Re-Visiting Enhanced Interrogation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Let's remember who favors America's enemies.

1.There are two reasons to re-examine Enhanced Interrogation after all these years:

a. In the most recent period we have found over 50 lies and hoaxed that have been exposed as Democrat inspired and are the prism through which all Democrat theses should be viewed.

b. In his most recent book, O’Reilly provides examples that prove that the Democrats lied when they claimed that no valuable information is gained through enhanced methods of interrogation.

2. Never hesitating to weaken America, the Obamunists removed our ability to use these methods to gain needed information from his co-religionists. He claimed that the methods were ‘torture,’ and no matter the value….America doesn’t torture.

But….when questioned:

[Rep. Dan] Lungren [(R., CA) and the state's former attorney general] then switched gears to a line of questioning aimed at clarifying the Obama Justice Department’s definition of torture. In one of the rare times he gave a straight answer, Holder stated at the hearing that in his view waterboarding is torture. Lundgren asked if it was the Justice Department’s position that Navy SEALS subjected to waterboarding as part of their training were being tortured.

Holder: No, it’s not torture in the legal sense because you’re not doing it with the intention of harming these people physically or mentally, all we’re trying to do is train them —

Lungren: So it’s the question of intent?[b]2[/b]

3. Originally Posted by Holder's Justice Department

[T]orture is defined as “an extreme form of cruel and inhuman treatment and does not include lesser forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. . .

4. In this morning’s interview, Bill O’Reilly brought home the use of enhanced interrogation that led to the killing of Muslim rapist/killer in this case:

Family of slain ISIS hostage Kayla Mueller says they secretly ... › US › story

Kayla Mueller, a humanitarian worker from Arizona, was held captive, tortured and killed by ISIS.

Yazidi woman testifies about IS leader's treatment of US ... › France 24 › Live news

A young Yazidi woman testified on Monday that American aid worker Kayla Mueller told her she was raped by former Islamic State leader Abu ...

Dead ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held Kayla Mueller ... › local › arizona › 2019/10/27

ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi "either killed her or he was complicit in her (Kayla Mueller's) murder," father Carl Mueller says.

Can I see the hands of those who believe Al-Baghdadi should have been allowed to walk???

Not you, DA Alvin Bragg…..
Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

Political Chic endorses TORTURE

5. It is an overwhelming advantage to control the language, and the Democrats have made certain that they have that advantage.

In this case, the use the term “torture,” rather than “interrogation,” so that they and their drones can virtue-signal along the lines of “we would never torture.”

And through the use of the word ‘torture,’ this is what they want the public to imagine our forces doing:

From “Magnifico: The Brilliant Life and Violent Times of Lorenzo De Medici,” by Miles Unger, p. 227-228.

An incident recorded by the diarist Luca Landucci vividly illustrated the dangers awaiting those who threatened bodily harm to the leading citizens of the regime:

27th September [1481]. A certain hermit came to the house of Lorenzo de’ Medici at the Poggio a Caiano; and the servants declared that he intended to murder Lorenzo, so they took him and sent him to the Bargello, and he was put to the rack.

15th October. This hermit died at Santa Maria Novella, having been tortured in various ways. It was said that they skinned the soles of his feet, and then burnt them by holding them in the fire till the fat dripped off them; after which they set him upright and made him walk across the hall; and these things caused his death. Opinions were divided as to whether he were guilty or innocent.

But….we aren’t doing anything like that.

As you have learned, the Democrats lie about everything.

Next post will state exactly what ‘enhanced interrogation’ entails and where all of us have been exposed to and undergone it.
Lets hear what an expert on torture had to say about what US did to prisoners after 9-11

No leader knew as much about torture as John McCain

McCain called it torture and said it was beneath us
6. Let’s review what you well-trained Democrat voters were convinced we must not subject the terrorists to:

NYTimes outline of “torture techniques”
Interrogation Techniques - Interactive Graphic -

What if I can show that the list may be scary to pajama-boys…..but things many of us faced and shrugged off.
And below, is pretty much the way I remember the ‘torture.’

1. Walling: "A flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall: The interrpogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall."

Anyone who’s been at a concert, or a sale at Nordstrom’s has been through this one. Any permanent injuries?

2. The Facial (or Insult) Slap (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space.”

This one is a toughie, since women today will put up with any behavior, but you guys who have gone out with ladies, may have had to contend with this ‘torture.’

3. Cramped Confinement & insects Placed In a Confinement Box (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"You would like to place (Abu) Zubaydah in a cramped confinement box with an insect. You have informed us that he appears to have a fear of insects. …place a harmless insect in the box."

There was the time we took a cabin in the woods. Yes, I was exposed to this horrid torture!

4. "With respect to the small confinement box, you have informed us that he would spend at most two hours in this box ... For the larger box, in which he can both stand and sit, he may be placed in this box for up to eighteen hours at a time ..."

It’ s also known by it’s alternate title: the dreaded ‘college dorm room!’ In one of the dorm rooms in Columbia, you actually had to have the door open to fit the bed!

5. Dietary Manipulation (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
"This technique involves the substitution of commercial liquid meal replacements for normal food, presenting detainees with a bland, unappetizing, but nutritionally complete diet."

Now, this is torture. I remember after the first two weeks of staying up until 3 in the morning and eating nothing but junk food I was already 10 pounds heavier. You know what came next: the living hell of NutriSystem!

"Medical officers are required to ensure adequate fluid and nutritional intake, and frequent medial monitoring takes place while any detainee is undergoing dietary manipulation."

Plus, I didn’t get any medical officer, although there was this cute pre-med soph…

6. Nudity (Bradury memo, May 10, 2005)

"This technique is used to cause psychological discomfort, particularly if a detainee, for cultural or other reasons, is especially modest. When the technique is employed, clothing can be provided as an instant reward for cooperation... Interrogators can exploit the detainee's fear of being seen naked."

No details here, but I will tell you that at Vassar, we had co-ed bathrooms and showers.

7. Abdominal Slap (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"In this technique, the interrogator strikes the abdomen of the detainee with the back of his open hand. The interrogator must have no rings or other jewelry on his hand. The interrogator is positioned directly in front of the detainee, generally no more than than 18 inches from the detainees. With his fingers held tightly together and fully extended, and with his palm toward the interrogator's own body, using his elbow as a fixed pivot point, the interrogator slaps the detainee in the detainee's abdomen. The interrogator may not use a fist, and the slap must be delivered above the navel and below the sternum.”

Dreadful! Why, this is almost as bad as Dodge Ball!

8. Water Dousing and "Flicking" (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"Cold water is poured on the detainee either from a container or from a hose without a nozzle.”

Do you have an older brother? Need I say more?

"… You have also described a variation of water dousing involving much smaller quantities of water; this variation is known as 'flicking.' Flicking of water is achieved by the interrogator wetting his fingers and then flicking them at the detainee, propelling droplets at the detainee."

This can’t be serious.

9. Sleep Deprivation (more than 48 hours) (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking of those No-Doz days, and nights.

"… In lieu of standing sleep deprivation, a detainee may instead be seated on and shackled to a small stool. The stool supports the detainee's weight, but is too small to permit the subject to balance himself sufficiently to go to sleep…

I’ve been in college lectures in similar situations.

10. Waterboarding (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)
"Finally, you would like to use a technique called the 'waterboard.’ “..air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds."

Here is the biggie, waterboarding, or as we called it, Chug-a-Lug:

Wow, kind of reminds you of that line from “Pulp Fiction,”
"You hear me talking, hill-billy boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on yer a**."
6. Let’s review what you well-trained Democrat voters were convinced we must not subject the terrorists to:

NYTimes outline of “torture techniques”
Interrogation Techniques - Interactive Graphic -

What if I can show that the list may be scary to pajama-boys…..but things many of us faced and shrugged off.
And below, is pretty much the way I remember the ‘torture.’

1. Walling: "A flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall: The interrpogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall."

Anyone who’s been at a concert, or a sale at Nordstrom’s has been through this one. Any permanent injuries?

2. The Facial (or Insult) Slap (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space.”

This one is a toughie, since women today will put up with any behavior, but you guys who have gone out with ladies, may have had to contend with this ‘torture.’

3. Cramped Confinement & insects Placed In a Confinement Box (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"You would like to place (Abu) Zubaydah in a cramped confinement box with an insect. You have informed us that he appears to have a fear of insects. …place a harmless insect in the box."

There was the time we took a cabin in the woods. Yes, I was exposed to this horrid torture!

4. "With respect to the small confinement box, you have informed us that he would spend at most two hours in this box ... For the larger box, in which he can both stand and sit, he may be placed in this box for up to eighteen hours at a time ..."

It’ s also known by it’s alternate title: the dreaded ‘college dorm room!’ In one of the dorm rooms in Columbia, you actually had to have the door open to fit the bed!

5. Dietary Manipulation (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
"This technique involves the substitution of commercial liquid meal replacements for normal food, presenting detainees with a bland, unappetizing, but nutritionally complete diet."

Now, this is torture. I remember after the first two weeks of staying up until 3 in the morning and eating nothing but junk food I was already 10 pounds heavier. You know what came next: the living hell of NutriSystem!

"Medical officers are required to ensure adequate fluid and nutritional intake, and frequent medial monitoring takes place while any detainee is undergoing dietary manipulation."

Plus, I didn’t get any medical officer, although there was this cute pre-med soph…

6. Nudity (Bradury memo, May 10, 2005)

"This technique is used to cause psychological discomfort, particularly if a detainee, for cultural or other reasons, is especially modest. When the technique is employed, clothing can be provided as an instant reward for cooperation... Interrogators can exploit the detainee's fear of being seen naked."

No details here, but I will tell you that at Vassar, we had co-ed bathrooms and showers.

7. Abdominal Slap (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"In this technique, the interrogator strikes the abdomen of the detainee with the back of his open hand. The interrogator must have no rings or other jewelry on his hand. The interrogator is positioned directly in front of the detainee, generally no more than than 18 inches from the detainees. With his fingers held tightly together and fully extended, and with his palm toward the interrogator's own body, using his elbow as a fixed pivot point, the interrogator slaps the detainee in the detainee's abdomen. The interrogator may not use a fist, and the slap must be delivered above the navel and below the sternum.”

Dreadful! Why, this is almost as bad as Dodge Ball!

8. Water Dousing and "Flicking" (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"Cold water is poured on the detainee either from a container or from a hose without a nozzle.”

Do you have an older brother? Need I say more?

"… You have also described a variation of water dousing involving much smaller quantities of water; this variation is known as 'flicking.' Flicking of water is achieved by the interrogator wetting his fingers and then flicking them at the detainee, propelling droplets at the detainee."

This can’t be serious.

9. Sleep Deprivation (more than 48 hours) (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking of those No-Doz days, and nights.

"… In lieu of standing sleep deprivation, a detainee may instead be seated on and shackled to a small stool. The stool supports the detainee's weight, but is too small to permit the subject to balance himself sufficiently to go to sleep…

I’ve been in college lectures in similar situations.

10. Waterboarding (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)
"Finally, you would like to use a technique called the 'waterboard.’ “..air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds."

Here is the biggie, waterboarding, or as we called it, Chug-a-Lug:

Wow, kind of reminds you of that line from “Pulp Fiction,”
"You hear me talking, hill-billy boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on yer a**."


Would you consent to these harmless tortures administered by the CIA?

  1. waterboarding: The prisoner is bound to a declined board, feet raised and head slightly below the feet. Material is wrapped over the prisoner's face and water is poured over them, asphyxiating the prisoner.

  1. Hypothermia: The prisoner is left to stand naked in a cell kept near 50 °F (10 °C), while being regularly doused with cold water in order to increase the rate at which heat is lost from the body.

  1. Stress positions: Prisoners are forced to stand, handcuffed and with their feet shackled to an eye bolt in the floor (and/or wall), for more than 40 hours, causing the prisoners' weight to be placed on just one or two muscles. This creates an intense amount of pressure on the legs, leading first to pain and then muscle failure.

  1. Abdomen strikes: A hard, open-handed slap is dealt to the prisoner's abdomen. Doctors consulted over the matter advised against using a punch, which could cause lasting internal damage.

7. “Bill O'Reilly: The truth about the Senate torture report

Many fair-minded Americans are confused because a report by Senate Democrats accuses the Central Intelligence Agency of torture, bad management and lying. But at this point every single CIA leader since the 9/11 attack has refused to endorse the report. And three of them wrote a scathing op-ed today in the "Wall Street Journal", calling the Senate report bogus and dangerous. Every American should read that op-ed.

…thousands of lives were saved by information gathered.

The Democrats on the Senate Intel Committee dispute that saying nothing was learned that couldn't have been gleaned by nonviolent interrogations.

Based on available evidence, "Talking Points" is siding with the CIA people.

Listen to this exchange between NBC News anchor Brian Williams and former CIA chief Michael Hayden.


What if you, God forbid, members of your family, had to undergo some of the treatments we are reading about in this report. Can you personalize it in that way?

HAYDEN: I actually think, Brian, that my concern or my outrage, if that were ever done to any of my family members, would be somewhat muted if my family members had just killed 3,000 of my citizens.”
Bill O'Reilly: The truth about the Senate torture report
8. “" …we told you the truth: that coerced interrogation, most likely waterboarding, gave the CIA the first clue that led to Usama bin Laden's death. That is the truth. Yet many on the left in America will not acknowledge it.

It is extremely frustrating to watch pundits and politicians put ideology above the safety of the American people, and that's what's happening.

CIA chief Leon Panetta, an honest guy, admitted that coerced interrogation gave the U.S. government vital information:


KATIE COURIC, ANCHOR, "CBS EVENING NEWS": Some valuable information did, in fact, come from enhanced interrogation techniques.

LEON PANETTA, CIA DIRECTOR: Obviously there was -- there was some valuable information that was derived through those kinds of interrogations, but I guess the question that everybody will always debate is whether or not those approaches had to be used in order to get the same information. And that, frankly, is an open question.

enhanced interrogation does lead to lifesaving information despite what has been said:


We do not torture. Period. The reason this is important is not only because torture does not end up yielding good information and most intelligence officers agree with that.

HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: I do not think the United States government sanctioning torture is in our best interest. I do not think torture works.

BOB SCHIEFFER, HOST, "FACE THE NATION": Can you, Mr. Vice President, ever envision a time when waterboarding should be used on anyone?



BIDEN: No. It's not effective.


Well, now we know the vice president is wrong. It is effective. Coerced interrogation led, in part, to the death of bin Laden. But this debate will not go quietly into the night because ideologues rarely admit they are wrong.”

Bill O'Reilly: The Truth and Ideology - Talking Points Memo - Bill O'Reilly
As Political Chic endorses TORTURE

I guess that is common for someone who supports Hitler

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