Presidnt's Stat of Th Unon Adres Same Old Liberal Barack!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Barack Obama's "State of the Union" Address was a real disappointment. Many independents and Republicans were hoping for a changed Barack Obama a president that Republicans could readily reach good compromises with and really move the country forward, a President Bill Clinton type of change, but the picture is crystal clear President Obama is still the extreme liberal President he was the first term, he showed himself to be a diabolical and cunning leader last night. I am not saying here he is an evil, bad leader like a Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafhi and Ayatollah Khameni but he holds bad values and will use "cunning as they come" ways to implement them he is a very dangerous leader and good Americans should view him so. To a large degree what President Obama was doing in his address was trying to get the Republicans to compromise but he himself was not prepared to do so. Take for instance his call to cut Medicare spending by reducing reimbursements to drug companies for seniors purchases of pharmaceuticals, by having wealthy seniors pay more and changing the way Medicare pays hospitals from fee-for-service to fee-for-treatment program all these policy changes hurt Republican base constituents where President Obama was the policy changes where your constituents make a sacrifice that is right there was none you low-life; the Simpson-Bowles commission which you waived around during the address that your going to comply with from the standpoint of total medicare cost savings mentioned some good ones. The commission referenced the over-utilization of testing and patient visits by Medicare doctors and offered as policy improvements increasing co-pays of seniors, blocking medigap from eliminating the over-utilization checks by blocking medigap from doing away with deductibles and co-pays (what is really further needed is too privatize Medicare which will result in private insurers paying doctors where these insures can give these financially irresponsible doctors what they deserve and take a strap and beat the hell out of them and make the recalcitrant ones unemployed) and the commission recommended stop reimbursing medical care providers for coinsurance costs not paid for by medicare recipients, all these ideas would bite on seniors, the Presidents prime constituents, but are the right things to do if the Republicans compromise and accept all the Presidents changes. Also, take for instance President Obama's call for the Congress to permanently give U.S. Presidents the power to at-will raise the nation's debt ceiling to protect the full faith and credit reputation of the American people do you think the President offered an equal concession, you got it cunning Barack offered nothing! A straightforward good leader would have offered for this concession I will support a balance budget amendment that will go into effect in thirty years where the deficit must be reduced to no more than $500 billion at the end of ten years and $250 billion at the end of twenty years and zeroed out at thirty years and if these targets aren't met the Supreme Court is empowered to with the aid of a master impose cuts and revenue raising to meet these goals and enforce the amendment in perpetuity if need be and the balance budget amendment isn't a kooky tea party one where federal spending is linked to the GDP and the nation needs a super majority in Congress to raise revenue.

President Barack Obama really showed himself as an extreme liberal last night that is really dangerous. What is it with this guy and his supporters that they want to spend money and were running budget deficits at $850 billion plus per year and their so imprudent about spending money. He wants to replicate a manufacturing institute that incubates manufacturing businesses that is located in Ohio creating fifteen of them across the nation, this is foolish top down government that won't work on any grand scale and ultimately will result in just wasting a lot of money the Federal government already has programs that take grant requests and tax credit requests for business start--ups and helps these business grow if these programs are short funded where America is missing opportunity to create good paying jobs by all means come forward with your case and if you prove it I am sure Congress will increase funding to remedy this problem. President Obama has proposed a program called "Fix-it-First" where in part he wants to use federal money modernizing ports and rebuilding portions of pipelines that pose a safety risk it would definitely be nice if such projects were done but why the hell should U.S. taxpayers pick-up part of the tab for this infrastructure construction of highly profitable businesses if this work needs to be done they should pay for it. President Obama has proposed that Congress pass legislation that makes the Head Start program available to every child in America; the Head Start program is a program that tries to educate children of pre-kindergarten age. To do what President Obama wants for every child would be enormously expensive and studies bear out what common sense would indicate which is for most children that live in a good environments advantages from participating in a Head Start program disappear by the time these children reach the latter grades of elementary school. If President Obama proposed a federal program where for children from low income homes the federal government would do a sixty-percent/forty percent tuition split for a fair level of tuition with the states that would be a good program and Republicans should make a great effort to fund this program because studies show this demographic really benefits from such a program.

President Obama really showed himself as an extremely dangerous liberal about his calls and threats on stopping air pollution. This writer is no believer that global warming is a hoax, I fully believe the human race is damaging the atmosphere especially through the power generation industry and it is increasing environmental temperatures and it is a very very serious problem. Cap and trade is not the solution though this won't end up stopping the problem it will only end up driving up costs for consumers. The only major initiative on this overall problem that a good U.S. President could do at this time in history is push for a technical solution to this problem from coal fired power plants and see it implemented world-wide this industry dwarfs the pollution generation of any other industry and this industry world wide dwarfs in the extreme from the U.S. industry. Reports are that China and India put into service a coal fired power plant almost on a weekly basis in current times. Why doesn't the President hook-up with China, India and the European Union and find a solution to coal power plant pollution and agree to share it with the entire world and make agreements insuring the technology will be implemented that is the smart play. President would be well served to utilize the Senator from West Virginia Joe Mancin a member of his own party as a litmus test for any future environmental initiative on whether it is good or not because he holds common sense good values on these issues if Senator Mancin doesn't approve it don't do it. If the Obama Administration starts using executive orders and/or the EPA to close down current operating coal powered plants or dramatically drive up costs on electricity consumers through them there is going to be hell to pay one can be guaranteed it will be a bad decision!

President Obama's display last night shows that he and his allies in Congress, the Democrat leadership, you have some really serious beliefs you have to let go of if you want to be doing what is good and be reasonable from a moderate Republican standpoint. First, you didn't cow or face down the Republicans in the fiscal cliff and the three month extension of debt ceiling legislation the Republican House caucus has minor group of virtuous Republicans that rightly put the interests of the country ahead of party. Secondly, the Republicans are mad as hell and rightly so about the fiscal cliff legislation when you weren't fair all along for years now you're calling for fairness and everybody do their fair share and this legislation raised taxes $625 billion with no spending cuts. Republicans aren't replaying the 1980's and 1990's where they were taken advantage of where tax increases were implemented but no corresponding spending cuts went through this surreal deficit spending is not continuing without extraordinary efforts to cut federal spending as far as these Republicans are concerned. You Democrats got to fix this fiscal cliff legislation transgression. I don't know what you all Democrats are talking about with your claims of already making $ 1.6 trillion of federal spending cuts its a bunch of baloney. Don't take claim of the 2011 debt ceiling legislation cuts that have yet to be made, if Democrats get control of the House in 2014 one can bet the farm they won't go through. So far you Democrats cut spending probably $21 billion in FY 2012 and $42 billion in FY 2013 with savings from interest on the debt the savings is about $610 billion over a ten year period in light of yearly budget deficits in the realm of $850 billion Republicans need a two to one spending cut to tax revenue raising (President Obama during the Presidential campaign said a 2.5 to 1 ratio was fair) so if you Democrats want to be heard about more revenue raising you need to come forward with another $640 billion of spending cuts and don't try to claim any savings from ending the Iraq and Afghanistan War those wars lasted too long and the American people have not, do not and should not want us over there in either country, as Joe Biden said quite well during the debate its their country they have to provide security for it! From a person that is not a Democrat that is interested in being a friend of Democrats meaning in part that he cares about the constituents Democrats hold dear like ordinary working people, seniors and the needy is that you're squanding a precious opportunitiy to take care of your constiuents long-term, you squandered it in 2009/2010 and you super lucked out in gettting another chance with President Obama's reelection, Don't blow it again! The American people won't accept these unconscionable deficits to continue it is not right to future generations of Americans that will have to repay these debts they'll put the Republicans back in power in Washington and they will cut spending with a meat cleaver not a scalpel, and your constituents will be hurt bad; you agree to sensitive scalpel cutting and you might even find yourself in power for a long time! Also, keep in mind the President's address last night was a call to arms to Republicans to man the trenches the future over the next four years clearly looks like four years of trench warfare and each side doesn't advance far in trench warfare!

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