Poor oppressed minorities who cannot afford ID's to vote- flock to see The Butler

Just some of the various things people always or may need a Photo ID for:

1. Purchasing a ticket and boarding an airplane
2. Writing a check
3. Cashing a check
4. Using a credit card
5. Driving a motor vehicle
6. Applying for a business license
7. Applying for permission to hold a protest or rally
8. Applying for some kinds of employment
9. Purchasing a house or real estate
10. Renting a domicile
11. Renting a motor vehicle
12. Purchasing a firearm (Includes BB guns)
13. Applying for a hunting or fishing license
14. Enrolling in college
15. Purchasing alcoholic beverages
16. Purchasing tobacco or products that contain nicotine
17. Purchasing a motor vehicle
18. Initial registration of a motor vehicle
19. Applying for a building permit
20. Receiving prescription medicine
21. Purchasing OTC medicine that contains pseudoephedrine
22. Serving on jury duty
23. Opening a bank account
24. Closing a bank account with a cash balance.
24. Cash transactions of $5000.00 or greater (lesser amt in some states)
25. Sales tax exemption for people aged 80 and above
26. Getting admitted to a hospital or utilizing certain other medical services.
27. Gaining admission to an adult's only venue
28. Applying for public assistance
29. Cashing in a winning lottery ticket or collecting a substantial win at the casino
30. Securing a marriage license

Now given the obvious difficulty of functioning in much of society when one has no photo ID, and given the government's concern for how much we smoke or drink or the size of the soft drinks we can buy or what goes into our kid's sack lunch. . . .

Doesn't it seem completely sensible that the important photo ID should be mandatory and the responsibility of the state to provide if the person doesn't have one?

And once accomplished, then how could it possibly disenfranchise anybody to ask them to provide that photo ID when they vote?
For some reason minorities need to be able to vote months in advance.
They need to vote on Sundays before election day.
They needs extended hours.
They need to be able to wake up on election day and then decide hey WTF I just decided I want to vote in this election....They had 4 fucking years to register but decide to vote on election day and they are not registered.

And then after all this they are quick to play the race card and say that they are being disenfranchised.
I registered months in advance.
I don't get time off to vote so I get up early and hit the polls before I start off for work.
Gee, nothing like being a little late after the whistle and jumping on the pile.
Um, this is about the integrity of elections. Nothing else.
The lib moonbat narrative is 'racism' and 'suppression'....
Oh, and that good old fall back position; disenfranchisement.
That's exactly what it is!

How are you going to maintain the "integrity of elections", trying to prevent something that occurs only 0.0006% of the time?
Because it only takes one teaspoon of machine oil to contaminate the entire fresh water supply of a ship. Get it?
This is popular and you can't stand it. Hence the reason why libs are having a massive freakout and are dragging armies of liberal cause attorneys into every courtroom that will hear them.
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How exactly does getting an id keep someone from voting? Anyway you are supposed to have a valid id on you at all times.
A student ID is valid, but not accepted in republican controlled states.

Stop it.
Student ID's are easily forged. I used to work as a bartender. In my state it is a requirement to take a state test of knowledge of fake ID's and what to look for. The number one example was student ID's. I have seen all kinds of fake documents.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?




Me thinks you spelled it out CLEARLY that you are ONLY insisting on these citizens getting a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, NOT BECAUSE OF VOTER FRAUD, BUT SO THAT YOU AND YOUR ILK can make it harder for them to vote than the average person that owns a car and has to do NOTHING in order to vote.

Yeah, sure, this GVT photo ID thing is purely partisans trying to disenfranchise via making it harder, for these citizens to vote....


All the BS touted about illegals and voter fraud is a bunch of bunk....

IT'S OUR CITIZENS that you DON'T WANT to vote.....

as your OP shows.
For some reason minorities need to be able to vote months in advance.
They need to vote on Sundays before election day.
They needs extended hours.
They need to be able to wake up on election day and then decide hey WTF I just decided I want to vote in this election....They had 4 fucking years to register but decide to vote on election day and they are not registered.

And then after all this they are quick to play the race card and say that they are being disenfranchised.

Voting should never be seen as an unalienable right but rather as a privilege earned via our status as law abiding U.S. citizens. And it should require thought and effort.

Honest citizens do not WANT people to vote just to be voting. We want people to vote FOR something and to be fully aware of what they are voting for and why.

THAT is why we once were required to register six weeks ahead of an upcoming election, and we got ourself down to the clerk's office to register and we had to have proof of a bonafide address via a utility bill or some such in order to register. If we moved with less than six weeks to the election, we could return to our old precinct to vote, but we would not be able to vote in the new one.

And those who voted were expected to get themselves to their assigned polling place on election day between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. to cast their vote. No walkins wherever they might be demanding the right to register and vote within the hour. Absentee ballots were available to those who would be away from home on election day, and the controls on those were absolute and honest.

Voter turnout in the 1950's and 60's was at a peak high during a time when the minimum voting age was still 21, and a healthy majority of Ameicans were tuned into presidential debates and knew who was running for office and what they were running for. To have somebody dragged off the street, pointed to the name they were supposed to vote for, and paid to go in and vote was unheard of and would be soundly condemned.

The American public was fairly sure that the vast majority of votes were honestly and competently cast, and there was almost no question or challenge to the vote counts submitted after the votes were counted.

One has to wonder why an honest vote is so alien to some Americans today and why they seem so gung ho to have a system that almost makes an honest vote impossible.

I suggest we return to a reasonable facsimile of that system and restore honor and accountability to the system.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?




Me thinks you spelled it out CLEARLY that you are ONLY insisting on these citizens getting a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, NOT BECAUSE OF VOTER FRAUD, BUT SO THAT YOU AND YOUR ILK can make it harder for them to vote than the average person that owns a car and has to do NOTHING in order to vote.

Yeah, sure, this GVT photo ID thing is purely partisans trying to disenfranchise via making it harder, for these citizens to vote....


All the BS touted about illegals and voter fraud is a bunch of bunk....

IT'S OUR CITIZENS that you DON'T WANT to vote.....

as your OP shows.
Did you think up this bullshit all by yourself? Or did you have help?
Your post is so off the wall, it barely qualifies for a response.
Please return to whatever it is you do with yourself. This is no place for you.
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?




Me thinks you spelled it out CLEARLY that you are ONLY insisting on these citizens getting a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, NOT BECAUSE OF VOTER FRAUD, BUT SO THAT YOU AND YOUR ILK can make it harder for them to vote than the average person that owns a car and has to do NOTHING in order to vote.

Yeah, sure, this GVT photo ID thing is purely partisans trying to disenfranchise via making it harder, for these citizens to vote....


All the BS touted about illegals and voter fraud is a bunch of bunk....

IT'S OUR CITIZENS that you DON'T WANT to vote.....

as your OP shows.
Did you think up this bullshit all by yourself? Or did you have help?
Your post is so off the wall, it barely qualifies for a response.
Please return to whatever it is you do with yourself. This is no place for you.


So...it's not another Avatar or Lord of the Rings, eh?

Oh...did THIS comment peg it?

The White Grievance Industry is hard at work bashing Oprah for allegedly making up racist incidents and playing the 'race' card to promote her films. Among white conservative blogs it's the top story. Not so much anywhere else.
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Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?





Me thinks you spelled it out CLEARLY that you are ONLY insisting on these citizens getting a gvt issued photo id in order to vote, NOT BECAUSE OF VOTER FRAUD, BUT SO THAT YOU AND YOUR ILK can make it harder for them to vote than the average person that owns a car and has to do NOTHING in order to vote.

Yeah, sure, this GVT photo ID thing is purely partisans trying to disenfranchise via making it harder, for these citizens to vote....


All the BS touted about illegals and voter fraud is a bunch of bunk....

IT'S OUR CITIZENS that you DON'T WANT to vote.....

as your OP shows.
Did you think up this bullshit all by yourself? Or did you have help?
Your post is so off the wall, it barely qualifies for a response.
Please return to whatever it is you do with yourself. This is no place for you.

Is that Zena the Warrior Princess in Care4 All's avatar? Say it ain't so....Jeez...
Is Oprah Affecting Box Office? Early Trends Showing 'The Butler' #1 With $10M Friday & $30M Weekend, 'Kick Ass 2' $7.1M/$18.5M, 'Jobs' $3M/$8.7M, 'Paranoia' $1.5M/$4M - Deadline.com

The article notes this movie has appealed to the African American community so all of you KOOKS save your racissssssssssssssssssssssssssst squawks for your race pimps..

We've all heard G5000 for a week piss and moan about his poor librul constituents not being able to afford to get an ID.. How much does it cost to go to a movie?



Oh dear...who told you to shut up? I think you should talk/post even more.
Just some of the various things people always or may need a Photo ID for:

1. Purchasing a ticket and boarding an airplane
2. Writing a check
3. Cashing a check
4. Using a credit card
5. Driving a motor vehicle
6. Applying for a business license
7. Applying for permission to hold a protest or rally
8. Applying for some kinds of employment
9. Purchasing a house or real estate
10. Renting a domicile
11. Renting a motor vehicle
12. Purchasing a firearm (Includes BB guns)
13. Applying for a hunting or fishing license
14. Enrolling in college
15. Purchasing alcoholic beverages
16. Purchasing tobacco or products that contain nicotine
17. Purchasing a motor vehicle
18. Initial registration of a motor vehicle
19. Applying for a building permit
20. Receiving prescription medicine
21. Purchasing OTC medicine that contains pseudoephedrine
22. Serving on jury duty
23. Opening a bank account
24. Closing a bank account with a cash balance.
24. Cash transactions of $5000.00 or greater (lesser amt in some states)
25. Sales tax exemption for people aged 80 and above
26. Getting admitted to a hospital or utilizing certain other medical services.
27. Gaining admission to an adult's only venue
28. Applying for public assistance
29. Cashing in a winning lottery ticket or collecting a substantial win at the casino
30. Securing a marriage license

Now given the obvious difficulty of functioning in much of society when one has no photo ID, and given the government's concern for how much we smoke or drink or the size of the soft drinks we can buy or what goes into our kid's sack lunch. . . .

Doesn't it seem completely sensible that the important photo ID should be mandatory and the responsibility of the state to provide if the person doesn't have one?

And once accomplished, then how could it possibly disenfranchise anybody to ask them to provide that photo ID when they vote?
None of those things are a Constitutional right.
Because it only takes one teaspoon of machine oil to contaminate the entire fresh water supply of a ship. Get it?
This is popular and you can't stand it. Hence the reason why libs are having a massive freakout and are dragging armies of liberal cause attorneys into every courtroom that will hear them.
Because this is nothing more than voter suppression and you're trying to deny people their Constitutional right to vote.
Stop it.
Student ID's are easily forged. I used to work as a bartender. In my state it is a requirement to take a state test of knowledge of fake ID's and what to look for. The number one example was student ID's. I have seen all kinds of fake documents.
Student ID's have been used for years and there are not enough occurances of voter fraud to justify any change in the system now.
Just some of the various things people always or may need a Photo ID for:

1. Purchasing a ticket and boarding an airplane
2. Writing a check
3. Cashing a check
4. Using a credit card
5. Driving a motor vehicle
6. Applying for a business license
7. Applying for permission to hold a protest or rally
8. Applying for some kinds of employment
9. Purchasing a house or real estate
10. Renting a domicile
11. Renting a motor vehicle
12. Purchasing a firearm (Includes BB guns)
13. Applying for a hunting or fishing license
14. Enrolling in college
15. Purchasing alcoholic beverages
16. Purchasing tobacco or products that contain nicotine
17. Purchasing a motor vehicle
18. Initial registration of a motor vehicle
19. Applying for a building permit
20. Receiving prescription medicine
21. Purchasing OTC medicine that contains pseudoephedrine
22. Serving on jury duty
23. Opening a bank account
24. Closing a bank account with a cash balance.
24. Cash transactions of $5000.00 or greater (lesser amt in some states)
25. Sales tax exemption for people aged 80 and above
26. Getting admitted to a hospital or utilizing certain other medical services.
27. Gaining admission to an adult's only venue
28. Applying for public assistance
29. Cashing in a winning lottery ticket or collecting a substantial win at the casino
30. Securing a marriage license

Now given the obvious difficulty of functioning in much of society when one has no photo ID, and given the government's concern for how much we smoke or drink or the size of the soft drinks we can buy or what goes into our kid's sack lunch. . . .

Doesn't it seem completely sensible that the important photo ID should be mandatory and the responsibility of the state to provide if the person doesn't have one?

And once accomplished, then how could it possibly disenfranchise anybody to ask them to provide that photo ID when they vote?
None of those things are a Constitutional right.

Neither is voting. Ouch..
Poor oppressed minorities who cannot afford ID's to vote- flock to see The Butler
Poor ignorant conservatives, unaware of the fact that unlike voting, going to the movies is not a ‘Constitutional right.’ This premise also fails as a post hoc fallacy.

Conservatives further exhibit their stupidity by not understanding the issue.

The issue has nothing to do with the cost of a photo ID, but the documents needed to obtain the ID, where it’s common for older African-Americans to have had no birth certificate issued when born, or where the necessary documents were lost or destroyed and local jurisdictions have no records of the birth. These citizens show as active and eligible on the voter registration rolls, and they’ve consistently voted in every election for decades.

It is illegal and un-Constitutional to disenfranchise these voters because they cannot obtain photo IDs through no fault of their own. The republican effort to do so is purely partisan, where African-American voters are perceived to be ‘democratic’ voters.

Clayton, the liberals do cite cost and you act as if this is the 1930's and birth certificates were scarce years ago. Birth certificates are not that hard to receive when requested as you would imply. And white Americans have to go through the same hoops as minorities. Don't make it a racist situation!

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