Project Unbreakable

27 Survivors Of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them

Project Unbreakable - YouTube

Very hard-hitting, but I should think it would also be incredibly empowering, to give voice to the ugliness that transpired. I know in therapy, the hardest thing was repeating some of the horrible things my mother said to me.

the truth will set you free.

saying the truth out loud is what really sets you free.....

not speaking the truth enables the abuser...... you help them keep their secrets.
27 Survivors Of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them

Project Unbreakable - YouTube

Very hard-hitting, but I should think it would also be incredibly empowering, to give voice to the ugliness that transpired. I know in therapy, the hardest thing was repeating some of the horrible things my mother said to me.

I don't entirely believe the statistics cited in that video.

And "sexual assault" can be a lot of other things besides rape. So saying "1 in 3" women will be sexually assaulted and then segueing into talk about rape implies 1 in 3 will be raped.
This is a very difficult subject. Assault is more than physical, it is also verbal.

I have seen women verbally assault each other that no man would ever allow another man to do regularly.

I have witnessed men verbally assault women in ways that made me ashamed of my sex as well as women who verbally abuse men in such ways the man should not say a word and simply leave the woman's presence forever.

BDBoop is 100% right; the ability to discuss and talk openly about such behavior does permit the healing process to move forward.
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27 Survivors Of Sexual Assault Quoting The People Who Attacked Them

Project Unbreakable - YouTube

Very hard-hitting, but I should think it would also be incredibly empowering, to give voice to the ugliness that transpired. I know in therapy, the hardest thing was repeating some of the horrible things my mother said to me.

I don't entirely believe the statistics cited in that video.

And "sexual assault" can be a lot of other things besides rape. So saying "1 in 3" women will be sexually assaulted and then segueing into talk about rape implies 1 in 3 will be raped.

Okay, so if the video hadn't been included, what is your take on the project.
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What incredibly brave women. Especially the ones who look directly into the camera. Hats off to all of them.

I felt for the ones who were hiding behind their signs. Who knows; maybe they couldn't stop crying. It's a huge thing to be able to look in the perpetrator's face and say "You didn't break me."

On the other hand, I was trying to tell my dad when I was 26 (strangely, I remember exactly how old I was) that I forgave him. I don't remember anything after he said "Well, Bob; it's not as though it did any lasting damage."
What incredibly brave women. Especially the ones who look directly into the camera. Hats off to all of them.

I felt for the ones who were hiding behind their signs. Who knows; maybe they couldn't stop crying. It's a huge thing to be able to look in the perpetrator's face and say "You didn't break me."

On the other hand, I was trying to tell my dad when I was 26 (strangely, I remember exactly how old I was) that I forgave him. I don't remember anything after he said "Well, Bob; it's not as though it did any lasting damage."

I cannot imagine how difficult, or painful, it must be to face your abuser. Two of my sisters have told me "things" (they never want to be specific) that happened after I left home. Mostly, they blame my mother for knowing and not doing anything about the situation. I have dealt with abusive situations on many levels throughout my life. Mostly, I would like to publically castrate the perpetrators. It's a shame on this society that the perpetrators are handled with kid gloves because without such treatment, convictions are so tough. The victims are way too often victimized repeatedly by the f***in' so-called legal system.
My sister and I are very close, 55 and 56. We went through the bulk of the worst of it together.

There are still things I can't tell her, and probably vice-versa.

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