Pro-abortion? Why?

NO, killing an unborn baby isn't an accident.

Wars, over population, deadly pollution, etc. all are not accidents.
We can avoid them all and we have not.
Instead we have created religions that deliberately increase wars, over population, deadly pollution, etc.
Weirdo, we don't intentionally harvest babies for food. Humans are omnivores, and most of us eat meat which provides some essential nutrients that cannot be found elsewhere in nature.

The large majority of human babies are killed for arbitrary elective reasons - the mother made bad decisions, got pregnant, and now does not want to deal with the consequences of her choices. In short, the baby, which is the most helpless and defenseless of all humans, is not wanted.

21 weeks is five months! Waiting to terminate until after the fetus develops into a viable human being which has a beating heart and can experience excruciating pain is absolutely humane, don't you think?

So, if we said it were for food, you'd be okay with killing fetuses then?
There are a gazillion reasons why abortion can never really be made illegal.

First of all, no one else has that authority to make abortion illegal.
The woman has inherent rights to her body and life, and no one can tell her she has to be a baby factory for 9 months, and deal with all the pain and risk.
Governments do not have any superior authority over women, that would allow them to tell women what they can or can not do with their own bodies.
For example, making prostitution illegal is also exceeding the legal authority of government.
Any government that ties to assume these authorities is insane puritanical and religious tyranny that has to be utterly destroyed, as pure evil.

Second is that anyone claiming abortion is murder is obviously deliberately lying. We were all born and know that we were not really conscious of ourselves, until the age of at least 2 or 3 years. You could abort 2 year old and they would not at all care. They do not yet have sentience or consciousness. We all know that, because we can't even remember anything at all from under the age of 2 years.

Third is that human over population is about to destroy all life on the planet.
Humans have a very high reproductive rate, like rabbits, because historically we were prey.
Now that we no longer are prey, we have to reduce our reproductive rate so that we do not increase our population.
Otherwise we will use up all the water and resource, polluting and killing all other life on the planet.

Forth is that anti-abortion laws make absolutely no sense.
People are going to have X number of offspring, and whether you have them earlier or later, all the rest are going to be killed. It does not matter is you kill they with spermicide, abortion, or anything else. The point is all women have thousands of ovum, and almost all of them are going to die, no matter what, and they must. All abortion does is allow us as intelligent human beings, to decide how to optimize the offspring we finally do want and are ready for.
All anti-abortion laws do is force people to ruin their lives and their families, by excess pregnancies, too early. Humans are programmed to get pregnant by 13 so that the prey species would survive. But that is no longer necessary or optimal. And there is no way to deal with the conflicting instincts, other than abortion. That is unless we want society to subsidize these early accidental pregnancies?

There are an infinite number of other reasons why abortion is necessary. But this should be more than enough for now.
You have been prepped and trained to think in a sort of Devils mindset.
That Sin is acceptable because Man is incapable of avoiding it.
The mindset used by Democrats to Deny true Americanism by purposedly
Allowing Open borders.And to add insult to that by sloughing-off the rights
of American citizens in favor of Illegals.History will at some point intercede in this
outrageous attrempt to " Transform " the Greatest Nation ever created.
History has certain responsibilties in how Life and Generations cope with events,
Abortion is one of the worse chapters in American history.
There is no way in Hell or high water to smooth it over.
Just because the American Populace has been hijacked by those
more interested in devils play.And extending to how a Pope from Argentina
{ a former bouncer } was allowed to push out of the way a Saintly German
Philosopher and Theologian like Pope Benedict XVI. And the sheer ease
in which it was deployed.Making way for the ...
End Day's
Yeah right,Bub.Until and unless a Pandemic strikes.
Then the Authoritarian Left makes-up all kinds of Lies to
control human activity.Lies Not based in Science.But sheer control.
Nothing but control.Where the old standby adage of the left was
a Woman should have a right of choice.Again until living in a Blue
state and maybe a Nurse.Who Must get vaccinated or face being fired.
Where the word " Choice " is never mentioned.Just ... :
Just Shut-Up and OBEY


Yes,as each passing day more and more Americans are waking up
and smelling the coffee made by Democrats.Not only does it not
smell like coffee.Taste like coffee.Nor look like coffee.
It looks more like a severe case of the Shits { diarrea }.No need to get
a closer look or smell.It is what it is.Like them Democrats.
Very unhealthy,unnatural and a sore sight to behold or listen.
As if making more of their coffee will enhance as if a fitting distraction.
Not because People will talk but people will have one lesson interest in
Life.Coffee. Or their Morning Joe.
Yes,as each passing day more and more Americans are waking up
and smelling the coffee made by Democrats.Not only does it not
smell like coffee.Taste like coffee.Nor look like coffee.
It looks more like a severe case of the Shits { diarrea }.No need to get
a closer look or smell.It is what it is.Like them Democrats.
Very unhealthy,unnatural and a sore sight to behold or listen.
As if making more of their coffee will enhance as if a fitting distraction.
Not because People will talk but people will have one lesson interest in
Life.Coffee. Or their Morning Joe.

you spelt diarrhea wrong.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. The child might disagree though.


No, I can remember being a child, and children are not really self aware until at least 2 years old, maybe even 3.
They do not understand or care about life or death even AFTER birth.
They are NOT yet conscious really.
If you can remember anything from your first year of life, then you would be a modern medical miracle.
Infants are not conscious even after birth.
That comes much later.
No, I can remember being a child, and children are not really self aware until at least 2 years old, maybe even 3.
They do not understand or care about life or death even AFTER birth.
They are NOT yet conscious really.
If you can remember anything from your first year of life, then you would be a modern medical miracle.
Infants are not conscious even after birth.
That comes much later.

So you're saying it's OK to kill them from conception to age 2 or 3? Damn you're one sick puppy.

So you're saying it's OK to kill them from conception to age 2 or 3? Damn you're one sick puppy.

Eerily sounds like about the same logic ObamaCare architect
Dr.Ezekiel Emanual wrote and sounded off about regarding the elderly.
That at a certain age they are no longer productive to society let alone
themself.Therefore they need to be given the OK for expensive medical
procedures no matter if they can easily afford.The OK established by
some Medical ObamaCare *board who oversee who qualifies for certain
medical procedures.Where Obama chimed in with something about when
old and wanting a new heart { Transplant or equivalent } then learn to
deal with a little of the aches and pains of old age and take an aspirin.
Ezekiel went so far as to blab that he doesn't even want nor expect to
live. much past 75.He already pasted that mark.This from one of the creators of
ObamaCare and use of what became known as ... :

* Death panels
Eerily sounds like about the same logic ObamaCare architect
Dr.Ezekiel Emanual wrote and sounded off about regarding the elderly.
That at a certain age they are no longer productive to society let alone
themself.Therefore they need to be given the OK for expensive medical
procedures no matter if they can easily afford.The OK established by
some Medical ObamaCare *board who oversee who qualifies for certain
medical procedures.Where Obama chimed in with something about when
old and wanting a new heart { Transplant or equivalent } then learn to
deal with a little of the aches and pains of old age and take an aspirin.
Ezekiel went so far as to blab that he doesn't even want nor expect to
live. much past 75.He already pasted that mark.This from one of the creators of
ObamaCare and use of what became known as ... :

* Death panels

It's just a damned shame these assholes weren't aborted.

Then it won't make no done difference If I compound the
problem by more accurately spelling { Democrats }.
As Dimocrats .Like a garden variety Democrat would be the wiser.

i'm not a (D) ... whether it's a democrat, a ' dimocrat ', or anything else you mistakenly believe is witty.


But you voted for Biden in the 2020 election.

sure did. but make no mistake -

i also voted against donny.

so there's is that.

So while you may not identify as a Dem, you voted as one.

lol ... well, then - a whole lotta (R)S & indies ... which i am one of them ... were also voting as ' one '.

i'm flattered.

oh, & one more thing ...

remember when i said you failed?

you just did again.
sure did. but make no mistake -

i also voted against donny.

so there's is that.

lol ... well, then - a whole lotta (R)S & indies ... which i am one of them ... were also voting as ' one '.

i'm flattered.

oh, & one more thing ...

remember when i said you failed?

you just did again.
How you vote defines your politics more than any other metric.

You can rationalize it all you want, but you voted for Biden, so you are a Democrat, and you are also partly responsible for the disaster after disaster the Biden Admin has created in just 15 months.
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".
if you werent so busy seeking attention you would know it is pro-abortion since they already made a choice and got pregnant and it is pro-life because it stops a murder of a child before it happens,,

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