Proof Biden ignores the Constitution.

All you have to do is read this in its entirety. Whining about the source won’t work here. If you disagree prove anything in the article wrong with credible links.

This documents several actions that prove he ignores the Constitution.


Why don’t you take Biden to Court?
WAHHHH I dont give a fxck if we destroy the country, let multinationals rape 3rd world countries, destroy our way of life, flood the USA with millions of DEEP STATE VOTERS that will lower our wages, give us GMO food poison, pollute the environment, monitor our every THOUGHT and move,,,take all of our possessions, Let criminals wreak havoc in exchange for votes, start wars all around the globe for profit while killing women and children,,,WWAAHHHHHHH AS LONG AS I CAN FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF !!!! Deep State Biden 2024
Tater doesn't have the power to unilaterally appropriate funds, no matter how much it is. Both are clearly unconstitutional.

He was not appropriating funds. He was exercising the rights granted to him under several laws. The Supreme Court ignored the rule of law. None of the parties had standing as they suffered no harm. If the Congress disagrees then they can pass a law.
He was not appropriating funds. He was exercising the rights granted to him under several laws. The Supreme Court ignored the rule of law. None of the parties had standing as they suffered no harm. If the Congress disagrees then they can pass a law.
Wrong, canceling a debt owed to the United States is the same as appropriating those funds.
He was not appropriating funds. He was exercising the rights granted to him under several laws. The Supreme Court ignored the rule of law. None of the parties had standing as they suffered no harm. If the Congress disagrees then they can pass a law.
The SC says you are full of shit.
The SC addressed that. I thought you said you read the decision, Moroner. :auiqs.jpg:
I did. They relied on the major questions doctrine which held that they used the statutory authority to go beyond what Congress intended (because they can read the minds of Congress better than the text of the law they wrote).

So Biden made a smaller program. We will see if the smaller program equates to “major” or not because SCOTUS didn’t draw a line. We have to have separate decisions for every program.
Congress provided the Secretary statutory authority to modify loan requirements.
Which was not passed for what it is being used for.

"Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act United States federal legislation"


The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, or Heroes Act, was proposed legislation acting as a $3 trillion stimulus package in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, intended to supplement the earlier CARES Act stimulus package. Wikipedia
Originally published: May 15, 2020


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No foolish rant, moron. Tater is trying to do the same thing again. Holy shit, please try to get educated on a topic before spouting off just once in your pathetic life, loser.
Biden is doing no such thing, assclown. So raaaaaaant on.

BTW, to close out the year I thought you might want to take a good look at your two fav subhuman washed up tough guys in all their shitfaced glory:


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