Prison walls are 20 or 30 foot tall. Elite estates have 10 to 15 foot walls.

Simple, dig a canal and flood it... Try and dig under it then.
They will just blast through it.then.
With what ??
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ? Oh so now other countries are involved making it even more of a threat at the border.
Are you saying Mexicans cant make C4 or buy it somewhere?

Brief: 20 Kilograms Of Plastic Explosives Seized In Mexico City
So what if they do ?? If they use it, they will be cutting their own throats. Talk about the reason for going all out on the security down there. No you don't want that, and neither do they.
They will just blast through it.then.
With what ??
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ? Oh so now other countries are involved making it even more of a threat at the border.
Are you saying Mexicans cant make C4 or buy it somewhere?

Brief: 20 Kilograms Of Plastic Explosives Seized In Mexico City
So what if they do ?? If they use it, they will be cutting their own throats. Talk about the reason for going all out on the security down there. No you don't want that, and neither do they.
They use it now. What would be different about using it again?
With what ??
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ?
What do you mean from where?
They're barely carrying water much less C4 etc. Now if we get Intel like that, then it's all the more reason to seal that border up tight. Only points of entry allowed.
This is exactly why the wall wont work and I wont approve it. You clowns are ignorant as to the abilities of other people. If you want it built make Mexico pay for it. :rolleyes:
Who cares what you approve of ??
Simple, dig a canal and flood it... Try and dig under it then.
They will just blast through it.then.
With what ??
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ? Oh so now other countries are involved making it even more of a threat at the border.
Are you saying Mexicans cant make C4 or buy it somewhere?

Brief: 20 Kilograms Of Plastic Explosives Seized In Mexico City

The Mexican government has outlawed plastic explosives among the people.

The Wall will definitely be a benefit to Mexico you know.

Mexico is concerned about gun smuggling from America, the Trump Wall will help them on this. Further, the Wall will prevent Mexico's best from coming to America, and help them Make Mexico Great Again.
With what ??
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ? Oh so now other countries are involved making it even more of a threat at the border.
Are you saying Mexicans cant make C4 or buy it somewhere?

Brief: 20 Kilograms Of Plastic Explosives Seized In Mexico City
So what if they do ?? If they use it, they will be cutting their own throats. Talk about the reason for going all out on the security down there. No you don't want that, and neither do they.
They use it now. What would be different about using it again?
Use it where ?
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ?
What do you mean from where?
They're barely carrying water much less C4 etc. Now if we get Intel like that, then it's all the more reason to seal that border up tight. Only points of entry allowed.
This is exactly why the wall wont work and I wont approve it. You clowns are ignorant as to the abilities of other people. If you want it built make Mexico pay for it. :rolleyes:
Who cares what you approve of ??
You do. Thats why you are begging me to approve the wall being built. None of those reasons are valid so I wont approve.
They will just blast through it.then.
With what ??
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ? Oh so now other countries are involved making it even more of a threat at the border.
Are you saying Mexicans cant make C4 or buy it somewhere?

Brief: 20 Kilograms Of Plastic Explosives Seized In Mexico City

The Mexican government has outlawed plastic explosives among the people.

The Wall will definitely be a benefit to Mexico you know.

Mexico is concerned about gun smuggling from America, the Trump Wall will help them on this. Further, the Wall will prevent Mexico's best from coming to America, and help them Make Mexico Great Again.
Mexico has also outlawed illegal immigration to the US. Thats not working either. :rolleyes:
C4 or dynamite. You think they dont have that in other countries?
From where ? Oh so now other countries are involved making it even more of a threat at the border.
Are you saying Mexicans cant make C4 or buy it somewhere?

Brief: 20 Kilograms Of Plastic Explosives Seized In Mexico City
So what if they do ?? If they use it, they will be cutting their own throats. Talk about the reason for going all out on the security down there. No you don't want that, and neither do they.
They use it now. What would be different about using it again?
Use it where ?
Explosive devices detonated in Mexican border churches
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

Some dissimilarities:
There are no mountains or rivers complicating a wall in my property.
Thieves entering my property won't pay sales taxes to me.
100% of prisoners in prison are criminals.
Your thread is well intentioned but silly.
There are no mountains or rivers complicating a wall in my property.


Why don't people who want to come to America just stand in line and apply for LEGAL entry like anyone else? These countries, according to libs, are sending us their very best. This would give America a chance to verify that, by vetting the immigrants in advance.

As far as a wall- the idea is to make it harder to get in- not "impossible". There has never been an unbreachable fortification and never will be. But a simple 700 high wall on the border would make it very difficult for Illegals to make it through.

But you can dig under the wall. While you are at it. Make a wall 30 feet deep too.
So you have 30 feet high X 30 feet deep.
Simple, dig a canal and flood it... Try and dig under it then.

Cost to build wall at current estimate is about $25 billions. 30 feet tall & 6 feet deep. If you add a canal means......

1. You have to make the wall deeper far more than 6 feet deep.

2. Making a canal that long and deep is an enormous task and cost by itself.

3. Plus a water system ( aqueduct) so it will not dried up. Where is the water system coming from?

So the $25 billions becomes what? $30 $35 $40 billions??

Petulant Trump having a very hard time getting $5 billions after 2 years. Let alone going way over $30 billions???

Don’t worry bud...... they will not build a canal for your wall.

Also to build something like a wall or a bridge that is purposely to go on a water. Are entirely different kind of construction and materials.

You and I can build a wall. But you and I cannot build a wall that are designed to submerge to a water.
You understand Mexico isn't a prison, right?

Again, reign in that racism.

If you live there it is. Come into our country the right way, or stay out. Go through customs, as we do if entering another country. Nothing to do with racism.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?


Most Dims here are just programmed to parrot what CNN tells them. Then there are the ones that really despise America and its history, and want to radically transform it, meaning they want to eradicate the white Christian and capitalist culture that built it. So they embrace the globalist neo-Marxist Agenda that promotes open borders to destroy Western nations.

So if you are looking for an intelligent response from any of these hacks, you came to the wrong place.

To make it fair I watched both CNN and Fox News.

Fox News is the most unfair and bullshit news media I ever run into.

1. Since when you see a lying moron POTUS hugging a puppet like Hannity in public. Tell me is that something or something or something??

2. Hannity or Carlson broadcasts a lot of breaking new or new revelations.... But if you watch the same channel or different Fox News channels..... None of those breaking news or new revelations are being rebroadcast. Only in Hannity or only in Carlson. Proves it’s a fake news.

3. Fox News is very good in twisting the technicalities but not the reality.

4. During Hannity clown show debate. Trump supporter will go on and on uninterrupted. Anti Trump will be interrupted or cut off by Hannity.

5. Even Sheppard Smith of Fox News occasionally disagree with these lying assholes.

6. Only dumb Americans will believed Fox News - - - - - - Meaning Trump supporters.

Fox is far more balanced and honest than CNN. They at least allow both sides to have a voice. The left winger always looks like a moron of course, I can see why you would hate it.

CNN attacked both parties.
Trump hugging Hannity tells us everything else about Fox News.

Trump withdrawal from Syria and resignation of Mattis is all over the whole planet news media.

At the same time Trump are being blasted by both parties and generals the ineptness of POTUS...
Fox News broadcasting something else different all day long tying to down play the major event.

CNN runs anti-Trump propaganda day and night. They don’t even try to be non-biased. It’s a complete joke and everyone knows it, that’s why their ratings are in the gutter.
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

Let the state that needs a wall pay for a wall? It unconstitutional to beg the federal government. States rights.

Then that state might also want to put up a wall between it and the next state if they don’t have a wall. Soon each state will be walled. I’m going to invest in wall construction.
What's really funny is how liberals say "build a 20 foot wall, they'll bring a 21 foot ladder."

Ok.....and what will they do on OUR side? You can't "flip" a 21 foot ladder up over a wall like that. You have one option, jump down. If you want to jump down 2-3 stories, have at it. You'll break your legs.
Oh, I know! They could carry another ladder up the first and drop it down the other side.

But I won't tell anyone. I doubt the Mexicans will ever figure that out.
That's why we need a gator habitat/mote system at the bottom of the wall. Dig under and get flooded, climb over and get eaten. LOL.
Sharks! Sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads!
No saltwater in the area. Duh.
According to who? The liberal media??
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?

They arent unacceptable. They are just a waste of money in this case.

Yes I have a fence around part of my property. Helps out great when cutting the grass or keeping my dog from roaming the neighborhood.
Have a front door and I keep it closed and locked because I dont want anyone walking in on me while taking a shower.
Lock my car doors too so no one decides to go to sleep in my car or try to steal it.
Yes I would allow my teenage daughters to go for jogs at night. Sounds like you live in a horrible area.

Yes I have a brain which is the primary reason I oppose a wall that will be a waste of money. Besides Mexico was supposed to pay for it. :rolleyes:

A few other women went for jogs, and didn’t come back. The nice neighborhoods are better. Easy pickings. You should probably take your fence down too. How dare you, hypocrite.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?


Most Dims here are just programmed to parrot what CNN tells them. Then there are the ones that really despise America and its history, and want to radically transform it, meaning they want to eradicate the white Christian and capitalist culture that built it. So they embrace the globalist neo-Marxist Agenda that promotes open borders to destroy Western nations.

So if you are looking for an intelligent response from any of these hacks, you came to the wrong place.

To make it fair I watched both CNN and Fox News.

Fox News is the most unfair and bullshit news media I ever run into.

1. Since when you see a lying moron POTUS hugging a puppet like Hannity in public. Tell me is that something or something or something??

2. Hannity or Carlson broadcasts a lot of breaking new or new revelations.... But if you watch the same channel or different Fox News channels..... None of those breaking news or new revelations are being rebroadcast. Only in Hannity or only in Carlson. Proves it’s a fake news.

3. Fox News is very good in twisting the technicalities but not the reality.

4. During Hannity clown show debate. Trump supporter will go on and on uninterrupted. Anti Trump will be interrupted or cut off by Hannity.

5. Even Sheppard Smith of Fox News occasionally disagree with these lying assholes.

6. Only dumb Americans will believed Fox News - - - - - - Meaning Trump supporters.

Fox is far more balanced and honest than CNN. They at least allow both sides to have a voice. The left winger always looks like a moron of course, I can see why you would hate it.

CNN attacked both parties.
Trump hugging Hannity tells us everything else about Fox News.

Trump withdrawal from Syria and resignation of Mattis is all over the whole planet news media.

At the same time Trump are being blasted by both parties and generals the ineptness of POTUS...
Fox News broadcasting something else different all day long tying to down play the major event.

CNN runs anti-Trump propaganda day and night. They don’t even try to be non-biased. It’s a complete joke and everyone knows it, that’s why their ratings are in the gutter.

You may want to view this video. Let’s see who is more disgusting Fox or CNN?

Stelter looks at the Trump, Fox News 'love story' - CNN Video
But walls to protect America are unacceptable. WHY?

Do you have a fence around your property?
Do you have a front door you keep closed or God forbid locked?
Do you lock your car doors?
Would you allow your TEENAGE DAUGHTER go for jogs at night?


Most Dims here are just programmed to parrot what CNN tells them. Then there are the ones that really despise America and its history, and want to radically transform it, meaning they want to eradicate the white Christian and capitalist culture that built it. So they embrace the globalist neo-Marxist Agenda that promotes open borders to destroy Western nations.

So if you are looking for an intelligent response from any of these hacks, you came to the wrong place.

To make it fair I watched both CNN and Fox News.

Fox News is the most unfair and bullshit news media I ever run into.

1. Since when you see a lying moron POTUS hugging a puppet like Hannity in public. Tell me is that something or something or something??

2. Hannity or Carlson broadcasts a lot of breaking new or new revelations.... But if you watch the same channel or different Fox News channels..... None of those breaking news or new revelations are being rebroadcast. Only in Hannity or only in Carlson. Proves it’s a fake news.

3. Fox News is very good in twisting the technicalities but not the reality.

4. During Hannity clown show debate. Trump supporter will go on and on uninterrupted. Anti Trump will be interrupted or cut off by Hannity.

5. Even Sheppard Smith of Fox News occasionally disagree with these lying assholes.

6. Only dumb Americans will believed Fox News - - - - - - Meaning Trump supporters.

Fox has people from different parties, that discuss different opinions. CNN tells you what they want you to know, so you can watch for 36 seconds, and become an expert. I heard it on CNN, it must be true. I’m very well educated now. I don’t need to think for myself. I want to live under Hillary’s skirt, and breathe poison [emoji3517] gas.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ground sensors are being installed.
Ask Israel about the for them.
The only way that a wall would not be effective, is if Mexico was a super power with a huge military complex that could blast through, fly over it, and use sofisticated tactics to harass us and/or by pass the wall.

As long as we are dealing with foot soldiers with limited abilities, a wall is sufficient along with other security measures taken.


1. If they can dig a mile long tunnel. How difficult is that to dig 7 or 8 feet deep by 8 feet long?

2. The logistics of bringing a simple 35 foot ladder with a team of 8 people is not that difficult. A one pole ladder with a steps is more than enough to breach your lousy wall.

3. You don’t need to blast the wall. Stupid Mexicans are not that stupid to create attentions.

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