Protest forming against ground zero mosque

I have no objection to this mosque being built.

Muslim Americans died at 9/11. Islam is a religion practiced in America. Something positive ought to come from 9/11. I'd prefer a multi-faith shrine for 9/11 rather than a mosque because I think inclusiveness and not exclusiveness is what is needed to heal our world.

"I've always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Buddhist become a better Buddhist and a Christian become a better Christian." - Mother Teresa

The center will be open to the public.

Would you prefer it be closed to the public????

"Like the bee gathering honey from the different flowers, the wise person accepts the essence of the different scriptures and sees only the good in all religions." - Mahatma Gandhi

Like the Jaywalker about to get plowed by an army of oncoming traffic, see's only the other side of the street. ;)
From what I understand somebody can have it declared a "historic site" thus negating the boards decision....but I think that will be a tough sell...I don't think the cemetary thing will fly either
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Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing in Manhattan.

After four hours of public debate, members of Community Board 1 finally voted 29-1 in support of the project. Nine members abstained, arguing that they wanted to table the issue and vote at a later date.

The board has no official say over whether the estimated $100 million mosque and community center gets built. But the panel's support, or lack of it, is considered important in influencing public opinion.

"That is a burial ground," said retired FDNY Deputy Chief Al Santora, referring to the fact that victims' remains were scattered for blocks.

Santora's 23-year-old son, Christopher, was the youngest firefighter to die that day.

"I do have a problem with having a mosque on top of the site where [terrorists] can gloat about what they did," said Santora, with his wife, Maureen, by his side.

About 150 people attended the emotional Greenwich Street meeting, were some shouted down others as they took their turns.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the Cordoba Institute, which is in charge of the project, insisted that the site would help "bridge the great divide" between Muslims and the rest of America.

"We are Americans, we are Muslim Americans," Rauf said. "Many of us were born in the United States. We have no higher aspirations than to bring up our children in peace and harmony in this country."

But the crowd got ugly when he added, "Freedom of assembly is the right of all Americans."

Amid boos, one woman shouted, "Not at the World Trade Center!"

Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, followed him to the microphone to pitched the planned community facility as "much needed party space and much needed venue space" for the area.

She was roundly booed.

Some audience members preached tolerance for the Muslim leaders.

Before the meeting, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, a supporter of the mosque, stood in front of the site and said, "What we're rejecting here is outright bigotry and hatred."

Catholic priest Kevin Madigan, of St. Peter's Church, which is about a block away, agreed.

"I think they need to establish a place such as this for people of goodwill from mainline Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths so we can come together to talk," Madigan said.

Ground Zero mosque plan has backers and detractors as community board votes to support plan -

The nightmare must end. Sharia oppresses the citizens of Islamic countries. Islam must reform, but the legal hierarchy in Islamic nations will not do this because the judges and legal scholars understand the cost: many passages in the Quran and the hadith must be rejected, and this they cannot do. After all, the Quran came down directly from Allah through Gabriel, so says traditional theology. So how can Islam reform? But reform it must. It can start by rewriting classical fiqh (interpretations of law). Again, though, that would mean leaving behind the Quran and Muhammad's example. How can the legal hierarchy in Islamic nations do this?

In contrast, the West has undergone the Enlightenment or the Age of Reason (c. 1600—1800+), so western law has been injected with a heavy dose of reason. Also, the New Testament tempers excessive punishments. At least when Christianity reformed (c. 1400—1600), the reformers went back to the New Testament, which preaches peace and love. So religion and reason in the West permit justice to be found more readily—the Medieval Church is not foundational to Christianity; only Jesus and the New Testament are.

Can Islamic countries benefit from an Enlightenment that may deny the Quran and the hadith? This seems impossible. Islamic law threatens Muslims with death if they criticize Muhammad and the Quran, not to mention denying them.

Since Islamic law cannot be reformed without doing serious damage to original and authentic Islam—the one taught by Muhammad—then a second plan must be played out. Sharia must never spread around the world. At least that much is clear and achievable. The hard evidence in this article demonstrates beyond doubt that sharia does not benefit any society, for it contains too many harsh rules and punishments.

One of the most tragic and under—reported occurrences in the West in recent years is the existence of a sharia court in Canada. Muslims are pushing for a sharia divorce courting Australia as well. Having a court of arbitration if it is based on western law and legal theory is legitimate, but sharia does not hold to this standard. Whether sharia is imposed gradually or rapidly, Canada should promptly shut down any sharia court, and Australia should never allow one. Such a court should never be permitted in the US, the rest of the West, or anywhere else in the world that is battling Islam.

It is true that the Enlightenment teaches tolerance, but it also teaches critical thinking and reasoning. Sharia cannot stand up under scrutiny. It is intolerant and excessive, and Aristotle in his Nicomachean Ethics teaches the West that excess is never just.

Thankfully, the province of Quebec, Canada, has forbidden sharia. This is the right initiative.

Sharia ultimately degrades society and diminishes freedom.

James M. Arlandson may be reached at [email protected]

Supplemental material:

In private emails to me or on websites, Muslim apologists (defenders) claim that the Islamic way of dealing with vices is superior to the western way, even in Islam's punishments like flogging and stoning. It is true that the West is filled with decadence, but are Islamic countries pure and pristine through and through, as these Muslim apologists imply? To anyone whose mind has not been clouded by a lifetime of devotion to Islam, the answer to this rhetorical question is obvious. Alcohol and other intoxicants and gambling serve as test cases.

This article says that Bahrain, an island and independent sate that is connected to Saudi Arabia by a causeway, provides a 'breathing lung' for Saudis because this Islamic island allows the free flow of alcohol and a night life. The words 'breathing lung' in Bahrain mean that Saudi Arabia suffocates people. On the weekends an average of 40,000 cars line up to cross the bridge.

This article discusses the smuggling of alcohol in Saudi Arabia and says:

"Western analysts note that alcohol smuggling of the magnitude underway in Saudi Arabia —— perhaps tens of millions of dollars' worth of illegal merchandise annually —— would likely involve the complicity of Saudi customs agents and perhaps a higher—level patron."

This article reveals how Iranians get around the official ban on alcohol, like beer and vodka and other intoxicants, like opium. A black market has sprung up—just like the one in America during Prohibition.

This article says that even though the Taliban, the tyrants who formerly ruled Afghanistan, outlawed the growth of poppies, which are the source of opium, the leaders of the Taliban may have profited from the drug trade. The new and democratic government has a hard time keeping this drug under control.

This article says that authorities in Turkey threaten to imprison online gamblers, and this page links to a report (scroll to the second one) that discusses how Turkey must deal with the problem of monetary interest, alcohol, and gambling. It is revealing to see how Muslim religious leaders try to squirm out of Quranic laws against interest, in order to help Islamic financial institutions make money.

The purpose of these links is not to condemn Islamic countries or to assert that the West is better than they are. Facts say that the West has many problems. Rather, the purpose is to demonstrate that Islamic countries have their share of problems as well. This means that Islamic countries are also decadent. This means that Islamic punishments do not work entirely (except by scare tactics), but they can drive the sin or crime underground.

on "Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies"

American Thinker: Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies
Do you agree with the board's decision?
Vote TOTAL VOTES: 496Latest results

Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero -


It does seem that the construction of the Islamic Center is having the exact opposite effect of it's publicly claimed purpose. That is the point. It is not about what is or should be legal. It is about poor taste and insensitivity. Right up your alley Curve ball.

You're a deceptive dumbfuck. Anyone in the world with internet access can vote in that poll you shitrag.

It does seem that the construction of the Islamic Center is having the exact opposite effect of it's publicly claimed purpose. That is the point. It is not about what is or should be legal. It is about poor taste and insensitivity. Right up your alley Curve ball.

You're a deceptive dumbfuck. Anyone in the world with internet access can vote in that poll you shitrag.

I love it when you talk dirty. ;) How were you possibly deceived? You are pathetic.
Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing in Manhattan.

After four hours of public debate, members of Community Board 1 finally voted 29-1 in support of the project. Nine members abstained, arguing that they wanted to table the issue and vote at a later date.

The board has no official say over whether the estimated $100 million mosque and community center gets built. But the panel's support, or lack of it, is considered important in influencing public opinion.

"That is a burial ground," said retired FDNY Deputy Chief Al Santora, referring to the fact that victims' remains were scattered for blocks.

Santora's 23-year-old son, Christopher, was the youngest firefighter to die that day.

"I do have a problem with having a mosque on top of the site where [terrorists] can gloat about what they did," said Santora, with his wife, Maureen, by his side.

About 150 people attended the emotional Greenwich Street meeting, were some shouted down others as they took their turns.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the Cordoba Institute, which is in charge of the project, insisted that the site would help "bridge the great divide" between Muslims and the rest of America.

"We are Americans, we are Muslim Americans," Rauf said. "Many of us were born in the United States. We have no higher aspirations than to bring up our children in peace and harmony in this country."

But the crowd got ugly when he added, "Freedom of assembly is the right of all Americans."

Amid boos, one woman shouted, "Not at the World Trade Center!"

Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, followed him to the microphone to pitched the planned community facility as "much needed party space and much needed venue space" for the area.

She was roundly booed.

Some audience members preached tolerance for the Muslim leaders.

Before the meeting, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, a supporter of the mosque, stood in front of the site and said, "What we're rejecting here is outright bigotry and hatred."

Catholic priest Kevin Madigan, of St. Peter's Church, which is about a block away, agreed.

"I think they need to establish a place such as this for people of goodwill from mainline Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths so we can come together to talk," Madigan said.

Ground Zero mosque plan has backers and detractors as community board votes to support plan -

Thass the same bowlshit source that falsely claimed the mosque would open on 9/11/11.
It does seem that the construction of the Islamic Center is having the exact opposite effect of it's publicly claimed purpose. That is the point. It is not about what is or should be legal. It is about poor taste and insensitivity. Right up your alley Curve ball.

You're a deceptive dumbfuck. Anyone in the world with internet access can vote in that poll you shitrag.

I love it when you talk dirty. ;) How were you possibly deceived? You are pathetic.

Didn't say I was deceived. I said you are a deceptive dumbfuck. You posted the poll numbers with the headline of a story about a "local board" so you are trying make it appear the poll results are verification of your whining when we have no idea who was pollled or where they are.

Just like you posted a story with some 9E families against the mosque while you flat out ignore there are 9E families and first responders in full support of the new mosque. It's so easy to bitch slap you it's become boring.
Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing in Manhattan.

After four hours of public debate, members of Community Board 1 finally voted 29-1 in support of the project. Nine members abstained, arguing that they wanted to table the issue and vote at a later date.

The board has no official say over whether the estimated $100 million mosque and community center gets built. But the panel's support, or lack of it, is considered important in influencing public opinion.

"That is a burial ground," said retired FDNY Deputy Chief Al Santora, referring to the fact that victims' remains were scattered for blocks.

Santora's 23-year-old son, Christopher, was the youngest firefighter to die that day.

"I do have a problem with having a mosque on top of the site where [terrorists] can gloat about what they did," said Santora, with his wife, Maureen, by his side.

About 150 people attended the emotional Greenwich Street meeting, were some shouted down others as they took their turns.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the Cordoba Institute, which is in charge of the project, insisted that the site would help "bridge the great divide" between Muslims and the rest of America.

"We are Americans, we are Muslim Americans," Rauf said. "Many of us were born in the United States. We have no higher aspirations than to bring up our children in peace and harmony in this country."

But the crowd got ugly when he added, "Freedom of assembly is the right of all Americans."

Amid boos, one woman shouted, "Not at the World Trade Center!"

Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, followed him to the microphone to pitched the planned community facility as "much needed party space and much needed venue space" for the area.

She was roundly booed.

Some audience members preached tolerance for the Muslim leaders.

Before the meeting, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, a supporter of the mosque, stood in front of the site and said, "What we're rejecting here is outright bigotry and hatred."

Catholic priest Kevin Madigan, of St. Peter's Church, which is about a block away, agreed.

"I think they need to establish a place such as this for people of goodwill from mainline Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths so we can come together to talk," Madigan said.

Ground Zero mosque plan has backers and detractors as community board votes to support plan -

Thass the same bowlshit source that falsely claimed the mosque would open on 9/11/11.

You dispute the content??? :lol: False claims??? Let's talk about false claims Curve Ball.
You're a deceptive dumbfuck. Anyone in the world with internet access can vote in that poll you shitrag.

I love it when you talk dirty. ;) How were you possibly deceived? You are pathetic.

Didn't say I was deceived. I said you are a deceptive dumbfuck. You posted the poll numbers with the headline of a story about a "local board" so you are trying make it appear the poll results are verification of your whining when we have no idea who was pollled or where they are.

Just like you posted a story with some 9E families against the mosque while you flat out ignore there are 9E families and first responders in full support of the new mosque. It's so easy to bitch slap you it's become boring.

They both come from the same link Dumb Fuck. What are you inhaling???
I love it when you talk dirty. ;) How were you possibly deceived? You are pathetic.

Didn't say I was deceived. I said you are a deceptive dumbfuck. You posted the poll numbers with the headline of a story about a "local board" so you are trying make it appear the poll results are verification of your whining when we have no idea who was pollled or where they are.

Just like you posted a story with some 9E families against the mosque while you flat out ignore there are 9E families and first responders in full support of the new mosque. It's so easy to bitch slap you it's become boring.

They both come from the same link Dumb Fuck. What are you inhaling???

If you care about "public" opinion then why have you continually ignored the 9E families and first responders who fully support the mosque?
Angry relatives of 9/11 victims last night clashed with supporters of a planned mosque near Ground Zero at a raucous community-board hearing in Manhattan.

After four hours of public debate, members of Community Board 1 finally voted 29-1 in support of the project. Nine members abstained, arguing that they wanted to table the issue and vote at a later date.

The board has no official say over whether the estimated $100 million mosque and community center gets built. But the panel's support, or lack of it, is considered important in influencing public opinion.

"That is a burial ground," said retired FDNY Deputy Chief Al Santora, referring to the fact that victims' remains were scattered for blocks.

Santora's 23-year-old son, Christopher, was the youngest firefighter to die that day.

"I do have a problem with having a mosque on top of the site where [terrorists] can gloat about what they did," said Santora, with his wife, Maureen, by his side.

About 150 people attended the emotional Greenwich Street meeting, were some shouted down others as they took their turns.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the head of the Cordoba Institute, which is in charge of the project, insisted that the site would help "bridge the great divide" between Muslims and the rest of America.

"We are Americans, we are Muslim Americans," Rauf said. "Many of us were born in the United States. We have no higher aspirations than to bring up our children in peace and harmony in this country."

But the crowd got ugly when he added, "Freedom of assembly is the right of all Americans."

Amid boos, one woman shouted, "Not at the World Trade Center!"

Rauf's wife, Daisy Khan, followed him to the microphone to pitched the planned community facility as "much needed party space and much needed venue space" for the area.

She was roundly booed.

Some audience members preached tolerance for the Muslim leaders.

Before the meeting, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, a supporter of the mosque, stood in front of the site and said, "What we're rejecting here is outright bigotry and hatred."

Catholic priest Kevin Madigan, of St. Peter's Church, which is about a block away, agreed.

"I think they need to establish a place such as this for people of goodwill from mainline Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths so we can come together to talk," Madigan said.

Ground Zero mosque plan has backers and detractors as community board votes to support plan -

Thass the same bowlshit source that falsely claimed the mosque would open on 9/11/11.

You dispute the content??? :lol: False claims??? Let's talk about false claims Curve Ball.

Already did you whiner:

Thass the same bowlshit source that falsely claimed the mosque would open on 9/11/11.
Didn't say I was deceived. I said you are a deceptive dumbfuck. You posted the poll numbers with the headline of a story about a "local board" so you are trying make it appear the poll results are verification of your whining when we have no idea who was pollled or where they are.

Just like you posted a story with some 9E families against the mosque while you flat out ignore there are 9E families and first responders in full support of the new mosque. It's so easy to bitch slap you it's become boring.

They both come from the same link Dumb Fuck. What are you inhaling???

If you care about "public" opinion then why have you continually ignored the 9E families and first responders who fully support the mosque?

How do you come to this determination??? There are 9E families on both sides of the issue, I respect that. We are all entitled to our opinion's Curvellight, even you. Have you lived so long under Sharia Law that you forget that? It's okay to express yourself freely here. Don't hold back, tell us what you really think. You can do it! ;)

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