Predictable. Obama Bashes Bush While Introducing John Kerry as Secretary of State Nom

GWB, whom I have been assured by my friends who know him fairly well is a decent and kind man, did some very indecent, unkind, and plain awful things. I supported McCain in 2000, and when the Rovians pulled their crap in the SC primary, I knew that if he won, America would descend into the pit.

We are still crawling out.
Kerry is an incompetent idiot, not to mention traitor. He teamed up with Jane Fonda to slander our troops and perjured himself in front of Congress with his bullshit about American soldiers committing atrocities. When asked about whether he actually witnessed any atrocities being committed, his answer was "No, but I heard about them". Kerry is probably the best the Democrats can come up with, and his disdain for his own country makes him the perfect choice for our treacherous, back-stabbing President.
In terms of human being I don't think you can get much lower than George W. Bush.

And that's your completely objective view? :rolleyes: Don't be an idiot.

That cocksucker destroyed our economy, got this country into pointless wars, completely destroyed the prestige of America, is responsible for the death of some of my friends and sent this country into a dark age it's going to take a generation if not more to recover from. I don't know how you get lower than that. I thought of Kim Ill Jung but since he's dead now, Bush is the top pick for worst human being on the planet.

Yeah, you're an ignorant, partisan simpleton with deep personal issues. Got it.
Predictable. Obama Bashes Bush While Introducing John Kerry as Secretary of State Nominee​

by Jim Hoft, December 21, 2012

Barack Obama slammed President Bush and defended his atrocious foreign policy while introducing John Kerry as his Secretary of State nominee today in Washington DC.

“When I took office, our nation was engaged in two wars, and al Qaeda was entrenched in their safe havens. Many of our alliances were frayed, and America’s standing in the world had suffered. Over the past four years, we’ve begun a new era of American leadership." Blah, blah, blah ad nauseum.
Here’s Barack:

Now lets look at the facts:

** When I took office al-Qaeda was entrenched in their safe havens.
(Today Al-Qaeda is on the rise throughout northern Africa and the Middle East) Al-Qaeda Again on Rise
** Many of our alliances were frayed
(Name one.)
** America’s standing in the world had suffered.
(Thanks to Democrats and the liberal media’s constant attacks on Bush and the military) Bush-Whacked - the slander of President Bush by liberals
** We’ve ended the war in Iraq
(Thanks to George Bush this was already put into place before Obama came into office.) Bush Ended the War in Iraq; What Obama Ended Was Our Influence There - By Mario Loyola - The Corner - National Review Online
** Put Al-Qaeda core on the path of defeat
(Tell that to Ambassador Stevens.) Former CIA Officer: Obama Administration let Ambassador Stevens die – Glenn Beck ** We’ve stood up for human dignity. (Except when we didn’t like for the Iranians during the Green Revolution, for women in Taliban controlled Afghanistan, for the people suffering in Syria…)​

The sad thing is Barack Obama and his media lapdogs believe this ridiculous pabulum.

Read more at:
Predictable. Obama Bashes Bush While Introducing John Kerry as Secretary of State Nominee | The Gateway Pundit

This guy never misses an opportunity to kiss his own ass.... :D
Oh... and Bush is the worst cocksucker currently living on the planet.


You've been busy doing a study.

In terms of human being I don't think you can get much lower than George W. Bush. And in terms of as a lover I have no idea but I imagine he'd be terrible what with the years of alcohol and cocaine abuse.

Give me just ONE (1) reason that Obama is a better person than George W. Bush.

Bush has been a teetotaller for years, while Obama is still is and probably forever will be a slave to nicotine, because lack of spine, character and will power.

Bush has two lovely daughters. Obama....??
Kerry is an incompetent idiot, not to mention traitor. He teamed up with Jane Fonda to slander our troops and perjured himself in front of Congress with his bullshit about American soldiers committing atrocities. When asked about whether he actually witnessed any atrocities being committed, his answer was "No, but I heard about them". Kerry is probably the best the Democrats can come up with, and his disdain for his own country makes him the perfect choice for our treacherous, back-stabbing President.

And he is also an accomplished gigolo.

And let's not forget his attempts to cheat on taxes by docking his wife's yacht in a state other than his residence.
I believe those who served in the boats with Kerry.

I do not believe his alcoholic commander who later became an alcoholic Rear Admiral's deranged ramblings about Kerry.

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