Poverty food

The only problem with that is everyone else is going to be doing the same thing.
Just like back in the the day when whitetail deer were almost extinct.


1 Undressed Wild Hog - $0.18
(I reload and keep the cost of ammunition down)

And plenty of them ...
If current legislation passes, the State will soon pay you $10 for every one you kill.
Legal quadruped ... Can be harvest by any desired means* at any hour day or night.

Correction: Not too long ago a fellow near here wired a little too much Tannerite to his hog trap
and blew up about half an acre ... Now that will get you in trouble with the authorities.

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1 Undressed Wild Hog - $0.18
(I reload and keep the cost of ammunition down)

And plenty of them ...
If current legislation passes, the State will soon pay you $10 for every one you kill.
Legal quadruped ... Can be harvest by any desired means* at any hour day or night.

Correction: Not too long ago a fellow near here wired a little too much Tannerite to his hog trap
and blew up about half an acre ... Now that will get you in trouble with the authorities.


That might be the only answer to the feral hog invasion.
Spam is like $8 a can. Bloody expensive.

Top ramen, beans, rice - po' peepols food

It's all a joke though, SNAP has poor people eating like kings,
Walmart brand SPAM is still $1.98 here

Best po' peepol's food is definitely beans and rice around here...with half a can of GV spam instead of ham.

20 lbs of pinto beans at Walmart is $15.

20 lbs of long grain rice is $9.

A few spices, an onion or onion powder... You've got it made...

squirrels are dam good eating dude....my dad used to crack the heads open and suck out the brains....groudhog is good too lots of fat on those critters. all you need is a 22 calibre rifle and a good squirrel dog and you eat good every freaking day....plus hunting is great exercise
.177 air pellet gun. Quiet and cheap.

You're makin' my mouth water for some Brunswick Stew.
Spaghetti and meatsauce. When I was poor, four ounces of canned meat-flavored sauce would flavor enough spaghetti for several dinners. Breakfasts were cinnamon toast, bread from outlet stores with a teaspoon of sugar and a sprinkling of cinnamon.
Ya cant beat a pellet rifle for silent and cheap food gathering.
I'd pick up one of the 50 cal pellet guns but they want more than a real rifle would cost.
I've been eyeballin' this 35 caliber for awhile. Maybe in the Spring...


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