Polls:Public sours on Obama's overhaul plan..

It's not dying - just revised so as to allow political cover. Make no mistake, the powers in control are marching us toward single-payer.

Interesting to see of CSPAN continues to turn up the heat on all of this backroom dealings that fly in the face of the Obama/Pelosi pledge for open and honest government...
The Mayo Clinic won't take Medicare patients,they claim losing ~$875m, our local hospital is going bankrupt. Obama's "cost-cutting" will bankrupt the medical system.
Opinion polls gauging the acceptance of health care reform are meaningless because most people don't understand it well enough to have an informed opinion. I hate when liberals try and lobby for reform because such-and-such poll says most Americans want it, and I don't accept it when conservatives do it either. The truth is this administration has done a piss-poor job at explaining the bill and responding to substantive criticisms. It's almost like saying, "take our word for it, it's good" or conservatives telling people, "no, take our word for it, it's bad."
Opinion polls gauging the acceptance of health care reform are meaningless because most people don't understand it well enough to have an informed opinion. I hate when liberals try and lobby for reform because such-and-such poll says most Americans want it, and I don't accept it when conservatives do it either. The truth is this administration has done a piss-poor job at explaining the bill and responding to substantive criticisms. It's almost like saying, "take our word for it, it's good" or conservatives telling people, "no, take our word for it, it's bad."

At core though, is it really something that can be explained in a way more people will understand?
I think so. I don't think it's really possible for anybody to truly educate the public and turn us into individual health care policy experts. But I think there could be a more concerted effort to discuss the provisions of the bill and do away with the advocates-masquerading-as-experts trend in the media. I think some people's innate curiosity will have to take over, but there should be more acknowledgment of dissent and why rather than this hastiness to condemn anybody who does as being anti-health-care-reform, a "tea-bagger", a racist, etc. That just turns people into blind shills for one side.
I think so. I don't think it's really possible for anybody to truly educate the public and turn us into individual health care policy experts. But I think there could be a more concerted effort to discuss the provisions of the bill and do away with the advocates-masquerading-as-experts trend in the media. I think some people's innate curiosity will have to take over, but there should be more acknowledgment of dissent and why rather than this hastiness to condemn anybody who does as being anti-health-care-reform, a "tea-bagger", a racist, etc. That just turns people into blind shills for one side.

Who has been called a racist for opposing health care reform? That's just a strawman. As for being anti-reform, it's pretty clear a lot of them are. They've publicly said so. Chuck Grassley said that even if he got every concession he wanted, he'd still vote against the bill. DeMint said his highest goal was making the bill "Obama's Waterloo". And that's without even getting in to the "death panel", "bureaucrats between me and my doctor", and "socialized medicine" bullcrap.

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