Psychological evaluations of Biblical figures


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Using modern terms and standards, ever wanted to stick God, Jesus, authors of religious texts on a couch and psychoanalyze them? Or is that just me? :)

Let's begin with "John," author of Revelations.

- paranoid
- delusional
- manic-depressive
- psychotic schizophrenia
- delusions of grandeur

Suggested course of treatment: incarceration (exile to a small island out of the way where he wont hurt anyone.)

Subject name: Yeshua, aka "Jesus," aka "The Messiah," aka "The Son of God"


- delusional
- profound delusions of grandeur (God-complex) (hehe)
- schizophrenia with psychotic overtones (reacts violently when anyone questions his authority or challenges his delusions.)
- profound sociopathy (everyone is subject to his whims as per his God-complex.)

Subject name: God aka "The Lord," aka "I am," aka "Jehova"


- complete God-complex
- high-functioning but profound psychopathy and sociopathy (despite his illnesses he still managed to keep a job and make planets and stars.)
- profound megalomania ("I'm God! Love me! Obey me! Worship none but me!")
- attention deficit hyPOactive disorder (never does anything yet insists on being worshipped)
Using modern terms and standards, ever wanted to stick God, Jesus, authors of religious texts on a couch and psychoanalyze them? Or is that just me? :)

Let's begin with "John," author of Revelations.

- paranoid
- delusional
- manic-depressive
- psychotic schizophrenia
- delusions of grandeur

Suggested course of treatment: incarceration (exile to a small island out of the way where he wont hurt anyone.)

Subject name: Yeshua, aka "Jesus," aka "The Messiah," aka "The Son of God"


- delusional
- profound delusions of grandeur (God-complex) (hehe)
- schizophrenia with psychotic overtones (reacts violently when anyone questions his authority or challenges his delusions.)
- profound sociopathy (everyone is subject to his whims as per his God-complex.)

Subject name: God aka "The Lord," aka "I am," aka "Jehova"


- complete God-complex
- high-functioning but profound psychopathy and sociopathy (despite his illnesses he still managed to keep a job and make planets and stars.)
- profound megalomania ("I'm God! Love me! Obey me! Worship none but me!")
- attention deficit hyPOactive disorder (never does anything yet insists on being worshipped)

Sounds like your psychoanalyst is completely ignorant of literary forms of the first century. But hopefully, the psychoanalyst is more cognizant of today's literary forms so that should JK Rowling (fantasy genre) or Andy Weir (science fiction genre) stop by, your analyst won't look quite so foolish.
Using modern terms and standards, ever wanted to stick God, Jesus, authors of religious texts on a couch and psychoanalyze them? Or is that just me? :)

Let's begin with "John," author of Revelations.

- paranoid
- delusional
- manic-depressive
- psychotic schizophrenia
- delusions of grandeur

Suggested course of treatment: incarceration (exile to a small island out of the way where he wont hurt anyone.)

Subject name: Yeshua, aka "Jesus," aka "The Messiah," aka "The Son of God"


- delusional
- profound delusions of grandeur (God-complex) (hehe)
- schizophrenia with psychotic overtones (reacts violently when anyone questions his authority or challenges his delusions.)
- profound sociopathy (everyone is subject to his whims as per his God-complex.)

Subject name: God aka "The Lord," aka "I am," aka "Jehova"


- complete God-complex
- high-functioning but profound psychopathy and sociopathy (despite his illnesses he still managed to keep a job and make planets and stars.)
- profound megalomania ("I'm God! Love me! Obey me! Worship none but me!")
- attention deficit hyPOactive disorder (never does anything yet insists on being worshipped)

Sounds like your psychoanalyst is completely ignorant of literary forms of the first century. But hopefully, the psychoanalyst is more cognizant of today's literary forms so that should JK Rowling (fantasy genre) or Andy Weir (science fiction genre) stop by, your analyst won't look quite so foolish.
I tend to agree that the inventors of Christianity (and authors of the bibles) should be held to the same literary standards as writers of science fiction / fantasy genre.
Isn't about literature but how Christianity is a religion born out of paying far too much attention to what mentally ill people talk about. :)
Isn't about literature but how Christianity is a religion born out of paying far too much attention to what mentally ill people talk about. :)

Religion is more about the recognition we are more than just a physical body or a primate. It is the recognition we are also spirit. Physically, we have an immense curiosity about the physical world. The same is true for our spirits. We also want to know about the spiritual world.
Using modern terms and standards, ever wanted to stick God, Jesus, authors of religious texts on a couch and psychoanalyze them? Or is that just me? :)

Let's begin with "John," author of Revelations.

- paranoid
- delusional
- manic-depressive
- psychotic schizophrenia
- delusions of grandeur

Suggested course of treatment: incarceration (exile to a small island out of the way where he wont hurt anyone.)

Subject name: Yeshua, aka "Jesus," aka "The Messiah," aka "The Son of God"


- delusional
- profound delusions of grandeur (God-complex) (hehe)
- schizophrenia with psychotic overtones (reacts violently when anyone questions his authority or challenges his delusions.)
- profound sociopathy (everyone is subject to his whims as per his God-complex.)

Subject name: God aka "The Lord," aka "I am," aka "Jehova"


- complete God-complex
- high-functioning but profound psychopathy and sociopathy (despite his illnesses he still managed to keep a job and make planets and stars.)
- profound megalomania ("I'm God! Love me! Obey me! Worship none but me!")
- attention deficit hyPOactive disorder (never does anything yet insists on being worshipped)

I grew up in church my entire life. People create their own god. When I finally read the Bible at age 32 I finally got it. The happy lovey dovey god that loves everybody is not the god of the Bible.

Using the god character from the Bible won't shake anyone up. Christians ignore the Bible and make up their own shit. When the evangelical movement started in the late 1800's it caught on like wildfire. Christianity is all about the individual now. The Bible is 100% irrelevant to them. I was a Christian 20 years before I ever read the Bible. I am confident that most Christians have never read it cover to cover. Some plan to read it but the bulk of them have no concern over what it says or what the true character of god really is. The character of god in the Bible is highly offensive to them. They'd rather hold on to their false view of god. Their personal gods are more politically correct.
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It is a shame too. There is a great benefit in believing in a jealous, self centered egomaniac as the one true god. Most people who are in positions of power in this world are jealous, self centered egomaniacs . If you practice kissing their ass constantly then you might be able to gain some type of advantage from them. However if the smell any sense of ungratefulness or any sense of self confidence they can squash you like a fly.

Christianity is a great religion for working class people. I wish I could explain this concept to the world. Modern Christianity is dangerous. It can lead to suicide, alcohol or drug abuse. If happiness is important then go get drunk, smoke a crack pipe or kill yourself. Those will all lead to happiness and peace.

False Christianity is destructive and I hate it. Christianity based off of the Bible is the best philosophy in existence for working class people.
Who knew "Barack" meant "Jesus" in Keynan. Obviously the name portends the diagnosis.....

Obama is a good example of what powerful people are like. The characteristics of Yahweh are very similar to the characteristics described in the OP.

This is how powerful people behave. They always have and they always will. It will never change. To accept this as reality is extremely wise and beneficial. To whine about the arrogance or cruelty of powerful people is futile and prevents you from manipulating reality to your advantage.

God called Himself the I am.

In other words, "It is what it is." You can't change reality no matter how uncomfortable it is. The people who win are the people who win. If you can beat them then fine. Do that. If you can't then you better pucker up and learn to kiss their ass.
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