Poll: Who's going to win the election?

The way things stand now, who do you think will win the the election?

  • Trump

  • Hillary

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
Sorry folks, but the fix is in. The Globalist Elites who decide these matters, are going with the Clinton crime family. It's a done-deal. It's 'Nationalism vs. Globalism.' And Globalism is gonna win this time.

So, we will have to endure at least four more years of Anti-American Globalism. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's all we have at this point.
Trump will win.
MP ignores that the Red States have the highest welfare rates in the nation. We could have all the money we need if we would cut back on the military-industrial complex we support.

BTM, I read it or heard 1 of 4 last week. Let me do some digging, but I believe it based on what I am hearing in west Texas and Salt Lake City among Republican women. They don't like Hillary but Trump's comments about women horrify many of them.

Hmm, based on 1 of 4 in those states it should not be as concerning for the clown since he will likely win both states.
It is concerning because it was cost him Fl, VA, PA, MI, WI, MN, NH and probably CO and NC. BTM, you need to think your comments through.
Sorry folks, but the fix is in. The Globalist Elites who decide these matters, are going with the Clinton crime family. It's a done-deal. It's 'Nationalism vs. Globalism.' And Globalism is gonna win this time.

So, we will have to endure at least four more years of Anti-American Globalism. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's all we have at this point.
Trump will win.

Hey, i'm with ya. I would have liked to have seen Trump win. I really do believe he wants to help American Citizens. But the NWO Globalist Elites ain't gonna have that. The Clintons represent their agenda. So sadly, she is gonna win. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's the best we can hope for now.
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Sorry folks, but the fix is in. The Globalist Elites who decide these matters, are going with the Clinton crime family. It's a done-deal. It's 'Nationalism vs. Globalism.' And Globalism is gonna win this time.

So, we will have to endure at least four more years of Anti-American Globalism. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's all we have at this point.
Trump will win.

Hey, i'm with ya. I would have liked to see Trump win. I really do believe he wants to help American Citizens. But the NWO Globalist Elites ain't gonna have that. The Clintons represent their agenda. So sadly, she is gonna win. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's the best we can hope for now.
With the rigged voting they can misjudge. If they give Clinton an extra 10% votes it may not be enough. They are trying to work out, is Trump going to get 80% or 50%
MP ignores that the Red States have the highest welfare rates in the nation. We could have all the money we need if we would cut back on the military-industrial complex we support.

BTM, I read it or heard 1 of 4 last week. Let me do some digging, but I believe it based on what I am hearing in west Texas and Salt Lake City among Republican women. They don't like Hillary but Trump's comments about women horrify many of them.

Hmm, based on 1 of 4 in those states it should not be as concerning for the clown since he will likely win both states.
It is concerning because it was cost him Fl, VA, PA, MI, WI, MN, NH and probably CO and NC. BTM, you need to think your comments through.

So you are assuming that a poll taken in specfic parts of Texas and Utah can be extrapolated to the entire country? And I need to think my comments thru?
MP ignores that the Red States have the highest welfare rates in the nation. We could have all the money we need if we would cut back on the military-industrial complex we support.

BTM, I read it or heard 1 of 4 last week. Let me do some digging, but I believe it based on what I am hearing in west Texas and Salt Lake City among Republican women. They don't like Hillary but Trump's comments about women horrify many of them.

Hmm, based on 1 of 4 in those states it should not be as concerning for the clown since he will likely win both states.
It is concerning because it was cost him Fl, VA, PA, MI, WI, MN, NH and probably CO and NC. BTM, you need to think your comments through.

So you are assuming that a poll taken in specfic parts of Texas and Utah can be extrapolated to the entire country? And I need to think my comments thru?
Sure, flacaltn posted at http://ftpcontent4.worldnow.com/wwbt/PDF/Sept 26 2016 Report-Final.pdf a poll that shows HRC ahead of Clinton by ten head to head and six in a four way race. Stop being emotional, pismoe. Start reading objectively, pismoe!
5th post
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him
Trump does have the Republican base behind him now. The few sore losers are not peeling of the votes like they did anymore.
One out of four GOP women will not vote for him.
Actually, I agree. More Republican female voters will vote for Hillary than democrat female voters. They'll switch floors.The leaders have swapped parties this election.
The women in the general population unfortunately do not follow politics or even have an interest. It's very frustrating to try to have a cohesive conversation with a lady about politics. They are less likely to vote, I would guess.
Wow.....another Misogynist for Drumpf?

Do I have to fit into a category you brainwashed fool.
Trump does have the Republican base behind him now. The few sore losers are not peeling of the votes like they did anymore.
One out of four GOP women will not vote for him.
Actually, I agree. More Republican female voters will vote for Hillary than democrat female voters. They'll switch floors.The leaders have swapped parties this election.
The women in the general population unfortunately do not follow politics or even have an interest. It's very frustrating to try to have a cohesive conversation with a lady about politics. They are less likely to vote, I would guess.
Wow.....another Misogynist for Drumpf?

Do I have to fit into a category you brainwashed fool.
You've been labelled.
One out of four GOP women will not vote for him.
Actually, I agree. More Republican female voters will vote for Hillary than democrat female voters. They'll switch floors.The leaders have swapped parties this election.
The women in the general population unfortunately do not follow politics or even have an interest. It's very frustrating to try to have a cohesive conversation with a lady about politics. They are less likely to vote, I would guess.
Wow.....another Misogynist for Drumpf?

Do I have to fit into a category you brainwashed fool.
You've been labelled.

By someone who probably still plays with stickers.
Actually, I agree. More Republican female voters will vote for Hillary than democrat female voters. They'll switch floors.The leaders have swapped parties this election.
The women in the general population unfortunately do not follow politics or even have an interest. It's very frustrating to try to have a cohesive conversation with a lady about politics. They are less likely to vote, I would guess.
Wow.....another Misogynist for Drumpf?

Do I have to fit into a category you brainwashed fool.
You've been labelled.

By someone who probably still plays with stickers.

Who knows. Could be any age.
Wrong. Provide a link where US communist party support Hillary.
Your messiah is kissing and adoring Putin thug. That's a fact.
We do care where Trump's income are coming from. Is his income coming from enemies, Russia connection, mafia connection, fraud and embezzlement? Is he a crooked? That's the difference. Remember his been sued for fraud and currently facing sued for fraud. Keep that in mind.
You are questioning Hillary's income from speeches......... yet you don't care where Trump fraudulent income are coming from? Dude.

President name is Obama. Not dumbama........ Why do you hate Americans? Do you want me to switch to racism?

Why not? Racism is all liberals know.

What you're trying to tell me is that you are so smart, so bright, so above our IRS that YOU are going to find fraud and dealing with our enemies that our agencies could not? YOU are going to find embezzlement? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So tell us, just how are you going to do that detective? You must think everybody is as dumb as your fellow liberal buddies if you wan't anybody to believe that. And let me ask Sherlock, when is somebody guilty of something: when they are accused or when they are found guilty by a court of law? Because until a court decides if those few people were indeed taken for a ride, Trump did nothing wrong, and his hundreds of clients that attended the same school will tell you that.

Taking a sober look at the 2016 election

Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

Chavez, Castro, Putin endorse Obama

Racist? You started calling Obama different name. What do you call that? Now you are trying turn the table. Dude give me a break. Trump is a racist, bigot assholes supported by racist.
I said provide a link that communist party support Hillary. So where is that link? I didn't ask for Obama.
Are you denying that Trump is not Putin puppet?
So why not release his tax returns so we can see who is really the crooked of the two.
Proved a link that hundreds of people that attended his fraudulent trump university are happy.
He was sued 3,500 times from racism to fraud.

Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee
10th post
You're right, I do know what Hillary will do, that is why I'll vote for her. You are welcome to risk this countries future on a wildcard.

And that's exactly what I plan on doing, because I'm white and I believe in protecting our right of firearms in this country.
What does being white have to do with it? Are you advising all non-whites to vote for Hillary?
Sorry folks, but the fix is in. The Globalist Elites who decide these matters, are going with the Clinton crime family. It's a done-deal. It's 'Nationalism vs. Globalism.' And Globalism is gonna win this time.

So, we will have to endure at least four more years of Anti-American Globalism. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's all we have at this point.
Or maybe it's not some grand conspiracy but it's that most people in this country just don't share your values or agree with your views? Not much fun being a minority is it?
According to a Clinton Insider, Larry Nichols, Hillary Clinton was wearing a Communist Party Member Card around her neck back in the 70's. Fast forward the video to about the 6:50 minute mark and listen. Larry Nichols saw what he thought was a press pass hanging around her neck. When he got closer he saw that it was a card that said she was a Proud Member of the United States Communist Party.

Published on Feb 2, 2016
An interview with Clinton insider Larry nichols hosted by Kevin Gallagher, please visit kevins channel and subscribe.
This is a very informative interview, I didn't realise that hillary clinton was openly a COMMUNIST in the 1970s, let's face it she probably still is, see the original video and more great content here......
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charwin95 Here is an old interview with a former KGB Agent who explains what is done once to those who have helped them (leftists, liberals, feminists, liberal media, etc) once the Communists have taken power. What is done to these people? Are they rewarded? No. According to Yuri Bezmenov - they are lined up against a wall and executed. He gives example after example in country after country taken over by Communists - it's always the same outcome. Listen to this interview and please wake up. You're not headed towards some sort of Utopia. You're heading towards a brick wall!

Published on May 22, 2013
Feminists and other leftists are useful idiots who serve only to destabilise the society. When the goal is reached, they will be "lined up against the wall".
1984 interview with a former KGB agent and Soviet diplomat, Yuri Bezmenov.
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15th post
I'm just asking for your gut feeling.

I started saying Trump was going to be our next president after hearing his announcement speech. Some friends laughed and said I was nuts. lol

Knowing I'm not in the habit of being wrong, and seeing where he is now, they now just smile in bewilderment. :)

Well it's really on the rest of us to be honest. I try to spread the word around to people that don't really follow politics to tell them what's going on. In fact today, I believe I just convinced another person to vote for Trump.

I'm a local truck driver and talk with dozens of people every week; some regulars and some are strangers, but I always try to bring up politics when it seems appropriate.

The guy unloading me today said he wasn't sure who he would vote for if we was going to vote at all. Then I explained what it meant to us for the Supreme Court nominations, particularly those of us who cherish gun ownership. He seemed to have no idea what was at stake.

When he was finished, I believe I gave him some inspiration to not only vote, but vote against Hillary. He responded how his son-in-law was an avid gun owner and he might consider buying a gun in the future. He also expressed his disdain for all the foreigners coming here and taking our jobs.
When asked, I simply encourage them to learn about the candidates before voting. I'll offer my opinion when asked.

I've had several people at work ask who I'm voting for. Because I don't think work is a proper place for chat like that, I always cut it short with saying it won't be Hillary.

I've bitten my tongue more than once when someone walked in, while I'm watching the news, and said they hate Hillary.

As much as I'd like to engage them in conversation, I know it wouldn't be appropriate.

By your response it is clear to me that you do not understand what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected. Please consider the following: The United States of America will come under communist rule. 1st and 2nd amendment rights will be gone. The Clinton's will more than likely realize their dream of seeing Bill appointed as the UN Secretary General therein making them the most powerful couple on earth (their dream from the beginning - a major power grab). The floodgates would be wide open for unvetted refugees including the tens of thousands of FAM (fighting age males - gangs), rapists, murderers from *Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala waiting inside border of Mexico right now. They are not children - wake up! People who stand to threaten Clinton's agenda will increasingly turn up missing or dying in some mysterious way. Every Governor, elected official in high places will be thoroughly investigated for any "skeletons in their closets" (if they haven't been already) with a file made which will be used to blackmail them and keep them silenced. It's what Communists do. The occult societies within America will be empowered more than they are right now. Evil will be openly tolerated while righteousness prosecuted (Communism 101). Christians will become a main target in America - all those who resist the NWO one world interfaith religion - like me - will find themselves under real persecution - unprecedented in US History. Whereas most Christians under the present administration have been vilified and on rare occasion threatened with prosecution for resisting unconstitutional laws (such as baking a cake for a same sex marriage - speaking out against murder - protesting abortion) under a Clinton Administration they will enact and enforce laws to arrest, prosecute and imprison those same Christians. Pastors will become spies for the Clinton Administration (many already have - it's how Communists operate) and they will install their own clergy for good measure (another tactic of Communists). Parents will stand by helplessly as their children are indoctrinated into the communist way with programs implemented to educate children full time outside of the home - they will then be visiting their parents - not living with them - this will eventually lead to the children spying on their own parents and turning them in to authorities (another communist agenda). The middle class will disappear. There will be two classes. The Communist elitists and those enslaved under their system which will be reduced to such abject poverty there will be no means to resist or stop them.

This is life under Communist rule, Tycho. You say that as much as you would like to engage others you do not because it would be "inappropriate." I must ask you, is it appropriate to stand by silently when you know that by doing so you are helping the one who if elected will destroy everything they have ever held dear?

Weigh the matter on the scales of truth and you will find that you cannot remain silent. You must warn people that if this cold-blooded sociopath / pathological liar is ever elected, they will be facing the most dangerous time of their lives.

Maybe, that's why a better candidate should have been sent. Trump is and has been a god send for Hillery. Aybe she will send him a nice thank you note for all his help getting the first woman like president elected.
I'm just asking for your gut feeling.

I started saying Trump was going to be our next president after hearing his announcement speech. Some friends laughed and said I was nuts. lol

Knowing I'm not in the habit of being wrong, and seeing where he is now, they now just smile in bewilderment. :)

Well it's really on the rest of us to be honest. I try to spread the word around to people that don't really follow politics to tell them what's going on. In fact today, I believe I just convinced another person to vote for Trump.

I'm a local truck driver and talk with dozens of people every week; some regulars and some are strangers, but I always try to bring up politics when it seems appropriate.

The guy unloading me today said he wasn't sure who he would vote for if we was going to vote at all. Then I explained what it meant to us for the Supreme Court nominations, particularly those of us who cherish gun ownership. He seemed to have no idea what was at stake.

When he was finished, I believe I gave him some inspiration to not only vote, but vote against Hillary. He responded how his son-in-law was an avid gun owner and he might consider buying a gun in the future. He also expressed his disdain for all the foreigners coming here and taking our jobs.
When asked, I simply encourage them to learn about the candidates before voting. I'll offer my opinion when asked.

I've had several people at work ask who I'm voting for. Because I don't think work is a proper place for chat like that, I always cut it short with saying it won't be Hillary.

I've bitten my tongue more than once when someone walked in, while I'm watching the news, and said they hate Hillary.

As much as I'd like to engage them in conversation, I know it wouldn't be appropriate.

By your response it is clear to me that you do not understand what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected. Please consider the following: The United States of America will come under communist rule. 1st and 2nd amendment rights will be gone. The Clinton's will more than likely realize their dream of seeing Bill appointed as the UN Secretary General therein making them the most powerful couple on earth (their dream from the beginning - a major power grab). The floodgates would be wide open for unvetted refugees including the tens of thousands of FAM (fighting age males - gangs), rapists, murderers from *Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala waiting inside border of Mexico right now. They are not children - wake up! People who stand to threaten Clinton's agenda will increasingly turn up missing or dying in some mysterious way. Every Governor, elected official in high places will be thoroughly investigated for any "skeletons in their closets" (if they haven't been already) with a file made which will be used to blackmail them and keep them silenced. It's what Communists do. The occult societies within America will be empowered more than they are right now. Evil will be openly tolerated while righteousness prosecuted (Communism 101). Christians will become a main target in America - all those who resist the NWO one world interfaith religion - like me - will find themselves under real persecution - unprecedented in US History. Whereas most Christians under the present administration have been vilified and on rare occasion threatened with prosecution for resisting unconstitutional laws (such as baking a cake for a same sex marriage - speaking out against murder - protesting abortion) under a Clinton Administration they will enact and enforce laws to arrest, prosecute and imprison those same Christians. Pastors will become spies for the Clinton Administration (many already have - it's how Communists operate) and they will install their own clergy for good measure (another tactic of Communists). Parents will stand by helplessly as their children are indoctrinated into the communist way with programs implemented to educate children full time outside of the home - they will then be visiting their parents - not living with them - this will eventually lead to the children spying on their own parents and turning them in to authorities (another communist agenda). The middle class will disappear. There will be two classes. The Communist elitists and those enslaved under their system which will be reduced to such abject poverty there will be no means to resist or stop them.

This is life under Communist rule, Tycho. You say that as much as you would like to engage others you do not because it would be "inappropriate." I must ask you, is it appropriate to stand by silently when you know that by doing so you are helping the one who if elected will destroy everything they have ever held dear?

Weigh the matter on the scales of truth and you will find that you cannot remain silent. You must warn people that if this cold-blooded sociopath / pathological liar is ever elected, they will be facing the most dangerous time of their lives.

Maybe, that's why a better candidate should have been sent. Trump is and has been a god send for Hillery. Aybe she will send him a nice thank you note for all his help getting the first woman like president elected.

The Name of God is to be spelled with a Capitol "G."

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