Prohibition was a hoax


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
America had a growing plague in our society.
Drunkenness as becoming common, and sometimes men would spend their meager earnings on alcohol while their wives and children were at home starving.

Brave people started to arise to face these troubling times.
It was mainly women's Christian organizations that started to take action.

Suddenly our government become concerned about citizens and agreed to pass the 18th Amendment banning the sale of alcohol.

Prohibition lasted 13 years.
13 is the number used by Freemasons and other occultists as the symbol of bad luck.
The number 13 tells us that what happened was preplanned.

let's examine....

* The government passes the 18th Amendment banning the sale of alcohol.
* Large breweries stayed in business by switching to other products.
* During this time "illegal" gangsters started distributing alcohol.
* During this time "illegal" "speak-easys" started to pop up all around the country, places where the public could find a place to drink, but the police couldn't find them.
* Law enforcement started smashing up bars and breweries.
* The government used the "crime" as an excuse for more Federal power.
* Many politicians were supplied with "illegal" barrels of alcohol.

Before Prohibition there was several breweries in every town.
After Prohibition was abolished, large breweries immediately switched back over to making alcohol.
7 percent of the breweries were now holding 100% of the market.
Eventually, 10% of breweries would re-open , holding 100% of the market.
Owners of Large breweries became millionaires as they started massive production and distribution to their enormous market, thanks to Prohibition
Your missing a lot of history and overly simplifying it. Prohibition had been an issue in the States since before the Civil War.
from the examples i provided, we can see it wasn't just a simple case of "failure"

everything in our government happens in 2 or 4 years (divisible)
how does a major piece of legislation last 13?

why would politicians agree to pass an Amendment, then be supplied with "illegal" ale?

they took a nation-wide industry and placed it in the hands of a few.

Act 4:10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, [even] by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

Act 4:11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.
It's hard to get a handle on the root cause for the government to outlaw alcohol sales and it doesn't make much sense when yeast is in the air and sugar was easy to get and the combination made alcohol. A conspiracy theorist could consider that it was intended to shut down German breweries. German immigrants were not especially well liked after WW1. What it did was to create a generation of lawlessness and invite the predominantly Italian based local gangs to organize like little governments. Prohibition ended but local German brewers didn't survive, small distilleries didn't survive and organized crime did. Intended or unintended consequences?
It was the aliens. They're making landing strips for gay Martians in Des Moines, Iowa.
everything in our government happens in 2 or 4 years (divisible)

how does a major piece of legislation last 13?
I'll take a guess! Is it because you are seeing signals in noise due to an irrational obsession with numerology?

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