President Trump tweets video of him bodyslamming CNN

"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

CNN: Trump's latest tweet 'encourages violence against reporters'

The problem is Trump has no idea how to be president, he has no understanding as to sound, responsible governance.

And that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar is consistent with a ‘president’ who does nothing but lie.

Sarah Huckabee plays the victim, while Trump plays the Bully..

So dysfunctional..

Well if anyone would know about playing the victim it's be a leftist

Did you watch her last press report? She spent the whole time playing victim and how hard people are on
Trump was a bully to Obama for 8 years..
"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

CNN: Trump's latest tweet 'encourages violence against reporters'

The problem is Trump has no idea how to be president, he has no understanding as to sound, responsible governance.

And that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar is consistent with a ‘president’ who does nothing but lie.
The article is simply more crude defamatory disinformation (aka fake news) from CNN that is very reminiscent of Soviet "active measure operations".

Trump did not encourage violence against reporters.
"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

CNN: Trump's latest tweet 'encourages violence against reporters'

The problem is Trump has no idea how to be president, he has no understanding as to sound, responsible governance.

And that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar is consistent with a ‘president’ who does nothing but lie.

This a couple weeks after the shooting in Washington and Republicans saying people need to stop with the violent rhetoric.

Trump is the one inciting violence. He won't do it himself, he's far too cowardly and his hands are too small to throw a punch. But he'll ask other people to do violence in his name without hesitation. Like Kim Jong Un.
Oooh that's Libtardville

So you condone this behavior ? Haven't we spent hours teaching our children to be respectful and not to be involved with Bullying Sassy?

Tell, why is this ok showing our young people a president who bullies?

Oh give me a break, you loons are over the top on trying to bully anyone that dares to disagree with you, you're a bunch of violent assholes and then whine when it's thrown back at you. Grow a set or stop your BS
Here's who starts your violence, and the trendy liberal communist just follow along like good little sheep.

"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

CNN: Trump's latest tweet 'encourages violence against reporters'

The problem is Trump has no idea how to be president, he has no understanding as to sound, responsible governance.

And that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar is consistent with a ‘president’ who does nothing but lie.

Sarah Huckabee plays the victim, while Trump plays the Bully..

So dysfunctional..

Well if anyone would know about playing the victim it's be a leftist

Did you watch her last press report? She spent the whole time playing victim and how hard people are on
Trump was a bully to Obama for 8 years..

Oh and you all were not all LEAVE BARRY ALONE!!!!!!! ? Hypocrites
Your information source is another BS LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC MSM LIAR as usal.

This is why the blatantly anti-Trump corporate media is so hard to take seriously. They treat an obvious joke as a "threat". They've become a parody of themselves and are too stupid to know it.

Trump makes "twits", the corporate media "shits". Life is good!!

What is he doing? He hasn't done anything of any consequence.


Withdrew from Stupid Paris Climate Scam
Throttling back regulations (Stupid EPA)

Face it, Trump is actually effective, which is why you Shrieking Lunatic Cupcakes are desperately obsesseed with RUSSIANS and TWEETS.

Hows that working out for you?

LOLOL, that's it?

No, those are merely examples. One HYUUGE accomplishment is that he has taken on the Dem Schill press. The more you loons promote attacks on him, the more it is going to backfire on you. So, carry on.

You crazies were bullies to Obama's whole family including his dog..haaa

So you got your Bully in Chief, I am so happy for you..

Links to the posts from prominent conservatives fantasizing about raping Michelle or Obama having sex with his daughters?

It was chicken shit trump and one of his wives who said that. His wives are now under gag orders.

That idiotic bit of video is shameful and embarrassing to the US and you RWNJs sink lower and lower.

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Trump's job at this point is as a placeholder, waiting for the next Democratic president to show up in 2020.
Aren't you the one members here who predicted that Hillary would win the presidency and Democrats would take the House and Senate in the 2016 election?

Facts for you-

Secty Clinton won by 3 million votes and without gerrymandering, other suppression and vote theft, the Rs would not win anything at all.

The most important fact of all is that you fools are voting yourselves into extinction.


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Donald J. Trump on Twitter

ROFLMAO! That was classic!

He is the Fu+king president of the United States, not the mean bully young girl at school who just started her period so she is bitchy .

He is actually making a huge fool out of himself..

Why do you think that this is ok for a president to do?

/---- Because it's very effective at getting his message out. Do you honestly think the MSM would give him a fair shake?

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They have a play, funded by the public, in NYC that shows TRUMP being violently stabbed to death! But according to the LWNJ's , that's not a call to violence, it's "ART".

Snoop Dogg Turd has a video that shows him shooting Trump in the head! Lwnj's defend it - That's ok too, it's "ART".

Z-list loser Kathy Griffin has a decapitated Trump head. It's no problem, more "art" and "comedy".

Fuck off.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

ROFLMAO! That was classic!

He is the Fu+king president of the United States, not the mean bully young girl at school who just started her period so she is bitchy .

He is actually making a huge fool out of himself..

Why do you think that this is ok for a president to do?

I don't think it's appropriate, but at the same time I'm hardly going to shed any tears for CNN or the rest of the media. They've brought this on themselves
Oooh that's Libtardville

So you condone this behavior ? Haven't we spent hours teaching our children to be respectful and not to be involved with Bullying Sassy?

Tell me, why is this ok showing our young people a president who bullies?
--------------------------------------------------------bullying , sounds like little kids . Anyway , a few times in my life i had to be the BIGGER bully in the schoolyard as i knocked the sh1t out of the other bully that was trying to bully me . Sometimes being the biggest bully is appropriate and in this case Trump is doing fine EWings .
"It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters. Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the President had never done so. Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his health care bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office. We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his."

CNN: Trump's latest tweet 'encourages violence against reporters'

The problem is Trump has no idea how to be president, he has no understanding as to sound, responsible governance.

And that Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a liar is consistent with a ‘president’ who does nothing but lie.

Anyone with more than a second grade education can see the video is metaphoric. Perhaps that's your problem
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Donald J. Trump on Twitter

ROFLMAO! That was classic!

He is the Fu+king president of the United States, not the mean bully young girl at school who just started her period so she is bitchy .

He is actually making a huge fool out of himself..

Why do you think that this is ok for a president to do?
They picked a fight with the wrong person.You would think AFTER the entire campaign of them slamming him and him hitting right back they would give up but guess not. I love it. Welcome to the MODERN presidency!

I taught my boys from day one to respect and be honorable to one another, this was my goal while they were young...
And they are now respectful men..but what does this behavior say to our young children today?

If you don't have thick skin, and can not take hard asked questions , you should not be in office.

Trump is a hot head, he is a bully who is used to pushing people around. This tweet is going to get him into trouble , you watch..

I teach my kids someone throws the first punch you make sure you throw the last and hardest punch. :) Not raising snowflakes raising people who can last in the real world and not go cry in a safe space when someone hurts their feelings. Only the strongest survive.

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