POLL: Is Hamas Palestinians Justified in Committing Mass Acts of Violence Against Jews?

Is Hamas Justified in Committing Acts of Violence Against Israeli Jews?

  • Maybe a little, but not cutting off the heads of babies

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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How many times does Bribem get to do this and his clueless supporters not get it? He says he's a uniter and will unite the country and then he calls Trump supporters terrorists and is always hammering gun confiscation. You think it's bad now...give up your guns and watch all hell break loose in this country.

He says the border is secure......does it look secure to you? selling off the barricades at pennies on the dollar.... suing any state that attempts to stop the illegals and criminals from flooding this border...they're lying right in our faces.

The economy is good he says...they're expanding job opportunities and then they're giving all our money to ukraine and the middle east enemies. Look around you. Our country is devolving into a third world shithole.

We're being gaslighted with the top to bottom gaslighting theory.
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Tlaib gives ultimatum to the president..tells him that he will face consequences for supporting israel in next election. well well....... They don't just want his actions in support of hamass...they want his words too. Will he do it? I say yes. Watch for that change coming.

he needs that muslim vote. he needs the votes of America's enemies to stay in power.
Tlaib gives ultimatum to the president..tells him that he will face consequences for supporting israel in next election. well well....... They don't just want his actions in support of hamass...they want his words too. Will he do it? I say yes. Watch for that change coming.

he needs that muslim vote. he needs the votes of America's enemies to stay in power.
You mean Obama needs Biden to stay in power so he can continue his transformation of America.
But the huge demonstrations around the world with a few notable exceptions (like former Soviet Union Bloc nations) is extremely telling.

But why those demonstrations?
Makes no sense to me with many involved not even being Muslim at all.

Why hate Jews so much. Yes they, together can be annoying but a lot of types of people grouped together can be annoying....from electricians to Moldovians and even Slovakians can be annoying when grouped together....especially Brazillians or Africans. Each is annoying. But now we have violent Palestinian protesters everywhere....lawlessness is running rampant to the point that police are in "mitigation" and riot control...not bothering with misdemeanors anymore in some areas.

Even congress can't get their act together to elect a Speaker. They are supposed to be leadership. And if our leadership can't make peace then how are the rest of the nations supposed to do it?
Hate the Jews means Hate the US AS WELL. The Soviets supplied most of the opponents of Israel.

Tlaib gives ultimatum to the president..tells him that he will face consequences for supporting israel in next election. well well....... They don't just want his actions in support of hamass...they want his words too. Will he do it? I say yes. Watch for that change coming.

he needs that muslim vote. he needs the votes of America's enemies to stay in power.
A friend of mine told me five years ago that the more Muslims come into this country, the more antisemitism and Israel-hate will increase as the Democrats yield to Muslim pressure in order to secure their votes.

Just think how much worse it will be if the Dems allow in hundreds od thousands of HAMAS-siding “Palestinians.”
Biden is basically a third term of the catastrophic Obama presidency.
And he’s vying for a fourth.

Obama is much more dangerous when he’s behind the curtain, orchestrating the transformation of America - as the past 2.5 years have shown.
A friend of mine told me five years ago that the more Muslims come into this country, the more antisemitism and Israel-hate will increase as the Democrats yield to Muslim pressure in order to secure their votes.

Just think how much worse it will be if the Dems allow in hundreds od thousands of HAMAS-siding “Palestinians.”
Nationalism always stinks. Hitler and Mussolini were Nationalists. Zionism is just Jewish nationalism. Trump says he's a Nationalist.
Nationalism always stinks. Hitler and Mussolini were Nationalists. Zionism is just Jewish nationalism. Trump says he's a Nationalist.

Arab imperialism: "Nationalism sucks,
except demanding
exclusive Arab domination

over the entire MENA, Middle East and North Africa"

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Nationalism always stinks. Hitler and Mussolini were Nationalists. Zionism is just Jewish nationalism. Trump says he's a Nationalist.
Whereas Islamist’s are trying to take over the world by any means necessary. If the Jews in Israel today converted to Islam, there would not be a problem.
Hate the Jews means Hate the US AS WELL. The Soviets supplied most of the opponents of Israel.

Israel became an ally of the U.S. when we realized that the Arab nations were becoming soviet satellite states.
When I asked for the “point” of this poll, what I meant was that the idiots who support the Palestinian use of terrorism (as Hamas just performed against civilians) is likely to lie about it.

Any normal, sane and decent human being has to oppose it.
Except it happens hugely on both sides and an accurate balance should be aimed for .

And the inclusion of the Beheaded Babies story is disgraceful --- 100% Fake News .
Except it happens hugely on both sides and an accurate balance should be aimed for .

And the inclusion of the Beheaded Babies story is disgraceful --- 100% Fake News .
Ok so they beheaded women and youngsters, they raped women, and the babies they either shot, burned alive or put in ovens. Such peaceful people the Palestinians are.
And I really wish Biden would stop trying to paint PalestinIans as totally innocent victims in all this. They did, after all, choose HAMAS terrorists as their leaders and brainwash their kids into wanting to kill Jews. They even SACRIFICE their own kids with suicide bombs if it means Jews can be murdered.

Choose? Most Palestinians did not in fact support Hamas and haven't been given a chance to vote otherwise. I cannot tell if you don't know this or are being purposely disingenuous.
Choose? Most Palestinians did not in fact support Hamas and haven't been given a chance to vote otherwise. I cannot tell if you don't know this or are being purposely disingenuous.
You are mistaken.

" according to a November 14 poll by the Arab World for Research and Development. When asked the leading question “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7?” Palestinian responses showed support for the attack.

Palestinians living in the West Bank overwhelmingly answered that they supported the attack to either an extreme or “somewhat” extent (83.1%.) Only 6.9% answered that they were “extremely” or “somewhat” against the attack, and 8.4% expressed that they had no opinion either way.

Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip show a little less consensus but the overall majority supported the attack. A mass of 63.6% said that they supported the attack “extremely” or to a “somewhat” extent. A further 14.4% answered that they did not oppose or support the attack. Showing a greater rift than that of the West Bank, 20.9% of Palestinians living in Gaza opposed the attack to some degree. "

Since 1920, the Palestinians have been united in wanting to drive the Jews out of Palestine or kill them. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the most prominent Palestinian leader in the 1920's and 1930's organized riots in Jerusalem to drive the Jews out and the Palestinians ethnically cleansed all of Judea and Samaria of Jewish communities, some o which had been there since biblical times. Later, the Grand Mufti made a pact with Hitler to jointly kill all the Jews in Palestine. Today he is regarded as a hero by the Palestinians. The goal was clearly and unabashedly, genocide, and it still is.

In 1947, the Secretary General of the Arab League was explicit in threatening genocide against the Jews if they declared statehood when the UN withdrew from Palestine in May 14, 1948:

An October 11, 1947 report on the pan-Arab summit in the Lebanese town of Aley,[9] by Akhbar al-Yom's editor Mustafa Amin, contained an interview he held with Arab League secretary-general Azzam. Titled, "A War of Extermination," the interview read as follows (translated by Efraim Karsh; all ellipses are in the original text):

Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha spoke to me about the horrific war that was in the offing… saying:
"I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre[10] or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews.

Today, Hamas is again explicit in threatening genocide and as the poll above shows, the overwhelming majority of Palestinians support them on that issue, showing that the destruction of Israel has always been the main goal of the so called Palestinians and making it clear that today, Hamas is the voice of the Palestinians. The two state solution is a European fairy tale that has never had much support among the Palestinians.
Choose? Most Palestinians did not in fact support Hamas and haven't been given a chance to vote otherwise. I cannot tell if you don't know this or are being purposely disingenuous.
What are you talking about?! Let‘s not pretend that Palestinians are all such innocent people who mean no harm to Jews. Many cheered the HAMAS attacks, and most do in fact support the HAMAS terrorists.

You‘re just repeating antI-Israel propaganda.

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