Post Obit for Baghdadi Draws Mockery, But We Can Do Better Than That!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
So the Washington Compost refered to Baghdadi as a 'scholar', among other things, what a hoot.

'Washington Post' catches flak for headline on Baghdadi

In its obituary for the 48-year-old Islamic State leader, the Washington Post originally topped the story with a headline most Americans wouldn't argue with, per USA Today: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islamic State's 'terrorist-in-chief,' dies at 48." However, that headline was soon changed to the following: "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State, dies at 48." That headline picked up from the first paragraph of the story, which described Baghdadi as "an austere religious scholar with wire-frame glasses and no known aptitude for fighting and killing" when he first took over ISIS in 2010—and both that description in the text and the headline immediately generated backlash, and mockery.

Detractors from both sides of the aisle, including President Trump's kids, hit back, with conservatives especially railing against the paper, some even accusing it of giving Trump harsher treatment than terrorists. Meanwhile, the #WaPoDeathNotices hashtag emerged, offering rewritten headlines on the deaths of other nefarious figures, including Mao Zedong, Ted Bundy, Adolf Hitler, and Satan. Post rep Kristine Coratti Kelly says the headline has once more been changed—it now describes Baghdadi as an "extremist leader"—and that the second headline "should never have read that way."

Wow, ya think?

Some of the better mocks Josh Jordan on Twitter

Mao Zedong, who saved 20-45 million of his own people from having to suffer through the struggle of existence, dies at 82.

Adolf Hitler, passionate community planner and dynamic public speaker, dies at 56.

Benedict Arnold, a profoundly humble and loyal man dies at 60.

Joseph Stalin, resolute leader who affected lives of tens of millions, dead at 74

Jim Jones, gourmet punch creator who had an entire town named after him dies surrounded by friends.

"Ted Bundy, meticulous researcher, charismatic figure, and Polaroid enthusiast, dead at 42"

"Joseph Stalin, advocate of a strong working class and population control, dies at 74"

"Timothy McVeigh, innovator & enthusiast of lawn fertilizer products, dies at 33"

"Charles Manson, leader of youth empowerment movement and musical superfan, dies at 83"​

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was an "austere religious scholar" as much as the Washington Compost is a real newspaper; i.e. not a drop of it is objective, accurate or worthy of anything more than lining the bottom of a a bird cage.

But I bet the creative and genius particpants here can do better than this tepid little mocks, much better.

I dare you to! :funnyface:
Yea, religious scholar. Yet, all we have heard for over a decade is how ISIS arent real muslims o_O
Barak Hussein Obama, a noted Surrender monkey, America hater, communist organizer and nose pimp, died alone in his bedroom today at the age of 58 from complications due to HIV.

Surviving him are his wife Michael Obama, and some Daddy babies.
Those have been all over Reddit and 4Chan the last couple day. :laughing0301:





The WaPo should stick with things they can handle like how the Queen allegedly slapped Meghan or movie star spottings or who's hosing who. The WaPo is a tabloid and their washed up heroes, Woodward and Bernstein, are just jerkoffs trying to be noticed.
Your demented talking points are reaching your region of Rightardia late, as White_MAGA_Man beat you by almost two days regurgitating that pap:
I think, you have a valid case against your handlers, as they are apparently trying to make you make a mockery out of yourself.
That's quite a command of English you almost have there.
It's probably cut-pasted then edited for topic...maybe.
The WaPo should stick with things they can handle like how the Queen allegedly slapped Meghan or movie star spottings or who's hosing who. The WaPo is a tabloid and their washed up heroes, Woodward and Bernstein, are just jerkoffs trying to be noticed.

I dont know.

Tabloids actually have higher journalistic standards than the Washingtoon Compost in that there has to be *some* element of truth to the story.

the Compost could not care less and just makes shit up on a daily basis and calls it 'news' when it is mostly just rumor and slander.
Your demented talking points are reaching your region of Rightardia late, as White_MAGA_Man beat you by almost two days regurgitating that pap:

Washington Post Eulogizes ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi as “Austere Religious Leader”

I think, you have a valid case against your handlers, as they are apparently trying to make you make a mockery out of yourself.

Translation: I am a tea pot short and stout... Here is my handle and here is where my brains left through this spout...


Me thinks you are upset about threads pointing to WaPo title stupidity...
Translation: I am a tea pot short and stout... Here is my handle and here is where my brains left through this spout...


Me thinks you are upset about threads pointing to WaPo title stupidity...

If I ever need an English-to-demented-gibberish translation, I will remember to ask you first.

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