post-partum abortion


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

United Nations (United States) (AFP) - Norway ranks as the world's best place to be a mother, well ahead of the United States which dropped to the 33rd spot in the annual scorecard released by Save the Children on Monday.​

Our infant mortality rate is a national embarrassment

By Christopher Ingraham
September 29, 2014


The U.S. rate of 6.1 infant deaths per 1,000 live births masks considerable state-level variation. If Alabama were a country, its rate of 8.7 infant deaths per 1,000 would place it slightly behind Lebanon in the world rankings. Mississippi, with its 9.6 deaths, would be somewhere between Botswana and Bahrain.


"Most striking," they write, "the US has similar neonatal mortality but a substantial disadvantage in postneonatal mortality" compared to Austria and Finland. In other words, mortality rates among infants in their first days and weeks of life are similar across all three countries. But as infants get older, a mortality gap opens between the U.S. and the other countries, and widens considerably.

In fact, infant mortality rates among wealthy Americans are similar to the mortality rates among wealthy Fins and Austrians. The difference is that in Finland and Austria, poor babies are nearly as likely to survive their first years as wealthy ones. In the U.S. - land of opportunity - that is starkly not the case: "there is tremendous inequality in the US, with lower education groups, unmarried and African-American women having much higher infant mortality rates," the authors conclude.


One way of understanding these numbers is by noting that most American babies, regardless of socio-economic status, are born in hospitals. And while in the hospital, American infants receive exceedingly good care - our neo-natal intensive care units are among the best in the world. This may explain why mortality rates in the first few weeks of life are similar in the U.S., Finland and Austria.

But the differences arise after infants are sent home. Poor American families have considerably less access to quality healthcare as their wealthier counterparts.

One measure of the Affordable Care Act's success, then, will be whether it leads to improvements in the infant mortality rate. Oster and her colleagues note that Obamacare contains provisions to expand post-natal home nurse visits, which are fairly common in Europe.

Research like this drives home the notion that economic debates in this country - about inequality, poverty, healthcare - aren't just policy abstractions. There are real lives at stake.

States with Highest Infant Mortality Rates most Opposed to Obamacare


More proof that Republicans only love the fetus to keep evangies and delusionals voting against their economic interest.
So, what you are saying is that states with the highest minority populations have the highest IMR.
Compare Mississippi's minority population to Finland. I'll wait.
Not this shit again,its been debunked so many times its not funny.Other countries compile their stats differently.

Lowering the post-partum abortion rate should be a no-brainer but-----but that's a concept that's impossible for Republicans to wrap their heads around.


Since the report, there have been a number of theories as to why the US infant mortality rate is so high, but access to health care, education, and information about pregnancy and birth control are likely contributors.

At the top of the list is inequitable access to health care, especially among those who are very poor and among teens who have children. Good medical advice and monitoring of a pregnancy is an important contributing factor to babies born at an appropriate birth weight, born full-term, and born healthy. There are poor people in all industrialized nations, but the US does not have any kind of nationalize health insurance plan that would help ensure that all women have access to the care they need. Countries with government health plans tended to have the lowest infant mortality rates.


Contributors to the high rate of Republican - ehem - post-partum abortion are; access to healthcare, education, birth control, etc - hmm, that list reads like the Republican party platform of things to oppose...?

Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be Republicans... if you want you and your baby to have a high survival rate, like-like-like Norway, Finland and other socialist countries.

Maybe if we could keep minority mothers off drugs the stats would be better.

Yesterday a two year old had gotten up on a roof and was running around. Mom was at a friend's house smoking dope.
Probably correlates with the given population's rate of belief in science.
So, what you are saying is that states with the highest minority populations have the highest IMR.
Compare Mississippi's minority population to Finland. I'll wait.

Then why does Kansas have higher IMR than California.


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