Poll: young people going Dem

i dream of a country without both parties.....and anyone who dreams of 1 party rule cant be too bright...

Let me clarify. I dream of a country without TODAY'S Republican Party. I'm okay with the republican of old even if I didn't agree with everything.

That being said I'm not very fond of today's democrats but they are still 5x better than most republicans in congress.

How fast can you back pedal?

Back pedal? I don't give two shits what you people think of my opinions. I say what I mean.
Just face it, Republicans. Old shit gets replaced. You're old now. The GOP is old. It's full of OLD people who are being replaced. If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated. Everyone born after 1964 grew up in an America where we were not told to hate each other over frivolous nonsense like skin color. An entire different mentality was created in America. So it goes, generation after generation. Young people look at both parties as corrupt, but they especially view Republicans as corrupt and mind-boggling stupid.

If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated.

yea everyone of them is like that....nice tent dumbass.....with a mindset like that you aint much different

Young people look at both parties as corrupt

and the smart ones will shun both parties.....
Are you trying to say that the hardcore Southern racists are not Conservatives? They aren't Progressive. Do the anti-gay Bible thumpers preach equality and tolerance like Progressives? No. They're Conservatives. They want everything to stay the way that it was when they were 16. That's how they see the world and they can't accept that those days are just gone. That's what makes them "Conservative". They can't handle the PROGRESSION of society, so they vote their fear and the rich and the clergy know how to exploit that fear.

you said and i quote....."If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964".....thats every fucking Conservative in the Country born before 64,is it not?....like i said....nice tent Omar....

"If you're not a liberal when you're young, you don't have a heart. If you're not a conservative when you're old, you don't have a brain."

Yeah....we've seen the "brain" that conservatives tout about....Akin, Mourdock, Bachmann, Palin, Cruz, Christie......:lol::lol:

If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964, you don't know what the world is supposed to be like. You were raised to think that everyone is different and needs to be separated.

yea everyone of them is like that....nice tent dumbass.....with a mindset like that you aint much different

Young people look at both parties as corrupt

and the smart ones will shun both parties.....
Are you trying to say that the hardcore Southern racists are not Conservatives? They aren't Progressive. Do the anti-gay Bible thumpers preach equality and tolerance like Progressives? No. They're Conservatives. They want everything to stay the way that it was when they were 16. That's how they see the world and they can't accept that those days are just gone. That's what makes them "Conservative". They can't handle the PROGRESSION of society, so they vote their fear and the rich and the clergy know how to exploit that fear.

you said and i quote....."If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964".....thats every fucking Conservative in the Country born before 64,is it not?....like i said....nice tent Omar....
Yes, you're right. I described every Conservative in the country. Why are you upset? Conservatives can't progress. That's what makes them Conservative instead of Progressive.
Are you trying to say that the hardcore Southern racists are not Conservatives? They aren't Progressive. Do the anti-gay Bible thumpers preach equality and tolerance like Progressives? No. They're Conservatives. They want everything to stay the way that it was when they were 16. That's how they see the world and they can't accept that those days are just gone. That's what makes them "Conservative". They can't handle the PROGRESSION of society, so they vote their fear and the rich and the clergy know how to exploit that fear.

you said and i quote....."If you are a Conservative who was born before 1964".....thats every fucking Conservative in the Country born before 64,is it not?....like i said....nice tent Omar....
Yes, you're right. I described every Conservative in the country. Why are you upset? Conservatives can't progress. That's what makes them Conservative instead of Progressive.

then you dont know many Conservatives do ya?....i am surrounded by "Conservatives"...and guess what?....many of them have progressed.....some have married those evil minorities.....some know gays...."gasp".....some are in Unions....some are for decriminalizing Pot....and now hold on to your seat.....some even know "Liberals"......holy shit!.....
Intolerant marxiism is "progress" ??? Who knew

Intolerant? If you're referring to Libs as "Marxists" you're confused. Marxists are against religion, and many Democrats (i.e. liberals by conservative definition) are Christians, including myself. Also, haven't most conservatives claimed that Libs favor tolerance? So, which is it....Russians are Marxists, yet some on this Forum are touting pictures of Palin rah-rahing Putin for what they think "Putin kicked Obama's ass" - so, are you favoring Marxists? Aren't Patriots supposed to stand by their country? How is cheering Putin a patriotic thing?

The problem with conservatives is they flip to make a point and then flop when they're confronted with their obtuseness, and don't really know what they stand for....tolerance not being one of the things they embrace.

You have neither logic nor reason....:)
This is great news. I dream of a country without the republican party.

i dream of a country without both parties.....and anyone who dreams of 1 party rule cant be too bright...

Let me clarify. I dream of a country without TODAY'S Republican Party. I'm okay with the republican of old even if I didn't agree with everything.

That being said I'm not very fond of today's democrats but they are still 5x better than most republicans in congress.

since we seem to have only 2 parties that are considered "viable" by the majority of the voting public.....since the Republicans of today is one of them and you want them gone.....then you are advocating one party rule....and to be ruled by Democrats aint as great as their brainwashed minions tell you it is....
Young Americans' Affinity for Democratic Party Has Grown

Young adults -- those between the ages of 18 and 29 -- have typically aligned themselves with the Democratic Party, but they have become substantially more likely to do so since 2006....

A major reason young adults are increasingly likely to prefer the Democratic Party is that today's young adults are more racially and ethnically diverse than young adults of the past. U.S. political preferences are sharply divided by race, with nonwhite Americans of all ages overwhelmingly identifying as Democrats or leaning Democratic.

Gallup estimates that 54% of 18- to 29-year-olds are non-Hispanic white and 45% nonwhite, compared with 71% non-Hispanic white and 29% nonwhite in 1995, the first full year Gallup measured Hispanic ethnicity.

In 2013, 62% of nonwhite Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 were Democrats or Democratic leaners, while 25% were Republicans or Republican leaners. That 37-point Democratic advantage, though sizable, is slightly lower than the average 42-point advantage from 1995 through 2013.

But young adults are not more Democratic solely because they are more racially diverse. In recent years, young white adults, who previously aligned more with the Republican Party, have shifted Democratic. From 1995 to 2005, young whites consistently identified as or leaned Republican rather than Democratic, by an average of eight points. Since 2006, whites aged 18 to 29 have shown at least a slight Democratic preference in all but one year, with an average advantage of three points.

If the trend continues, and there's no reason to think it won't, the women/child haters, homophobes, the racists are endangered species.

And so in the United States of America. Public school indoctrination pushes the entitlement mentality, celebrate evil.
since we seem to have only 2 parties that are considered "viable" by the majority of the voting public.....since the Republicans of today is one of them and you want them gone.....then you are advocating one party rule....and to be ruled by Democrats aint as great as their brainwashed minions tell you it is....

Er... just because one party disappears, doesn't mean another wouldn't fill in. In the UK this happened when the Liberals were replaced by Labour.

However, people should be looking for towards PR, it would allow far more parties, it would allow your vote to actually MATTER, which at present, most don't.
But young adults are not more Democratic solely because they are more racially diverse. In recent years, young white adults, who previously aligned more with the Republican Party, have shifted Democratic. From 1995 to 2005, young whites consistently identified as or leaned Republican rather than Democratic, by an average of eight points. Since 2006, whites aged 18 to 29 have shown at least a slight Democratic preference in all but one year, with an average advantage of three points.

Young adults are also more democratic because they reject the hate and ignorance common to most on the social right, particularly with regard to privacy rights for women and the rights of gay Americans.

And we’ll see this trend continue even with young adults who identify as republican, where they’ll reject republican candidates who are hostile to privacy rights and gay rights.
Yes, that is the first lesson in politics-- over the years after the 60's, democratic party have adopted to this new image more appealing to the youth!

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Young adults are also more democratic because they reject the hate and ignorance common to most on the social right, particularly with regard to privacy rights for women and the rights of gay Americans.

And we’ll see this trend continue even with young adults who identify as republican, where they’ll reject republican candidates who are hostile to privacy rights and gay rights.

It's funny when teachers, generally educated people, are most likely to be centre or centre left, are told they are "indoctrinating" the youth because they teach them tolerance.

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