Poll: Who's going to win the election?

The way things stand now, who do you think will win the the election?

  • Trump

  • Hillary

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
MP ignores that the Red States have the highest welfare rates in the nation. We could have all the money we need if we would cut back on the military-industrial complex we support.

BTM, I read it or heard 1 of 4 last week. Let me do some digging, but I believe it based on what I am hearing in west Texas and Salt Lake City among Republican women. They don't like Hillary but Trump's comments about women horrify many of them.
now lets look at where that welfare goes. to the cities in those red states that produce a high democrat vote.
Do you think the red parts of that red state would rather not pay for the democrats?
Why do you think the welfare scum find their ways to the red states. Its because there is more money in the government for social services. To refuse services would create human rights lawsuits.
The white crackers of the country side get their fair share, as well, and MP ignores that.
in the post you quoted please point out where I mentioned anything about the race of the welfare scum.
I didnt, this is your feeble attempt to turn what I said into something racist. You hope that it will derail the fact that you know I am right.
as a matter of fact, the only racist thing here right now is by you referring to whites as crackers.
but Im sure you are going to claim you dont have a racist thought in your mind at all.
you couldnt survive without us. We are the ones that pay the tax that is then rerouted to the welfare system for you to suck off of.
We would take with us the majority of jobs, the majority of workers, industry food.
You would end up with a majority looking to be cared for by others.
Clinton is not going to make the country stronger by increasing social welfare. What we need is someone that is willing to cut back on social expenses, cut back on foreign aide, reduce business taxes and stimulate the economy instead. The government is not able to produce revenue, corporations create revenue. The soon you and yours understand that and realize where the money comes from, the sooner we start recovery.
Clinton will move us closer to one of the failing third world countries that the U.S used to help.

You pay the tax? Did you miss the debate? Comrade Trump pays NO TAX cause he is "smart." Try again...,
Paying "no" taxes IS smart and fine if you are willing to take lower incentives for investments. BTW, he did not say he paid "no" tax.
dont even try. the left was told by their spokespeople that Donald said that. Therefore, he said that (even though he didnt) What they are hoping for is that this will force Donald to show them something they want to see but he has no obligation to show them.
And another thing....Why would I want to see his tax return? It's none of my business...BUT, Hillary's health as POTUS IS my business.
Why, are you thinking of voting for her?
I'd rather eat ground glass.
MP ignores that the Red States have the highest welfare rates in the nation. We could have all the money we need if we would cut back on the military-industrial complex we support.

BTM, I read it or heard 1 of 4 last week. Let me do some digging, but I believe it based on what I am hearing in west Texas and Salt Lake City among Republican women. They don't like Hillary but Trump's comments about women horrify many of them.
now lets look at where that welfare goes. to the cities in those red states that produce a high democrat vote.
Do you think the red parts of that red state would rather not pay for the democrats?
Why do you think the welfare scum find their ways to the red states. Its because there is more money in the government for social services. To refuse services would create human rights lawsuits.

Think again Sherlock

Welfare Hypocrisy: Red States Are The Real Freeloaders - The Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire Network
yes, Im going to believe a site that is so far socialist that you almost have to speak a foreign language to read. Anything that has Ed Schultz as a contributing member is nothing but pure anti-american garbage
and I cant speak for the rest of the states but Maryland should certainly be in that high welfare list. Maryland is so out of control that the last governor had to steal the road funds to cover his illegal piece of shit friends.
The chart is wrong.
I probably have told you this, but I absolutely love your avatar! If someone could change the pic to HilLIARy and put that on a Trump t shirt, they would make millions!
I will create it for you just as soon as she is sworn in.
see, I can be friendly too.
You pay the tax? Did you miss the debate? Comrade Trump pays NO TAX cause he is "smart." Try again...,
Paying "no" taxes IS smart and fine if you are willing to take lower incentives for investments. BTW, he did not say he paid "no" tax.
dont even try. the left was told by their spokespeople that Donald said that. Therefore, he said that (even though he didnt) What they are hoping for is that this will force Donald to show them something they want to see but he has no obligation to show them.
And another thing....Why would I want to see his tax return? It's none of my business...BUT, Hillary's health as POTUS IS my business.
Why, are you thinking of voting for her?
I'd rather eat ground glass.
unless you are on welfare, ground glass might be the only thing you can afford to eat after she becomes dictator of the U.S
MP's argument on welfare has been run to the ground and killed.

The OP right now is answered that the polls say it is going to be Clinton.
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him

Maybe not, but this is not an election about your favorite person, this is an election to keep the other person out.

I'm voting for Trump, not because I think he is a great pick for the job, but to keep Hil-Liar out. Too much rides on this election especially for those who are strong on the Second Amendment and those who have been negatively affected by illegals in our country. They may hold their nose while voting, but those Republicans are not about to hand Hil-Liar the election either.

i think all the (R) that voted for obama in 2008 because of the disaster that was the (R)'s grampa/gidget ticket... & voted against etchy sketchy mittens in 2012 will do the same this time around, & vote for the (D) ticket. behind that curtain when it's really going to be a matter of voting one's conscience, & nobody's looking, those same (R) will be vote for hillary.
playtime, Donnie Two Times has more than a month to turn his behavior around. I don't think he can emotionally because of his lifelong elistist programming: he gets to say whatever he wants. He is amazed, I believe, that American generally does not put up with the nonsense that the far right and alt right love.
playtime, Donnie Two Times has more than a month to turn his behavior around. I don't think he can emotionally because of his lifelong elistist programming: he gets to say whatever he wants. He is amazed, I believe, that American generally does not put up with the nonsense that the far right and alt right love.
Actually American voters like him very well. That's why the race is a statistical tie despite the fact Hillary has spent more than 30 times what Trump has spent.
Liar? Are you blind? Four reputable newspapers showing that your messiah lied many times more than Hillary.
There are total of 80 newspapers endorsing Hillary compared to Trump I think 8. Don't tell me that they are all lying.

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar

The weekend America's newspapers called Donald Trump a liar
By Brian Stelter September 26, 2016 05:53AM EDT
On the weekend leading up to 2016's first presidential debate, four news organizations came to a similar and sweeping conclusion: Donald Trump lies more often than Hillary Clinton.
In a normal election year this would be extraordinary. On Sunday editors and reporters at the newsrooms used another word: necessary.
The New York Times story — "A Week of Whoppers" — came out first on Saturday. Politico, The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times all followed within hours.

They both lie just like any other candidate in presidential elections. It's not so much about lying than what the lies were about.

Sorry Charmin, I don't care if Trump is a millionaire or a billionaire. I don't care if or how much he paid in federal income tax. I don't care if he can or can't show his tax returns right now. I don't care how much he gave to charity.

I DO care about a criminal lying to Congress under oath. I DO care about a criminal going through the expense and time to set up a private server so she could erase evidence of her wrongdoings. I DO care about a dunderhead exposing our classified information to our enemies. I do care that those enemies could use that information to blackmail our President after she's in office. I do care about somebody that has proven herself to be incompetent and uncaring about the country.

1. I'm not going to call you any other name except rayfromcleveland because I'm not going to lower myself to your low class category.
2. Hillary emails/server is all you got. It was hacked. Did she sell any confidential information? No. Blackmail...... cry me river.
3. WE don't give a flying fuck about the emails.
4. WE do care where our president income came from. Hiding his tax returns because of FRAUD?
5. WE do care if he is paying taxes or not.
6. Enemy? Your messiah expressed how much he adore Putin thug. What in the world are you talking about? His foreign policy adviser Carter Page has Moscow connections and being look at by US intelligence.
7. You are poorly informed.
Fail? Clinton won't make it fail. Like her husband we'll see it start rolling again, even beyond Obama. And neither Clinton nor anyone else, especially someone like Trump, can fix its underlying ills. For that you need to start a new nation, something that should have been done long ago. Three nations would be good and we can let you idiots go off and starve and poison yourselves until you learn what you refuse to learn from us and from history.
you couldnt survive without us. We are the ones that pay the tax that is then rerouted to the welfare system for you to suck off of.
We would take with us the majority of jobs, the majority of workers, industry food.
You would end up with a majority looking to be cared for by others.
Clinton is not going to make the country stronger by increasing social welfare. What we need is someone that is willing to cut back on social expenses, cut back on foreign aide, reduce business taxes and stimulate the economy instead. The government is not able to produce revenue, corporations create revenue. The soon you and yours understand that and realize where the money comes from, the sooner we start recovery.
Clinton will move us closer to one of the failing third world countries that the U.S used to help.

You pay the tax? Did you miss the debate? Comrade Trump pays NO TAX cause he is "smart." Try again...,
Paying "no" taxes IS smart and fine if you are willing to take lower incentives for investments. BTW, he did not say he paid "no" tax.
dont even try. the left was told by their spokespeople that Donald said that. Therefore, he said that (even though he didnt) What they are hoping for is that this will force Donald to show them something they want to see but he has no obligation to show them.
And another thing....Why would I want to see his tax return? It's none of my business...BUT, Hillary's health as POTUS IS my business.

So Presidential candidates for 40 years have revealed their tax returns, and suddenly the Orange Clown does not. Give me a Break!
playtime, Donnie Two Times has more than a month to turn his behavior around. I don't think he can emotionally because of his lifelong elistist programming: he gets to say whatever he wants. He is amazed, I believe, that American generally does not put up with the nonsense that the far right and alt right love.
Actually American voters like him very well. That's why the race is a statistical tie despite the fact Hillary has spent more than 30 times what Trump has spent.
RCP and 270towin and Nate Silver disagree, as the posts earlier today reveal. Believe as you will.
I predict that Hillary will be up by at least two points by the end of next week in Florida. Then Donnie might have to fire his campaign manager again. She is NEVER going to be able to control the lunatic. And he is too lazy to really prepare for a debate. So, if anything, his performances will get worse.
you couldnt survive without us. We are the ones that pay the tax that is then rerouted to the welfare system for you to suck off of.
We would take with us the majority of jobs, the majority of workers, industry food.
You would end up with a majority looking to be cared for by others.
Clinton is not going to make the country stronger by increasing social welfare. What we need is someone that is willing to cut back on social expenses, cut back on foreign aide, reduce business taxes and stimulate the economy instead. The government is not able to produce revenue, corporations create revenue. The soon you and yours understand that and realize where the money comes from, the sooner we start recovery.
Clinton will move us closer to one of the failing third world countries that the U.S used to help.

You pay the tax? Did you miss the debate? Comrade Trump pays NO TAX cause he is "smart." Try again...,
Paying "no" taxes IS smart and fine if you are willing to take lower incentives for investments. BTW, he did not say he paid "no" tax.
dont even try. the left was told by their spokespeople that Donald said that. Therefore, he said that (even though he didnt) What they are hoping for is that this will force Donald to show them something they want to see but he has no obligation to show them.
And another thing....Why would I want to see his tax return? It's none of my business...BUT, Hillary's health as POTUS IS my business.

So Presidential candidates for 40 years have revealed their tax returns, and suddenly the Orange Clown does not. Give me a Break!
so presidential candidates have been white males since the beginning of this country, but suddenly you think its ok for a black or an female to take that role? Give me a Break! Tradition is tradition and should never be changed, isnt that what you are saying?
playtime, Donnie Two Times has more than a month to turn his behavior around. I don't think he can emotionally because of his lifelong elistist programming: he gets to say whatever he wants. He is amazed, I believe, that American generally does not put up with the nonsense that the far right and alt right love.
Actually American voters like him very well. That's why the race is a statistical tie despite the fact Hillary has spent more than 30 times what Trump has spent.
RCP and 270towin and Nate Silver disagree, as the posts earlier today reveal. Believe as you will.
Nate Silver's lead article today is that Trump might well win the election.
playtime, Donnie Two Times has more than a month to turn his behavior around. I don't think he can emotionally because of his lifelong elistist programming: he gets to say whatever he wants. He is amazed, I believe, that American generally does not put up with the nonsense that the far right and alt right love.
Actually American voters like him very well. That's why the race is a statistical tie despite the fact Hillary has spent more than 30 times what Trump has spent.
RCP and 270towin and Nate Silver disagree, as the posts earlier today reveal. Believe as you will.
Nate Silver's lead article today is that Trump might well win the election.
trump might win the popular vote, but he will never be the next president.
Hillary was promised
Nate Silver just now

Chance of winning


Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


1. I'm not going to call you any other name except rayfromcleveland because I'm not going to lower myself to your low class category.
2. Hillary emails/server is all you got. It was hacked. Did she sell any confidential information? No. Blackmail...... cry me river.
3. WE don't give a flying fuck about the emails.
4. WE do care where our president income came from. Hiding his tax returns because of FRAUD?
5. WE do care if he is paying taxes or not.
6. Enemy? Your messiah expressed how much he adore Putin thug. What in the world are you talking about? His foreign policy adviser Carter Page has Moscow connections and being look at by US intelligence.
7. You are poorly informed.

So Hil-Liar (like DumBama) is backed by the US Communist party. Not much to say about that I suppose.

YOU don't care about her emails, but the rest of us feel that her disregard for the country is much more important than how much Trump paid in taxes. The only reason you on the left want his tax return is to bash him on it--not because it has anything to do with him being President. We just went through this with Romney.

You have to be kidding trying to make me believe you want to see his tax returns so you and your ilk can find fraud; something you think you are better at than the IRS who audits Trump all the time. That's not why you want to see his tax returns.

Trump may not be showing his tax returns as of yet, but at least he didn't Bleach Bit them to hide something from the government and the people of this country. Furthermore is when Trump becomes President, watch how magically Bill or Hillary's speech offers go down from a half-mil to less than a hundred thousand bucks if they are lucky because nobody can buy influence from them any longer. And when that happens, you on the left will still be in denial why they made that kind of money in the first place.

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