Progressives want people to do drugs, now we know why. Double your chance of a heart attack, if you do cannabis.....


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

All you progressive slaves, please oh please, do as much cannabis as you can. Head down to that cannabis store and get the strongest stuff you can buy. Do US all a favor and remove yourself from this planet, thus lowering the CO2 output of you loudmouth, obnoxious, assholes.


All you progressive slaves, please oh please, do as much cannabis as you can. Head down to that cannabis store and get the strongest stuff you can buy. Do US all a favor and remove yourself from this planet, thus lowering the CO2 output of you loudmouth, obnoxious, assholes.

View attachment 536352
Tell us you're a bitter old man without telling us you're a bitter old man

All you progressive slaves, please oh please, do as much cannabis as you can. Head down to that cannabis store and get the strongest stuff you can buy. Do US all a favor and remove yourself from this planet, thus lowering the CO2 output of you loudmouth, obnoxious, assholes.

View attachment 536352
We progressives want folks to make their own decisions.


All you progressive slaves, please oh please, do as much cannabis as you can. Head down to that cannabis store and get the strongest stuff you can buy. Do US all a favor and remove yourself from this planet, thus lowering the CO2 output of you loudmouth, obnoxious, assholes.

View attachment 536352
Legalize it in Tennessee and I might try to go out with a smile on my face, er, ah, ... and maybe a mouth full of Cheetos!
We progressives want folks to make their own decisions.

Unless it comes to mandatory vaccines, making fags wedding cakes, mandatory equity in workforce hiring, paying exorbitant tax rates, free, open and honest speech...or association.

Sure, why not.
Unless it comes to mandatory vaccines, making fags wedding cakes, mandatory equity in workforce hiring, paying exorbitant tax rates, free, open and honest speech...or association.

Sure, why not.
The only thing you might have ave a tiny bit of a point on is mandatory vaccines, but that's a public health matter, not private. All the rest if that is just treating people equally.

Don't want to bake the cake? Don't be a baker.
The only thing you might have ave a tiny bit of a point on is mandatory vaccines, but that's a public health matter, not private. All the rest if that is just treating people equally.

Don't want to bake the cake? Don't be a baker.
Ahh...yes. We are FREE and OPEN and LIBERAL...unless anything you do create any possible human interaction, discomfort or inconvenience for another.

LOL! You are immeasurable *****!!
Ahh...yes. We are FREE and OPEN and LIBERAL...unless anything you do create any possible human interaction, discomfort or inconvenience for another.

LOL! You are immeasurable *****!!
You conservative types always miss the point. With freedom comes responsibility. If you're using your "freedom" to harm others it's not freedom anymore, it's just selfishness.
We progressives want folks to make their own decisions.

Then why does the government tell us what doctor we can or can't see?

Why do we not have the choice to fund our own retirement instead of the government doing it for us?

Why can't we choose whether our children are taught CRT or gender studies in school, etc.?

What utter BS.
Then why does the government tell us what doctor we can or can't see?

Why do we not have the choice to fund our own retirement instead of the government doing it for us?

Why can't we choose whether our children are taught CRT or gender studies in school, etc.?

What utter BS.
You can choose all.of those things. Who told you you couldn't?
You conservative types always miss the point. With freedom comes responsibility. If you're using your "freedom" to harm others it's not freedom anymore, it's just selfishness.
I am not a conservative. Can't you tell that by our interactions?

Yes, In many ways the R's, and D's are peas in a pod.

However, "with freedom comes responsibility" is an oft abused phrase because you have to RESPECT someone's freedom of choice, speech etc. FIRST.

Yet the Left are KINGS of cancel culture.

The ones who do not actively engage in it, are often openly supportive of it.

This shows me two things.

The first is that you are NOT for freedom of ANYTHING, because to support freedoms, you have to respect the differences in them.

The second are the result of the first, you are the most myopic mouth breathers on the planet.

You can't see two steps in front of you. The cancelling you support is a web to entrap you.

Do you think a system that silences 'Conservatives' going to give two fucks about you tomorrow?

Literally Tomorrow.

You people are idiots. You are anti-freedom, you are sheep, and you are pitiful.
I am not a conservative. Can't you tell that by our interactions?

Yes, In many ways the R's, and D's are peas in a pod.

However, "with freedom comes responsibility" is an oft abused phrase because you have to RESPECT someone's freedom of choice, speech etc. FIRST.

Yet the Left are KINGS of cancel culture.

The ones who do not actively engage in it, are often openly supportive of it.

This shows me two things.

The first is that you are NOT for freedom of ANYTHING, because to support freedoms, you have to respect the differences in them.

The second are the result of the first, you are the most myopic mouth breathers on the planet.

You can't see two steps in front of you. The cancelling you support is a web to entrap you.

Do you think a system that silences 'Conservatives' going to give two fucks about you tomorrow?

Literally Tomorrow.

You people are idiots. You are anti-freedom, you are sheep, and you are pitiful.
You're a conservative. You may be in denial or you may just be embarrassed to admit it, but that's what you are.
You're a conservative. You may be in denial or you may just be embarrassed to admit it, but that's what you are.
No, anything counter to your socialist dialectic, is a conservative.

You compartmentalize because it's easy, but most importantly because you have been conditioned to.

Black, or white, here or there, a convenient dichotomy in which everything fits nicely.

Either way, no one escapes in the end.

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