Portland’s Mayor Begs Public To Help Dox Antifa Members, Do The Cops Jobs

Good God these leftists are idiots.

What good is doxing antifa going to do when they've defunded the cops and tied their hands from doing anything? What are they going to do if they do dox antifa members, talk badly to them on twitter?

Democrats are mentally retarded. They think like ignorant little children.
Fuck him. Let them finish the place off. No cop in his right mind should lift a finger against his pet vermin, especially after the Chauvin lynching.
I agree....all these shit holes have been one party commie rule for decades

We should not lift a finger and let these rot holes disintegrate.

This is not the problems by conservatives. Fuck you GD liberals.
I’m shipping 5 tons of bricks, 2,000 cases of soup and a tanker of gasoline to be dropped off at the University of Portland.
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Good God these leftists are idiots.

What good is doxing antifa going to do when they've defunded the cops and tied their hands from doing anything? What are they going to do if they do dox antifa members, talk badly to them on twitter?

Democrats are mentally retarded. They think like ignorant little children.
Ted Wheeler is depending on a volunteer mafia to enforce vigilante justice under codes of omertà and respect for the ladies.
Because snitching on terrorists will never put you or your family in danger!
Besides, their just an idea.

So, he was hobnobbing with them when Trump was president, but wants them turned in now that Harris is control.

How shallow can the twit get, anyway

Not about Harris, Biden or even Trump. He is probably has been evaluating the effectiveness or more rightly, the lack there of, regarding his managerial response to the protests/rioting. Permissiveness, to me has always been a problem of the left, whether that is accurate or not. Setting limits is as important as setting goals. I see permissiveness with children in the way they are raised, leading to more permissiveness in general. Though not always bad, by any means, there must be limits, a line at which you must say no and NO MEANS NO. This is where he, his Governor and some others around the few riot torn cities failed, at least in my opinion.
Not about Harris, Biden or even Trump. He is probably has been evaluating the effectiveness or more rightly, the lack there of, regarding his managerial response to the protests/rioting. Permissiveness, to me has always been a problem of the left, whether that is accurate or not. Setting limits is as important as setting goals. I see permissiveness with children in the way they are raised, leading to more permissiveness in general. Though not always bad, by any means, there must be limits, a line at which you must say no and NO MEANS NO. This is where he, his Governor and some others around the few riot torn cities failed, at least in my opinion.
You can't shield, back and support Antifa goons and then turn on a dime against them with any credence
from Portland idiots that put Ted Wheeler in office for two long terms. Wheeler sponsored Antifa
donating city property to the radical bullies as their personal campgrounds when it benefited him to do so.

Clearly Wheeler and leftist backers were very willing to support the felons in Antifa when Donald Trump was
in office. Because who cares about arson, felonious assault and property destruction when the Bad Orange
Man might gain from order in Portland?

But now? Apparently that's a different story and this transparent change of attitude stinks!
In the alternate universe that is Portland the only political challenges to Wheeler have come from
even more radical and idiotic mayoral candidates. You made your shit hole, Portland.
Now burn in it.
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