President Obama and the looney left... The best thing to happen to gun manufactures?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
As many of you know I don't own guns. Despite not being allowed to the desire was never there anyhow. ...UNTIL NOW.

Just the thought of being restricted from owning one of the weapons our fathers or grandfathers used to protect our freedoms makes me really regret being a felon.

I suspect I'm not alone either. I drove past one of our many gun ranges today on the way to my jobsite and its as packed as I've ever seen it. Parking lot is full.

When will the extremists learn that everytime you attack an issue you embolden it? Remember Chik-Fil-A? Or trying to boycott Rush over the slut? CFA saw massive increases in business and rush traded cowardly advertisers for others at a higher rate.

Likewise Cabellas and Walmart can't keep up with gun demand. And now we have homeowners being robbed specifically for their guns after the looney left posted their addresses.

You damage your own cause with your inept stupidity and you never learn. Want to ban or restrict something? Build a silent majority and persue it properly through congress. Instead you run to every news outlet blabbing on and on about the evils of guns only to see sales rise because of your dumbass tactics. You try to sucker americans with emotional ploys and never consider that logic would be the response you get.
The whole "durrrrrrrrrrrrr gunnna take yerrrrrrrrrrrrrr gunnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!" BS was all fabricated garbage from the right wing propaganda machine.

Obama did not "take yurr gunzzz"

He did not ban high capacity magazines.

Besides just strengthening existing laws already on the books, he did pretty much nothing.

All it proves is how obedient the right wing sheep are to their masters. They say "obummer dun gunna take em' all! Gotta stock up!" and in a paranoid delusional state, the sheep run to the nearest gun store.

Just like Beck to "buy gold and food insurance"

Same as chik-fil-a when Fuckabee told his minions to go and back sandwiches.

Hell if fox told them all to line up and on Brooklyn bridge and jump off, there would be a line all the way to mississippi to do so.

Those on the far right are the most ignorant and easily led sheep on the planet.
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The whole "durrrrrrrrrrrrr gunnna take yerrrrrrrrrrrrrr gunnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!" BS was all fabricated garbage from the right wing propaganda machine.

Obama did not "take yurr gunzzz"

He did not ban high capacity magazines.

Besides just strengthening existing laws already on the books, he did pretty much nothing.

All it proves is how obedient the right wing sheep are to their masters. They say "obummer dun gunna take em' all! Gotta stock up!" and in a paranoid delusional state, the sheep run to the nearest gun store.

Just like Beck to "buy gold and food insurance"

Same as chik-fil-a when Fuckabee told his minions to go and back sandwiches.

Hell if fox told them all to line up and on Brooklyn bridge and jump off, there would be a line all the way to mississippi to do so.

Those on the far right are the most ignorant and easily led sheep on the planet.

The " they're going after the guns" mantra was spurred by you idiots. It was a response. And thus far its working. But you're too stupid to see it
The NRA was pumping up gun sales through fearmongering long before President Obama put forth any gun control measures.

Long before Sandy Hook.

That is the NRA's job nowadays, to sell guns for their corporate benefactors.
The whole "durrrrrrrrrrrrr gunnna take yerrrrrrrrrrrrrr gunnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!" BS was all fabricated garbage from the right wing propaganda machine.

Obama did not "take yurr gunzzz"

He did not ban high capacity magazines.

Besides just strengthening existing laws already on the books, he did pretty much nothing.

All it proves is how obedient the right wing sheep are to their masters. They say "obummer dun gunna take em' all! Gotta stock up!" and in a paranoid delusional state, the sheep run to the nearest gun store.

Just like Beck to "buy gold and food insurance"

Same as chik-fil-a when Fuckabee told his minions to go and back sandwiches.

Hell if fox told them all to line up and on Brooklyn bridge and jump off, there would be a line all the way to mississippi to do so.

Those on the far right are the most ignorant and easily led sheep on the planet.

The " they're going after the guns" mantra was spurred by you idiots. It was a response. And thus far its working. But you're too stupid to see it

I didn't hear anything once from Obama or anyone else from his camp that they were planning on "take yurr gunzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~!!!" that was all from the far right, everything from "he's going to use an executive order to implement the assault rifle bans" to he's going to take all high capacity mags, he's going to ban all semi-auto guns, he's going to take all of the banned guns, even if you already own them etc,...
The right wing propaganda machine was spreading so many lies it was downright laughable, and in the end, absolutely nothing happened from their paranoid delusions from the lies they were told panned out.
Gramps, depending on the crime you committed, being a felon does not mean you can never again own a firearm. You can always petition for your rights to be reinstated, and many times they can be without even having to go before a judge.

I probably could since I was a minor that got charged as an adult but I figure why bother. I've been self employed my entire life so the only effect its had is guns and a few govt contracts. Don't know that owning a gun is worth the cost and hassles of court. Besides the only hunting I ever did was with a bow.
Remember this rule, the outcome is always the opposite of the liberal's stated intent.....always.
As many of you know I don't own guns. Despite not being allowed to the desire was never there anyhow. ...UNTIL NOW.

Just the thought of being restricted from owning one of the weapons our fathers or grandfathers used to protect our freedoms makes me really regret being a felon.

I suspect I'm not alone either. I drove past one of our many gun ranges today on the way to my jobsite and its as packed as I've ever seen it. Parking lot is full.

When will the extremists learn that everytime you attack an issue you embolden it? Remember Chik-Fil-A? Or trying to boycott Rush over the slut? CFA saw massive increases in business and rush traded cowardly advertisers for others at a higher rate.

Likewise Cabellas and Walmart can't keep up with gun demand. And now we have homeowners being robbed specifically for their guns after the looney left posted their addresses.

You damage your own cause with your inept stupidity and you never learn. Want to ban or restrict something? Build a silent majority and persue it properly through congress. Instead you run to every news outlet blabbing on and on about the evils of guns only to see sales rise because of your dumbass tactics. You try to sucker americans with emotional ploys and never consider that logic would be the response you get.

Actually, Cabela's is just telling people that supplies are short, but in reality, they have just pulled all assault-style weapons and aren't ordering any.
The NRA gave Obama an 'F' for four years despite his not having pushed any gun control.

They gave him an 'F' to create an imaginary enemy that they could scare people into buying guns over.
Gramps, depending on the crime you committed, being a felon does not mean you can never again own a firearm. You can always petition for your rights to be reinstated, and many times they can be without even having to go before a judge.

I probably could since I was a minor that got charged as an adult but I figure why bother. I've been self employed my entire life so the only effect its had is guns and a few govt contracts. Don't know that owning a gun is worth the cost and hassles of court. Besides the only hunting I ever did was with a bow.

There is a type of "non-firearm" firearm that even convicted felons can legally own under federal law. Straight from the ATF:
Because an “antique firearm” is not a “firearm,” it would is lawful for a prohibited person to receive or possess black powder designed for use in an “antique firearm.” Also, the Federal explosives laws do not make it unlawful for a prohibited person to acquire and possess black powder in quantities not exceeding fifty pounds if it is intended to be used solely for sporting, recreational, or cultural purposes in “antique firearms.”

Now, state regulations can still make you ineligible to possess even a black powder rifle or pistol, but Missouri specifically excludes antique firearms.
[SIZE=+1]Possession of firearm unlawful for certain persons--penalty[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]--exception. [/SIZE] 571.070. 1. A person commits the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm if such person knowingly has any firearm in his or her possession and:
(1) Such person has been convicted of a felony under the laws of this state, or of a crime under the laws of any state or of the United States which, if committed within this state, would be a felony; or
(2) Such person is a fugitive from justice, is habitually in an intoxicated or drugged condition, or is currently adjudged mentally incompetent.
2. Unlawful possession of a firearm is a class C felony.
3. The provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection 1 of this section shall not apply to the possession of an antique firearm.

My best friend is has a felony conviction for drug possession.

Using this exception, we can still hunt together. :thup:

He has a flintlock Traditions REPLICA Kentucky Rifle ...and a copy of both the federal and state statutes on his person when he has it in his possession. Replicas are also covered under the statute.
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The NRA gave Obama an 'F' for four years despite his not having pushed any gun control.

They gave him an 'F' to create an imaginary enemy that they could scare people into buying guns over.

Not just that, but the NRA refused to endorse Willard when he was running for governor because he was so anti-gun, yet the GOP trolls made him their nominee,..

You have to give it to the NRA though, they have created a faux hysteria which is making their gun manufacture cronies a boatload of cash from the right wing idiots.
Gramps, depending on the crime you committed, being a felon does not mean you can never again own a firearm. You can always petition for your rights to be reinstated, and many times they can be without even having to go before a judge.

I probably could since I was a minor that got charged as an adult but I figure why bother. I've been self employed my entire life so the only effect its had is guns and a few govt contracts. Don't know that owning a gun is worth the cost and hassles of court. Besides the only hunting I ever did was with a bow.

There is a type of "non-firearm" firearm that even convicted felons can legally own under federal law. Straight from the ATF:
Because an “antique firearm” is not a “firearm,” it would is lawful for a prohibited person to receive or possess black powder designed for use in an “antique firearm.” Also, the Federal explosives laws do not make it unlawful for a prohibited person to acquire and possess black powder in quantities not exceeding fifty pounds if it is intended to be used solely for sporting, recreational, or cultural purposes in “antique firearms.”

Now, state regulations can still make you ineligible to possess even a black powder rifle or pistol, but Missouri specifically excludes antique firearms.
[SIZE=+1]Possession of firearm unlawful for certain persons--penalty[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]--exception. [/SIZE] 571.070. 1. A person commits the crime of unlawful possession of a firearm if such person knowingly has any firearm in his or her possession and:
(1) Such person has been convicted of a felony under the laws of this state, or of a crime under the laws of any state or of the United States which, if committed within this state, would be a felony; or
(2) Such person is a fugitive from justice, is habitually in an intoxicated or drugged condition, or is currently adjudged mentally incompetent.
2. Unlawful possession of a firearm is a class C felony.
3. The provisions of subdivision (1) of subsection 1 of this section shall not apply to the possession of an antique firearm.

My best friend is has a felony conviction for drug possession.

Using this exception, we can still hunt together. :thup:

He has a flintlock Traditions REPLICA Kentucky Rifle ...and a copy of both the federal and state statutes on his person when he has it in his possession. Replicas are also covered under the statute.

Thanks but I'm not even gonna take that risk. Even ten years after release from parole I would have cops question me about why I was in prison.
Maybe someday I'll get a lawyer to expunge my record. It's just not at the top of my list right now with most of my concerns surrounding work.

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