Prom Night Syndrome


Sep 23, 2010
A fabulous article by Kurt Schlichter covers a subject Internet Americans should be talking about because the government’s media sure as hell won’t touch it. To me, the question comes down to how government officials became what they are today. The MSM has to be one of the answers.

Here’s one aspect of what I’m referring to:

The grotesque spectacle of the State of the Union address, with its lengthy receiving line of adoring sycophants, demonstrates why the President is operating under the delusion that he is more than just our President.

I call it Prom Night Syndrome —— it’s prom night for those people every time the president makes a speech; every time they attend a tribute or benefit paid for with tax dollars. After the prom is over they go back to being teenagers in street cloths instead of teenagers in tuxedos and designer gowns.

Naturally, media stooges report every prom as though the rest of us are missing out on the really important things in life. Frankly, the one freedom Americans still retain is the freedom in our private lives to NOT associate with government douche bags.

Collectivist propaganda

God forbid you homeschool your kids. Homeschooling is driving the teachers’ unions crazy. Not so much because homeschooling threatens their incomes, but because they cannot figure out a way to make your child associate with playmates not of your choosing.

Freedom of choice is big in Liberaldom when it means abortion and same sex marriage, but not so big when the choice is collectivism versus the individual.

Unfortunately, the individual’s Right to choose who they will associate with is under more attacks than the Second Amendment. Try forming a club with like-minded friends and the minute you deny membership to someone you’ll soon learn that membership must be open to everyone.

Try employing only competent, hardworking employees in a business and you will soon have the government telling you that you must hire, and give lifetime tenure, to drunks, drug addicts, perverts, lazy bums, and lonely hearts who want someone to hold their hands. Not only that, you are told their personal problems are your responsibility, too.

SUGGESTION: In order to combat the collectivist propaganda in the workplace hang a big sign over the employee’s entrance to every business: LEAVE YOUR DAMNED PERSONAL PROBLEMS AT HOME.

If you think I’m exaggerating about it being a coordinated propaganda effort by the government watch any drama on TV. A fair percentage of the storyline is about the screwed up personal lives of fictional characters. Put it in perspective by remembering the entertaining movies from the thirties and forties. How many times did those plots encompass the pathetic personal problems of the characters?

Personal problem movies were few and kept separate from entertaining movies well into the seventies. The Lost Weekend (1945) was the first and the worst of personal problem movies:

[ame=]The Lost Weekend original trailer - YouTube[/ame]​

Today, in addition to the problems the main characters have, sick characters that have nothing to do with the story are inserted in TV dramas for propaganda purposes. That is the most dangerous propaganda imaginable when you realize that tens of millions of easily-manipulated viewers soak up the crap on a daily basis. The joke is that an actor’s personal life is often more screwed up than the characters they play. I guess playing the messenger is not the same as getting the message.

The parasite class is another reason government officials (employees) got the way they are:

As for Barack Obama, and I say this with no disrespect, but he’s just an employee. There’s this thing military people know as the “chain of command.” When it comes to American citizens, we’re at the top of the chain. Done. That’s the entire chain of command for an American citizen, and the President’s not in it. Should he presume to suggest a course of action, with a few rare and well-defined exceptions, it is just that – a suggestion.


. . . the President works for me, and for you. Too often, Americans seem to forget that. Sure, he has a big job. He’s an executive, with lots of people (civilian and military) working under him. He deserves the same respect as any decent superior should show a subordinate – and make no mistake, the President is a subordinate of even the most humble American citizen.


. . . their perks reinforce the notion that they are somehow better than those who elected them. I recall Ted Kennedy, his nose blazing red like he was a half-sloshed, leftist Rudolph, wedging his bloated body into the “Senators Only” elevator. “Senators Only?” I have a better idea – how about I take the elevator, since I paid for it, and you hacks take the damn stairs?

It’s even gotten down to the local level, where minor functionaries think their sinecures give them leeway to exercise petty tyrannies on any mere citizen who interrupts their clock watching.

The government employees most Americans deal with on occasion are nothing more than petty little dictators who know they have you by the short hairs the minute you walk into a government office. The arrogance that comes with a tax dollar income is the most subtle reason government employees are the way they are.

Politicians are another matter. They cater to the parasites for two reasons:

1. Politicians need them.

2. Parasites are the only people who want anything to do with politicians.

Call this psycho-babble if you must, but down deep elected officials must believe they are better than you. If not, why in hell are you paying them to tell you what to do, how to behave, how to raise your children, who to work for, what to die for, and even what to believe. I’m only surprised they are not more arrogant than they are when they see so many free people on their knees.

Here’s the link to Schlichter’s piece. It’s a break from the junk the media talks about. It is well-worth reading because you won’t run into the subject very often even on the Internet.

No, Obama Is Not My Daddy – He’s My Employee
Kurt Schlichter
Feb 18, 2013

No, Obama Is Not My Daddy ? He?s My Employee - Kurt Schlichter - Page 1
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Good lord! Now they are becoming absurd. Hollywood held its annual prom a few days ago. After glancing at the headlines around the Net I gathered that the first lady was elected prom queen. Silly people doing silly things did not interest me; so I never looked into the story. Had I delved deeper I would have learned that she didn’t even attend:

She may not have walked the red carpet, but Michelle Obama — all bangs and biceps and bling — had her own star turn during Sunday night’s Academy Awards ceremony, when she announced the winner for best picture via satellite from the White House.

February 25, 2013, 12:07 pm
Michelle Obama Makes a Star Turn at the Oscars (via Satellite)

Michelle Obama Makes a Star Turn at the Oscars (via Satellite) -

Question: Is there anything sillier than getting all dressed up for a prom you are not attending?
Question: Is there anything sillier than bitching about something you refuse to watch, yet allow that very same thing to occupy a large slice of your grey matter?
Okay. It's psychobabble.

To Grandma: Only a psycho would read the entire paragraph and call it babble:


Call this psycho-babble if you must, but down deep elected officials must believe they are better than you. If not, why in hell are you paying them to tell you what to do, how to behave, how to raise your children, who to work for, what to die for, and even what to believe. I’m only surprised they are not more arrogant than they are when they see so many free people on their knees.

Question: Is there anything sillier than bitching about something you refuse to watch, yet allow that very same thing to occupy a large slice of your grey matter?

To ABikerSailor: Yes. People devoid of reading comprehension skills commenting on a premise that is way over their heads.

premise noun also premiss

1. A proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.

2. Logic. a. One of the propositions in a deductive argument. b. Either the major or the minor proposition of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is drawn.

3. premises. Law. The preliminary or explanatory statements or facts of a document, as in a deed.

4. premises. a. Land and the buildings on it. b. A building or part of a building.

premised, premising, premises verb, transitive

1. To state in advance as an introduction or explanation.

2. To state or assume as a proposition in an argument.

verb, intransitive

To make a premise.
So..................Flanders....................You're admitting you're in over your head?

To ABikerSailor: There you go again. It’s my thread. How can I possibly write something that is over my head?
One of the funniest quips I ever heard in my life is, "off like a prom dress at midnight."

I guess that would apply to the way the leftist press let's the kenyan off scott free with zero scrutiny of anything he does. The liberal/leftist press in America is 100% complicit in this nations ruin. It's not even a secret or something anyone can honestly deny with a straight face anymore. Everyone knows the liberal/leftist press is fully in obama's pocket. They are nothing more than an extension of the leftist/democrat party.
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So..................Flanders....................You're admitting you're in over your head?

To ABikerSailor: There you go again. It’s my thread. How can I possibly write something that is over my head?

I've been wondering how you do that for a while now.

It's easy..................all that Flanders has to do is repeat a talking point they heard on FAUX Nooze and pretend it's the truth.

They might be able to spell the words, but unfortunately, because of the rw brainwashing squad, they don't know that they mean.

If you have a question on that, then why is Obama a "socialist, communist nazi"?

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