Prisoners of Sex

in the name of religion, many want to take basic freedoms and choices away from women

and in the name of the christian/ catholic religion, many want to take away basic freedoms and choices away from all humans.

i'll spank you thoroughly.

Foreplay huh? You tryin' to turn me on? :)

Sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop coming on to me like some depraved animal. Its not supporting your argument here. We don't want people thinking you are some sexual deviant, or a "vagina on wheels"...
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What this article succinctly sums up is the fact that our society has embraced the demonization and ridicule of women who won't engage in promiscuous or experimental sex. Women are encouraged to engage in risky behavior and are expected to kill their children in order to do so. If they refuse to do this, then our society labels THEM as deviant.

There is no way to fix this either. Once a woman accepts that she must engage in promiscuity to be authentic and liberated, all the rest of her choices are taken from her. The beauty of this philosophy is women believe that the more sex they have with the more partners, the more liberated she is, the more real, the more equal to men she is. The choice of "no" becomes unreal, unequal, unliberated, anachronistic and repressed. Women prove how "happening now" they are by having sex with many multiple partners. This is how they prove that they are desirable, sexy, beautiful and wanted. They have to prove it every day.

It really isn't society that has embraced the demonization and ridicule of women who refuse to engage in promiscuous sex, it's women! The worst attacks against women with sexual integrity are brought by other women. The mere existence of a woman who makes the choice of not being promiscuous generates very strong feelings. Maybe it's guilt at being so easily manipulated by men. To the promiscuous woman every time she falls into another stranger's bed she's in control. Of course she's not. She's used. Her body becomes no more than the alley where the boys play hoops after work. She's the toilet where men squirt semen like they pee. This makes women very proud of themselves. They are having fun, they are exercising their rights. They think of themselves as being like men who have sex and move on, quickly. They aren't. As long as they delude themselves this situation isn't going to change. Women will fight too hard to maintain their façade of being the ultimate in modern womanhood.
I invite the anti-female, anti-Christian posters in this thread to explain what "choice" is endangered by the premise of this article.

Do they maintain that women must be promiscuous or they aren't engaging in "choice"? Are they implying that to value women and to idealize them is to deny them some sort of "choice"?

What exactly is the "choice" that they believe they are defending when they encourage behavior that results in abuse, murder, criminality and poverty?
I invite the anti-female, anti-Christian posters in this thread to explain what "choice" is endangered by the premise of this article.

Do they maintain that women must be promiscuous or they aren't engaging in "choice"? Are they implying that to value women and to idealize them is to deny them some sort of "choice"?

What exactly is the "choice" that they believe they are defending when they encourage behavior that results in abuse, murder, criminality and poverty?

the problem is the "choice" they are giving up is the "choice" they are being driven into by by a society that is making sex a commodity.
Political candidates are legitimate targets for scrutiny but Sara Palin isn't even running for office and she is a prime target for hate speech by the left and it has nothing to do with the alleged "playboy philosophy". . Dr. Condie Rice had to cancel a graduation speech at Princeton because of threats.
It truly is one of the most sickening things to me, the sex slave trade.

Here's the quintessential link with the pertinent facts, koshergrl:

1) you don't have the quintessential answer to anything, 2) you know nothing about the Muslim world

There are decent men in every culture; in Muslim culture, decent Muslim men do not go around calling women the 'C' word. You are not a decent man, even by Muslim standards.

Using the 'C' word repeatedly, as well as the 'B' word (especially to a woman who has used no swear words): this is not something a non-Chauvinist does--this is something a misogynist does. This is a man who is no friend to women.

I assume you are talking about the words bitch and ****.

Does your judgement apply if the same person uses those words to both men and women?

What if they are from a country other than the US where the word ****, in particular, doesn't hold the same stigma?
Declaring a non-virgin 'damaged goods' pretty much blows your supposed point away.

And those who believe that only succeed in proving what I wrote earlier.

BTW, where is the op/ed that says men who are sexually active are also damaged goods?

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It truly is one of the most sickening things to me, the sex slave trade.

Here's the quintessential link with the pertinent facts, koshergrl:

1) you don't have the quintessential answer to anything, 2) you know nothing about the Muslim world

There are decent men in every culture; in Muslim culture, decent Muslim men do not go around calling women the 'C' word. You are not a decent man, even by Muslim standards.

Using the 'C' word repeatedly, as well as the 'B' word (especially to a woman who has used no swear words): this is not something a non-Chauvinist does--this is something a misogynist does. This is a man who is no friend to women.

I assume you are talking about the words bitch and ****.

Does your judgement apply if the same person uses those words to both men and women?

What if they are from a country other than the US where the word ****, in particular, doesn't hold the same stigma?

I meant to comment about the use of the word ****.

It's true that some use it as an insult but it was originally an honorable and complimentary.

Men who do not hate women should show their true opinion by not using it to hurt or insult either women or other men.


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I find sex more liberating than restrictive
The sex trade is legal, taxed, regulated and unionized back in New Zealand. The rest of the world is behind on that, and the US sex trade is so terrible because the government punishes sex workers and forces them to work under gangs and pimps. Making prostitution illegal is just as stupid as the war on alcohol and now drugs, as it creates crime and makes the nation less safe.
and in the name of the christian/ catholic religion, many want to take away basic freedoms and choices away from all humans.

i'll spank you thoroughly.

Foreplay huh? You tryin' to turn me on? :)

Sorry but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop coming on to me like some depraved animal. Its not supporting your argument here. We don't want people thinking you are some sexual deviant, or a "vagina on wheels"...
It is better when they can pay for sex, if Republican lawmakers could have sex with their male escorts legally, they might not be as angry all the time.
I invite the anti-female, anti-Christian posters in this thread to explain what "choice" is endangered by the premise of this article.

Do they maintain that women must be promiscuous or they aren't engaging in "choice"? Are they implying that to value women and to idealize them is to deny them some sort of "choice"?

What exactly is the "choice" that they believe they are defending when they encourage behavior that results in abuse, murder, criminality and poverty?

There is a social phenomenon in the black community of children who refuse to read, won't study, are embarrassed to get good grades because of the fear of being labeled as acting white.

Acting white - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, acting white is a pejorative(what the hell does pejorative mean?) term usually applied to African-Americans, which refers to a person's perceived betrayal of their culture by assuming the social expectations of white society.[1][2] Success in education in particular (depending on one's cultural background) can be seen as a form of selling out by being disloyal to one's culture.[2] The term is controversial, and its precise meaning is hard to define.[1] Nevertheless, the idea that minority students suffer from the negative prejudices of their ethnic peers is currently accepted as generally true in much of the American media�as expressed in articles inThe New York Times, Time magazine, and The Wall Street Journal�and in American society.[2]

This is the same phenomenon among women who MUST be promiscuous or they are "Acting Christian". There is considerable fear among liberals of being labeled a Christian. A woman who doesn't give freely of her body might be influenced by the Church. By extension she might be racist or homophobic. Being sexually withholding carries a number of negative connotations that liberals reject.
We have created a depraved culture where women are primarily sex objects. We've done it in the name of "choice" and "freedom"...when all it amounts to is exploitation and abuse of females.

You women no longer have the skills or desire to be cooking, cleaning, dishwashing, or laundry objects for the most part, so sex is really all that's left.
The last theory I would ever expose my children to on false expectations and modern sexism would be from almost anyone on the far delusional right.

These are the wacks that think 'Frozen' (sisterly love) and 'Maleficent' (mother and godmother love) are secret memes of lesbianism.

Thank heavens most millennial female teens and young adults recognize the falsity of such typing and that they are nothing more than attempt to gain power and money from women.
Thank heavens most millennial female teens and young adults recognize the falsity of such typing and that they are nothing more than attempt to gain power and money from women.

The millenial females might want to consider lesbianism, because most of them have less and less chance of finding a Man who would want to marry them every day. I'll be 40 years old in another 7 weeks. Two weeks prior to that I will be getting married for the first time. Why did it take me until almost age 40 to get married?.... because there are incredibly few women out there these days who are worth marrying.

My bride-to-be is not really who I expected to fall in Love with, physically, culturally, or racially; but she is absolutely perfect and I love her more than life itself because she is truly a woman. She understands her place and mine in the relationship. She agrees to it and in fact is the one who proposed it from the beginning. So nice to find there are at least a few real women left in the world today.
Sharia law is openly accepted by many here. In the name of religion, many want to take basic freedoms and choices away from women

As it is, they are in favor of paying women less than men for the same job.

The hatred of women extends to children as well because underpaid women support the children of dead beat dads.

Many on the right would end food stamps and all other welfare that helps women and children.

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Welfare and food stamps do not help women and children. It enslaves them to government.
Getting in touch with my inner geek I thought should point out that ****, originally co-unt, meant dog as in my faithful companion.

As to actual sex slavery, there is a huge sex industry whose big players are increasingly women, using mostly video for the male market and mostly text for the female market to promote the idea. Where are the women who are attacking the porn directed at them and why do they consume it?
Sharia law is openly accepted by many here. In the name of religion, many want to take basic freedoms and choices away from women

As it is, they are in favor of paying women less than men for the same job.

The hatred of women extends to children as well because underpaid women support the children of dead beat dads.

Many on the right would end food stamps and all other welfare that helps women and children.

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Welfare and food stamps do not help women and children. It enslaves them to government.

You really think a hungry child call him/herself hunger liberated?

Or, put another way, what a stupid thing to say.

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Thank heavens most millennial female teens and young adults recognize the falsity of such typing and that they are nothing more than attempt to gain power and money from women.

The millenial females might want to consider lesbianism, because most of them have less and less chance of finding a Man who would want to marry them every day. I'll be 40 years old in another 7 weeks. Two weeks prior to that I will be getting married for the first time. Why did it take me until almost age 40 to get married?.... because there are incredibly few women out there these days who are worth marrying.

My bride-to-be is not really who I expected to fall in Love with, physically, culturally, or racially; but she is absolutely perfect and I love her more than life itself because she is truly a woman. She understands her place and mine in the relationship. She agrees to it and in fact is the one who proposed it from the beginning. So nice to find there are at least a few real women left in the world today.

All dinosaurs aren't male.

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Thank heavens most millennial female teens and young adults recognize the falsity of such typing and that they are nothing more than attempt to gain power and money from women.

The millenial females might want to consider lesbianism, because most of them have less and less chance of finding a Man who would want to marry them every day. I'll be 40 years old in another 7 weeks. Two weeks prior to that I will be getting married for the first time. Why did it take me until almost age 40 to get married?.... because there are incredibly few women out there these days who are worth marrying.

My bride-to-be is not really who I expected to fall in Love with, physically, culturally, or racially; but she is absolutely perfect and I love her more than life itself because she is truly a woman. She understands her place and mine in the relationship. She agrees to it and in fact is the one who proposed it from the beginning. So nice to find there are at least a few real women left in the world today.

Congrats and best wishes.

More and more women are finding out what black professional women know: that very few worthy males are available in the marriage pool.

That very fact of male failure will undoubtedly lead to changes in mating and family structures in America.

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