Proggressives next Step.

It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Elections have consequences. I heard that somewhere, where was it?

It’s an old Kenyan proverb I think.
It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.

It makes all the sense if you understood the basis for our government.

But you don't so STFU.
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Y'all lost because you nominated a lying, cheating, harpy, with the personality of a cactus, who got outworked because she believed she was entitled to the position...That ain't "the system", Chumlee.

"The fault lies not with the stars, but with ourselves."

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.

It is biased...moron.

To the number of states where a majority of people voted for a particular candidate.

You can become president with only 35% of the popular vote.

And that is fine by me.

California can go fuck itself.
Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

We are a republic.
Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Basically he is saying “Germany is better”. Typical America hating liberal. Make no mistake these people hate every part of the American Constitution.
But they understand so little. the German Senate isn’t elected. It is appointed. And it’s President is elected by an electoral college.
The people of Germany don’t get to vote even on their prime minister. He is appointed by party insiders in rounds of deal making.
Sounds fabulous.
BTW do a search for “Wyoming” here. Apparently the Soros talking points are out. Wyoming is the new most popular reason in the serf chatter for hating the Constitution.
Ah well...Obama did complain that the Constitution gets in the way.
Democrat Bill Would Let Parents Who Commit Fed Crimes Go Scot-Free

Masked as a bill to prevent family separation at the will effectively bring back Catch and Release and Open borders. Again tying the hands of ICE and the U.S. Border patrol...........

The Dems almost unanimously approve of this bill...........which is a back door open borders bill. Nothing to do with keeping families together.

This is a bill to bring back Obama's pen and a phone policies on illegal immigration...........but that will not be told in the media.........only thing you'll see is..........................SAVE THE CHILDREN................

All GARBAGE..............All BS lies from the left..........
Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Too damn bad....The system is the same for everyone....You don't lose the World Series 4-3 and complain that you should have won, because you scored more runs in your three wins than the other them did in their four wins.

That people buy into the bullshit arguments put forth by the duopoly, that a vote for anyone outside their fake "choice" is wasted, is the fault of the foolish sheep who fall for it.

The only system worth having, if there is to be one at all, is one that is in charge of so little that it makes no difference who wins any silly election.

"The system is the same for everyone"???

No, it clearly is not.

If you're in Wyoming or California or one of the 38 states in the US that doesn't get a say in who the president it is, it's not the same as those in the 12 states who do get a say. Also, if you're in Puerto Rico, DC or some other place like this they don't even get a vote. Clearly not the same for everyone.

Also, if you're a Republican or Democrat, you get to vote for the Republicans or Democrats. If you're not, you get to vote for.... the Republicans or Democrats.

Oh, that's fair, isn't it? Not.

In Germany you can go vote for your preferred choice of party and know if they make the 5% threshold, then you'll be represented in the Bundestag.

In the US, you could have 30% vote for one party and still get no seats.

In the German elections they have both the US FPTP system and PR. The CDU/CSU (main conservative party) got 77% of the seats with 37.2% of the vote. Are you telling me it's the same for everyone?

The FDP got 7% of the votes and no seats.

But because they have PR also, the CDU went from 77% of the seats to 246 seats out of 709, a FAIR result.

The World Series is a sport. Politics isn't a sport. Why should I be disenfranchised by the system? Why should there be only TWO POLITICAL PARTIES to represent 300 million people?

No, your analogy is wrong. It's like entering the world series and then being told that you can't play because the system says only one of two teams can win, and it isn't your team.

It's not that people buy into the whole "a vote for a third party is a wasted vote", it's that the system encourages this. Because the smaller parties have to get more votes than the larger party EVERY SINGLE TIME.

In Germany they don't. If you get 5% of the vote, you get represented. It's not a fucking game, a tournament. It's about BEING REPRESENTED IN PARLIAMENT.

DEMOCRACY, that's what we're talking. You seem to be talking about a game.

Feel free to move to Germany then. I have to warn you though, there is no freedom of speech and no right to bear arms. However I am sure that is exactly what you would like about it.
The democratic party once represented the working class. But over the last three decades, under the Clinton's and Obama, the party has been taken over by Washington-based fundraisers, bundlers, analysts, and pollsters who have focused instead on raising campaign money from corporate and Wall Street executives and getting votes from upper middle-class households in “swing” suburbs. They have become as money grubbing as the republicans.

Up where I live, healthcare....universal healthcare, is the main issue. But the current democratic party wants to concentrate on the insufferable trump and now, Kavanaugh. This isn't a progressives/liberal struggle. Not all democrats agree with an "open border" policy or a $15 minimum wage. How about the Citizens United v FEC ruling? Neither party wants to see that go. How about protecting our water, like Obama failed to do in Michigan?

I gave up on the democrats eight years ago when Obama was president. I would not let the republicans nor the corporately owned MSM dictate what "progressives" want.
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Y'all lost because you nominated a lying, cheating, harpy, with the personality of a cactus, who got outworked because she believed she was entitled to the position...That ain't "the system", Chumlee.

"The fault lies not with the stars, but with ourselves."

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.

It is biased...moron.

To the number of states where a majority of people voted for a particular candidate.

You can become president with only 35% of the popular vote.

And that is fine by me.

California can go fuck itself.

I thought California had promised to secede? What’s the damn holdup people?

A plan to split California from the US gets another chance, while others are looking to break up the state
Globalist Koch Brothers Put Mega-Money Behind Lefty Amnesty-by

As far as immigration is concerned the Kochs full support of DACA/amnesty for illegal Mexicans, is at least consistent since they have apparently never met a wage that they didn’t consider too high.

For example:

"The Koch brothers’ DACA amnesty push comes after the billionaire, avid free trade, low-wage-seeking, open borders defenders announced that they would oppose Trump’s popular pro-American immigration agenda that seeks to reduce legal immigration levels by ending “chain migration” to raise the wages and quality of life of America’s working and middle class.

“We cannot support arbitrary cuts to future legal immigration levels,” a spokesman for the Koch-back LIBRE Initiative said in a statement, as Breitbart News reported. “We welcome a debate about whether our current legal immigration policy properly balances family and skills-based migration. But that broad debate should not distract from the immediate goal of providing certainty to Dreamers and enhancing security.” [source, John Binder, Pro Unlimited Immigration Koch Brothers’ Ad Hits The Airwaves, Breitbart]

Thus, with what is really other people’s money, the Mercers are thought by many to be singlehandedly responsible for the destruction of the once mighty CA GOP.

How did they do this? Well they were almost the entire impetus behind the state’s now infamous, Prop 14 [2010] that “ effectively transformed California's non-Presidential elections from first-past-the-post to a nonpartisan blanket primary ,” with the two top vote getters REGARDLESS of party will appear on the final ballot instead of a distinct RAT/GOP candidates.

With this monstrosity in place [won with 54% of the vote AND the backing of alleged GOP governator Arnold Schwarzenegger] the GOP has little possibility of ever winning another state-wide political race [of course there is always the possibility of an “outlier” candidate like Trump who just steamrolls the competition] making the state a de-facto RATs nest, and of course it shows with RAT legislators being perp-walked off to the slammer with more than some regularity for various infractions including one Bozo Dem - a staunch gun grabber - who was convicted of running MACHINE GUNS…let that seep in a bit.
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Y'all lost because you nominated a lying, cheating, harpy, with the personality of a cactus, who got outworked because she believed she was entitled to the position...That ain't "the system", Chumlee.

"The fault lies not with the stars, but with ourselves."

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.

It is biased...moron.

To the number of states where a majority of people voted for a particular candidate.

You can become president with only 35% of the popular vote.

And that is fine by me.

California can go fuck itself.

I thought California had promised to secede? What’s the damn holdup people?

A plan to split California from the US gets another chance, while others are looking to break up the state
Republicans there wanted to succeed...............not the libs...............If you read and look into what they did with a State Amendment in California........proposition 14 the LIBERALS have effectively destroyed the GOP chances of ever getting back power there. In this case, 54% of those voting outweighed the 46% voting for a crucial vote.

But only about 5 million showed up to vote...........Dems will do anything to ensure power.............they do not care one iota about ethics.
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Y'all lost because you nominated a lying, cheating, harpy, with the personality of a cactus, who got outworked because she believed she was entitled to the position...That ain't "the system", Chumlee.

"The fault lies not with the stars, but with ourselves."

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Thank God. A democracy is the worst kind of tyranny that exists.

So, tell us what have you done to end the crushing grip of the two-party system?
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Y'all lost because you nominated a lying, cheating, harpy, with the personality of a cactus, who got outworked because she believed she was entitled to the position...That ain't "the system", Chumlee.

"The fault lies not with the stars, but with ourselves."

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Thank God. A democracy is the worst kind of tyranny that exists.

So, tell us what have you done to end the crushing grip of the two-party system?
Who is that to............someone I iggied or me.............
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.
Y'all lost because you nominated a lying, cheating, harpy, with the personality of a cactus, who got outworked because she believed she was entitled to the position...That ain't "the system", Chumlee.

"The fault lies not with the stars, but with ourselves."

Did you not get what I said?

I don't have a side? If the Democrats win, I get fucked, if the Republican win, I get fucked.

I prefer a system where I have a choice between candidates I might actually like.

Republicans had a bullshit candidate, Democrats had a bullshit candidate and people don't feel they can vote for anyone else. Is that a choice? It's worse than Hong Kong voters getting to choose between three Beijing picked candidates.

Democrats need something like 3 million more votes than the Republicans in order to win.

Are you telling me this isn't so?

Two Democratic candidates have lost elections with MORE VOTES than Republican candidates in the last 18 years. No Republicans have lost with more votes in modern history.

But keep coming up with excuses for why a biased system isn't biased.
Thank God. A democracy is the worst kind of tyranny that exists.

So, tell us what have you done to end the crushing grip of the two-party system?
Who is that to............someone I iggied or me.............

I've noticed lately that the board is including everyone in replies, even if the replay chain is to someone who is on ignore.
Should they not try and stop this?

An election they lost because the system is against them, even though they got the majority of the votes, leads to the appointment of a judge they don't want and who could be there for the next 30 odd years.

I mean, it makes no sense any more to have such a system.

Except you sure enjoyed an activist judicial system when they were lap dogs to the lgbt cult. So your proposal is that if you can’t take the power of our nation by judicial fiat then out with our democratic process completely? Is that your remedy for “elections have consequences”?
It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

Progressives next step?

Well once they sell their bodies on the streets to be able to afford their heroin and next abortion they will continue to organize inane protests while screaming obscenities and being a general nuisance and safety hazard to society as a whole
They all gang raped

It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

Their next step? Right here:

It seems that the next step for the Democrats will be to try to stop the appointment to the Appeals Court that number in the hundreds. If the President can fill many of them during his term it will change further the America that we want to save. The Proggressives will try to stop them tho.

Right now, their very next step:


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