Poll: Would you prefered to have been aborted?

Would you have prefered to have been aborted?

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I enjoy life and I support a woman's right to chose. That makes me pro life. People who want the government to interfere with a woman's personal reproductive choices aren't pro life. That's a misnomer.

EXACTLY!!! They're just anti-choice. If they were prolife, they wouldn't say the kid's on its own once it's born.
Missourian, don't you think anyone who would have answered yes, would have already committed suicide? :lol:

LOL - SOunds similar to the Reagan quote and as meaningful?

The only people who support Self Abortion are dead.
EXACTLY!!! They're just anti-choice. If they were prolife, they wouldn't say the kid's on its own once it's born.

And they would care about the living, which includes women, though they seem to like to ignore that fact.

Some of them have such a skewed view of what life is.
my parents chose to keep me and my older sis, but they were married, and had health insurance at the time and also loved eachother and have recently celebrating their 50th, golden anniversary....

so yes, i have had a good solid, charmed life and am happy to be alive....

if i was born to some single mother on skid row....i'm uncertain?

even Job in the bible when going thru his torment and his family's torment said it would have been better if his mom had never gave birth to him....so sometimes, even the righteous as Job was, the thought of wishing you had never been born, comes to mind when your life has been hell on earth!

oops, i was probably off topic....

Of course it was intended to create yet another thread on reproductive choice.

That's such a cute little title you have there -- reproductive choice -- for the act of destroying an unborn human life. You can't admit it's human life, you call unborn human beings by scientific names, and twist the issue into being about just the woman's rights and not the child's. All in a failed effort to desensitize and dehumanize to suit your personal convenience.

How quaint.:rolleyes:
even Job in the bible when going thru his torment and his family's torment said it would have been better if his mom had never gave birth to him....so sometimes, even the righteous as Job was, the thought of wishing you had never been born, comes to mind when your life has been hell on earth!

Interesting! So I guess the Bible has some passages that could be interpreted in favor of abortion. That must be why so many Christians see no conflict with their faith and their support of a woman's right to chose for herself.
Missourian, don't you think anyone who would have answered yes, would have already committed suicide?

I have a feeling this thread is a set up for some cockamamie argument in favor of banning a woman's right to chose.

It would not have mattered to me in the least if I had been aborted, or to be precise, if the fetus that eventually became me had been aborted. I would never have been known the difference, now would I? :lol:

Wait just a sec--You were a fetus ??? You couldn't have been--you were nothing until you were born.
I guess I just see it differently. I think the mother has plenty of choices before she gets pregnant. The child has no choice but to die. From the childs vantage point, that's not much of a "pro-choice" desicion.

So I was trying to reinforce that position with this poll. Given the choice, would anyone who had been born have chosen the alterative.

So far the answer is no.
That's such a cute little title you have there -- reproductive choice -- for the act of destroying an unborn human life. You can't admit it's human life, you call unborn human beings by scientific names, and twist the issue into being about just the woman's rights and not the child's. All in a failed effort to desensitize and dehumanize to suit your personal convenience.

How quaint.:rolleyes:

The twisting of issues is done by anti choice types.:blahblah:
Do you really think a fetus is a child? :cuckoo:
I guess I just see it differently. I think the mother has plenty of choices before she gets pregnant. The child has no choice but to die. From the childs vantage point, that's not much of a "pro-choice" desicion.

So I was trying to reinforce that position with this poll. Given the choice, would anyone who had been born have chosen the alterative.

So far the answer is no.

A fetus is not a child. I think people would listen to your arguments more if you cut out the spin and worn out twisted logic.
I guess though, that's all you have. Sad.
A fetus is not a child. I think people would listen to your arguments more if you cut out the spin and worn out twisted logic.
I guess though, that's all you have. Sad.

ok--let me get this this straight----at one time you weren't and then all of the sudden you were ? When did that happen and how do you know ?
Interesting! So I guess the Bible has some passages that could be interpreted in favor of abortion. That must be why so many Christians see no conflict with their faith and their support of a woman's right to chose for herself.

hahahahahaha, well anguille, I would call that a stretch and was not my point!!! lol

I was Just saying that anyone, at one time or another, can be faced with so much despair that not being alive might seem like it would be better...and that women without a job, without health care, and without the father to be anywhere in sight, might also determine that it would be better to not bear their child to be and expose them to the same sadness....it is a desperate decision for the most part...and is was a desperate comment from Job, due to the circumstances he was going thru.....

hahahahahaha, but nice try! lol


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