Professor Jeffrey Sachs lays down the truth about the Syrian War

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Jeffrey David Sachs ( born November 5, 1954) is an American economist, public policy analyst, and former director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor, the highest rank Columbia bestows on its faculty. He is known as one of the world's leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty.

NEW YORK – President Donald Trump’s announced withdrawal of US forces from Syria has met with near-universal condemnation by Democrats and Republicans alike. That says less about Trump than it does about the US foreign policy establishment’s blinkered vision.

The mainstream of both political parties exhibits certain reflexive judgments: that the US must maintain a troop presence all over the world in order to prevent adversaries from filling a vacuum; that US military might holds the key to foreign policy success; and that America’s adversaries are implacable foes impervious to diplomacy. Trump’s withdrawal from Syria could indeed be a dangerous prelude to an expanded regional war; yet, with imagination and diplomacy, the withdrawal could be a critical step on the path to an elusive peace in region.


First, all foreign forces would leave Syria (including the US, Saudi-backed jihadists, Turkish-backed forces, Russian troops, and Iran-backed forces). Second, the UNSC would back the Syrian government’s sovereignty over all of the country. Third, the UNSC, and perhaps UN peacekeepers, would guarantee the Kurds’ safety. Fourth, Turkey would commit to not invading Syria. Fifth, the US would drop its extraterritorial sanctions on Iran. And, sixth, the UN would raise funding for Syrian reconstruction.

Trump’s Syria Withdrawal is a Chance for Peace | by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Between The Lines: Jeffrey Sachs on US involvement in Syria — Jeffrey Sachs

It's time to let Israel and Saudi Arabia defend their own territory.

Jeffrey David Sachs ( born November 5, 1954) is an American economist, public policy analyst, and former director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, where he holds the title of University Professor, the highest rank Columbia bestows on its faculty. He is known as one of the world's leading experts on economic development and the fight against poverty.

NEW YORK – President Donald Trump’s announced withdrawal of US forces from Syria has met with near-universal condemnation by Democrats and Republicans alike. That says less about Trump than it does about the US foreign policy establishment’s blinkered vision.

The mainstream of both political parties exhibits certain reflexive judgments: that the US must maintain a troop presence all over the world in order to prevent adversaries from filling a vacuum; that US military might holds the key to foreign policy success; and that America’s adversaries are implacable foes impervious to diplomacy. Trump’s withdrawal from Syria could indeed be a dangerous prelude to an expanded regional war; yet, with imagination and diplomacy, the withdrawal could be a critical step on the path to an elusive peace in region.


First, all foreign forces would leave Syria (including the US, Saudi-backed jihadists, Turkish-backed forces, Russian troops, and Iran-backed forces). Second, the UNSC would back the Syrian government’s sovereignty over all of the country. Third, the UNSC, and perhaps UN peacekeepers, would guarantee the Kurds’ safety. Fourth, Turkey would commit to not invading Syria. Fifth, the US would drop its extraterritorial sanctions on Iran. And, sixth, the UN would raise funding for Syrian reconstruction.

Trump’s Syria Withdrawal is a Chance for Peace | by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Between The Lines: Jeffrey Sachs on US involvement in Syria — Jeffrey Sachs

It's time to let Israel and Saudi Arabia defend their own territory.

Arguably he's right, but don't trot him out as support for Trump's for policy:

The truth about the US presence in Syria has rarely been told. But one can be sure that the US has had no scruples about democracy in Syria or elsewhere in the region, as its warm embrace of Saudi Arabia amply demonstrates. The US decided to promote an insurgency to overthrow Bashar al-Assad in 2011 not because the US and allies like Saudi Arabia longed for Syrian democracy, but because they decided that Assad was a hindrance to US regional interests. Assad’s sins were clear: he allied with Russia, and he received support from Iran.
Trump’s Syria Withdrawal is a Chance for Peace | by Jeffrey D. Sachs

Further, he argues for a UNITED NATIONS brokered peace that would protect the Kurds.

I think our Syrian (and Libyan) interventions were mistakes too. But that doesn't make Trump's embrace of Putin and MbS right.
Just an FYI but Sachs is the guy who convinced Pinochet in Chili that state socialism (Nazi) is inferior to free market capitalism, and who worked with Solidarity.
Save the Kurds! Kurdistan forever! From now on let's have some democracy in these places instead of American supported dictators. For American supported dictators, make that GOP supported dictators. These countries that were mapped out by idiots need to be fixed, borderwise...
Save the Kurds! Kurdistan forever! From now on let's have some democracy in these places instead of American supported dictators. For American supported dictators, make that GOP supported dictators. These countries that were mapped out by idiots need to be fixed, borderwise...
And by the way, GOP propaganda about the UN needs to be fixed also... They are the answer. United World federalism forever!. Arm the UN! LOL
Commanding Heights : Jeffrey Sachs | on PBS

the entire 8 hour or so documentary is on youtube.
I sifted through it earlier. He's redeeming himself apparently.
I have a couple of friends who worked for Saks in Poland. He is all four well regulated capitalism and democracy. Like Democrats Democratic socialists and all good people. I don't know what you are complaining about, persuading Pinochet to go for well regulated capitalism and democracy is a problem now?
FrancoDerp's Derp on full display in this otherwise informative thread.
When your garbage beliefs can only be found on about 1% of the world's media and they are only owned by Rupert Murdoch or by High School grad demagogues like Rush Limbaugh Savage Sean etc, and none of the phony scandals over 25 years of garbage propaganda ever reach law enforcement or journalists, you know you're a super dupe like John Wayne...
Putin is a corrupt POS corrupt totalitarian a******.who wrecked our election in 2016 and continues to divide the country with garbage propaganda...
Translation; Hillary's corrupt DNC fucked Bernie Sanders in the primaries, they're still trying to make us believe it's Russia's fault and brainwashed Democrats like you are stupid enough to believe them.
Sachs would be for govts promoting the ability to freely trade. And more a monetarist than Keynesian, but there may not be a lot of differences in some ways.

Trump supports non-free trading partners who seek to impose wills on free traders. He's not an non-interventionist so much as he simply favors those who have done him solid in the past.

Imo, in his heart of hearts, Obama was a non-interventionsist, but when you're potus .... that doesn't work. Biden tried to warn him on Afghan. Same goes for Sanders and the wannabe western democracy socialists. Hillary was a died in the wool neocon.
In the early 20th century England, France, and a host of other minor players adopted the Sykes-Picot and Balfour Agreement (s) witch arbitrarily divided up, the spoils of war, mid east holdings of the Ottoman Turk Empire, into countries governed by England and France in total disregard to religional, tribal, and ethnic heritage, resulting in the present day nation states. The league of Nations sat on its hands, and thus we have the mess that exists today. The only solution is to permit these counties the autonomy to realign into historical regions exercising self government, how they accomplish that is their own business. We nor anyone else should interfere in this process outside of aide designed to secure their individual security. The era of interventionist policies are over.
It’s all about the war machine baby! We are constantly bombarded wh pro war propaganda. It’s now accepted in our society that we have to have military fighting overseas at all times .

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