Progressivism is incompatible with life

Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...
Franco here is proving the entire premise of this thread accurate. He’s been trained to believe that outside forces are targeting him. Just the “man keep’n a brother down”.

Snowflake...nobody is “screwing” the poor. They have unlimited freedom to make their own decions and enjoy the same liberty as everyone else.

The poor may or may not have the same liberty as every one else. I think that is one of the first lessons children learn. It may be the same lesson the elderly also learn. It is a simple justification as to why I got mine and how you making out?
There are plenty of bigots and racists on this message board and it is not a coincidence you screw blacks over every day, not to mention Muslims, Hispanics etc etc.

There are plenty of race baiters on this message board claiming that everyone they disagree with is 'racist' too. Oh yeah, your deflection from the OP is noted.
Oh right, progress is bad. Idiots. Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...

Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.
The sex education one gets on the streets is far superior to the school's education, no big words, no imagining, everything basic and simple. But one thing is certain they will get their education one way or another.
To say that sex ed is contributing to promiscuity is stupid. GOP policy leads to teen pregnancy and all the wonders of that thanks GOP.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.
Ask yourself this question: Is a black child likely to grow up happy if he is told by his parents, his teachers, his political leaders, and all his media that society largely hates him? Of course not. Raising a black child to regard America as racist and oppressive all but guarantees an unhappy black adult.
The progressive ideology is breeding a resentful, miserable, unhappy following. Which explains the violence, the tearing down of monuments, and the perpetual aggravation of the left.

Why Leftists Are So Unhappy
Total BS, super dupe. We are unhappy because the greedy idiot GOP and you silly dupes and bigots have wrecked the country the last 35 years. But we don't think about politics all the time, dumbass.

Yeah? What are you going to do about it, nothing that's what. Feel free to move to Canada.
You can't move to Canada, idiot. We would like to fix the wreck you have made of America, dumbass. Change the channel.

Canada doesn't want you libs? Can't say I'm surprised.
Everything about the progressive ideology (the victim mentality, the promotion of promiscuity, the facilitation of abortion, the refusal to take personal responsibility, the entitlement, the rejection of God, the demonization of success, etc.) is incompatible with life.

"Victim mentality": do you mean the efforts to stop misconduct, expose wrong-doers and punish them, and put an end to the social cancer of requiring those harmed to be silent without recompense?

"Promotion of promiscuity": where is this occurring except for the likes of trump, gingrich, moore, and the imbeciles who think that a straight white guy should be allowed to take off his pants at every opportunity without censure?

"Facilitation of abortion": we have means by which unwanted pregnancies can be greatly reduced, and it is the bozo contingents of the right-wing who oppose them. Moreover, not everyone opposes abortion. People will seek them according to their own chosen ideologies.

"Refusal to take person responsibility": where is this occurring?

"Entitlement": where is this occurring? The right-wingers seem to have an out-sized sense of entitlement. "Hey, I'm a man, I'm a "Christian," "I'm white," "I'm heterosexual," and " I'm entitled to get whatever I want, to lead, and to have others be subservient to me," not because I did anything personally to earn it."

"Rejection of God": individuals are entitled to have their own thoughts about the existence and characteristics of an unseen Supreme Being. If you want to follow such as frankie graham, tony perkins, rushdooney, focus on the family, rick perry, even the pope or timmy dolan, that's your right, but they have no standing to define any Supreme Being. Your version of "God" varies from other people's views on just what constitutes a Supreme Being who must be worshipped.

"Demonization of success": where did this come from? If "success" is derived from an individual parlaying his or her talents and ideas into success, this is one thing, being born into money or wheeling and dealing by fraud is quite another. I doubt that any of your heroes, the trumps, koch brothers, etc., ever spent one day of each of their lives behind the counter of a fast-food restaurant, working at a construction site, mowing anyone's grass, cleaning anyone's house or office, picking vegetables, commuting to a job on the bus or in the back of a truck.
OP- absolute idiocy. Every successful modern country is Progressive and socialist-no, not communist, brainwashed functional assholes. Even the United States, although barely with our ridiculously expensive Healthcare and giveaways to the rich and giant corporations. And of course brainwashed fools like GOP voters on here. ACA cuts abortions by 40%. You people are so ignorant and manipulated.

How would you know if it was idiocy or not when you clearly missed the point? There is no successful modern country because they all live under a system of free-range monetary enslavement and call it "freedom".
There are plenty of bigots and racists on this message board and it is not a coincidence you screw blacks over every day, not to mention Muslims, Hispanics etc etc.

There are plenty of race baiters on this message board claiming that everyone they disagree with is 'racist' too. Oh yeah, your deflection from the OP is noted.
Oh right, progress is bad. Idiots. Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...

Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.

Or you can get a job and pay your own damn bills and stop mooching off others. If you don't like your pay, vacation time, healthcare, daycare then start your own business and stop being a cry baby. Boo hoo someone else isn't paying YOUR bills :206:
I understand the rhetoric, but this does not answer the question, “How does your representative have rights that you don’t?” How can he be said to represent you when he can make law and you cannot? How do you delegate a right to him that you never had in the first place?

The Constitution of the U.S. is not 'rhetoric.' Representatives do not have any 'rights' I don't have. Representatives are elected to REPRESENT my rights in the geographic U.S. I have the right to write and promote a bill if I choose to do so. So do you if you are a U.S. citizen. Sadly, that last bit may be changing with progressive policies that promote illegal aliens as having citizen rights.

Do you have the right to tax your neighbor then decide how the money is spent? Do you have the right to employ enforcers to enact laws that you have created? You'll say, "No, that's what we elect them for", and so in the end it's them who can do it, and not you. Then you hope they'll represent you, but they have no reason to. Your money is taken by force, so all you've got to offer voluntarily is your vote, and that can be conned out of you with charismatic lies, justifications and misdirection.

Not to mention the obvious fact that they can't be "representing" you when they execute powers you don't have. That's like me having only $10,000 in the bank, then sending my representative to an auction to buy something for $20,000 - his power to act on my behalf must necessarily be limited by my own power to act. This is obvious in any other situation, but we've got a cultural blind spot when it comes to government. I wonder why? It can't be that we've been spoon fed this nonsense our whole life, and see everyone else - including the highest intellectuals - buying into it everywhere we look.

Whatever governmental rituals you perform to put these people into power, once you do, they have rights you don't have. Forget the artificial system that justifies it, just see what's actually going on... one group of apes dominates the rest and justifies it by writing things down on parchment and having people pull levers every 2 to 4 years. That's the reality of the situation, and all the political philosophy only serves as mind control to keep people duped into believing its legitimate. We've been indoctrinated since birth to see this as normal, so to really see it clearly you've got to step outside that paradigm and view it like an extra-terrestrial watching this planet from above.
How do you delegate a right to him that you never had in the first place?
You might want to read the U.S. Constitution, sparky. The people got together and decided these powers exist. The voluntarily voted on it - of their own free will.

Then it went to the states to “ratify” it. There again, the people approved and it was passed into law. That law states that rather than have the people vote on everything directly (a true democracy), we would have a representative democracy (otherwise known as a republic). That is where the power is derived from. We did have that right. We chose to “outsource” it to representatives.

Yes, that's the ritual that was used, but do people really have the ability, by any ritual, to make rights spontaneously come into existence? Could an equal number of people decide that they have the "right" to enslave millions of people based upon the color of their skin? By the same logic you've employed here, it's all perfectly legitimate.

But do you really have the right, in moral terms, to make laws which your neighbor must obey? I'm talking about YOU personally. Do you feel morally justified going to your neighbor's house each week, demanding 30% of his income, and dragging him off to a cage if he refuses? Do you feel personally justified stopping your neighbor on the street, asking to look in his backpack, and physically dragging him to a cage for having a particular plant? How about extracting $100 from him under threat of violence for not having the right sticker on his car?

If you do not feel personally justified doing all the things government does, then you do not believe you have the right to do them. To delegate these non-existent rights to another is equally immoral. That should be obvious.

Not to mention, the Constitution wasn't voted on by everyone, only a select group. It asserts power with no justification, and no widespread consent. In addition, everyone who signed it is dead, everyone who it applied to at the time is dead, an we are now told that merely by being born and not fleeing the place of our birth that we "imply" our consent to these terms. Never mind that i may expressly deny my consent, it's still "implied" because I don't flee to another country, where I'll just be made subject to the illegitimate rule of some other group of tyrants. By this logic, I may say anything implies consent: Let it hereby be noted that if you walk down 4th street at 7pm you imply consent to being robbed at gunpoint, You don't need to agree to these terms; I have set them forth unilaterally, and by performing the above action, you agree to the arrangement. How convenient.

If you haven't read this book already, maybe you'd like review the objections made to the Constitution and satisfactorily address them before citing that document as the justification for the domination of 300 million innocent people:

He affirms, as you do, and I agree, that all legitimate government authority is derived from the authority of the governed. As individuals, we have a right to protect ourselves, our homes, our family, and our property, from the acts of criminals who would harm these things or deprive us thereof. Collectively, an organized society delegates this as a power of government, to be carried out by enacting and enforcing a system of laws aimed at protecting our rights,

We recognize the need for roads and other common infrastructure. Without government, I could, perhaps, buy some land, and some materials, and build a road thereon. You could do the same, as could our other neighbors. Hopefully, we would all build our roads in am organized manner, so that they connect to one another and create a usable system of roads. We could make deals with one another, were we give permission to the other neighbors to make use of our roads, in exchange for them giving us permission to use theirs. But what a clumsy mess this would all be, and what a nightmare to regulate. Much better, don't you think, for us to collectively delegate to government, the duty to construct a system of roads,and pay a tax to that government in order to pay the costs of doing so?

But what about welfare? If I observe that my neighbor, Mr. Smith, is struggling financially,and is unable to fully support himself and his family from his own earnings; while my other neighbor, Mr. Jones, is very wealthy, and has far more material resources than he needs; do I have the authority to take some of Mr,. Jones' wealth,and give it to Mr. Smith? No, I absolutely do not. Mr. Jones has the right to give any of his own wealth, to help a struggling neighbor, but I have no right to force him to do so, or to take it upon myself to transfer his wealth without his consent. Therefore, neither does government have this authority, for no idividual has this authority in order to delegate it to government.

Absolutely, as long as government is only an extension of the people's individual rights, there's no problem (I would qualify the word "taxation" to mean "voluntary contribution" in the context of your road scenario). I'd hardly call that "government", though, as it exerts no power of authority over the unwilling, except where the unwilling have violated the rights of others. It merely becomes a voluntary organization, like any charity, business, or meetup group. Much obliged for injecting some sanity into the public discourse.
How do you delegate a right to him that you never had in the first place?
You might want to read the U.S. Constitution, sparky. The people got together and decided these powers exist. The voluntarily voted on it - of their own free will.

Then it went to the states to “ratify” it. There again, the people approved and it was passed into law. That law states that rather than have the people vote on everything directly (a true democracy), we would have a representative democracy (otherwise known as a republic). That is where the power is derived from. We did have that right. We chose to “outsource” it to representatives.

We didn't outsource our rights, we chose people to represent our rights because a pure Democracy is not viable. The Founders knew this.

The founders knew a lot of things we seem to have forgotten, particularly about the dangers of banking systems and standing armies. But, let us not forget that they asserted the right of Congress to "lay and collect taxes" with no justifiable basis. Obviously, this extends beyond "representing our rights" as no sane individual would suppose they have the right to personally tax their neighbor under threat of violence.
How do you delegate a right to him that you never had in the first place?
You might want to read the U.S. Constitution, sparky. The people got together and decided these powers exist. The voluntarily voted on it - of their own free will.

Then it went to the states to “ratify” it. There again, the people approved and it was passed into law. That law states that rather than have the people vote on everything directly (a true democracy), we would have a representative democracy (otherwise known as a republic). That is where the power is derived from. We did have that right. We chose to “outsource” it to representatives.

We didn't outsource our rights, we chose people to represent our rights because a pure Democracy is not viable. The Founders knew this.

The founders knew a lot of things we seem to have forgotten, particularly about the dangers of banking systems and standing armies. But, let us not forget that they asserted the right of Congress to "lay and collect taxes" with no justifiable basis. Obviously, this extends beyond "representing our rights" as no sane individual would suppose they have the right to personally tax their neighbor under threat of violence.
Its covered in the general welfare clause.
Typically, those who whine the most about it are collecting social security or are dependent on medicare.
Its covered in the general welfare clause.
Typically, those who whine the most about it are collecting social security or are dependent on medicare.

How is it covered in that clause? Please quote the precise sentence that states the valid origin of the claimed power to "lay and collect taxes".

Also, you provided no answer to the following statement:
"Obviously, this extends beyond "representing our rights" as no sane individual would suppose they have the right to personally tax their neighbor under threat of violence."

The comment about government dependents is raw ad hominem irrelevance.
There are plenty of bigots and racists on this message board and it is not a coincidence you screw blacks over every day, not to mention Muslims, Hispanics etc etc.

There are plenty of race baiters on this message board claiming that everyone they disagree with is 'racist' too. Oh yeah, your deflection from the OP is noted.
Oh right, progress is bad. Idiots. Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...

Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.

Or you can get a job and pay your own damn bills and stop mooching off others. If you don't like your pay, vacation time, healthcare, daycare then start your own business and stop being a cry baby. Boo hoo someone else isn't paying YOUR bills :206:
People who have a brain and a heart want all that for everyone, All Families and friends, super dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
There are plenty of race baiters on this message board claiming that everyone they disagree with is 'racist' too. Oh yeah, your deflection from the OP is noted.
Oh right, progress is bad. Idiots. Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...

Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.

Or you can get a job and pay your own damn bills and stop mooching off others. If you don't like your pay, vacation time, healthcare, daycare then start your own business and stop being a cry baby. Boo hoo someone else isn't paying YOUR bills :206:
People who have a brain and a heart want all that for everyone, All Families and friends, super dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
It is also what you need for a healthy middle class and economy
OP- absolute idiocy. Every successful modern country is Progressive and socialist-no, not communist, brainwashed functional assholes. Even the United States, although barely with our ridiculously expensive Healthcare and giveaways to the rich and giant corporations. And of course brainwashed fools like GOP voters on here. ACA cuts abortions by 40%. You people are so ignorant and manipulated.

How would you know if it was idiocy or not when you clearly missed the point? There is no successful modern country because they all live under a system of free-range monetary enslavement and call it "freedom".
Read something take it trip. Get out of your ridiculous GOP propaganda bubble. I suggest Australia or New Zealand. They have all that and minimum wage over $15.
There are plenty of race baiters on this message board claiming that everyone they disagree with is 'racist' too. Oh yeah, your deflection from the OP is noted.
Oh right, progress is bad. Idiots. Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...

Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.

Or you can get a job and pay your own damn bills and stop mooching off others. If you don't like your pay, vacation time, healthcare, daycare then start your own business and stop being a cry baby. Boo hoo someone else isn't paying YOUR bills :206:
People who have a brain and a heart want all that for everyone, All Families and friends, super dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
Oh right, progress is bad. Idiots. Must pander to the rich and screw the poor and the country. Great thinking...

Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.

Or you can get a job and pay your own damn bills and stop mooching off others. If you don't like your pay, vacation time, healthcare, daycare then start your own business and stop being a cry baby. Boo hoo someone else isn't paying YOUR bills :206:
People who have a brain and a heart want all that for everyone, All Families and friends, super dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
Do you have an argument against a good life for your family or friends, or do you just continue to be a bozo?
Progress is good, Political Progressivism is bad....moron.
As long as the GOP is in you're talking about more tax cuts for the rich- sounds great, moron. progress is progress unless you're aa brainwashed dupe of some kind. Higher pay good vacations free healthcare parental leave good daycare cheap college sounds awful if you're an idiot -and make the rich pay for it like in the good old days. Unless you're brainwashed.

Or you can get a job and pay your own damn bills and stop mooching off others. If you don't like your pay, vacation time, healthcare, daycare then start your own business and stop being a cry baby. Boo hoo someone else isn't paying YOUR bills :206:
People who have a brain and a heart want all that for everyone, All Families and friends, super dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
Do you have an argument against a good life for your family or friends, or do you just continue to be a bozo?

Who's going to pay for all your free handouts the tooth fairy?

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