Post-Apocalyptic Survival - Alternative Tactics

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that some great calamity may befall the Earth causing great social unrest and discord to the level where one must fight to survive. Maybe the most popular scenario to demonstrate this is the so-called "zombie apocalypse". But perhaps a more realistic situation is a global crash of financial markets whereby the dollar is without value. You cannot buy the things you need to survive (food, shelter, meds, etc...). Therefore, people start fighting over resources. Other possible scenarios include killer pandemics, massive international nuclear war, a massive meteor striking the Earth, etc...). Whatever the cause, mankind is plunged into a desperate state where he must take extraordinary steps to protect and sustain himself, his family, and others.

Survivalists have been foreseeing such an occurrence for decades. There's underground bunkers, food rations, plans to convert gas-operated vehicles to run off distilled alcohol, lots of guns and ammo, and all sorts of contingent plan. But despite the diversity, most if not all of these plans have one thing in common: They are all basically a "hunker down" and defend what we have strategy. There is some a validity to this. It is usually easier to defend a base than to overrun a base of operations. You expense less resources and energy in a defensive posture. It also appeases everybody's morality because it is peaceful save for righteous self-defensive actions.

But there is another way, and it is almost ALWAYS overlooked when looking at post-apocalyptic survival. That is, why hunker down at all? What's wrong with employing the strategy of being a marauder? Despite what I said in the foregoing paragraph, people will for the most part be mentally ill-equipped to deal with a survival situation. They probably will not be able to shoot straight. Do we REALLY believe "hunker-downers" will be able to defend their bases? REALLY? I know that there are middle aged men out there who think they are bad asses and can hold off the entire Chinese Army with their Palmetto Armory AK and .22 "survival rifle". The fact is, their ignorance and stupidity will get them killed early on in the downfall. Dudes talk big about this sort of thing. But most of them lack the mental fortitude to last long. Look at "Survivorman". He can last days at a time in desperate situations. BUT, he is not having to fight off marauders either.

I submit that once you go into a do-or-die scenario most rules fall by the wayside. At some point you are going to run out of food and sanity and either become a marauder, a slave, or a corpse. So why not just go into the apocalypse trained as a marauder in the first place? Forget hunkering down. Horde ammo, practice effectively using your guns, and bulk up on protein. You will need others, but carefully select only the ones you reasonably believe you can trust and count on in hairy situations. I figure a good band of marauders ought to consist of 15-20 people skilled at fighting.

You also need to consider what will be of value in the next world that can be used for currency. I suspect that ammo will definitely be like gold (9mm, 5.56, 7.62x39/51mm). Thus, learn to reload spent cartridges and shells. You will need them to invade and conquer, and they will be quite valuable for trade. Food will obviously be valuable. But as marauders we will not have time to be farmers. The move is to find some farmers and run a protection racket on them, making them pay with a large cut of their crop.

Finally, let me say that this last type of apocalyptic currency is going to seem controversial. I get it. But you have to understand that different times necessitate different expectations and moralities. Here goes: Pussy is going to be extremely valuable. If you can round up a stable of good, clean pussy and maintain it, then you may become the Warren Buffet of the apocalypse. Again, us marauders are running around doing shit. We do not have time to sit around playing pimp. But we can monetize it by applying a protection racket and eliminating competition. The pimps will then have to answer to us.

Honestly, you are only limited by your imaginations. These are uncharted waters for westerners. Such times will be hard and desperate. You are not going to last long in your stupid underground bunker. One day you are going to say "fuck it" and go to the surface for fresh air. They you get your throat slashed and lose everything you had. People are weak. They care about stupid shit today. They will be doomed in the apocalypse. Nobody is going to respect their stupid fucking pronouns or give them a "safe space" in which to be themselves. They will be tactically impotent and easy to overrun.
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that some great calamity may befall the Earth causing great social unrest and discord to the level where one must fight to survive. Maybe the most popular scenario to demonstrate this is the so-called "zombie apocalypse". But perhaps a more realistic situation is a global crash of financial markets whereby the dollar is without value. You cannot buy the things you need to survive (food, shelter, meds, etc...). Therefore, people start fighting over resources. Other possible scenarios include killer pandemics, massive international nuclear war, a massive meteor striking the Earth, etc...). Whatever the cause, mankind is plunged into a desperate state where he must take extraordinary steps to protect and sustain himself, his family, and others.

Survivalists have been foreseeing such an occurrence for decades. There's underground bunkers, food rations, plans to convert gas-operated vehicles to run off distilled alcohol, lots of guns and ammo, and all sorts of contingent plan. But despite the diversity, most if not all of these plans have one thing in common: They are all basically a "hunker down" and defend what we have strategy. There is some a validity to this. It is usually easier to defend a base than to overrun a base of operations. You expense less resources and energy in a defensive posture. It also appeases everybody's morality because it is peaceful save for righteous self-defensive actions.

But there is another way, and it is almost ALWAYS overlooked when looking at post-apocalyptic survival. That is, why hunker down at all? What's wrong with employing the strategy of being a marauder? Despite what I said in the foregoing paragraph, people will for the most part be mentally ill-equipped to deal with a survival situation. They probably will not be able to shoot straight. Do we REALLY believe "hunker-downers" will be able to defend their bases? REALLY? I know that there are middle aged men out there who think they are bad asses and can hold off the entire Chinese Army with their Palmetto Armory AK and .22 "survival rifle". The fact is, their ignorance and stupidity will get them killed early on in the downfall. Dudes talk big about this sort of thing. But most of them lack the mental fortitude to last long. Look at "Survivorman". He can last days at a time in desperate situations. BUT, he is not having to fight off marauders either.

I submit that once you go into a do-or-die scenario most rules fall by the wayside. At some point you are going to run out of food and sanity and either become a marauder, a slave, or a corpse. So why not just go into the apocalypse trained as a marauder in the first place? Forget hunkering down. Horde ammo, practice effectively using your guns, and bulk up on protein. You will need others, but carefully select only the ones you reasonably believe you can trust and count on in hairy situations. I figure a good band of marauders ought to consist of 15-20 people skilled at fighting.

You also need to consider what will be of value in the next world that can be used for currency. I suspect that ammo will definitely be like gold (9mm, 5.56, 7.62x39/51mm). Thus, learn to reload spent cartridges and shells. You will need them to invade and conquer, and they will be quite valuable for trade. Food will obviously be valuable. But as marauders we will not have time to be farmers. The move is to find some farmers and run a protection racket on them, making them pay with a large cut of their crop.

Finally, let me say that this last type of apocalyptic currency is going to seem controversial. I get it. But you have to understand that different times necessitate different expectations and moralities. Here goes: Pussy is going to be extremely valuable. If you can round up a stable of good, clean pussy and maintain it, then you may become the Warren Buffet of the apocalypse. Again, us marauders are running around doing shit. We do not have time to sit around playing pimp. But we can monetize it by applying a protection racket and eliminating competition. The pimps will then have to answer to us.

Honestly, you are only limited by your imaginations. These are uncharted waters for westerners. Such times will be hard and desperate. You are not going to last long in your stupid underground bunker. One day you are going to say "fuck it" and go to the surface for fresh air. They you get your throat slashed and lose everything you had. People are weak. They care about stupid shit today. They will be doomed in the apocalypse. Nobody is going to respect their stupid fucking pronouns or give them a "safe space" in which to be themselves. They will be tactically impotent and easy to overrun.
In your fantasy scenario, YOU will be the ones that WE decorate trees with.~

Why only 15-20?


It is entirely within the realm of possibility that some great calamity may befall the Earth causing great social unrest and discord to the level where one must fight to survive. Maybe the most popular scenario to demonstrate this is the so-called "zombie apocalypse". But perhaps a more realistic situation is a global crash of financial markets whereby the dollar is without value. You cannot buy the things you need to survive (food, shelter, meds, etc...). Therefore, people start fighting over resources. Other possible scenarios include killer pandemics, massive international nuclear war, a massive meteor striking the Earth, etc...). Whatever the cause, mankind is plunged into a desperate state where he must take extraordinary steps to protect and sustain himself, his family, and others.

Survivalists have been foreseeing such an occurrence for decades. There's underground bunkers, food rations, plans to convert gas-operated vehicles to run off distilled alcohol, lots of guns and ammo, and all sorts of contingent plan. But despite the diversity, most if not all of these plans have one thing in common: They are all basically a "hunker down" and defend what we have strategy. There is some a validity to this. It is usually easier to defend a base than to overrun a base of operations. You expense less resources and energy in a defensive posture. It also appeases everybody's morality because it is peaceful save for righteous self-defensive actions.

But there is another way, and it is almost ALWAYS overlooked when looking at post-apocalyptic survival. That is, why hunker down at all? What's wrong with employing the strategy of being a marauder? Despite what I said in the foregoing paragraph, people will for the most part be mentally ill-equipped to deal with a survival situation. They probably will not be able to shoot straight. Do we REALLY believe "hunker-downers" will be able to defend their bases? REALLY? I know that there are middle aged men out there who think they are bad asses and can hold off the entire Chinese Army with their Palmetto Armory AK and .22 "survival rifle". The fact is, their ignorance and stupidity will get them killed early on in the downfall. Dudes talk big about this sort of thing. But most of them lack the mental fortitude to last long. Look at "Survivorman". He can last days at a time in desperate situations. BUT, he is not having to fight off marauders either.

I submit that once you go into a do-or-die scenario most rules fall by the wayside. At some point you are going to run out of food and sanity and either become a marauder, a slave, or a corpse. So why not just go into the apocalypse trained as a marauder in the first place? Forget hunkering down. Horde ammo, practice effectively using your guns, and bulk up on protein. You will need others, but carefully select only the ones you reasonably believe you can trust and count on in hairy situations. I figure a good band of marauders ought to consist of 15-20 people skilled at fighting.

You also need to consider what will be of value in the next world that can be used for currency. I suspect that ammo will definitely be like gold (9mm, 5.56, 7.62x39/51mm). Thus, learn to reload spent cartridges and shells. You will need them to invade and conquer, and they will be quite valuable for trade. Food will obviously be valuable. But as marauders we will not have time to be farmers. The move is to find some farmers and run a protection racket on them, making them pay with a large cut of their crop.

Finally, let me say that this last type of apocalyptic currency is going to seem controversial. I get it. But you have to understand that different times necessitate different expectations and moralities. Here goes: Pussy is going to be extremely valuable. II lovf you can round up a stable of good, clean pussy and maintain it, then you may become the Warren Buffet of the apocalypse. Again, us marauders are running around doing shit. We do not have time to sit around playing pimp. But we can monetize it by applying a protection racket and eliminating competition. The pimps will then have to answer to us.

Honestly, you are only limited by your imaginations. These are uncharted waters for westerners. Such times will be hard and desperate. You are not going to last long in your stupid underground bunker. One day you are going to say "fuck it" and go to the surface for fresh air. They you get your throat slashed and lose everything you had. People are weak. They care about stupid shit today. They will be doomed in the apocalypse. Nobody is going to respect their stupid fucking pronouns or give them a "safe space" in which to be themselves. They will be tactically impotent and easy to overrun.
I love post-apoc fiction. I read a lot of it. One I read -- by Franklin Horton? had this guy who was REALLY well prepared, gasoline with stabilizer in big tanks, lots of bunkered food and meds and of course all the obligatory guns and rifles and on and on.

So then someone came along and shot him and took it all.
In your fantasy scenario, YOU will be the ones that WE decorate trees with.~
What, no nice prisons for the malefactors after the SHTF? Funny, that's the same attitude drug dealers take right now. They just kill the guy didn't pay them, and usually kill their family, too.

I've been saying putting an end to bad guys is what we need to go back to now, ASAP, and I notice that all, 100%, of post-apocs do the tree-decorating thing with bad guys. Let's see: Alas, Babylon one of the earliest but one of the best, and Sterling's Dies the Fire. Lots of Strange Fruit! Others don't get fancy with trees, they just shoot the bad guys and leave them where they lie.

None of these stories bother with prisons.
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My advice is never shoot more liberal zombies than you can eat. Remember, conservation is love for the earth.
Choosing to be a marauder type after the STHF is fine. I wish you well. I own land in the N. Georgia mountains. I would suggest marauding elsewhere.

Being maurauder is not for those with families. I could do it for a while. But I have children, they have spouses and children. Hunkering down seems far better for our kind of group.

While I agree that most people will not be mentally prepared to kill to defend themselves, I believe a mother defending her children is a force to be reckoned with.

And maintaining a central bunker is feasible. Maintaining a means of transport, not so much. I couldn't carry the amount of ammo I currently possess.

And I would never use ammo for barter. Why would I arm people who want what I have?
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that some great calamity may befall the Earth causing great social unrest and discord to the level where one must fight to survive. Maybe the most popular scenario to demonstrate this is the so-called "zombie apocalypse". But perhaps a more realistic situation is a global crash of financial markets whereby the dollar is without value. You cannot buy the things you need to survive (food, shelter, meds, etc...). Therefore, people start fighting over resources. Other possible scenarios include killer pandemics, massive international nuclear war, a massive meteor striking the Earth, etc...). Whatever the cause, mankind is plunged into a desperate state where he must take extraordinary steps to protect and sustain himself, his family, and others.

Survivalists have been foreseeing such an occurrence for decades. There's underground bunkers, food rations, plans to convert gas-operated vehicles to run off distilled alcohol, lots of guns and ammo, and all sorts of contingent plan. But despite the diversity, most if not all of these plans have one thing in common: They are all basically a "hunker down" and defend what we have strategy. There is some a validity to this. It is usually easier to defend a base than to overrun a base of operations. You expense less resources and energy in a defensive posture. It also appeases everybody's morality because it is peaceful save for righteous self-defensive actions.

But there is another way, and it is almost ALWAYS overlooked when looking at post-apocalyptic survival. That is, why hunker down at all? What's wrong with employing the strategy of being a marauder? Despite what I said in the foregoing paragraph, people will for the most part be mentally ill-equipped to deal with a survival situation. They probably will not be able to shoot straight. Do we REALLY believe "hunker-downers" will be able to defend their bases? REALLY? I know that there are middle aged men out there who think they are bad asses and can hold off the entire Chinese Army with their Palmetto Armory AK and .22 "survival rifle". The fact is, their ignorance and stupidity will get them killed early on in the downfall. Dudes talk big about this sort of thing. But most of them lack the mental fortitude to last long. Look at "Survivorman". He can last days at a time in desperate situations. BUT, he is not having to fight off marauders either.

I submit that once you go into a do-or-die scenario most rules fall by the wayside. At some point you are going to run out of food and sanity and either become a marauder, a slave, or a corpse. So why not just go into the apocalypse trained as a marauder in the first place? Forget hunkering down. Horde ammo, practice effectively using your guns, and bulk up on protein. You will need others, but carefully select only the ones you reasonably believe you can trust and count on in hairy situations. I figure a good band of marauders ought to consist of 15-20 people skilled at fighting.

You also need to consider what will be of value in the next world that can be used for currency. I suspect that ammo will definitely be like gold (9mm, 5.56, 7.62x39/51mm). Thus, learn to reload spent cartridges and shells. You will need them to invade and conquer, and they will be quite valuable for trade. Food will obviously be valuable. But as marauders we will not have time to be farmers. The move is to find some farmers and run a protection racket on them, making them pay with a large cut of their crop.

Finally, let me say that this last type of apocalyptic currency is going to seem controversial. I get it. But you have to understand that different times necessitate different expectations and moralities. Here goes: Pussy is going to be extremely valuable. If you can round up a stable of good, clean pussy and maintain it, then you may become the Warren Buffet of the apocalypse. Again, us marauders are running around doing shit. We do not have time to sit around playing pimp. But we can monetize it by applying a protection racket and eliminating competition. The pimps will then have to answer to us.

Honestly, you are only limited by your imaginations. These are uncharted waters for westerners. Such times will be hard and desperate. You are not going to last long in your stupid underground bunker. One day you are going to say "fuck it" and go to the surface for fresh air. They you get your throat slashed and lose everything you had. People are weak. They care about stupid shit today. They will be doomed in the apocalypse. Nobody is going to respect their stupid fucking pronouns or give them a "safe space" in which to be themselves. They will be tactically impotent and easy to overrun.
I already have my outfit RTG

My advice is never shoot more liberal zombies than you can eat. Remember, conservation is love for the earth.
Keep 'em alive as long as you can; they stay fresher that way.

I actually saw that advice written down once.
Choosing to be a marauder type after the STHF is fine. I wish you well. I own land in the N. Georgia mountains. I would suggest marauding elsewhere.

Being maurauder is not for those with families. I could do it for a while. But I have children, they have spouses and children. Hunkering down seems far better for our kind of group.

While I agree that most people will not be mentally prepared to kill to defend themselves, I believe a mother defending her children is a force to be reckoned with.

And maintaining a central bunker is feasible. Maintaining a means of transport, not so much. I couldn't carry the amount of ammo I currently possess.

And I would never use ammo for barter. Why would I arm people who want what I have?
I think you are going to do all right ----- :cool:
What, no nice prisons for the malefactors after the SHTF? Funny, that's the same attitude drug dealers take right now. They just kill the guy didn't pay them, and usually kill their family, too.

I've been saying putting an end to bad guys is what we need to go back to now, ASAP, and I notice that all, 100%, of post-apocs do the tree-decorating thing with bad guys. Let's see: Alas, Babylon one of the earliest but one of the best, and Sterling's Dies the Fire. Lots of Strange Fruit! Others don't get fancy with trees, they just shoot the bad guys and leave them where they lie.

None of these stories bother with prisons!
Indeed. Dies the Fire deserves a special shout-out. In the Book, and series--those camo-wearing, survivalist types don't come off well at all. Most of them turn predator and are in turn..handled by the majority remaining. While the college town of Corvallis..fortifies itself and uses its stored knowledge to build a stable society.
Camo becomes a chancy choice of anyone wearing it becomes suspect~
In a real SHTF scenario the 9 meal rule will take effect & even the law abiding guys are going to get desperate if they haven't prepared.
They may be capable of unthinkable things once they realize their families could starve.

We are basically 9 consecutive missed meals from anarchy & our supply chains (production-delivery) have been choked & kinked for a while now.

The oblivious scoff & proclaim this will never happen while the prudent prepare

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