Poor oppressed minorities who cannot afford ID's to vote- flock to see The Butler


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


Traybaggers are psychotic. :cuckoo:
Why does society accept the bigoted racist left wing notion that "minorities" (Black people) cannot function in the real world with a photo I.D.? The allegation is insulting and crazy and yet the spokespeople for Black America accept the insult rather than confront the democrat party plantation mentality.
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Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


that is why i have named them "LIARBERALS" :up:
Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly.

Because this movie is supposed to appeal to blacks and is doing decently well, all blacks, no matter their financial situation, must be paying to see it?

I don't buy the anti-voter ID argument from a racial standpoint, but arguing against it with something even more foolish certainly doesn't help your cause. :eusa_whistle:
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?

This is all about voter suppression from the right.

You can't get anyone to vote for you, so you spend all your time trying to stop people from voting against you.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear......this is shocking and horrible....no....horrible and shocking!
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear......this is shocking and horrible....no....horrible and shocking!

Actually having your picture wearing a kilt with socks and sandals is horrible and shocking.. "Shock and Awe." You should come with a tag that cautions the user to view with extreme care..
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


Black people going to the movies proves something?

Plus there is the fact white stay home moms love Oprah. Lol
Poor oppressed minorities who cannot afford ID's to vote- flock to see The Butler
Poor ignorant conservatives, unaware of the fact that unlike voting, going to the movies is not a ‘Constitutional right.’ This premise also fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Conservatives further exhibit their stupidity by not understanding the issue.

The issue has nothing to do with the cost of a photo ID, but the documents needed to obtain the ID, where it’s common for older African-Americans to have had no birth certificate issued when born, or where the necessary documents were lost or destroyed and local jurisdictions have no records of the birth. These citizens show as active and eligible on the voter registration rolls, and they’ve consistently voted in every election for decades.

It is illegal and un-Constitutional to disenfranchise these voters because they cannot obtain photo IDs through no fault of their own. The republican effort to do so is purely partisan, where African-American voters are perceived to be ‘democratic’ voters.
Yes it's true. Republicans are trying to suppress the votes of dead people.

There, an admission.
Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly.

Because this movie is supposed to appeal to blacks and is doing decently well, all blacks, no matter their financial situation, must be paying to see it?

I don't buy the anti-voter ID argument from a racial standpoint, but arguing against it with something even more foolish certainly doesn't help your cause. :eusa_whistle:

Pretty much.
If not now, when should it be acceptable to require people to present a valid picture ID to vote. It's freaking 2013 (twenty first century). Where have these voters been that don't already have a valid picture I'd, living in some cave somewhere?

If not now, how about by year 2020? That's just over six years. This excuse that its too difficult to get a valid picture ID just won't fly for much longer.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear......this is shocking and horrible....no....horrible and shocking!

Actually having your picture wearing a kilt with socks and sandals is horrible and shocking.. "Shock and Awe." You should come with a tag that cautions the user to view with extreme care..

^ you know...I remember you crying about me doing a personal attack of you out of the blue.....apparently that doesn't apply to yourself, does it?
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear......this is shocking and horrible....no....horrible and shocking!

Actually having your picture wearing a kilt with socks and sandals is horrible and shocking.. "Shock and Awe." You should come with a tag that cautions the user to view with extreme care..

^ you know...I remember you crying about me doing a personal attack of you out of the blue.....apparently that doesn't apply to yourself, does it?

Shhh! It's different when she does it.
Actually having your picture wearing a kilt with socks and sandals is horrible and shocking.. "Shock and Awe." You should come with a tag that cautions the user to view with extreme care..

^ you know...I remember you crying about me doing a personal attack of you out of the blue.....apparently that doesn't apply to yourself, does it?

Shhh! It's different when she does it.

Poor Miss Piggy always running to my threads to make digs, insults.. LMAO I must really bother you.. makes my day!!! :)
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, oh dear......this is shocking and horrible....no....horrible and shocking!

Actually having your picture wearing a kilt with socks and sandals is horrible and shocking.. "Shock and Awe." You should come with a tag that cautions the user to view with extreme care..

^ you know...I remember you crying about me doing a personal attack of you out of the blue.....apparently that doesn't apply to yourself, does it?

I never come in to a thread and target you but I return fire.. if you don't like it, ignore me and shut your fucking mouth.. otherwise stop your squealing.. you and Miss Piggy.

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