President Trump A George Wallace, You're Over Doing It!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!

So who has equated him to George Wallace?? Was it that epic campaign speech by Obama at the funeral??
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!

So who has equated him to George Wallace?? Was it that epic campaign speech by Obama at the funeral??

I've heard that comparison made lately. And it's usually accompanied by an apology to George Wallace.
When Obama lapsed into his sharecropper accent during his John Lewis tribute, much like Hillary did during her last campaign, all he proved was his disdain for the people he pretends to champion. Obama is like all Democrats. He prefers to keep people poor, pissed off and dependent on government. In the end, Obama was a classless con man to politicize Mr. Lewis' memorial.
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!
The Communist Democratic lies and total bullshit never ends.:rolleyes: It will be funny as hell to see them meltdown when Senile Joe loses on November 3rd!:laughing0301:
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!
When George Wallace stood in front of the schoolhouse door he was a fucking DEMOCRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!
The former democrat Party has now been completely subsumed by the communist parasitic wasp that infected it several decades ago, the rotten shell, the facade of the democrat Party has been replaced by the American Taliban
When Obama lapsed into his sharecropper accent during his John Lewis tribute, much like Hillary did during her last campaign, all he proved was his disdain for the people he pretends to champion. Obama is like all Democrats. He prefers to keep people poor, pissed off and dependent on government. In the end, Obama was a classless con man to politicize Mr. Lewis' memorial.
George Wallace was a DEMOCRAT
funny Obama brought Wallace up????
Today, rank and file Democrat members of Congress and Democrat leaders in America do not act with the character they did twenty, thirty-five and fifty years ago, Democrat leaders back then had a stronger commitment to the good had a stronger commitment to stand up for what is right. Since the killing of George Floyd the police and the Federal government in dealing with the public backlash over this have made plenty of mistakes but overall have been responsible they have allowed the American people their right to protests, to assemble and to exercise free speech! Democrat leaders equating the Federal Government's present actions to that of former Alabama Governor George Wallace use of force against John Lewis and fellow peaceful protesters in 1965 on the Edmund Pettus bridge is wrong, unfair and inaccurate. The 1965 incident known as Bloody Sunday not only involved police beating peaceful protesters with clubs but authorities utilized police on horseback to chase down protesters striking them with clubs, whips and rubber tubing wrapped with barb wire, the authorities back then were not going to let that protests go on no matter how peaceful they were. In the current times it is completely a different story you often have peaceful protest that become violent you have people that come out for these events with an agenda to riot and inflict harm to persons and property. To be okay with the behavior of these people of late that were trying to damage the Federal building in Portland Oregon and other riot type of incidents is to abandon one's commitment to American Democracy; to be faithful to this Democracy means believing that if a citizen or a group of citizens want change you do it thru running candidates that hold your views by voting yes by even protesting but not absolutely, definitely not through the use of violence. Democrat leaders seem to have lost their way they need to get back to being people of good character and stop suborning violence; in part, they need to stop ignoring the nonpeaceful protesters if an event has peaceful protest and also nonpeaceful protests (the peaceful protests don't give all the protesters a free pass) authorities especially law enforcement authorities have a duty to not look the other way but to put a stop to the violence, Democrat leaders need to start stepping up and be good leaders and recognize this!

Many Democrat leaders in the House have really lost their way, it was an absolute disgrace the House hearing this week with Attorney General Barr. Granted the Attorney General has shortcomings as an Attorney General, for one he sees his duty as allowing himself to be influenced by the President to a degree which violates his actual duty to be independent and to follow the nation's laws and good public policy. But to abuse the Attorney General like Democrat House members did this past week is indefensible when House members ask questions to a person appearing before them they should allow the witness an opportunity to answer the question, this self-serving phrase "I reserve back my time" uttered repeatedly by the Democrat committee members to cut off the Attorney Generals response makes a mockery of the Congressional committee process where witnesses are supposed to appear before committees and give testimony they are not supposed to be a prop for committee members to mischaracterize the protests the nation is seeing and make partisan attacks against the Executive Branch of government; the Speaker of the House is really MIA if he or she allows committee hearing to be conducted like this!

If Democrat members of Congress continue to act like this they will be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory for this upcoming election. I think those analysts are right that say this year's national elections are shaping up to be a referendum on the President's performance on the pandemic which was absolutely terrible! He didn't use the Defense Production Act to get the needed PPE, he waffled on the needed public behavior of wearing masks to stop the spread of Covid 19 and he was completely inept at creating and implementing a national testing policy and Republican members of Congress largely kept mum as the President failed the nation this way allowing America's economy and millions of lives dependent on that economy to be waylaid as if struck by a wrecking ball! By the Republicans record Democrats should have an outstanding election this year but Democrat members of Congress and Democrat national leaders are acting scary like their siding with the rioters which have been victimizing our nation now for months! Democrats with their skewed judgment on quite a few things unfolding today unless they chart a new course and demonstrate to America they are trustworthy as good leaders after this year's election will regret how they threw away an opportunity to really help a lot of people that have been getting the short end of the stick in America for a long time!
When George Wallace stood in front of the schoolhouse door he was a fucking DEMOCRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a hilarious aggregation. One klown has no clue what code-switching is, two don't have an inkling what the fuck a Composition Fallacy is, and the last yahoo can't even spell.

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