Pornography And Sex Education Are Not The Same Thing. Nor Is Porn And Masturbation.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Please stop pedaling pornography to children, under the guise of "sex education", progressives:

Tell your friends and avoid the embarassment this school (and this teacher) suffered:

The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) reportedly found out about the materials as a result of an inquiry from a Sun News Network reporter last Friday. The brochures, which were immediately removed, were posted back in October on a bulletin board the teacher made for his seventh and eighth-grade classroom.

"One such brochure, created by the AIDS Committee of Toronto (ACT), is titled “Use Your Head When Giving It” and features a picture of a man with his pants down, apparently receiving oral sex from another man. The pamphlet includes tips for “giving good blow jobs,” in addition to advice for avoiding syphilis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections."

Toronto School Under Fire For Having Sexually Explicit Brochures Posted In Classroom
And if you're engaging in pornish activities outside of the classroom, and think it's AOK, think again:

"The Court also found that the public posting on a website of pornographic photos and obscene text constituted immoral conduct because it evidenced indecency and moral indifference. The Court specifically noted that public school teachers, along with police officers and judges, may be subject to certain limitations on their freedom of action that do not exist in other professions. As a result, the Court found that the District had cause to dismiss the employee on that ground as well. "

Newsflash Court of Appeal Upheld Teacher s Dismissal for Posting Sexually Explicit Ad on Craigslist Fagen Friedman Fulfrost
As to this particular story, this is the fucking faggot lobby trying to entice boys into the queer life. Homosexuals are inherently sick.

Progressives. I'm not convinced it's a homo thing as much as a progressive thing. Though one could, possibly, argue they are one and the same.

I have known homosexuals who were NOT progressive...and they would never in a million years endorse this sort of stupid crap. But all progressives will. The progressive principal of the school knew very well what was in the room...
As to this particular story, this is the fucking faggot lobby trying to entice boys into the queer life. Homosexuals are inherently sick.

Progressives. I'm not convinced it's a homo thing as much as a progressive thing. Though they are, arguable, one and the same.

There's a truly sick mindset (exhibited by some on this board too) that no holes barred sex is the greatest thing since the dawn of man. It's fags who have infiltrated academia and psychology. It's the the APA no longer classifies homosexuality as an illness.
Oh, and isn't acceptable "literature" for underaged students, either:

An Arizona school district has pulled from its reading list a sexually explicit novel that is recommended as an "exemplar text" in the Common Core Standards. Parents and community members at Buena High School in Sierra Vista, Arizona expressed concern about the novel Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia."

"On the Voices Empower website, the parent provides screen shots of the book, showing the Buena High School bar code on the cover and page 80 of the book that contains the following excerpt [Note: Caution advised - graphic text follows]:

"Hugo and Felicia stripped in their room, dissolving easily into one another, and made love against the whitewashed walls. Hugo bit Felicia’s breast and left purplish bands of bruises on her upper thighs. He knelt before her in the tub and massaged black Spanish soap between her legs. He entered her repeatedly from behind.

"Felicia learned what pleased him. She tied his arms above his head with their underclothing and slapping him sharply when he asked.

“You’re my bitch,” Hugo said, groaning.

"In the morning he left, promising to return in the summer.

"Education activist Donna Garner provides the following commentary:

Yes, Dreaming in Cuban by Cristina Garcia is indeed recommended in the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.
Because the Common Core Standards Initiative ties teachers’ evaluations to the scores their students make on the Common Core assessments, teachers are pressured to teach the Common Core Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks (Appendix B). "

AZ School District Pulls Sexually Explicit Book Recommended by Common Core Standards
What a bunch of dunces. This isn't acceptable regardless of whom was receiving and giving the oral sex.
Oh here's a good one....judge rules a school must remove web filters, because the filters prevent explicit LGBT sites from being viewed by kids, lol. In other words, you must allow children access to porn, so they can learn about homosexual activities and behavior:


"A US District Judge issued a preliminary junction against the Camdenton R – III School District banning them from using filtering software. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit against the district claiming it was deliberately restricting access to homosexual themed sites, while allowing students to view what it claims are “anti-LG BT sites that condemn homosexuality.”

"In issuing its ruling, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri said the district’s custom filtering system “systematically allows access to websites expressing a negative viewpoint toward LGBT individuals by categorizing them as ‘religion,’ but filters out positive viewpoints toward LGBT issues by categorizing them as ‘sexuality.”

"Joe Ortwerth, executive director of the Missouri Family Policy Council, says, “When you consider that there’s a federal law on the books that obligates school districts to ensure that their computers do not allow access to materials that might be pornographic for minors, this judge’s action — considering that — is pretty shocking.”

"The ACLU’s website claims that schools cannot block LGBT sites claiming that to do so is a violation of the First Amendment. “Programs that block all LGBT content violate First Amendment rights to free speech, as well as the Equal Access Act, which requires equal access to school resources for all extracurricular clubs, including gay-straight alliances and LGBT support groups.”

Judge rules school must allow access to sexually explicit LGBT sites Northern Colorado Gazette
And, people...likewise, having sex with your students, filming them on the sly, etc., is not ok. Even if they are of age:

"Girard played a video for two 18-year-old males. It showed the teacher having sex with two teen girls. The boys notified police, who investigated and questioned the 16- and 17-year-old victims — both students in Girard’s classes."

Stop, you're making me hot under the collar,,but it is wrong to have sex with underage humans, when will the Catholics stop?
And, people...likewise, having sex with your students, filming them on the sly, etc., is not ok. Even if they are of age:

"Girard played a video for two 18-year-old males. It showed the teacher having sex with two teen girls. The boys notified police, who investigated and questioned the 16- and 17-year-old victims — both students in Girard’s classes."

Stop, you're making me hot under the collar,,but it is wrong to have sex with underage humans, when will the Catholics stop?
that's different, they have god's permission!

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