Polls Show Obama is the Biggest Disaster of a President Since WW2

Even in the darkest days following 9/11 did anyone here feel like the President wasn't there doing everything he could to protect the United States? When George W. Bush stood on the pile of rubble that used to be the towers and declared that the people who did this would be hearing from us soon...did anyone doubt his resolve?

Can you honestly say that you feel the same way about anything that Barack Obama reads off of a teleprompter these days? Can you honestly say that this President gives you confidence in his ability to lead in a crisis?

What Barack Obama's two terms have proven is that it's possible for someone who is staggeringly unqualified to hold the office of President to not only get elected once but to do it twice. All it takes is a compliant main stream media. When we look back at these eight years of inept finger pointing...I can only hope that we learn from this lesson. Just because you CAN elect someone by swaying public opinion doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Its absolutely mind boggling how clueless some people are. Most people laughed at Dub standing on the rubble taking a photo op because everyone knew he couldn't find his ass in the dark without his pops telling him the game plan.

On the other hand our POTUS has done what he said he would do. I have every confidence in his ability to lead in any crisis. Most Americans agree as evidenced by the resounding victory in not 1 but 2 elections. Ability to lead is not contingent on your agreement. The only thing that matter is will he make a decision and carry it out.

The bolded sentence above only needs you to substitute Dub instead of the current POTUS and you would be correct.

Most Americans agreed that Bush was an excellent president. He was elected not once but twice.
Even in the darkest days following 9/11 did anyone here feel like the President wasn't there doing everything he could to protect the United States? When George W. Bush stood on the pile of rubble that used to be the towers and declared that the people who did this would be hearing from us soon...did anyone doubt his resolve?

Can you honestly say that you feel the same way about anything that Barack Obama reads off of a teleprompter these days? Can you honestly say that this President gives you confidence in his ability to lead in a crisis?

What Barack Obama's two terms have proven is that it's possible for someone who is staggeringly unqualified to hold the office of President to not only get elected once but to do it twice. All it takes is a compliant main stream media. When we look back at these eight years of inept finger pointing...I can only hope that we learn from this lesson. Just because you CAN elect someone by swaying public opinion doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Its absolutely mind boggling how clueless some people are. Most people laughed at Dub standing on the rubble taking a photo op because everyone knew he couldn't find his ass in the dark without his pops telling him the game plan.

On the other hand our POTUS has done what he said he would do. I have every confidence in his ability to lead in any crisis. Most Americans agree as evidenced by the resounding victory in not 1 but 2 elections. Ability to lead is not contingent on your agreement. The only thing that matter is will he make a decision and carry it out.

The bolded sentence above only needs you to substitute Dub instead of the current POTUS and you would be correct.

Most Americans agreed that Bush was an excellent president. He was elected not once but twice.

Riiiight. He was so good that by the time his term was up a freaking turnip could have gotten elected over anyone associated with him. His approval rating by then: 22 percent. Juuuust a bit short of "most Americans". Even his father didn't dip that low, and he lost his re-election.
Let's look at W's response to terror and compare it to Barry's...

Bush stood on the rubble at ground zero and pledged to bring those who committed that act to justice. Within months the Taliban government in Afghanistan was no longer in power and the Al Queda training camps in that country no longer existed.

Obama stood in front of the caskets of our dead Ambassador and three other Americans and misled the country over the circumstances of their deaths while pledging to bring those responsible to justice. A year and a half later the only person arrested for the terror attack in Benghazi is a man who never left his house and gave interviews to the media while sipping strawberry frappes at an outdoor cafe. None of the other attackers have been identified or apprehended. NONE, even though the attacks were shown on streaming video as they took place. At the same time a man that the Obama Administration released from custody just last year is now the leader of ISIS, a terrorist group so extreme that Al Queda didn't want anything to do with them and which now controls much of Iraq.

Incorrect, al Qaeda lived on, as did bin Laden, then ISIS began, in 2004. The diversion into Iraq gave al qaeda more than they ever dreamed of, now the world pays the price.

When did ISIS seize control of Iraq? Was it when George W. Bush had American troops in country supporting a transition from Saddam Hussein's dictatorship to some form of democracy...or was it when Barack Obama pulled all of our troops out of Iraq totally misjudging the readiness of the Iraqis to defend themselves from an outside attack? What gave Al Queda more than they ever dreamed of was an American President who didn't have the stomach for a fight against terror and simply walked away from his responsibilities.

So what am I "incorrect" about? Peach?
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Even in the darkest days following 9/11 did anyone here feel like the President wasn't there doing everything he could to protect the United States? When George W. Bush stood on the pile of rubble that used to be the towers and declared that the people who did this would be hearing from us soon...did anyone doubt his resolve?

Can you honestly say that you feel the same way about anything that Barack Obama reads off of a teleprompter these days? Can you honestly say that this President gives you confidence in his ability to lead in a crisis?

What Barack Obama's two terms have proven is that it's possible for someone who is staggeringly unqualified to hold the office of President to not only get elected once but to do it twice. All it takes is a compliant main stream media. When we look back at these eight years of inept finger pointing...I can only hope that we learn from this lesson. Just because you CAN elect someone by swaying public opinion doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Its absolutely mind boggling how clueless some people are. Most people laughed at Dub standing on the rubble taking a photo op because everyone knew he couldn't find his ass in the dark without his pops telling him the game plan.

On the other hand our POTUS has done what he said he would do. I have every confidence in his ability to lead in any crisis. Most Americans agree as evidenced by the resounding victory in not 1 but 2 elections. Ability to lead is not contingent on your agreement. The only thing that matter is will he make a decision and carry it out.

The bolded sentence above only needs you to substitute Dub instead of the current POTUS and you would be correct.

Most Americans agreed that Bush was an excellent president. He was elected not once but twice.

With all due respect...I'm a conservative, Katz but I didn't view George W. Bush as an "excellent" President. I found him to be an average President and I think that's how he will be judged by historians. That being said...Bush looks like the second coming of George Washington when you compare his administration to the fiasco that the Obama White House has become.
Even in the darkest days following 9/11 did anyone here feel like the President wasn't there doing everything he could to protect the United States? When George W. Bush stood on the pile of rubble that used to be the towers and declared that the people who did this would be hearing from us soon...did anyone doubt his resolve?

Can you honestly say that you feel the same way about anything that Barack Obama reads off of a teleprompter these days? Can you honestly say that this President gives you confidence in his ability to lead in a crisis?

What Barack Obama's two terms have proven is that it's possible for someone who is staggeringly unqualified to hold the office of President to not only get elected once but to do it twice. All it takes is a compliant main stream media. When we look back at these eight years of inept finger pointing...I can only hope that we learn from this lesson. Just because you CAN elect someone by swaying public opinion doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Its absolutely mind boggling how clueless some people are. Most people laughed at Dub standing on the rubble taking a photo op because everyone knew he couldn't find his ass in the dark without his pops telling him the game plan.

On the other hand our POTUS has done what he said he would do. I have every confidence in his ability to lead in any crisis. Most Americans agree as evidenced by the resounding victory in not 1 but 2 elections. Ability to lead is not contingent on your agreement. The only thing that matter is will he make a decision and carry it out.

The bolded sentence above only needs you to substitute Dub instead of the current POTUS and you would be correct.

Most Americans agreed that Bush was an excellent president. He was elected not once but twice.

So was Obama.
Its absolutely mind boggling how clueless some people are. Most people laughed at Dub standing on the rubble taking a photo op because everyone knew he couldn't find his ass in the dark without his pops telling him the game plan.

On the other hand our POTUS has done what he said he would do. I have every confidence in his ability to lead in any crisis. Most Americans agree as evidenced by the resounding victory in not 1 but 2 elections. Ability to lead is not contingent on your agreement. The only thing that matter is will he make a decision and carry it out.

The bolded sentence above only needs you to substitute Dub instead of the current POTUS and you would be correct.

Most Americans agreed that Bush was an excellent president. He was elected not once but twice.

Riiiight. He was so good that by the time his term was up a freaking turnip could have gotten elected over anyone associated with him. His approval rating by then: 22 percent. Juuuust a bit short of "most Americans". Even his father didn't dip that low, and he lost his re-election.

Not 22% but after being savaged by the mainstream media, former Presidents and sitting Democrats that were for invading Iraq before they were against it, what did you expect? It is a shame that he didn't get an intern to give him head so the Democrats could have idolized him.
Who was it again who invaded Iraq for no reason then declared "Mission Accomplished" 2 weeks into a 10 years losing effort?

Are you sure it was just 2 weeks? Would you like a list of reasons publicly declared by a few dozen leading Democrats that voted to invade Iraq?

Didn't think so!

The Dems voted to invade based on lies spread by GW and Colin Powell.

The so called 'lies' were the findings of all western intelligence agencies and had been repeated by Democrats for more than a year before Bush was elected.

Here are just a two of them lying bastards and I have dozens more on file.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and th! e means of delivering them."
- Sen. Carl Levin (D, MI), Sept. 19, 2002 | Source
'Biggest disaster?' Because...All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't fix the problems lil' Bush created by invading Iraq for 9/11?
Wow. Whole lot of poll respondents have apparently never heard of "Vietnam". :disbelief:

Kennedy and Johnson put us in Vietnam. Nixon took too long to do it, but he did get us out of that clusterfuck.

I look at Carter's rating and scratch my head.

I'd put the blame on Johnson and Nixon, particularly LBJ but that's not the point. The point is Vietnam was far more divisive and destructive than anything going on in recent years so somebody back there should have gotten a nod. That's why I don't think these answers reflect anything realistic.

Also Obama isn't even finished his 2nd term yet. It's impossible to assess a sitting POTUS, so the question itself is a train wreck. Had it stopped at, say Clinton the question might have had some integrity. You can't assess things that haven't settled yet.

I blame Kennedy because he put 16,000 American troops in Vietnam and called them advisers which was BS.

If Obama wasn't our first black President he would have already have been impeached IMO. It is about race!
'Biggest disaster?' Because...All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't fix the problems lil' Bush created by invading Iraq for 9/11?

Bush didn't invade Iraq for 9/11.

No but he convinced the US sheep called the republicans thats what he was doing it for. He used a report from the Czech intelligence saying that the planners of 9/11 (Mohammed Atta) had met with Iraqi agents prior to the 9/11 attack. Cheney used the report on national TV (even though it was debunked) to incite the murder frenzy response. Republicans fell for the slight of hand hook, line, and sinker. Remember this quote from Cheney on Meet the Press?

“It’s been pretty well confirmed that he [Atta] did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April,”
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'Biggest disaster?' Because...All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't fix the problems lil' Bush created by invading Iraq for 9/11?

With all due respect, Delta...Barack Obama not only hasn't fixed the problems that Bush created...he has created a whole boat load of NEW problems all by his "lil'" self!

It's six years after W. rode off into the sunset. Think it might be time for Barry to stop using someone else as a scapegoat for his own failings? He's got two years left. The way it looks right now he's going to spend them pointing fingers and assigning blame. If he (and you) want that to be his legacy then your wishes appear to be coming true.
'Biggest disaster?' Because...All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't fix the problems lil' Bush created by invading Iraq for 9/11?

Bush didn't invade Iraq for 9/11.

No but he convinced the US sheep called the republicans thats what he was doing it for. He used a report from the Czech intelligence saying that the planners of 9/11 (Mohammed Atta) had met with Iraqi agents prior to the 9/11 attack. Cheney used the report on national TV (even though it was debunked) to incite the murder frenzy response. Republicans fell for the slight of hand hook, line, and sinker. Remember this quote from Cheney on Meet the Press?

“It’s been pretty well confirmed that he [Atta] did go to Prague and he did meet with a senior official of the Iraqi intelligence service in Czechoslovakia last April,”

Bush crossed the T's and dotted the I's with Congress as well as the United Nations.

Are you suggesting that the dumbest President we have ever had was capable of getting a number of high ranking Democrats to support him? Those same Democrats that had access to the same intelligence that Bush had.

I guess he did a snow job on Tony Blair and the other countries that joined in on the attack on Iraq.

Do you remember this quote?

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

And I am sure you recall this one:

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Bush's approval 22%
Obama's 29%
Okay, if the media reported on Obama as they did on bush Obama would be impeached. Just think the media is in obama's pocket and his approval is at 29%. If I was a liberal, I would keep my mouth shut. I mean really, do y'all have any shame?
He should be easy to beat in the next election then. If I remember correctly, his Republican predecessor left office w/ a 28% approval rating?

This is a right now poll. At this same time during Bush's presidency, he was about the same.

And remember the msm ripped bush everyday.

The msm props up Obama.

Bush also had one of the highest poll ratings right after 9-11.

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