Post Pics of Men You find Attractive.....

Sexiest man in American history? Easy question​

Please. Alexander Hamilton was WAAAAYYYYY hotter. Please check the $10 for evidence:


I'd totally do him.
The tv show "The Office" has a great bit on a Ben Franklin impersonator. I know you don't watch t.v. editec, but you should try to get it, or maybe I can link it later. Too Funny, kinda goes along with what you just said. ;)

Whatever gave you the impression that I don't watch TV?

I watch (or listen, more likely) to TV constantly.

I watch TV when I read.

I'm listening to CNBC right now, even as I post this.

One cannot understand why our society has gone mad if one don't pay attention to the blather they're feeding the collective consciousness.
Wouldn't expect someone who can't see outside his own ideology to be comfortable enough to step outside his sexuality.
Not everyone has suppressed homosexual personalities as you do ;-)

Ok "My Friends" how about posting Pictures of men you find Attractive & why you find them attractive...."spiritually" attractive, "emotionally" attractive, "intellectually" attractive and "physically" attractive. he he....I'll start it off...

My man du jour is Julian Hennig, the one on the far right in the first image and the middle right in the second image. And he is attractive because he is German like myself... hmm, that is still a superficial reason - well there's no denying it, I am as superficial as they come.

Are you positive he's male?
I'm actually a heterosexual male, but I am rebellious against all forms of religious hate and that is why I only sleep with pretty boys. That and the pretty girls don't go for the pretty boys like myself, so I settle for the next best thing.

Here is the man du demain: Sean Opry

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past summer. I went there to take a few photos of places I want to remember. It is one block from my old apt and it is where me and my pup spent much time walking and talking and licking our balls. not really. :eusa_whistle:

Oh Devnell you should step under PoliticalChic's get a kiss under her "mistletoe" thread....I bet you might even get 2 from her....he he:razz:

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