrong with "kids today" is the fault of the schools, anyway? Ever think of the people raising them, such as yourself?

I agree with, I think teachers should be motivating, positive, not there to put you down or crush you. I've also had some good teachers who motivated me, others who were just strict and didn't allow for imagination and creativity.

In the end though, the kid has to want to improve. Want to learn and do well. If they don't, they cannot be given a free pass to the next grade.

This is not just the problem of the educators, it's also parents. However, when kids are being taught about socialism, being told to "go on strike" for climate change, gun control and other issues. It's clear they are being politicized.

Keep gender identity issues, politics and activism out of the classroom. Kids should be there to learn and compete against other nations. If they aren't willing to at least put in the effort, they can't be given something that another kid earned through hard work.
I agree with high expectations and reasonable but firm standards.

Keep gender identity issues, politics and activism out of the classroom. Kids should be there to learn and compete against other nations.

This seems to be the heart of your problem, but the three things you noted--gender identity issues, politics and activism--don't hinder learning in the least. Competing against other nations is a thing old fogies such as us worry about, not kids. Kids do learn at school if they are supported at home and have whatever help is needed to make sure they're safe and fed and can focus on these more esoteric things like academics.
I should have specified all those around them, not just schools.

We have a friend that owns a business, his daughter is office manager and deals with hr issues. Just the other day she was talking to me how so many of the young adults right out of college seem to have no ambition, come in late, want to leave early, and will do the minimum required to get by. If something comes up a little different from what they are used to, they can’t figure out on their own what to do, when it is simple.

She says she has had several even come up and state they have a headache, and can they just go rest for awhile on the clock. She tells them to take an aspirin or go home.
She stated they wear her out.

This girl is one of the biggest hearted I know, has the patience of a saint, and she is just so sick of it.

They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.
LOL I'm surprised the economy is so good these days that kids are leaving college without having basic job skills. Some of them we learn from our working parents. Some of them we learn by getting our asses chewed by the boss. Maybe if your friend's daughter weren't quite so patient and kind, they wouldn't be pushing the envelope so much.
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
They have absolutely no clue as to how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
I don’t mean all, but a majority.
That's horseshit. I don't know what you want to do, put them in the corner with a dunce cap again? Laugh at whoever gets the lowest grade in the class? Turn them all into cutthroat competitors like the Japanese, who have an annoyingly high suicide rate among their students for not being able to measure up?

Life teaches us to overcome obstacles. It is total horseshit that schools are "coddling" them by letting them leave the school doors with a halfway positive attitude.

They need some adversity though. If they fail in school, they need to actually fail in school. If they finish the race sure, here is a participation ribbon but they better save the trophies and shiny stuff for those who finish top 3.

Look, we don't want a jaded world, but I'm listening to youth who are so ill prepared and uninformed that they embrace socialism, some, all to happy to have them even vote as kids!

No way on earth they embraced that because of some curiousity or appreciation of the system or it's consequences. We've all been young and dumb, I'm not expecting perfection. I am at least expecting them to understand you get what you put into life.

This is why some of us are libertarians. Stay out of the life of kids and citizens, provide guidelines and let us all rise to our personal potential. Or not. Much better than the alternative.
Look. I don't know what interactions you have with what group that makes you draw this conclusion. The young people I deal with don't have that problem and they are competitive as hell. Most of them these days that I work with have had their failures so deeply banged into their psyches that some of them will never be able to stand up again. That's not doing anyone any favors. That's a missed opportunity for a citizen to rise to his/her personal potential.

I remember a handful of professors from my college days. One was a history prof that I took Ancient Roman history from. Some of the texts we were reading, by ancient Roman historians, were mucky going. Yet I never heard him say "No, wrong" in response to a question. He was amazing. I never left his class feeling like an idiot. That is skill.

Why do folks feel that everything wrong with "kids today" is the fault of the schools, anyway? Ever think of the people raising them, such as yourself?

I agree with, I think teachers should be motivating, positive, not there to put you down or crush you. I've also had some good teachers who motivated me, others who were just strict and didn't allow for imagination and creativity.

In the end though, the kid has to want to improve. Want to learn and do well. If they don't, they cannot be given a free pass to the next grade.

This is not just the problem of the educators, it's also parents. However, when kids are being taught about socialism, being told to "go on strike" for climate change, gun control and other issues. It's clear they are being politicized.

Keep gender identity issues, politics and activism out of the classroom. Kids should be there to learn and compete against other nations. If they aren't willing to at least put in the effort, they can't be given something that another kid earned through hard work.
I agree with high expectations and reasonable but firm standards.

Keep gender identity issues, politics and activism out of the classroom. Kids should be there to learn and compete against other nations.

This seems to be the heart of your problem, but the three things you noted--gender identity issues, politics and activism--don't hinder learning in the least. Competing against other nations is a thing old fogies such as us worry about, not kids. Kids do learn at school if they are supported at home and have whatever help is needed to make sure they're safe and fed and can focus on these more esoteric things like academics.

It's not the heart of my problem, it's the heart of OUR problem. What about classes just courses on civil liberties, civics, your Constitution (or our discarded Charter of Rights), budget financing and the effects of personal debt. etc

Gender Identity and other social issues kids will learn in the world as they age, it's not applicable for work purposes, it's a non-issue except for people looking to have human robots to control at their very whim.
They aren’t taught how to deal with what real life will throw at them.
Instant gratification, no responsibility for own failures, etc.
how to become self reliant, how to pick themselves up, dust off their pants, and start afresh, when they are pushed down.
Affirmative Affluenza

That makes them wannabe Preppies, who have no right to set the stage in a democracy. You should only criticize your own ideology; anything else is hypocritical.

Besides, real life throws very little at richkids that sticks; their powerful birth advantages easily overcome what would finish off those Unfortunate Sons you criticize. Holden Caulfield would not have suffered for his pointless drift and depression, yet he was publicized as a "typical adolescent."

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