Poll: Kay Hagan behind GOP opponents


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The S.S. Obama is going down. Only 10 more months until it hits bottom.

Poll: Kay Hagan behind GOP opponents - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan trails her potential Republican challengers as she works to retain her seat in November, according to a new poll.

The North Carolina Democrat trailed each of the Republicans vying to challenge her in the general election by 1 or 2 points, according to a poll out Tuesday from left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

Hagan is a top target of Republicans looking to take over control of the Senate in 2014. Tuesday’s poll is consistent with the past few months of polling, which have shown a sizable lead Hagan enjoyed in September evaporate as she runs near even with the Republicans in the field.

A frontrunner is also emerging in the GOP primary. State House Speaker Thom Tillis leads the pack with 19 percent; physician Greg Brannon and nurse practitioner Heather Grant were at 11 percent, Pastor Mark Harris was at 8 percent and radio personality Bill Flynn was at 7 percent.

In a hypothetical November matchup, Hagan trails Tillis 43 percent to 42 percent and Grant 42 percent to 41 percent. She trails the other candidates by 2 percentage points.​
She decided not to attend an Obama happening. Is that the way the democrats who are up for re-election feel or do they all want to distance themselves from the Hussein administration hoping that low information lefty voters won't notice?
She decided not to attend an Obama happening. Is that the way the democrats who are up for re-election feel or do they all want to distance themselves from the Hussein administration hoping that low information lefty voters won't notice?

Kay can't hide from her record. Ads showing her saying "if you like your policy, you can keep it" will be broadcast relentlessly until the election.
So Senator Hagan is tied with a challenger who has not been ground through the primaries yet? That list of potential opponents must have her biting her nails off. Keep us updated though. :)
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The S.S. Obama is going down. Only 10 more months until it hits bottom.

Poll: Kay Hagan behind GOP opponents - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan trails her potential Republican challengers as she works to retain her seat in November, according to a new poll.

The North Carolina Democrat trailed each of the Republicans vying to challenge her in the general election by 1 or 2 points, according to a poll out Tuesday from left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

Hagan is a top target of Republicans looking to take over control of the Senate in 2014. Tuesday’s poll is consistent with the past few months of polling, which have shown a sizable lead Hagan enjoyed in September evaporate as she runs near even with the Republicans in the field.

A frontrunner is also emerging in the GOP primary. State House Speaker Thom Tillis leads the pack with 19 percent; physician Greg Brannon and nurse practitioner Heather Grant were at 11 percent, Pastor Mark Harris was at 8 percent and radio personality Bill Flynn was at 7 percent.

In a hypothetical November matchup, Hagan trails Tillis 43 percent to 42 percent and Grant 42 percent to 41 percent. She trails the other candidates by 2 percentage points.​

Looks to me like North Carolinians will probably vote for a ham sandwich with the (R) by their name over Hagen.

That's not always as good a thing as you might believe.
The S.S. Obama is going down. Only 10 more months until it hits bottom.

Poll: Kay Hagan behind GOP opponents - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan trails her potential Republican challengers as she works to retain her seat in November, according to a new poll.

The North Carolina Democrat trailed each of the Republicans vying to challenge her in the general election by 1 or 2 points, according to a poll out Tuesday from left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

Hagan is a top target of Republicans looking to take over control of the Senate in 2014. Tuesday’s poll is consistent with the past few months of polling, which have shown a sizable lead Hagan enjoyed in September evaporate as she runs near even with the Republicans in the field.

A frontrunner is also emerging in the GOP primary. State House Speaker Thom Tillis leads the pack with 19 percent; physician Greg Brannon and nurse practitioner Heather Grant were at 11 percent, Pastor Mark Harris was at 8 percent and radio personality Bill Flynn was at 7 percent.

In a hypothetical November matchup, Hagan trails Tillis 43 percent to 42 percent and Grant 42 percent to 41 percent. She trails the other candidates by 2 percentage points.​

Looks to me like North Carolinians will probably vote for a ham sandwich with the (R) by their name over Hagen.

That's not always as good a thing as you might believe.

True, that's how you get some real dolts in Congress - also RINOs like Lindsey Graham.
Dems will be distancing themselves from Obama like Pubs did in 2006.

If our GOP brethren and sistren in the various states put in TeaP candidates in the Senate races, the Dems will probably do no worse than 50 50 or 51 49.

So let's hope sanity keeps us with good mainstream GOP candidates.
You fight to gut science, infrastructure and r@D in America. Yet you want to bomb iran???

You people in the tea ass party are fucking stupid.

Huh? Where has anyone participating in this thread said anything about bombing Iran?
Dems will be distancing themselves from Obama like Pubs did in 2006.

If our GOP brethren and sistren in the various states put in TeaP candidates in the Senate races, the Dems will probably do no worse than 50 50 or 51 49.

So let's hope sanity keeps us with good mainstream GOP candidates.

The Koch Bros are putting heavy money behind their tea party front group for attack ads which means they are expecting their pick to be the candidate. Sanity escapes your party once again. :(
The S.S. Obama is going down. Only 10 more months until it hits bottom.

Poll: Kay Hagan behind GOP opponents - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan trails her potential Republican challengers as she works to retain her seat in November, according to a new poll.

The North Carolina Democrat trailed each of the Republicans vying to challenge her in the general election by 1 or 2 points, according to a poll out Tuesday from left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

Hagan is a top target of Republicans looking to take over control of the Senate in 2014. Tuesday’s poll is consistent with the past few months of polling, which have shown a sizable lead Hagan enjoyed in September evaporate as she runs near even with the Republicans in the field.

A frontrunner is also emerging in the GOP primary. State House Speaker Thom Tillis leads the pack with 19 percent; physician Greg Brannon and nurse practitioner Heather Grant were at 11 percent, Pastor Mark Harris was at 8 percent and radio personality Bill Flynn was at 7 percent.

In a hypothetical November matchup, Hagan trails Tillis 43 percent to 42 percent and Grant 42 percent to 41 percent. She trails the other candidates by 2 percentage points.​

Isn't it January? A little to early to get exited over a margin of error.

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Dems will be distancing themselves from Obama like Pubs did in 2006.

If our GOP brethren and sistren in the various states put in TeaP candidates in the Senate races, the Dems will probably do no worse than 50 50 or 51 49.

So let's hope sanity keeps us with good mainstream GOP candidates.

The Koch Bros are putting heavy money behind their tea party front group for attack ads which means they are expecting their pick to be the candidate. Sanity escapes your party once again. :(

Yeah, rich people using the money to advance their political causes - libturds never do that.

Libturds just can't tolerate the thought that other people might have an agenda that differs from theirs, and that they might actually invest time and money to achieve it.

It's so sinister!
it's so sinister!
Dems will be distancing themselves from Obama like Pubs did in 2006.

If our GOP brethren and sistren in the various states put in TeaP candidates in the Senate races, the Dems will probably do no worse than 50 50 or 51 49.

So let's hope sanity keeps us with good mainstream GOP candidates.

The Koch Bros are putting heavy money behind their tea party front group for attack ads which means they are expecting their pick to be the candidate. Sanity escapes your party once again. :(

Yeah, rich people using the money to advance their political causes - libturds never do that.

Libturds just can't tolerate the thought that other people might have an agenda that differs from theirs, and that they might actually invest time and money to achieve it.

It's so sinister!
it's so sinister!

Thousands of people came out to support Obama and a better tomorrow. Thousands of people came out to ensure the religious morals of this country were not perverted. The rich using religion to gain more money and power. Well at least we know that has never been done before.
She decided not to attend an Obama happening. Is that the way the democrats who are up for re-election feel or do they all want to distance themselves from the Hussein administration hoping that low information lefty voters won't notice?

Kay can't hide from her record. Ads showing her saying "if you like your policy, you can keep it" will be broadcast relentlessly until the election.

already out. The ad has a self employed woman talking about how she lost her insurance has a temp insurance that costs 20 percent more and in 2015 will cost 4500 dollars more. They keep hammering home that Kay Hagen doesn't get it, that she promised they could keep their doctors and insurance and now they can't.
The Koch Bros are putting heavy money behind their tea party front group for attack ads which means they are expecting their pick to be the candidate. Sanity escapes your party once again. :(

Yeah, rich people using the money to advance their political causes - libturds never do that.

Libturds just can't tolerate the thought that other people might have an agenda that differs from theirs, and that they might actually invest time and money to achieve it.

It's so sinister!
it's so sinister!

Thousands of people came out to support Obama and a better tomorrow. Thousands of people came out to ensure the religious morals of this country were not perverted. The rich using religion to gain more money and power. Well at least we know that has never been done before.

How does supporting Obama support a better tomorrow when his policies make this nation worse?
Dems will be distancing themselves from Obama like Pubs did in 2006.

If our GOP brethren and sistren in the various states put in TeaP candidates in the Senate races, the Dems will probably do no worse than 50 50 or 51 49.

So let's hope sanity keeps us with good mainstream GOP candidates.

The Koch Bros are putting heavy money behind their tea party front group for attack ads which means they are expecting their pick to be the candidate. Sanity escapes your party once again. :(

You shouldn't concern yourself about that in this case. Kay Hagan is from a VERY wealthy family. Money is not the issue here.
She decided not to attend an Obama happening. Is that the way the democrats who are up for re-election feel or do they all want to distance themselves from the Hussein administration hoping that low information lefty voters won't notice?

Kay can't hide from her record. Ads showing her saying "if you like your policy, you can keep it" will be broadcast relentlessly until the election.

already out. The ad has a self employed woman talking about how she lost her insurance has a temp insurance that costs 20 percent more and in 2015 will cost 4500 dollars more. They keep hammering home that Kay Hagen doesn't get it, that she promised they could keep their doctors and insurance and now they can't.

That ad is personal, too. Hagan was here in 2009 trying to help out her friend Karen Thurman and she was all about Obamacare. She was quick on her feet and was very good at making it seem like she was in charge of some part of it. In reality she was just repeating talking points and that's obvious now. That ad that you reference is designed to put her on the defense.
The Koch Bros are putting heavy money behind their tea party front group for attack ads which means they are expecting their pick to be the candidate. Sanity escapes your party once again. :(

Yeah, rich people using the money to advance their political causes - libturds never do that.

Libturds just can't tolerate the thought that other people might have an agenda that differs from theirs, and that they might actually invest time and money to achieve it.

It's so sinister!
it's so sinister!

Thousands of people came out to support Obama and a better tomorrow. Thousands of people came out to ensure the religious morals of this country were not perverted. The rich using religion to gain more money and power. Well at least we know that has never been done before.

Yep, thousands of suckers came out to support Obama. Now the smarter ones are sorry they did.

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