CDZ Posting Solutions for Gun Violence

I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?
/——/ Open Carry and concealed carry nation -wide would end 90% of the violence.
Actually not.

In fact, there is no evidence in support of the notion that the carrying of firearms reduces gun crime and violence.

Citizens have the individual right to carry firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense, not act in the capacity of ‘law enforcement’ or to otherwise ‘deter’ crime.

On that same note: When it was legal for ALL to open carry before the town gun laws passed starting in 1871, the accidental deaths from stray bullets, the petty arguments settled by gun battles and such were to many to tolerate. To have almost your total population armed like that is more than skirting with disaster. We have already been through that. I like the Licensing of the CCW. Those types have never been a problem. If you have ever been through that class, you will think long and hard before you even think about pulling your weapon. It is also applicable to those with FFL licenses. They have never been a problem either. Licensing seems to weed out the bad ones and leave the good ones. Maybe the trick would be to regulate by licensing the person taking any weapon out of the homes in any capacity other than transporting to and from the range or gun shop. I know that hunters would go crazy over that idea and I don't know if that's the answer.

You don't know what you are talking about. We went from 4.7 million guns being carried legally in the 1990s to now over 17 million people carrying guns....and our gun accident rates have gone down, not up......

Again....licensing is a fee to exercise a Right and that is unConstitutional, as determined in Murdock v Pennsylvania.....just like when the democrat used fees to keep Blacks from voting....poll taxes on gun ownership are unConstitutional.

2016 495


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
non Fatal gun accidents....
WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports

Non fatal gun injury stats from 1999......

Nonfatal and Fatal Firearm-Related Injuries -- United States, 1993-1997

CDC non fatal gun accident.....

1993... 104,390

1994... 89,744

1995... 84,322

1996... 69,649

1997... 64,207

2001.... 17,696

2002... 17,579

2003... 18,941

2004... 16,555

2005... 15,388

2006... 14,678

2007... 15,698

2008... 17,215

2009... 18,610

2010... 14,161

2011... 14,675

2012... 17,362

2013... 16,864

2014..... 15,928
Doing nothing about gun violence is unacceptable and not an option, yet everything proposed will do little to stop gun crime and violence.

‘Banning’ guns is not an option; doing so would not only fail to address the problem, it would likely be un-Constitutional as well. For example, fewer than two percent of overall gun crime and violence is committed with long guns, rendering pointless the ‘banning’ of firearms designated as assault weapons.

Age restrictions, waiting periods, and magazine capacity limitations are also ineffective and useless.

And more guns is not the answer – turning our neighborhoods, schools, and places of employment into armed camps will do nothing to make us safer.

Perhaps the first step to finding a solution would be consensus as to what won’t work.

More guns for law abiding citizens is not a our experience has shown....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

No, you are confused about this.

As long as there are crazy people then bad thing will happen even in schools. Access to guns have nothing to do with it.

The great majority of gun crime in this country takes place in intercity shitholes where there is significant restrictions on gun ownership.
On that same note: When it was legal for ALL to open carry before the town gun laws passed starting in 1871, the accidental deaths from stray bullets, the petty arguments settled by gun battles and such were to many to tolerate. To have almost your total population armed like that is more than skirting with disaster. We have already been through that.

Actually, it's exactly what we are going through now! Good point. The Hispanic gangs, the constant black violence, the school shootings and massacres in many public places by crazies, the violence against women --- Yeah, we are in the Wild West again.

Which of course is why half the men in the country have stocked up on guns. For defense against an out-of-control social system that favors the minority violence types. Mexico letting all the people it would have put in jail run north to us and commit more crimes here. Blacks going after police, singly and in "protest" riot mobs.

It is a question of EFFECTIVE law and order. There isn't any now, any more than there was in the Old West. So we're arming again, and soon everyone will be packing again.

Thanks for the idea! Good post.
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?

You can't find a solution until first you define a problem to solve.

Saying you are seeking a solution to "Gun Violence" implies that all death from firearms are the same, and it really is not that simple.

It is over simplification to throw all deaths, when a gun is used into a single box, which is what I believe you want because it creates panic and paranoia. But putting that aside, lets look at the main categories of death via firearm to see what can be, or can't be accomplished in each.

1. SUICIDE: 2/3rds of all death by firearms are by suicide. A gun is not a requirement for those seeking to kill themselves. Other methods are available that many times even kill other innocents when implemented. Even Countries like Japan, South Korea and France, with strict gun control laws have suicide rates nearly as high or higher than the United States. Suicide is indeed illegal here, but a legal deterrent is not a remedy to someone who wants to kill themselves.

So how do you stop suicide?

2. GANG RELATED KILLING: The second leading cause of death that involves a firearm is gang related killings. These account for 80% of the remaining deaths. I fail to see how we can deter these by passage of a law, when the legal deterrent against murder is already life in prison to the use of the Death Penalty. Gun locks and secure safes? I don't think a gang member really cares if the law mandates these as they break laws as a way of life. Better training? Do we really want Gang members better trained?

3. DOMESTIC MURDER OR SELF DEFENSE DURING DOMESTIC ALTERCATION: These account for a relatively small number as compared to the first two categories. Again, the criminal penalty for murder is life in prison or the application of the death penalty. What possible additional legal deterrent are we to place on the abuser that is greater than these?

And in many of these killings the gun is not required to kill the weaker victim. These killings happen even in heavily gun controlled areas in the world by the use of other tools such as knife, blunt objects, poison and dozens and dozens of other method.

In this category is also those that killed in self defense, or the defense of another household member. The use of the gun by the victim of the abuse in many cases are completely justifiable, and not having the firearm would have increased the chances of the victims death.

4. THE USE OF A FIREARM BY LAW ENFORCEMENT: Typically done in defense of self or others.

5. ACCIDENTAL DEATH: Extremely rare, it averages roughly 1.5 times per day in a country of 327,000,000 people.

6. MASS SHOOTINGS: Of all the categories, this one involves the fewest deaths per year, but is the most sensational.

If I failed to include a category go ahead and make me aware of it, but I fail to see how these 6 categories can be lumped into a single box if we really want to problem solve.
Herp, Derp!

Teach kids gun safety. Train them in proper gun use.

Every member of my family had guns in their house when I was growing up.

You knew better than to mess with them.
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?

You can't find a solution until first you define a problem to solve.

Saying you are seeking a solution to "Gun Violence" implies that all death from firearms are the same, and it really is not that simple.

It is over simplification to throw all deaths, when a gun is used into a single box, which is what I believe you want because it creates panic and paranoia. But putting that aside, lets look at the main categories of death via firearm to see what can be, or can't be accomplished in each.

1. SUICIDE: 2/3rds of all death by firearms are by suicide. A gun is not a requirement for those seeking to kill themselves. Other methods are available that many times even kill other innocents when implemented. Even Countries like Japan, South Korea and France, with strict gun control laws have suicide rates nearly as high or higher than the United States. Suicide is indeed illegal here, but a legal deterrent is not a remedy to someone who wants to kill themselves.

So how do you stop suicide?

2. GANG RELATED KILLING: The second leading cause of death that involves a firearm is gang related killings. These account for 80% of the remaining deaths. I fail to see how we can deter these by passage of a law, when the legal deterrent against murder is already life in prison to the use of the Death Penalty. Gun locks and secure safes? I don't think a gang member really cares if the law mandates these as they break laws as a way of life. Better training? Do we really want Gang members better trained?

3. DOMESTIC MURDER OR SELF DEFENSE DURING DOMESTIC ALTERCATION: These account for a relatively small number as compared to the first two categories. Again, the criminal penalty for murder is life in prison or the application of the death penalty. What possible additional legal deterrent are we to place on the abuser that is greater than these?

And in many of these killings the gun is not required to kill the weaker victim. These killings happen even in heavily gun controlled areas in the world by the use of other tools such as knife, blunt objects, poison and dozens and dozens of other method.

In this category is also those that killed in self defense, or the defense of another household member. The use of the gun by the victim of the abuse in many cases are completely justifiable, and not having the firearm would have increased the chances of the victims death.

4. THE USE OF A FIREARM BY LAW ENFORCEMENT: Typically done in defense of self or others.

5. ACCIDENTAL DEATH: Extremely rare, it averages roughly 1.5 times per day in a country of 327,000,000 people.

6. MASS SHOOTINGS: Of all the categories, this one involves the fewest deaths per year, but is the most sensational.

If I failed to include a category go ahead and make me aware of it, but I fail to see how these 6 categories can be lumped into a single box if we really want to problem solve.
/----/ All excellent points but the Gun Grabbers will ignore you and will keep banging the drum to repeal and confiscate.
gun safety training at school.jpg
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?
/——/ Open Carry and concealed carry nation -wide would end 90% of the violence.

In 1871, Open Carry and Concealed Weapons WERE 90% of the violence in the Western Towns. This is why most of them went to no weapons to be carried outside of the homes inside of city limits. It was that way for more than 100 years. And that brought their murder rate down to a managable level. With everyone open carrying too many petty arguments were decided with guns. I don't think we have changed that much.
The so called Wild West wasn't very wild
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?

End the war on drugs.

Eliminating criminal penalties for the sale and use of recreational drugs eliminates overnight the illegal drug trade which accounts for the vast majority of gun violence in America.
There are about 300 million firearms in the US.

The great majority of them are owned by White people living in areas with low crimes.

A small percentage of them are illegally own by Blacks and Browns in areas with the great majority of the crime.

The problem is not the firearms but the people that commit the crimes with the firearms.
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?
/——/ Open Carry and concealed carry nation -wide would end 90% of the violence.

In 1871, Open Carry and Concealed Weapons WERE 90% of the violence in the Western Towns. This is why most of them went to no weapons to be carried outside of the homes inside of city limits. It was that way for more than 100 years. And that brought their murder rate down to a managable level. With everyone open carrying too many petty arguments were decided with guns. I don't think we have changed that much.
The so called Wild West wasn't very wild
/----/ True. The Wild West gunfights Hollyweird promotes in their movies are 100% contrived. The guns were not that accurate and the opposing shooters stood very close to each other and still they often missed their targets. No one wore their gun belts low on their hips like we see in the movies. Another thing was the ammo. Bullets were expensive and hard to come by. Folks were careful how and when they fired them off.
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?
/——/ Open Carry and concealed carry nation -wide would end 90% of the violence.
Actually not.

In fact, there is no evidence in support of the notion that the carrying of firearms reduces gun crime and violence.

Citizens have the individual right to carry firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense, not act in the capacity of ‘law enforcement’ or to otherwise ‘deter’ crime.

On that same note: When it was legal for ALL to open carry before the town gun laws passed starting in 1871, the accidental deaths from stray bullets, the petty arguments settled by gun battles and such were to many to tolerate. To have almost your total population armed like that is more than skirting with disaster. We have already been through that. I like the Licensing of the CCW. Those types have never been a problem. If you have ever been through that class, you will think long and hard before you even think about pulling your weapon. It is also applicable to those with FFL licenses. They have never been a problem either. Licensing seems to weed out the bad ones and leave the good ones. Maybe the trick would be to regulate by licensing the person taking any weapon out of the homes in any capacity other than transporting to and from the range or gun shop. I know that hunters would go crazy over that idea and I don't know if that's the answer.

Are you suggesting that the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights be licensed? Even when it says that a particular right shall not be infringed?

If you have to get permission from the filthy oppressive government to enjoy a right that is guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then it is really not a right, is it?

The crime should never be the possession of a firearm, only the crime done by the firearm.
black folks in the US commit 8x as many violent crimes as whites. Hispanics several times as many as whites.

I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?

You can't find a solution until first you define a problem to solve.

Saying you are seeking a solution to "Gun Violence" implies that all death from firearms are the same, and it really is not that simple.

It is over simplification to throw all deaths, when a gun is used into a single box, which is what I believe you want because it creates panic and paranoia. But putting that aside, lets look at the main categories of death via firearm to see what can be, or can't be accomplished in each.

1. SUICIDE: 2/3rds of all death by firearms are by suicide. A gun is not a requirement for those seeking to kill themselves. Other methods are available that many times even kill other innocents when implemented. Even Countries like Japan, South Korea and France, with strict gun control laws have suicide rates nearly as high or higher than the United States. Suicide is indeed illegal here, but a legal deterrent is not a remedy to someone who wants to kill themselves.

So how do you stop suicide?

2. GANG RELATED KILLING: The second leading cause of death that involves a firearm is gang related killings. These account for 80% of the remaining deaths. I fail to see how we can deter these by passage of a law, when the legal deterrent against murder is already life in prison to the use of the Death Penalty. Gun locks and secure safes? I don't think a gang member really cares if the law mandates these as they break laws as a way of life. Better training? Do we really want Gang members better trained?

3. DOMESTIC MURDER OR SELF DEFENSE DURING DOMESTIC ALTERCATION: These account for a relatively small number as compared to the first two categories. Again, the criminal penalty for murder is life in prison or the application of the death penalty. What possible additional legal deterrent are we to place on the abuser that is greater than these?

And in many of these killings the gun is not required to kill the weaker victim. These killings happen even in heavily gun controlled areas in the world by the use of other tools such as knife, blunt objects, poison and dozens and dozens of other method.

In this category is also those that killed in self defense, or the defense of another household member. The use of the gun by the victim of the abuse in many cases are completely justifiable, and not having the firearm would have increased the chances of the victims death.

4. THE USE OF A FIREARM BY LAW ENFORCEMENT: Typically done in defense of self or others.

5. ACCIDENTAL DEATH: Extremely rare, it averages roughly 1.5 times per day in a country of 327,000,000 people.

6. MASS SHOOTINGS: Of all the categories, this one involves the fewest deaths per year, but is the most sensational.

If I failed to include a category go ahead and make me aware of it, but I fail to see how these 6 categories can be lumped into a single box if we really want to problem solve.
/----/ All excellent points but the Gun Grabbers will ignore you and will keep banging the drum to repeal and confiscate.
View attachment 196163

True, they are more interested in creating paranoia and panic, thus votes, than to decrease the death toll. As has been demonstrated, confiscation, at best reduces the over all death count by only a few.

So I continue to ask, what is the problem we are looking to solve?
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?

End the war on drugs.

Eliminating criminal penalties for the sale and use of recreational drugs eliminates overnight the illegal drug trade which accounts for the vast majority of gun violence in America.

Except it doesn't stop illegal drug trade:

Black-market marijuana is big business, even in states where pot's legal

In many ways it makes it worse
How about when you go on an mass shooting you forfeit your life and constitutional rights?

What I am walking about is the cop or an citizen can kill you on the spot and there's no chance at living to see another day...A cop can line you up against the wall and blow your brains out for your idiocy. I am sure some of these bastards would think twice.

Execute kids = get executed without a trial.
And yet another who wants to put the Bill of Rights in the shredder.
Herp, Derp!

Teach kids gun safety. Train them in proper gun use.

Every member of my family had guns in their house when I was growing up.

You knew better than to mess with them.

That would entail personal responsibility. Liberals don't like personal responsibility. Too much pressure.

The Liberals would rather have the oppressive government to take away the right to keep and bear arms for all American rather than take personal responsibility for firearm safety.
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?
/——/ Open Carry and concealed carry nation -wide would end 90% of the violence.
Actually not.

In fact, there is no evidence in support of the notion that the carrying of firearms reduces gun crime and violence.

Citizens have the individual right to carry firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense, not act in the capacity of ‘law enforcement’ or to otherwise ‘deter’ crime.

On that same note: When it was legal for ALL to open carry before the town gun laws passed starting in 1871, the accidental deaths from stray bullets, the petty arguments settled by gun battles and such were to many to tolerate. To have almost your total population armed like that is more than skirting with disaster. We have already been through that. I like the Licensing of the CCW. Those types have never been a problem. If you have ever been through that class, you will think long and hard before you even think about pulling your weapon. It is also applicable to those with FFL licenses. They have never been a problem either. Licensing seems to weed out the bad ones and leave the good ones. Maybe the trick would be to regulate by licensing the person taking any weapon out of the homes in any capacity other than transporting to and from the range or gun shop. I know that hunters would go crazy over that idea and I don't know if that's the answer.

Are you suggesting that the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights be licensed? Even when it says that a particular right shall not be infringed?

If you have to get permission from the filthy oppressive government to enjoy a right that is guaranteed under the Bill of Rights then it is really not a right, is it?

The crime should never be the possession of a firearm, only the crime done by the firearm.

You have the right to own a grenade launcher. You have the right to own a LAW. You have the right to own a Mah Duce. But you have to follow the safety and storage as outlined in the FFL licensing and pay your 200 bucks for a 5 year license. It doesnt' take away your right to own it, it just regulates how you store it, transport it to keep the Public Safety. Shoot, you can even own a F-16. There are a number of those in private hands. And I am sure that the Russians would fall all over themselves to sell you tons of Mig-29s.
A Florida Company Is Selling Soviet MiG Fighter Jets in Prime Condition
You could have your very own private Air Force if you had the cash. Each copy of the Mig-29 is a steal at 4.65 mil a copy. Just beware, over the Landmass of the US, you can't fly supersonic (another public safety rule). If you want live guns on it, break out the FFL license. Yuppers, you may need that for home defense. Imagine the home intruder when you buzz his butt with that and do a strafing run with the 23 mm canons.
I am looking for solutions to gun violence. All sides. All sides need to be heard equally. Insulting a person is NOT a solution but part of the problem. IF you are going to post angry, do it somewhere else. If you are going to just troll, do it somewhere else. Post solutions as you see it and then let's discuss it.

Care to take that challenge?

You can't find a solution until first you define a problem to solve.

Saying you are seeking a solution to "Gun Violence" implies that all death from firearms are the same, and it really is not that simple.

It is over simplification to throw all deaths, when a gun is used into a single box, which is what I believe you want because it creates panic and paranoia. But putting that aside, lets look at the main categories of death via firearm to see what can be, or can't be accomplished in each.

1. SUICIDE: 2/3rds of all death by firearms are by suicide. A gun is not a requirement for those seeking to kill themselves. Other methods are available that many times even kill other innocents when implemented. Even Countries like Japan, South Korea and France, with strict gun control laws have suicide rates nearly as high or higher than the United States. Suicide is indeed illegal here, but a legal deterrent is not a remedy to someone who wants to kill themselves.

So how do you stop suicide?

2. GANG RELATED KILLING: The second leading cause of death that involves a firearm is gang related killings. These account for 80% of the remaining deaths. I fail to see how we can deter these by passage of a law, when the legal deterrent against murder is already life in prison to the use of the Death Penalty. Gun locks and secure safes? I don't think a gang member really cares if the law mandates these as they break laws as a way of life. Better training? Do we really want Gang members better trained?

3. DOMESTIC MURDER OR SELF DEFENSE DURING DOMESTIC ALTERCATION: These account for a relatively small number as compared to the first two categories. Again, the criminal penalty for murder is life in prison or the application of the death penalty. What possible additional legal deterrent are we to place on the abuser that is greater than these?

And in many of these killings the gun is not required to kill the weaker victim. These killings happen even in heavily gun controlled areas in the world by the use of other tools such as knife, blunt objects, poison and dozens and dozens of other method.

In this category is also those that killed in self defense, or the defense of another household member. The use of the gun by the victim of the abuse in many cases are completely justifiable, and not having the firearm would have increased the chances of the victims death.

4. THE USE OF A FIREARM BY LAW ENFORCEMENT: Typically done in defense of self or others.

5. ACCIDENTAL DEATH: Extremely rare, it averages roughly 1.5 times per day in a country of 327,000,000 people.

6. MASS SHOOTINGS: Of all the categories, this one involves the fewest deaths per year, but is the most sensational.

If I failed to include a category go ahead and make me aware of it, but I fail to see how these 6 categories can be lumped into a single box if we really want to problem solve.
/----/ All excellent points but the Gun Grabbers will ignore you and will keep banging the drum to repeal and confiscate.
View attachment 196163

True, they are more interested in creating paranoia and panic, thus votes, than to decrease the death toll. As has been demonstrated, confiscation, at best reduces the over all death count by only a few.

So I continue to ask, what is the problem we are looking to solve?

During the AR ban, the AR crime rate was drastically reduced. Right after it was allowed to run out, the school shootings came on with a "Bang" and the AR was the weapon of choice. You can't dispute that.

I don't want to ban the AR. I want to regulate them to the next level. Whether they are or are not "The Problem" the public percieves them as such. By moving them to FFL status, you still get to keep your AR but you will be required to get a FFL license. From what you say, you are already in compliance with the requirements so what's stopping you from obtaining the FFL license if it's required for you to have your ARs. The fact remains, not one single gun crime has been done by a person possessing a FFL license since the beginning of time of the FFL licensing history. Now, that's a selling point you can shout to the world and the world will believe you. But it's not always about what's real. It's oftentimes, about what is perceived. And this would be within the 2nd amendment. it's already been contested many times.

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