Progressives Screwed, Democrats Suckered, Republicans Smitten

Mar 5, 2009
Step back and consider how the Obama administration has been handling what is supposed to be its highest priority: health care reform. People who see themselves as progressives overwhelmingly supported the Obama run for president, sufficiently for him to beat the early favorite, Hillary Clinton. It is fair to conclude that within the progressive community, much of which may be also seen as liberal but not loyal members of the Democratic Party, there was considerable enthusiasm for a government single-payer system. But it did not take very long for the Obama administration to abandon this authentic reform for a government option.

Please read the rest of my article at:

Progressives Screwed, Democrats Suckered, Republicans Smitten by Joel Hirschhorn

It is true that a government single-payer system would deal a serious blow to the huge and hugely profitable health insurance industry, though it could survive by providing supplemental insurance, just as it does for Medicare. And what is wrong with greatly shrinking the health insurance industry that siphons off many billions of dollars annually from national health care spending to maintain itself, make profits and spend money on lobbying and advertising?

what is wrong with greatly shrinking the medical lawsuit industry that siphons off many billions of dollars annually from national health care spending to maintain itself, make profits and spend money on lobbying and advertising?

Oh, that's right, trail lawyers lobby for the Dems, and that would mean real reform and not trying to get everyone under a socialized plan via the back door.
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