
I have been talking to conservatives for many years and I cannot remember ever telling anyone to give up their pride, the only thing I have ever told any of them to give up is fear. Being a conservative, giving up your fearful ways is akin to cutting off your right arm. You have all turned into the most easily frightened, whiny bunch of chicken littles in our history. You want to have some real pride in yourself? Tell the next person who tries to scare you to shove it up their ass.

This post is utmost humors considerin the fear mongering by the left. "Omg what if Trump had the nuclear codes, we'd all die", "global warming is going to destroy us", "they're trying to take away a woman's right to vote", etc., etc..

Of course the left does it too but conservatives have gone so far into feartown that they tend to react very negatively to an admonishment to be calm, courageous, optimistic and think before you make a decision. Any opinion that differs from the prevailing narrative of a country in imminent mortal peril needing immediate drastic action is frowned upon or even attacked.

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