Pro Palestinian Rally in Washington DC Today

Decent people tend to dislike savages who cut off babies’ heads, bake them to death in the oven, cut off their limbs and watch them bleed out, or set them on fire.
Could not agree with you more .
Unfortunately most , if not all, of those references, are blatantly Fake News and it is surprising to find people like you , who appear reasonable and intelligent, believing material which is is so poorly prepared and presented . And utter bunkum .

Let alone those who do not look on both sides and see all of the excesses that everybody should be ashamed of .
Well at least your Empire is dead as a wedge.
What has that got to do with the infamous price of parsnips ?
You have never ever seen me once offer any fulsome support for the now hidden but still alive and kicking British Empire . Another topic .

In serious discussion I could easily outline good reasons why such an Empire was inevitable and at that specific time could only arise in Great Britain . It also produced many amazing good things .
But I am sure that this perspective would not be to your understanding else you would not have made your mistaken comment in the first place .
GP said, "How many of those toasted children you shed (crocodile) tears for were killed by the heroic IDF?

All of them, silly. And it is quite sillier to project your (crocodile) tears on someone else who doesn't fit the crocodile specifications as well as you.

GP said. "They eliminated everyone, including the hostages."

Oh, yeah. They learned it from the suicide bombers who killed their families and a few Americans to get the maximum amount from the late Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq. Murder was profitable back in that day, wasn't it. :talk2hand:

Seems to me what goes around comes around, and it doesn't fit your weaponized narrative very well in the light of the truth I reminded you of.

Good night, everyone. :bigbed:I'm going to pray very earnestly for peace in the Middle East. If the polls hadn't been padded so fatly by people who hate the Flag, the Constitution, and America's history, President Trump could have continued on to bring peace on earth through strength and his fortunate-for-Americans ability to encourage people of all walks to do their best and receive rewards for doing their best that President Trump followed through with at minimal cost to the taxpayers. I'm so thankful that we have a chance to bring him back in 2024 to make world peace happen through strength and excellent negotiations. He's probably the only one in the world who will bring Russia and the Middle East to peaceful terms by encouraging them to shine the light on brotherhood for the rest of their lives so the world can have peace, not war; love, not hate; prosperity, not poverty, and gratitude to God for merely developing trust in God's power, not in weapons of mass destruction. This world has a choice, and America has the man who can make it happen, even if some of you can't stand him, I hope you will change your minds when he brings the joy of peace the almighty God had in mind for us when he presented Adam and Eve with Eden for a life of happiness and companionship. Y'all vote for President Trump. He knows what God expects of him, and he knows what to do by following God's only plan--peace, happiness, and good will to all men. God loves America, and he always has since George Washington begged him to make America the best country that ever blessed all of its neighbors on this planet. If peace will ever come to the planet, it will be because you gave President Trump the green light to make peace our future. Go with God, and he will bless you like never before. Amen!
As if the Jews of Israel have ever worried about hostages:

October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles - The Grayzone

"According to Haaretz, the army was only able to restore control over Be’eri after admittedly 'shelling' the homes of Israelis who had been taken captive.

"'The price was terrible: at least 112 Be’eri residents were killed,' the paper chronicled. 'Others were kidnapped.

"Yesterday, 11 days after the massacre, the bodies of a mother and her son were discovered in one of the destroyed houses.

"It is believed that more bodies are still lying in the rubble.'

"Much of the shelling in Be’eri was carried out by Israeli tank crews.

"As a reporter for the Israeli Foreign Ministry-sponsored outlet i24 noted during a visit to Be’eri, 'small and quaint homes [were] bombarded or destroyed,' and 'well-maintained lawns [were] ripped up by the tracks of an armored vehicle, perhaps a tank.'

"Apache attack helicopters also figured heavily in the Israeli military’s response on October 7.

"Pilots have told Israeli media they scrambled to the battlefield without any intelligence, unable to differentiate between Hamas fighters and Israeli noncombatants, and yet determined to 'empty the belly' of their war machines. 'I find myself in a dilemma as to what to shoot at, because there are so many of them,' one Apache pilot commented."

Protesters at White House call for elimination of Jewish state​

ain't that lovely?:rolleyes:

Today, 2:59 am
A crowd of protesters from a pro-Palestinian rally earlier today in Washington have marched to the gate of the White House, where they are filmed chanting, “We don’t want a Jewish state. We want ‘48!”
The chant is a reference to the year 1948, when five Arab armies attacked the fledgling state of Israel seeking its destruction.

What differentiates the Jewish State's right to exist from White South Africa or the racist Nazi state?
Could not agree with you more .
Unfortunately most , if not all, of those references, are blatantly Fake News and it is surprising to find people like you , who appear reasonable and intelligent, believing material which is is so poorly prepared and presented . And utter bunkum .

Let alone those who do not look on both sides and see all of the excesses that everybody should be ashamed of .

Not that anyone cares, but I have not posted here in a week because the florid racists and anti-semites like you have finally gotten to me.

It stinks here, almost literally. It's a cesspool of humanity.
Could not agree with you more .
Unfortunately most , if not all, of those references, are blatantly Fake News and it is surprising to find people like you , who appear reasonable and intelligent, believing material which is is so poorly prepared and presented . And utter bunkum .

Let alone those who do not look on both sides and see all of the excesses that everybody should be ashamed of .
They’re not fake. They’re just denials from antisemites - as are the “both sides” comments of Jew-haters.

Only ONE side went house to house to find and torture to death every innocent Jew they could find, including children and babies.

DC has the most intrusive cameras of any city in America....every single protestor will be identified.
Not that anyone cares, but I have not posted here in a week because the florid racists and anti-semites like you have finally gotten to me.

It stinks here, almost literally. It's a cesspool of humanity.
I can’t figure out what happened. The forum is a reflection of what is happening in the real world:

Muslim terrorists go on a Jew-hunting expedition to torture to death every innocent Jewish man, woman, child, and baby they could find - in the most barbaric ways designed to inflict as much agony as possible in their last moments on Earth - and instead of sympathy for how the Jewish people are treated, we have antisemites coming out of the woodwork like termites.

On this forum, even previous “normal” people are spewing the most vehement Jew-hate I could ever imagine. So what is the explanation?

1. There was always a massive amount of Jew-hate festering under the surface.

2. This is part of the Arabs‘ plan to drive hate against Jews in order to get the world to go along with their extermination, ala Hitler Part 2. They have infilitrated all aspects of America - from professors and students at liberal universities, to the far left members of Congress, and to here on this message board.

DC has the most intrusive cameras of any city in America....every single protestor will be identified.

The question is: will they be treated as the Jan 6 protestors were? These are liberals, and antisemites, and the Democrats are more likely to be forgiving. In fact, Kamala Harris might support another bail fund.
I can’t figure out what happened. The forum is a reflection of what is happening in the real world:

Muslim terrorists go on a Jew-hunting expedition to torture to death every innocent Jewish man, woman, child, and baby they could find - in the most barbaric ways designed to inflict as much agony as possible in their last moments on Earth - and instead of sympathy for how the Jewish people are treated, we have antisemites coming out of the woodwork like termites.

On this forum, even previous “normal” people are spewing the most vehement Jew-hate I could ever imagine. So what is the explanation?

1. There was always a massive amount of Jew-hate festering under the surface.

2. This is part of the Arabs‘ plan to drive hate against Jews in order to get the world to go along with their extermination, ala Hitler Part 2. They have infilitrated all aspects of America - from professors and students at liberal universities, to the far left members of Congress, and to here on this message board.

As I have said before, the only way I view this is spiritual. This is beyond political and is certainly not rational. It is demonic. It is belched up straight from the bowels of Hell.
The Jew-hate spreading across the world, with calls to F the Jews and Kill the Jews, shows why we need Israel.

Any Jew protesting against Israel, and marching with Muslims as they scream to kill the Jews, is a stark-raving idiot.
As I have said before, the only way I view this is spiritual. This is beyond political and is certainly not rational. It is demonic. It is belched up straight from the bowels of Hell.
What do you mean? You think Satan is behind the effort to kill the Jews?

(BTW, Jews don’t really believe in Satan, but I will suspend disbelief for the purposes of the discussion.)
I can’t figure out what happened. The forum is a reflection of what is happening in the real world:

Muslim terrorists go on a Jew-hunting expedition to torture to death every innocent Jewish man, woman, child, and baby they could find - in the most barbaric ways designed to inflict as much agony as possible in their last moments on Earth - and instead of sympathy for how the Jewish people are treated, we have antisemites coming out of the woodwork like termites.

On this forum, even previous “normal” people are spewing the most vehement Jew-hate I could ever imagine. So what is the explanation?

1. There was always a massive amount of Jew-hate festering under the surface.

2. This is part of the Arabs‘ plan to drive hate against Jews in order to get the world to go along with their extermination, ala Hitler Part 2. They have infilitrated all aspects of America - from professors and students at liberal universities, to the far left members of Congress, and to here on this message board.
The Palestinians have been on the forefront of PR/propaganda campaigns in Israel since the 1960's. Before that they were instrumental in destabilizing Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan (which got them tossed out from these countries)

But in the 60's Americans with movie cameras and news cameras broadcast their propaganda around the world. The "Palestinians " got to reach a much wider audience and it was effective for their fundraising and hatred of Jews.

They have gone with what works. Of course it is all lies and extreme exaggerations. But that's what propaganda is about.

The jew hatred on the forum is a reflection of that. Nevermind reality-based truth of the Hospitals and libraries and schools the Jews build in every city they create a community in....the infrastructure their own governments won't support or fund. They believe the propaganda of hate. It's easy to hate farm and grow a huge harvest.
Not that anyone cares, but I have not posted here in a week because the florid racists and anti-semites like you have finally gotten to me.

It stinks here, almost literally. It's a cesspool of humanity.
Same here. I came back this morning out of sheer morbid curiosity and saw ... this thread.

Maybe it was a mistake to jump right into "Breaking News."
The question is: will they be treated as the Jan 6 protestors were? These are liberals, and antisemites, and the Democrats are more likely to be forgiving. In fact, Kamala Harris might support another bail fund.
I don't know....since the politicizing of our FBI and judiciary anything is possible.

They used to be covert in political it's blatant and obvious.
With congress being too busy infighting to be effective they are not providing any oversight whatsoever.
Granted they are supposed to be hesitant to use their oversight but lately the blatant political games have been rampant enough that an inquiry is called for.
What do you mean? You think Satan is behind the effort to kill the Jews?

(BTW, Jews don’t really believe in Satan, but I will suspend disbelief for the purposes of the discussion.)

Yes, I believe this level of irrational and visceral hatred is demonic; ie, of Satan. I understand you might not believe in Satan, and that's fine. But it's very clear to me.

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