POLL: Should America's President "Rule with an Iron Fist"?

Should America's President "Rule with an Iron Fist"?

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I didn’t say that you voted, Einstein. I inferred that you didn’t have the BALLS to. Obviously that flew right over your head.

Holy crap. Goodness knows, I try to keep stuff simple for you poor souls. But I can only do so much.
Your poll is garbage…A false choice, with a bit of poor victim thrown in.
I didn’t say that you voted, Einstein. I inferred that you didn’t have the BALLS to. Obviously that flew right over your head.

Holy crap. Goodness knows, I try to keep stuff simple for you poor souls. But I can only do so much.
You are simply making stupid nonsensical excuses for lying to the USMB forum again, rather than admitting that you lied and apologizing to the USMB forum for lying to them.

The sort of moonbattery you are displaying is typical of a low IQ LWNJ compulsively lying narcissistic sociopath.
You are simply making stupid nonsensical excuses for lying to the USMB forum again, rather than admitting that you lied and apologizing to the USMB forum for lying to them.

The sort of moonbattery you are displaying is typical of a low IQ LWNJ compulsively lying narcissistic sociopath.
Ok Trumpster, sure.
To give the former President full credit for his words, this one really struck me from his rally last night:

"He rules with an iron fist. I'd say that's smart".

Trump supporters, it appears that this is what you want. Is Trump correct?

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, BOTH sides want to rule with an iron fist.
I'm not finding the part where TRUMP says US president should rule with an iron fist?
I didn't say he did.
Your poll is obviously intended to imply that Trump thinks ruling with an iron fist is admirable.

I did not interpret his words that way, although he could certainly have used better wording.

Considering that Xi is ruler for life of a Communist state, ruling with an iron fist could be considered obligatory, if not "smart." It's pretty much what all Communist dictators have to do if they wish to remain in power.

Biden is arguably ruling with an iron fist. His admin is currently in the process of firing tens of thousands of American Servicemen and women who wish to avoid getting injected with ineffective and dangerous "vaccines." They instituted mask mandates on federal lands, even for people who already had COVID. They shuttered American businesses over another flu. They weaponized the DOJ against their political opponents. They worked with social media companies to censor Americans and speech which has no been shown to be completely factual. They plan to weaponize the IRS similarly.

So, if you think ruling with an iron fist is detrimental to our republic, you can't possibly vote for these tyrants again.
Your poll is obviously intended to...
My poll is intended to be what all of my polls and questions are: An opportunity for me to observe opinions, perceptions, behaviors and thought processes of political ideologues. Very selfish on my part, admittedly, but always fascinating as hell.
My poll is intended to be what all of my polls and questions are: An opportunity for me to observe opinions, perceptions, behaviors and thought processes of political ideologues. Very selfish on my part, admittedly, but always fascinating as hell.
In context, when Trump was discussing Xi ruling with an iron fist, he went on to explain that this is the reason China does not have a drug problem - because they swiftly execute drug dealers.

Trump went on to state that he would like the American legislature to pass a law allowing for the death penalty for drug dealers.

That's highly controversial and debatable, even if some drug dealers are undoubtedly responsible for the deaths of lots of people, but it is what he said.

(timestamped to provide full context)

Funny, but I noticed that Trump pronounced Fentanyl properly. Almost no one does that! The man is a genius. :)

Notably, much of Trump's speech addressed the current admin's rule with an iron fist, and how unAmerican it is. Trump stated that one of the reasons they are out to get him is that everyone knows that if he comes back to power, he's going to clean it all up again.
To give the former President full credit for his words, this one really struck me from his rally last night:

"He rules with an iron fist. I'd say that's smart".

Trump supporters, it appears that this is what you want. Is Trump correct?

Trump knocked down 2-3 Fed regulations for every new regulation passed.
This is ruling with an iron fist??

Control your TDS boy, for at least one day.
^^^ Many of them believe this.
Well the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act" does provide $78 Billion for the IRS over 10 years. Some of this will undoubtedly be used to hire new agents.

Obviously, the purpose of this additional funding is to secure more revenue from Americans for the Treasury.

When they come for you, you won't be finding it trivial anymore. I once received a nasty letter from the IRS. It was all due to an error on their part, but it took me a while to go through my old records and prove it to them. They use threats and intimidation, tell you that you owe huge penalties and interest, and you don't get due process. I never sent them a dime and sent strongly-worded correspondence and documentation which proved they were wrong.

They dropped the case, but didn't even bother to send me a letter indicating everything was satisfactorily resolved.

So when they hire all these new agents, lots more innocent Americans will receive shakedown threats from the IRS, and many people won't have the skills to counter the unjust attack.

Meanwhile, half the population gets to pay no taxes at all! But they can vote to raise taxes on us folks who pay them!

So I would not be so swift to trivialize a massive expansion of the IRS, even if not all of the money is not being used to hire armed and dangerous agents.

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