Probe: Obama Admin, Treasury Dept. Misled Nation on Public Debt Limit Plan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The House Financial Services Committee determined that the Department of the Treasury and the Obama administration misled (LIED to, DECEIVED, TRICKED, CONNED, BAMBOOZLED...) the American people on its plans to deal with the risks to the debt ceiling.

The committee learned, in documents subpoenaed from the administration, that the Treasury Department had consulted with Federal Reserve officials about prioritizing payments and deliberately worked to keep lawmakers in the dark despite saying publicly such a plan would be unworkable.

One communication from the Federal Reserve was especially damning, saying, “Treasury wants to maximize pressure on Congress by limiting communications about contingency planning.”

The congressional investigation found the Fed and Treasury ran scenarios to come up with a payment plan if the debt ceiling prevented the nation from borrowing more funds.

“These internal documents show the Obama Administration took the nation’s creditworthiness and economy hostage in a cynical attempt to create a crisis so the President could get what he wanted during negotiations over the debt ceiling.

LINK: Probe: Obama Admin, Treasury Dept. Misled Nation on Public Debt Limit Plan - Breitbart

Obama deliberately 'created a crisis' then engaged in 'fear-mongering' to get what he wanted. WHAT A POS!
The House Financial Services Committee determined that the Department of the Treasury and the Obama administration misled (LIED to, DECEIVED, TRICKED, CONNED, BAMBOOZLED...) the American people on its plans to deal with the risks to the debt ceiling.

The committee learned, in documents subpoenaed from the administration, that the Treasury Department had consulted with Federal Reserve officials about prioritizing payments and deliberately worked to keep lawmakers in the dark despite saying publicly such a plan would be unworkable.

One communication from the Federal Reserve was especially damning, saying, “Treasury wants to maximize pressure on Congress by limiting communications about contingency planning.”

The congressional investigation found the Fed and Treasury ran scenarios to come up with a payment plan if the debt ceiling prevented the nation from borrowing more funds.

“These internal documents show the Obama Administration took the nation’s creditworthiness and economy hostage in a cynical attempt to create a crisis so the President could get what he wanted during negotiations over the debt ceiling.

LINK: Probe: Obama Admin, Treasury Dept. Misled Nation on Public Debt Limit Plan - Breitbart

Obama deliberately 'created a crisis' then engaged in 'fear-mongering' to get what he wanted. WHAT A POS!
the real question should be: Find one time when he hasn't LIED out of his ass. and I mean the one in the middle of his face

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