Poll: Tea party takes a big hit

DNN! Sure that's what they are going to say. The debt can has been kicked down the road two months. If not for the tea party, it would have been a year.
The media INCLUDING DNN (democratic news network) is going to tell the truth as it is filtered through their liberal lens.

Networks blamed shutdown on GOP in 41 stories --- 0 for Dems | WashingtonExaminer.com

Republicans never expected to get a fair shake in the Big Three networks' coverage of the 16-day government shutdown, but the final tally of stories blaming the GOP is stunning: 41 stories blamed Republicans and zero blamed Democrats.

Nightly, 20 million Americans heard “a version of the shutdown story that could easily have emanated from Barack Obama's own White House,” said the new report from the Media Research Center.
Considering how the Left Wing Media has been praising the liberals and constantly bashing the Conservatives for the past month, do you expect anyone to be surprised?

Low Info Voters believe the liars.
Libs, don't think the TeaPs are going away.

If they have their 18 to 22% approval rating, they will continue to fracture the GOP in Congress.
The Tea Party being political amateurs played into the hands of Democraps with the shutdown.

Most Americans oppose obamacare, but they also oppose shutting down the government.

Ted Cruz and his crowd are just clueless about how the system works, you can't get a law passed without the Senate and White House onboard too.
The media INCLUDING DNN (democratic news network) is going to tell the truth as it is filtered through their liberal lens.

Networks blamed shutdown on GOP in 41 stories --- 0 for Dems | WashingtonExaminer.com

Republicans never expected to get a fair shake in the Big Three networks' coverage of the 16-day government shutdown, but the final tally of stories blaming the GOP is stunning: 41 stories blamed Republicans and zero blamed Democrats.

Nightly, 20 million Americans heard “a version of the shutdown story that could easily have emanated from Barack Obama's own White House,” said the new report from the Media Research Center.

I'm sure you get upset when people report fires responsible for forest fires and none report that it was caused by water too :badgrin:
Thank you Ted Cruz, thank you Sarah Palin... we love you!

Poll: Tea Party?s favorable numbers take a hit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Washington (CNN) - The tea party is more unpopular than ever, according to a new national poll that also suggests that even many Republicans now view the grass-roots conservative movement in a negative light.

Meh, we don't give a shit. The majority of the people in the US are wallowing in abject ignorance. The election and re-election of barack hussein obama being exhibit A. They are stupid so we should go along and be stupid too?

You can, I will not.
Considering how the Left Wing Media has been praising the liberals and constantly bashing the Conservatives for the past month, do you expect anyone to be surprised?

Low Info Voters believe the liars.

More like 'Low Intelligence Voters'... a.k.a. 'Sheeple'...
Ted Cruz himself did fairly well out of this as far as fund raising goes, and the gerrymandered districts all but guarantee very few of these seats the Tea Party have in the house flip "D".

However, the big story being overlooked is how the business lobbies are already recruiting moderate "R" candidates to go after a lot of these Tea Party folks. They didn't like how close the Tea Party took things to the brink and unlike the average voter, they aren't likely to forget this come 2014. A fair number of these guys will be unseated inside the primary process.
The Tea Party being political amateurs played into the hands of Democraps with the shutdown.

Most Americans oppose obamacare, but they also oppose shutting down the government.

Ted Cruz and his crowd are just clueless about how the system works, you can't get a law passed without the Senate and White House onboard too.

Conservatives got back stabbed by their RINO in chief who sold them out and surrendered for 2 BILLION dollars for his pet project in Kentucky.

It really is that simple.
The media INCLUDING DNN (democratic news network) is going to tell the truth as it is filtered through their liberal lens.

Networks blamed shutdown on GOP in 41 stories --- 0 for Dems | WashingtonExaminer.com

Republicans never expected to get a fair shake in the Big Three networks' coverage of the 16-day government shutdown, but the final tally of stories blaming the GOP is stunning: 41 stories blamed Republicans and zero blamed Democrats.

Nightly, 20 million Americans heard “a version of the shutdown story that could easily have emanated from Barack Obama's own White House,” said the new report from the Media Research Center.

Why do you hate the free-press?

Coverage by the big 3 networks was as fair as they can get which is more than the r-wing slanted Fox News and main stream talk-radio provide. The big 3 networks only covered the storyline of the day. The storyline for 16 straight days being that House Republicans would fund the government only if they could also roll back the president's healthcare law leading to a gov't shutdown and possible default.

Now, what I heard night after night, was positive coverage of a rising star within the GOP who fired up grassroots conservatives with his great leadership on the gov't shutdown... his name was Ted Cruz. We got a 'Ted Cruz' sound bite night after night.

We also got nightly Tea Party orchestrated hit pieces that showcased Obama and his big bad gov't roughing up veterans and American citizens everywhere.

So, your selective-outrage against the 1st amendment goes nowhere as usual my friend.
DNN! Sure that's what they are going to say. The debt can has been kicked down the road two months. If not for the tea party, it would have been a year.

Giving the tea baggers another quick chance to further destroy their country.
Thank you Ted Cruz, thank you Sarah Palin... we love you!

Poll: Tea Party?s favorable numbers take a hit ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Washington (CNN) - The tea party is more unpopular than ever, according to a new national poll that also suggests that even many Republicans now view the grass-roots conservative movement in a negative light.

Meh, we don't give a shit. The majority of the people in the US are wallowing in abject ignorance. The election and re-election of barack hussein obama being exhibit A. They are stupid so we should go along and be stupid too?

You can, I will not.

By all means... carry on.
The media INCLUDING DNN (democratic news network) is going to tell the truth as it is filtered through their liberal lens.

Networks blamed shutdown on GOP in 41 stories --- 0 for Dems | WashingtonExaminer.com

Republicans never expected to get a fair shake in the Big Three networks' coverage of the 16-day government shutdown, but the final tally of stories blaming the GOP is stunning: 41 stories blamed Republicans and zero blamed Democrats.

Nightly, 20 million Americans heard “a version of the shutdown story that could easily have emanated from Barack Obama's own White House,” said the new report from the Media Research Center.

Since the Republicans changed the House Rules for this one bill on Sept 30th, it is clear that shutting down the Government was their strategy. They own it. It was their plan. They carried it out. They just didn't think the end result would be as it was, a huge loss for our country.

The House GOP's Little Rule Change That Guaranteed A Shutdown

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