Prisoners of Sex

What country would that be, exactly? I'm curious.

From what I've read, the Irish in particular use it much more frequently and as more of a general insult than in the US, also the UK and possibly Australia.

I also don't know the history behind this particular word becoming so taboo that it needs the same kind of treatment as the word ******, i.e. calling it the c-word and people feeling a need to avoid saying or writing it at all, or it being more insulting/derogatory than any other word when used toward a woman.

To me it has always seemed like just another swear word, less used than most, but without particular meaning compared to others. I don't know why **** would be so much worse to call a woman than bitch, or whore, or any other word. I also don't know why there is no such word for men.

It's just something I find curious and that I think is given more power by people's reactions.
For the past 11 years I have worked exclusively in an international environment with people from all over the world. I have never experienced anyone using that word at all in any situation: but they are decent, educated people. I work and socialize far more often with British people than Americans, simply because there are more of them. I also work and socialize with Irish and Australian people. No one, in my experience, has ever used this word for any purpose.

I think you do not know what you are talking about. Perhaps drunken louts in B movies you watch use this word? I would not try to use the behavior of people in movies, especially bad movies, to ascertain what an entire culture does or thinks. None of the international people I have ever known use the C word for anything.

And I do not care whether you think it is a bad word or not. I don't care that you don't 'get' why it is not okay to use. You are obviously a Cretin. Isn't it about time to become civilized?

Would you like some links which state that the word **** is less taboo in the countries I mentioned? I've read a few articles which state such. Here, I'll provide one :
american english - Why is 'c*nt' so much more derogatory in the US than the UK? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange

You can note a number of comments in which people say they have experienced the difference between the use of the word in the different countries. It's not saying that **** is considered acceptable in polite conversation in the UK, rather that it isn't looked at as harshly as in the US.

I also find it interesting that you completely ignored what I actually wrote and instead think I said that **** is not a bad word. What I said is that I don't understand why it is worse than other swear words or insulting words, or even why it is worse than other swear words with the same meaning (pussy is far more acceptable than ****, for example). **** is worse than bitch? OK, why? Is there a particular reason for it, or is that just a random bit of outrage without real meaning?

Why do you consider it acceptable to call me a cretin? I didn't call anyone here a ****, I am merely questioning the origins of the taboo surrounding the word in the US. But I am the uncivilized one; apparently wondering why something is the way it is marks me as an uncultured barbarian. :lol:

Would you care to revisit your comments, or are you going to stick with that? ;)

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